MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 48 United Nations sends troops

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The night after the release of the Maker: Death Comes video.

Huaguo, Zhongnanhai, in brightly lit buildings.

The video released by Jiuqu brought a lot of urgent matters to Huaguo, and everyone was trying to stay up late, working overtime to deal with affairs - I feel that this kind of thing has come many times, and it is almost a new issue of Jiuqu A video series, just stay up all night and work overtime.

If the favorability value of Jiuqu can be quantified, maybe the government officials of various countries have the lowest favorability to Jiuqu.

After barely handling the mountain of emergency affairs, the supreme commander of China entered the small conference room.

"How is the progress of the peacekeeping force?" He started to ask before stepping into the small conference room.

"It's pretty good," the person in charge of related affairs pushed his glasses and replied, "The release of Jiuqu's video is quite early, and at present, those evolutionary creatures with great potential and infinite potential in the future of the video are still in their infancy. At the budding stage, it doesn't have much attack power."

He flipped through the document in his hand: "The peacekeepers are carrying out targeted removal, giving priority to all those plants and animals that have appeared in the video. However, they are doing this kind of behavior now, which has a considerable impact on the desert environment. Hazard, there have been protests from countries where the desert is located.”

"At this juncture, there is no way to pay attention to the desert environment," the supreme commander of China pressed his eyebrows and relieved his headache. "Survival is the first priority! Don't ignore those protests, the United Nations will handle it on its own. Yes, we can follow the voice of the United Nations."

"By the way, did Jiuqu release a new video today?" He suddenly thought of something, turned his head and asked, "I remember that I didn't receive the push at seven o'clock, and no one came to remind me? I did it. Am I wrong? Or am I missing something?"

"Don't worry, Jiuqu didn't release a video today." Someone around him replied.

"I didn't post a video today... I'm really not used to it. I thought Jiuqu would regularly send videos every day."

With that said, someone in the conference room was quite disturbed and asked, "Do you think Jiuqu doesn't post the video, does he mean to say: 'The future of mankind will end here, so I don't need to post any more videos'?"

The people in the conference room looked at each other for a while, and the people around them replied: "Why guess? Maybe, his meaning is actually: 'You guys quickly solve this apocalypse crisis, and I'll post it again. a video'."

Everyone agreed: "Jiuqu is just one person, don't do too much reading comprehension."

"'Jiuqu is just a person'," someone repeated the above sentence and asked, "Can he achieve such a degree of prediction, is he really a human?"

"On this point, I just want to report to everyone," the leader of the uniform in front of the projector in the conference room stood up. "According to the assessment of the experts, the possibility that Jiuqu is the hero itself has risen to 80%."

He explained in detail: "The Brave is in the White Mist dungeon challenge video. The kind of predictive ability shown, the ability to know all the traps and crises in advance, and easily complete the White Mist dungeon challenge, is the same as Jiuqu in this Death God. In the video of Advent, the ability to predict the world line displayed has a great degree of overlap."

"We believe that the reason why the brave man will go to the mutation site of High Swan Castle to challenge is because he foresees the extraordinary treasure behind this mutation. Although so far, we have not been able to obtain the real rune paper and decipher the content of the treasure. , but it is clear that a key to the extraordinary era has been hidden in this copy, just waiting for us to dig further."

"Correspondingly, Jiuqu discovered the possibility of the world line going to the end of the world, but he alone, even with extraordinary power, could not clean up all the evolutionary creatures, so he chose to release this predicted world line to promote the whole The power of the world to deal with the doomsday."

"Makes sense."

"That makes sense."

"So, Jiuqu is the hero who appeared in the video?"

"It's really amazing. It's charismatic, powerful, predictable, and has strong hacking skills... tsk tsk tsk, it's too exaggerated."

"The brave man who appeared in the video is indeed a human being; so Jiuqu is also a human being?"

"That's not necessarily true!" Someone said, "What if the hero is not human? For example, like Superman in comics movies, although he looks like an earthling, he is an alien in essence."

The uniformed leader was sluggish at this question for a while, then reacted immediately and replied: "Even if he may be an alien disguised as an earthling, it doesn't matter. The appearance he is using now, the movements and fights he is used to. The gestures are all gestures that belong to the earth - this at least shows that he has a certain feeling for the earth."

"Hey, isn't Superman also an alien who loves Earth?"

"It's good to have feelings for the earth." Hua Guo's supreme commander warned earnestly, "This kind of character can only be drawn, and must not be forced—at least until we have the ability to check and balance, we must only draw."



After this discussion came to an end, the uniformed leader continued his report: "About Jiuqu, for a long time, we wondered about his position, his lineup, whether he was good or evil, and now all of this may be possible. conclusion."

"After the analysis of various behavioral, linguistic, and psychological experts, the conclusion is: Jiuqu is a typical superhero in the classic comics of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, and it pays attention to 'the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility'. That set, so he is willing to take the initiative to stand up and expose the truth in his own way."

"Isn't he Chinese? Why use the bald eagle country cartoon to illustrate it?"

"A metaphor, a metaphor, don't care."

"In fact, if he is really influenced by the 'with great power comes great responsibility' superhero comics and movies, then we should really be grateful for the existence of such comics and movies."

"The cultural invasion of the Bald Eagle Country, hum, will be cleaned up sooner or later."

"Is this the time to discuss this?"

The meeting moved to the next item.

Matters of peacekeeping troops, handling of relations with countries around the world, many domestic stability maintenance matters…

By the time the meeting was over, the window was plunged into boundless darkness.

Exhausted, the supreme commander of China walked out of the conference room, and ordered the director of CCTV: "On tomorrow's news, remember to inform everyone about the dispatch of troops to the Sahara Desert. The world is working together to solve the doomsday crisis. There may be twists and turns, but the future must be bright. To settle down, you know?"


However, in the heart of the supreme commander of China, a little unease suddenly emerged.

This unease prompted him to add: "Wait a minute, in the news broadcast tomorrow night, this news is prepared in advance, but don't broadcast it, it's in the back, let's see if Jiuqu has pushed a video, don't broadcast it. It conflicts with Jiuqu's video content, you know?"



Half a day later, it was the morning of the third day after the release of the video "The Creator: Death Comes".

Zhang Zhenzhen carried a large backpack, worked hard in the surging crowd, and finally squeezed into the bus home.

After she made up her mind to go back to her hometown to see her mother, she was very depressed to find that the high-speed rail tickets to go home had already been snatched away, and even the plane tickets were gone.

After opening seven or eight ticket grabbing software and looking for tickets for most of the day, Zhang Zhenzhen finally grabbed a bus ticket at the last moment, two days later.

It is good to have a ticket. Although she is not satisfied with the time and date of the ticket and the means of transportation, her desire to go home has overcome all the difficulties and obstacles, allowing her to fight for it and face all difficulties.

Zhang Zhenzhen found her seat, put away her luggage, and sat down cautiously. It was the first time she had taken such an ultra-long-distance bus, and she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

And the crazy crowd of people in the passenger transportation center aggravated her anxiety.

This, this kind of scene, really isn't the Spring Festival ahead of schedule?

Everyone... are you going home?

Thinking of the doubled number of explosion-proof police patrolling on the street, as well as the scene after the robbery where the glass of the shop door was broken, Zhang Zhenzhen squeezed the corner of her clothes tightly, and her heart felt like an arrow.

The bus was filling up and people started chatting.

"Brother, are you rushing home too?"

"Isn't that what the video hurts? Oh, you said, the world is going to die, why am I still working so hard?"

"There was a big chaos in my hometown last night. A group of people looted in a group, and they were all arrested."

"I miss my dad, I miss my mom, I miss my kids, I want to go home."

"You said that we have worked so hard in the field for so many years, what is it for?"

"Tickets are really hard to buy. It would be nice to have a means of transportation."

Online messages can be monitored and silenced, but how to control chat in reality?

The mouth of defending the people is even better than defending the river. When the river is blocked and collapsed, many people will be injured, and the people are the same.

The bus started to start slowly, and set off on the way home with a carriage of people who were looking forward to returning home.

Suddenly, a violent noise broke out in the originally quiet carriage, where most of the people were sleeping.

"Hey, look at the news feed!"

"What did you write?"

"The news says that the United Nations is already cleaning up evolutionary plants and animals, and it's going well!"

"Oh, oh, and said that the evolutionary animals and plants in the Sahara Desert have been basically cleaned up!"

"Yo, this "Apocalypse Program" is so well written! The blood is boiling!"

"Eh? Are we going to go home then?"

Zhang Zhenzhen woke up from her sleep and found that the inside of the car seemed to be fried, and there were noises everywhere.

She looked around blankly for a while before receiving the amount of information from the gossip around her.

…The United Nations has sent troops?

…cleaning up evolutionary creatures?

She was suddenly refreshed, quickly grabbed her phone, and browsed.

The signal on the highway was intermittent, and she struggled to refresh the news page, greedily reading every good news.

Hope spreads out from the bottom of my heart, and joy is like a drizzle moisturizing my heart.

"The government is still very reliable!"

"The video of Jiuqu was released a day ago, and now it has dispatched troops and achieved results? Efficient enough!"

"Look at the hot search, look at the hot search!"

The whole car was full of joy, and the happiness seemed to be contagious, swept away the previous depression and anxiety.
