MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 32 China's exploration

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In the western part of China, in front of a ruined temple that was originally unknown.

Since China began to focus on the development of tourism in the west, many previously unknown scenic spots have become holy places in the minds of tourists. However, due to the fact that China has a long history and vast land, there are still many historical attractions in the dusty stage.

Let's put it this way, in China, there may be famous people who have left traces here in any historical monument; in any natural scenery, there may be literati and poets who have left their calligraphy here. Places that can afford tourism are slowly beginning to see more people, and places where the geographical location and traffic remain the same are still in silence and bleakness.

This ruined temple turned out to be such an ancient building with inconvenient traffic location, low visibility and sparse traffic.

But now, a heavy cordon has been drawn around it, a full division-level corps is completely stationed beside it, and various monsters are visiting around it, and the popularity is already full.

It even has an official code name: Baiwu Temple.

All of this stems from the "High Swan Castle mutation", which is a special phenomenon called "white fog mutation" by relevant domestic departments.

Out of prudence, after learning that the Hans Kingdom had begun to mobilize a large army to prepare to attack, the senior officials of the Hua Kingdom decided to let other countries explore the way first, slowing down the frequency of their own attacks, only mobilizing the army to station and occasionally grab some monsters. for scientists to experiment with.

Fortunately, they made such a decision. After witnessing the fiasco of Hans Kingdom and guessing that the mutation of High Swan Castle may have the attribute of "monsters will perceive external threats and thus undergo rapid evolution", the senior officials of Hua Kingdom decisively stopped the offensive plan. , Changed to small troops to explore, and hoped that scientists could discover the secrets in the mutation of High Swan Castle more and faster, so as to attack in a targeted manner.

As a result, it was only a day after the defeat of Hansiguo, and the new video released by Jiuqu disrupted their plans.

There are smart people in every country. An hour and a half after the video was released, the report on "There may be a way to obtain extraordinary power in the core of the White Mist Mutation" has been sent to the desks of senior leaders as an internal reference.

"Current research points out that 'mutation rules' and extraordinary powers will greatly change the current state of society!"

"This is a precursor to a big change in the world pattern, and this will be a big change unseen in ages!"

Time is running out, the sooner you grasp the extraordinary country, the more likely you will be able to seize the opportunity in the era of great changes. Therefore, the approval will soon come down:

"Special case, execute it immediately!"

So, in the middle of the night, under the starry sky, the most elite special team in the division-level legion was urgently taken out and began to carry out the exploration mission.

In the logistics support center of the special team, the huge monitoring screen has been debugged and is waiting for the picture from the front line.

The current commander of the logistics support center, Lieutenant General Zhong Qingxiong, who is also the top leader of the division-level corps, asked the walkie-talkie, "How is the situation now?"

A small, vague voice came from the walkie-talkie: "I have successfully avoided the sight of all monsters and entered the White Mist Temple. There are not many monsters at night, and the safe route has been transmitted back to the logistics support center. OVER."

Lieutenant General Zhong Qingxiong continued to ask: "Can the drone capture anything?"

The voice in the walkie-talkie gradually became stable and clear. After a rustling operation, Mu Shiming, the leader of the special team, began to report: "Yes, the drone is shooting normally, and the image is transmitted, and no one is there. The machine has entered the castle - wait!"

In the surveillance video, the footage of the hall in the castle began to appear, and I saw the two hideous monster statues on both sides of the hall, suddenly moving! With a fast and ferocious gesture, the stone statue was unstoppable towards the drone!

- Crack!

The final picture ends with the big, hideous face of the stone statue that fills the entire surveillance screen, and then, as soon as the picture goes black, the connection to the drone is interrupted.

The channel in the walkie-talkie was quiet for a while, and then came the calm voice of Captain Mu Shiming: "The current picture of the castle hall captured by the drone is almost the same as the picture shown in the Jiuqu video; the difference is that, The incoming drone encountered the fighting monster statue. I suspect that the destruction may be because the monster statue recognizes whether the incoming object is alive or not."

"I suggest releasing another animal into the White Mist Temple to check the situation."

His suggestion was quickly adopted, and along the safe route explored by the special forces, a military dog ​​was sent to the White Mist Temple. The soldier who tamed the military dog ​​said goodbye to the military dog ​​and sent it to the Baiwu Temple.

The camera on the military dog ​​transmitted back to the castle hall again, and then—

Then, the monster statues standing on both sides of the hall became active again. They jumped in front of the military dog, hesitated for a while, and then slashed their claws forcefully and viciously!

Blood spurted out, staining the lens red. Then, the picture turned black again, and everything returned to calm.

The soldier who tame the military dog ​​bit his lip hard, restraining his heartache.

The scene was quiet for a while, before Captain Mu Shiming's calm voice as usual came: "I need to change my guess, I intuitively think that the monster statue recognizes not whether the entrant is alive, but the entrant. Whether there is intelligence, even identifying whether the entrant is human."

After a pause, he continued: "I applied to enter the castle directly to explore."

Lieutenant General Zhong Qingxiong resolutely denied it: "No, you are irresponsible for your life!"

"Sir, this is not a death sentence, but a decision made after careful consideration. I won't make fun of my life." Captain Mu Shiming calmly expressed his opinion, "Among the people present, I have the fastest reaction and the strongest combat effectiveness. , most researched on the video. I can guarantee that I was able to get out of the castle quickly before seeing the two monster statues move. If I send others, I am very worried that they will die in the attack of the two statues Down."

After a slight pause, he added a reminder: "Sir, it's time to race against time."

Lieutenant General Zhong Qingxiong thought for a while, and finally said: " know what you have in mind. You are the captain, you make decisions, and you are responsible for your decisions."


Soon, Mu Shiming was ready.

The gate of the broken temple is wide open. The darkness inside the gate swallowed up all the light, and even if a flashlight was lit in it, it could only illuminate a piece of darkness. It is like a ferocious beast that chooses people to devour, and it is like a gluttonous glutton that devours everything, inviting you to enter the urn.

Mu Shiming took a deep breath, clenched the gun in his hand, stepped forward, and stepped into the dark space behind the broken temple.

In the darkness of confusion, a sense of dizziness struck.

Mu Shiming tried his best to remain calm amidst this intense dizziness.

Immediately afterwards, the light lit up, and the hall of the castle appeared in front of him. This hall is exactly the same as the one shown in the Jiuqu video, clean and tidy, empty and distant, yet so eerie and eerie. The torches dimly illuminated one side of the ground, and the wreckage left by the drone that entered the hall before, as well as the corpse left by the death of the military dog, did not seem to leave any traces in this hall.

After Mu Shiming stood firm, he immediately assumed a vigilant attitude, but the hall was quiet, with two ferocious giant beast statues standing motionless on both sides of the hall.

He slowly relaxed and adjusted the equipment on his body: "Report, everything is normal."

As he looked around, he reported: "My intuitive guess is likely to be correct, this hall only allows intelligent creatures to enter - or maybe only humans. The two statues guarding the hall, there is no right No reaction to my entry."

A vague and distorted voice came from the contact device, mixed with various noises, and it sounded very harsh: "Continue to explore, be careful..."

The sound was cut off.

It seems that this hall has the function of isolating electromagnetic communication to a certain extent, but it is not very strong, at least it can barely transmit pictures and voices.

Mu Shiming replied "yes", and regardless of whether the other end heard the reply or not, he began to **** in the castle hall.

Directly opposite the castle gate is a bronze gate. According to Jiuqu's video, after opening this gate, you will encounter a corridor full of organs, and then a hall full of monsters.

In addition, Mu Shiming also found a sword and a shield behind the two statues. This is a point in Jiuqu's video that has not been shown before.

Swords and shields, the cold weapons of the Middle Ages, are no longer popular in modern military training. At least he wasn't trained in sword and shield in the army. But after hesitating for a while, he still picked up the sword and shield. Because according to experts' analysis of Jiuqu video, the items appearing in the castle may cause extra damage to monsters.

Mu Shiming used it tentatively, but it was barely smooth.

The communication device resumed the connection again, with a harsh sound stream: "Can you hear it?"

Mu Shiming replied: "The connection has been restored."

Lieutenant General Zhong Qingxiong gave instructions at the other end: "We have already seen the sword and shield in your hand, this may be a kind of extraordinary item, you come back first, first take the sword and shield out of the castle hall, give them to Experts study it and try it out."

This directive is indeed more prudent and responsible. Mu Shiming agreed, looked back at the door leading to the next level, and withdrew his gaze.

He turned around and walked out, pushing open the gate of the castle that was tightly closed, and re-entered the darkness behind the door.

However, after the vertigo, when Mu Shiming came out of the castle gate of Baiwu Temple, he found that his hands were empty.

"The sword and shield can't be brought out," he frowned and reported, "but in theory there should be a way to bring it out..."

After thinking for a while, he gave his own guess: "I intuitively think that it may be necessary to continue to fight down. Maybe after clearing a small monster hall, I can get some clues."

"I applied to continue exploring," Mo Shiming said calmly. "If something goes wrong, I will turn back and escape in time."

Lieutenant General Zhong Qingxiong on the other end was silent for a while, and finally said: "...You are the captain, you decide."
