MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 34 the rules of the game

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"I'm about to enter the White Mist Temple." Mu Shiming reported to the contact device and stepped into the White Mist Temple again.

It had been a whole day since he first entered the White Mist Temple.

During the whole day, initially they actually achieved almost nothing.

The brave man in the video either easily crosses the water pile, or recognizes the trap at will. The clip is completely relaxed and unrestrained, but in reality, it becomes so difficult and painful.

But fortunately, dying in the level challenge does not lead to real death, but just that all the obtained super items are lost and returned to the castle hall.

In fact, when Mu Shiming couldn't react in time and fell directly into the Yangtze River trap, he really thought he was going to die.

The horror and pain of the long spear piercing the body, from the lower abdomen to the forehead, is so real and so clear!

At this moment, his past flowed in front of him like a lantern, and at the last moment he was still thinking: I overestimated my level and betrayed the trust of my teammates...

But the pain only stimulated him for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace. The next second, he was in a confused dizziness, and then returned to the castle hall.

Mu Shiming stood dazedly in the castle, not knowing when it was tonight, he felt like a dream of Nanke, like a new life.

The scars on his body have completely disappeared, and the whole person has returned to the state just before entering the trap corridor. It almost makes people wonder, has he really stepped into the trap corridor? Wasn't it really a dream just now?

After being in a trance for a short while, Mu Shiming restrained himself with the strong willpower of the special forces captain and forced himself into a calm state.

He reported the situation of resurrection in the castle to the logistics support center, which aroused great interest of relevant researchers.

"Resurrection from the dead?!"

"That is to say, in this fragmented space of another world, the boundaries between life and death are actually very blurred. Maybe there is another set of rules for life and death..."

"Interesting, interesting, so interesting!"

Scientists who had studied the obsession began to glow in their eyes, mutter to themselves, and go mad.

Since this rule of resurrection from the dead was discovered, Hua Guo began to gradually increase its exploration of the White Mist Temple. More soldiers bypassed the heavy monsters in the White Mist area and began to enter the White Mist Temple.

After many attempts, it was found that in this space fragment of another world—now it has a more official name, it is called White Mist Space—, if you drop directly into an inanimate or ignorant object, it will lead to two people guarding the hall. The monster statue is activated and makes an active attack.

In the current exploration test, these two monster statues may be endowed with attributes similar to invincibility in the white fog space. No matter what kind of artillery fire, bombs, or even cloud bombs are thrown by the army, it will not cause any damage to the monster statues. .

Reports on the trial of throwing atomic and hydrogen bombs into the White Mist space have also been sent by some researchers.

However, firstly, atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs cannot ignore the transport environment and can be transported here in just one day; secondly, since the impact of such violent explosions on the white fog space is unknown, in case the space is really blown up or caused The instability of space will have a major impact on the current process of extraordinary exploration; thirdly, it is uncertain whether the explosion of an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb in space will have a radiation impact on the surroundings of Baiwu Temple. After all, this is the land within the territory of China.

Taking into account the above factors, the application for the release of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs has not been approved by the senior management.

In short, the most powerful explosives that can be sent in at present cannot cause the slightest damage to the two monster statues. From this perspective, it is not an exaggeration to call them invincible.

However, if it is a human being who enters the different world space, then the two guarding statues will not be activated. Moreover, after repeated attempts, it was found that humans are allowed to carry some items that do not exceed their own size.

For example, at the beginning, some people in the army proposed that they could try to let people drive in tanks. But when they worked hard to bypass the heavy blockade of monsters outside the White Mist, and sent it to the gate of the White Mist Temple, they were very depressed and found that the tank could not enter.

After the experiment of carrying different items, it was finally confirmed that the size of the items carried by the entrant could not exceed his own size, otherwise, he would be directly rejected by Baiwu Temple.

In addition, after entering the official challenge—that is, entering the trap corridor, all communication equipment, monitoring equipment, and detection equipment will be disabled, and the weapons, guns, and ammunition brought in will not be effective.

The only thing that can be used is the sword and shield provided inside the White Mist space.

Fortunately, these technological equipment can still be barely used in the castle hall, and some data can be collected. Otherwise, the envious and crazy scientists may uncontrollably jump into the trap corridor and use human flesh to collect basic data. data…

"Everything is normal in the gravity test, and everything is normal in the air composition test..." The researcher in the laboratory had a green light in his eyes, "No abnormality was found."

"What is the principle of resurrection from the dead?"

"What exactly does it use to identify life, intelligence, and object size? Is there a hidden detection mechanism?"

"Why does the device interfere in the castle hall? Why does it fail in the trap corridor?"

"How did the invincibility of this statue come about?"

"It's a very, very strange rule, I have a hunch..." The researcher on the side straightened up and pushed his glasses, "I may have encountered a new field that has never been seen before."

He said: "I have a hunch that I will dedicate my life to research here!"

"Chao Wendao, Xi can die!"

After the release of the detailed video of Jiuqu's first level clearance, the special team's exploration process has made amazing progress in an instant.

A special analysis group was established immediately, and experts in various fields were urgently mobilized. A detailed response plan was compiled for the way the brave man dealt with the trap in the video:

Jump on the spot before the water beach trap. If it is a water beach with an invisible big knife in the sky, the big knife will be visible when you jump, which means that you cannot pass the trap by jumping; on the contrary, when you take off If you don't see the big knife appearing, you can pass it by jumping;

In front of the fork in the road trap, choose a random direction, be careful when walking, move forward tentatively, and jump quickly when the ground falls, just jump over it;

The three water elves in the battle hall can only attack from a distance, and they can be eliminated by skilled use of jumping, tumbling to avoid, and shield blocking...

Cold weapon experts and domestic ancient weapon martial artists were also transferred to the group, and quickly compiled a "Sword and Shield Use Quick Manual" and transmitted it to the soldiers on the front line.

With abundant logistical support, Mu Shiming, the captain of the special forces, was the first to kill the three water elves in the battle hall and cleared the first level.

A mechanical, flat reminder sounded in his ear, startling him:

"The first level is complete."

"System settlement..."

"You are rewarded as follows:"

"Prop: Microbomb [E-Class]"

"Gold: 10"

"The first level store has been opened."

"The first level store goods are being drawn..."

"The product has been extracted."

Mu Shiming frowned deeply.

Strange, this could it be so much like a game?

If you think in the direction of the game, then the existence of the trap corridor, the increase in the difficulty of the level, the rules of resurrection, etc., are fully explained.

Mu Shiming's intuition has always been very accurate. Relying on his own intuition, he has found a silver lining many times in missions that are almost mortal. At this moment, since he intuitively guessed that this was a game, he decisively placed this conjecture in the position of "extremely likely to be correct".

It's a pity that, as a special forces soldier who has been busy running around and doing tasks all the year round, he is really unfamiliar with the game. The so-called games he was familiar with were at most those street arcade machines when he was young, such as King of Fighters, Dinosaur Fight, etc. So, after thinking about it for a long time, he did not figure out how to deal with this conjecture.

He simply went to study the system rewards after passing the level.

The system first gave a reward for a miniature bomb. This thing floats in mid-air, and its appearance is almost no different from a real grenade. It should be said that this thing is not the 82-2 type handleless that is now being equipped in large quantities in China. A grenade?

Mu Shiming thought intuitively: Uh, is it possible that the shapes of the things in this "game" are created by imitating the real world?

He then turned to look at the very futuristic screen floating in the air.

This screen seems to be touch controllable. Mu Shiming adjusted the size of the screen and looked at the dense instructions above:

[Challenge description:

1. After each level is over, the level will randomly reward an item (including props, skills, specials, etc.).

2. After each level is over, 1-3 items will be displayed randomly in the store of that level.

3. The rarity of the item is related to the level of the level (item quality is divided into: the lowest F level, the highest SSS level).

4. Enter and exit the copy multiple times, the same level will not change the items in the store, but will reward different items.

5. After all the items in the same level in the store are purchased, the items will be refreshed.

6. Different challengers may encounter different products in the store of the same level.

7. All items can only be brought into the real world after using the Realistic Rune Paper.

8. The appearance rate of Realistic Rune Paper is extremely low; after completing all ten challenges, a SS Grade Realistic Rune Paper will be rewarded.

9. If you die in the challenge, all progress will be reset, all items will be dropped, all gold coins will disappear, and you will return to the castle hall.

10. After completing the challenge of a level, you can choose to quit the challenge. After exiting the challenge, you can keep all the items and gold coins on your body and return to the castle hall. After that, you can continue to challenge, but you cannot leave the castle hall; leaving the castle hall is considered to be dead during the challenge. ]

The detailed and complicated rules made him ponder.

He intuitively thought: Is it possible that we need to enter the era of playing game copies for all people in the future?
