MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 55 Intuitionism

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"Ore?" Ni Qingzhou was stunned, "That's not... I don't remember seeing relevant reports in scientific research magazines."

He recalled: "I have seen reports on various composite materials, various pure elements, various solutions, etc. that cannot absorb evolutionary factors. Now it is generally accepted that inanimate dead objects should not be able to absorb evolutionary factors. ."

Shang Yinhe blinked.

When he was in the "Master of the Creator" game, he had many skills that released evolutionary factors, and the effects of the skills were different. Among them, "leaf protection", "herbal protection" and "fruit protection" are aimed at plants, "herd protection", "strange protection" and "hunting protection" are aimed at animals, and "crystal protection" , "Earthquake Protection" and "Noble Protection" are for minerals.

In other words, corresponding to reality, plants, animals, minerals, these three things, should be able to absorb evolutionary factors.

In theory, ore should be the only dead thing that can absorb evolutionary factors.

He tentatively raised the topic: "Senior, I saw from the "Analysis" you published in the Tang Poetry Group earlier that you seem to be studying the way to absorb evolutionary factors?"

"This is the most popular direction at the moment," Ni Qingzhou spread his hands, "the solution to the end of the world lies in how to quickly absorb evolutionary factors and reduce the concentration of evolutionary factors. Therefore, as far as I know, more than half of the research laboratories in the world are currently They're all looking in this direction."

"How's the progress? Have you discovered any inanimate objects that can absorb evolutionary factors?"

Ni Qingzhou gave him a strange look: "Why are you obsessed with inanimate objects?"

But he still explained patiently: "There are too many materials in the world, but all the inanimate objects that have been tested at present have maintained an isolated attitude towards evolutionary factors, and the mainstream research direction has given up the research on inanimate objects. As for cultivating animals and plants that can absorb evolutionary factors on a large scale but do not harbor evolutionary factors, my mentor is about to give up this direction. You see, the flowers and plants in our lab next door are all cultures in this regard."

"My intuition has always been strong," Shang Yinhe said firmly, and he used the intuition theory he had prepared as an excuse. "My intuition is that ore may be able to absorb evolutionary factors, so I want to give it a try."

"Is it so exaggerated?" Ni Qingzhou laughed, he didn't care about it, "Intuition?"

Shang Yinhe specially came to talk to Ni Qingzhou about the ore, which he decided after studying for a long time.

According to the information he inquired, this senior Ni Qingzhou happened to be under the mentor who was in charge of researching and absorbing evolutionary factors. Experimenting with one more material doesn't seem to matter.

Moreover, according to the communication between Shang Yinhe and Senior Ni Qingzhou, this senior is a warm-hearted person, with a soft ear and a little bit of greed for petty cheap. When the Tang Shi Group met offline, he even took some money before he left. The free food provided at the party was taken away, and Shang Yinhe took this scene into his eyes, and instantly listed this senior as his first priority.

Enthusiastic, soft-hearted, and mentors working on related projects, which means that he may actually use ore to do experiments according to Shang Yinhe's suggestion;

Being petty and cheap means that if according to Shang Yinhe’s speculation, ore can really absorb evolutionary factors, then as long as Shang Yinhe himself is willing to give credit, senior Ni Qingzhou will be happy to give glory (hei) to guo (guo) to his own head, thereby erasing the role that Shang Yinhe himself played in it.

To be honest, Shang Yinhe also mustered up his courage to take this step.

At the very beginning, he was just a college student in a TOP school, and he seemed inconspicuous compared to the rest of the world.

He is indeed smarter, but there are too many smart people in the world; he is independent in character, but there are many more independent people in the world.

He is just an ordinary member of the 6.5 billion people on earth.

Being selected by the game system and becoming the number one player in the game system, can he seize this opportunity?

Will he die on the street for revealing his identity?

Will he turn the world into a mess because of operational errors?

Didn't the panic, riots, demonstrations, and despair that spread all over the world shocked him?

Wasn't he sleepless and restless all night because of those scenes after reality materialized?

Should he take the initiative to step out and take responsibility, or should he hide behind the scenes and watch the turmoil unfold?

How many times, Shang Yinhe re-watched the video released by Jiuqu account over and over again, his eyes staring blankly for a long time;

How many times has he tossed between the uneasy conscience of being alone and the safety of his selfish self;

To this day, in front of Senior Ni Qingzhou, the word "ore" seems to be mentioned casually. Behind this scene, how long did he hesitate in the early stage, how long did he test, and how long did he prepare carefully before taking this step?

Fall, no regrets.

Now that you have made up your mind to take a step forward, you must proceed firmly and carefully.

If you want to be a qualified behind-the-scenes mastermind, you must cover your vest tightly, and it is best not to leak any clues.

But at the same time, it is also necessary to make good use of the resources at hand, and try to use the small amount of information that you already know to make arrangements in the real world.

Putting aside those hesitations in the past, Shang Yinhe showed a sunny smile: "Senior, give it a try, it's also a direction!"

Shang Yinhe began to eloquently give examples of how accurate his intuition was in the past (a small part is true, most of them are made up in advance), and summed up in one sentence: I intuitively think that this direction is feasible, senior, you trust me!

The term "intuition" is also the reason why Shang Yinhe chose it carefully.

In the future, he must have a lot of game-related experience to "spoiler" the reality. If he finds a different and reasonable reason every time, it is not clear to tell others: I am just looking for a reason! I have a big secret!

In such a situation, it is better to directly find a good reason that can be consistent. The term "intuition" is metaphysical and easy to use, and it can perfectly adapt to any scene - what's more, Shang Yinhe grew up, his intuition is indeed very accurate .

Ni Qingzhou was too entangled, he sighed helplessly: "Okay, okay, anyway, no matter what material you try, it is part of the experiment of absorbing evolutionary factors, and I will put the ore-related research into the experimental plan. "

He glared at Shang Yinhe, who was smiling brightly, "Let me see how accurate your intuition is!"

Shang Yinhe smiled and added: "Senior, you can try all kinds of ores, iron ore, all kinds of diamonds, non-metallic ores, try more, there's no harm."

"Okay, okay!" Ni Qingzhou with soft ears finally agreed.

Seeing that he had reached his destination, Shang Yinhe decisively began to change the topic, at least creating an atmosphere of "the ore thing is just a whim, not me doing it on purpose": "By the way, senior, I'm very curious. , Can the human body directly absorb evolutionary factors? If so, why didn’t humans evolve in Jiuqu’s video?”

"At present, it is found that the effect of direct absorption of evolutionary factors by the human body is relatively poor," Senior Ni Qingzhou did not doubt that he had him, and began to answer questions for Shang Yinhe, "but human beings can, according to the enrichment effect of the food chain, eat evolutionary factors rich in evolutionary factors by eating evolutionary factors. Plants to acquire evolutionary factors."

"That is to say, humans can evolve by eating?" Shang Yinhe concluded.

"That's right," said the enthusiastic senior, "In fact, plants have the strongest effect of absorbing evolutionary factors. Evolutionary factors exist in the air. When plants perform photosynthesis and respiration, they will greatly absorb the air into the air. evolutionary factors are absorbed into its body."

"Next, herbivores acquire evolutionary factors by eating evolved plants, while higher-order food chain predators acquire evolutionary factors by preying on organisms ahead of it."

"According to the enrichment effect of the food chain, in theory, the higher the food chain, the higher the concentration of evolutionary factors in the body, but," Senior Ni Qingzhou said with interest, "At present, we have found some violations of this principle, Animals that have a particularly strong uptake of evolutionary factors."

"The most valuable of them is chicken."

Shang Yinhe thought of Iida, who was still sleeping in the Devil King's book, and was a little bit cautious; "Uh, did I hear it right, chicken?"

Ni Qingzhou, who is a school of domineering, said: "Yes, it is very strange. Among all animals, chickens, which are herbivores, are more able to absorb evolutionary factors than some animals higher in the food chain. In the previous Baiwu In the mutation, there is even the phenomenon of mutation of the whole chicken farm."

He lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "I got some inside information. It is said that the country is already considering building a large-scale evolution chicken farm. I heard that the taste of super evolution chicken is simply the highest delicacy in the world! I have tasted it. Once, I felt the kind of deliciousness that I have no regrets in my life!"

Shang Yinhe sent a meaningless single byte: "Ah..."

Ni Qingzhou thought about the legendary supreme delicacy for a while, and smashed his mouth: "Moreover, according to the current scientific research results, eating organisms rich in evolutionary factors will greatly promote the evolution of our human bodies. benefit."

He searched the magazines for a while, and pulled out a paper: "Look at this, this is a scientific research paper from the Bald Eagle Country, which has already given a very surprising case: a lung After a patient with a malignant tumor ate a lot of evolved plants, his tumor actually became benign, and it was visibly improving..."

Shang Yinhe looked at the paper full of English terminology and silently said that he was a liberal arts student and stayed away from it. His attention was in a strange place: "Uh, has the Bald Eagle Country started human experiments?"

"Time is pressing, and there is no way. Recently, many ethical and moral bottom lines have been breached," Ni Qingzhou sighed, "Of course, all human experiment subjects are voluntary registrations, which can still be confirmed. of."

After hesitating for a while, he added: "Actually, our research on edible evolutionary factors is still shallow. In theory, this thing should not be used in the human body before the safety has been fully verified..."

After a pause, Ni Qingzhou sighed in a helpless and deep tone: "It's just that the end has accelerated everything."

"Yeah, the doomsday has accelerated everything." Shang Yinhe repeated it, in a trance.

He struggled to get out of this emotion, and looked up at the window: "Wow, it's so late. Then, thank you senior for your hospitality today!"

"It should be," Senior Ni Qingzhou smiled, "I am also honored to be able to join the expert Tang poetry group!"

In the greeting, Shang Yinhe was sent out by Ni Qingzhou.

Finally, before saying goodbye, Shang Yinhe said unintentionally: "Senior, if there is progress in the research on ore, please let me know. After all, it is my suggestion."

Ni Qingzhou smiled helplessly at him: "Okay, okay, I must try your intuition, don't worry!"
