MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 253 rainbow after storm

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Huaguo, Yongliang Transcendent College.

"Zhenzhen, have you seen the hottest topic on the Internet?" Zhang Zhenzhen's new roommate enthusiastically shared with Zhang Zhenzhen.

Zhang Zhenzhen raised her head from the front of the book: "Are you talking about the topic of #WhenIBecomeTranscendent#?"

"World Situation: II" is a blockbuster, "Boom", directly blasting the future of the entire extraordinary world to another road.

The Extraordinary Mutual Aid Society disintegrated almost as soon as the video finished playing; all the characters involved in the Vincent murders, a series of extraordinary crimes, and the propaganda of extreme ideas were all on the wanted list, and a small number of them had already been arrested. The other part went into the escape; there are constantly being dug up about the bad deeds of this organization, and it is not known how much is done by them, and how much is the black pot that fell on them.

(Secretary Stuart of the FBI's Extraordinary Era Processing Division: Ready-made black pot, no need for white, all things, let me hang on them!)

(Sidney: You're bullying the fugitive and can't speak?)

(Minister Stuart: Hee hee hee, did you make a sound for me to see? I just can't catch you [yin laugh])

At the same time, the explosion of Mobuluo's speech and the oath of Shang Yinhe also changed the wind direction of the entire ordinary people and the extraordinary world.

The anger has an object to vent, and the emotion has a sublime guidance, and many people can also face the growing group of extraordinary people with a calmer attitude.

After all, as Shang Yinhe said in "World Wind and Cloud: II", "The channel for the copy of Baiwu is actually open to the public, and sooner or later, all ordinary people will become extraordinary. At that time, there will be no more The difference between ordinary people and extraordinary people."

In fact, this kind of remark has been mentioned many times before, but human beings are always a creature with emotions greater than reason, and the turbulent anger will suppress everything. It's like when the 9/11 Twin Towers crashed to the ground, no one would think about what brewed terrorism; it's like when a person is hacked by the entire Internet, any voice that speaks for him will be drowned out by ridicule and sarcasm .

After "World Wind and Cloud: II", China, the Federation and many other countries have announced that they will expand the number of White Mist dungeon challengers in the next period of time, and strengthen the review of challenger qualifications.

This news has greatly stimulated the people who eat melons. The topic of #WhenIBecomeTranscendent# has also been gradually pushed to a hot position by the official and the public.

When I become a superhuman, what kind of abilities will I have? What kind of person will I become? What kind of job will I have? What kind of life will I live?

Am I getting arrogant? Will I be careful with the power at hand? Will I take responsibility for it?

During the discussion on this topic, Mobuluo's axe gang rules, Shang Yinhe's speeches and oaths, and even some formed or unformed original superhuman norms, were all discussed over and over again.

As a member of the extraordinary academy who already has extraordinary abilities, Zhang Zhenzhen has more feelings about this issue, so when her roommate mentioned the "hottest topic", she immediately thought of the topic of #When I Become an Extraordinary#.

"Although this is also a very hot topic, I'm not talking about this right now," the roommate put the phone in front of Zhang Zhenzhen with great interest, "I'm talking about the new movie trailer released by our country, which is the "Transcendent Earth" "The latest trailer. I tell you, it's super burning! Galaxy is so handsome in it!"

"Yinhe? Do you mean Shang Yinhe?" Zhang Zhenzhen was a little confused, "He...he also acted in this movie?"

"Yeah," the new roommate, who had just been transferred to get along with Zhang Zhenzhen, started Amway very familiarly, "Neither did our guards imagine that Galaxy would still have time to make a cameo in the movie. It's amazing! Seeing Yinhe and Mu team on the big screen at the same time, I just...I can't help it..." The new roommate was almost speechless with excitement.

Zhang Zhenzhen couldn't help but glance at her new roommate

In this era of traffic and public opinion, any person with super popularity on the Internet has its own fan group, and Shang Yinhe is no exception.

After all, in today's world where there are many changes, the scarcity of TV and movie advertisements, and the sluggish entertainment industry, Shang Yinhe, who has a high appearance, strong combat effectiveness, and a fan-based character, has a large number of iron fans.

It just didn't occur to her that her new roommate was also a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"The trailer said that "The Extraordinary Earth" will be released a month later," the new roommate warmly invited, "Will we watch it together?"

"Look, of course!" Zhang Zhenzhen decided decisively, "I heard that the movie "Supernatural Earth", but there are many real people who are supernatural to help out, not to mention that the Galaxy is also showing up in it, how can I miss it?"

As a half member of the Hua Guo Transcendental Affairs Bureau, she is actually a fan of Shang Yinhe...


At the same time, on the other side of the earth, Shang Yinhe, who was mentioned by two little girls, was congratulating with a smile: "Congratulations!"

"Happy and happy together!" Mobuluo laughed, stepped forward and gave Shang Yinhe a warm hug, "My friend, my closest friend, you are also credited with this victory!"

This battle in Santantaria ended with the collapse of the Bearded Gang and the White Snake Gang. White Snake was killed directly on the battlefield, while Beard had a broken leg and was arrested along with many of his subordinates.

This is a complete victory. Even Mobrow himself did not expect that they could win so thoroughly.

"The battle situation was actually quite normal at the beginning. At most, it was only biased towards us," Mobuluo introduced the situation of the battlefield to Shang Yinhe. "However, a sudden change occurred at this time - the white snake died."

"It is rumored that the White Snake possesses mind-controlling or mind-affecting abilities, and this rumor is true," Mobuluo said excitedly, "Milky Way, you know, once the White Snake dies, the entire White Snake Gang will be in chaos. Immediately, some people began to be at a loss, and there was even a phenomenon of sneaking away, and even the subordinates with the whiskers became confused, and we almost gained the upper hand..."

"This is God's blessing for you," Shang Yinhe said with a smile, but said meaningfully, "In the words of the Chinese, this is destiny."

- Where is the destiny? But from the countless paths, I chose the best one by using the archive-reading Dafa.

"Where, where," Mobuluo, who was familiar with Chinese culture and even knew how to use Chinese tactics, quickly and humbly declined, although he didn't know anything about what was going on behind the scenes, "It's just luck."

Shang Yinhe couldn't help but smile: "Luck is also a kind of strength."

-Archive-Reading Dafa, a destiny has already been created, and of course, another one can be created.

Shang Yinhe stopped circling the topic of luck, and turned to the topic, asking, "What's your plan next?"

Speaking of business, Mobrow straightened his face and replied: "Santanteria has been completely in a state of anarchy. Next, I plan to officially sublimate our Axe Gang into a ruling party, and will Santantella officially sublime into a ruling party. Telia builds into a kingdom of supernatural beings."

"Thanks to Jiuqu's publicity," said Mobuluo, who couldn't help grinning, "We suddenly have a great influence in the world, and it will be much easier to do things. Lord Jiuqu really knows everything. , to be able to pay attention to such a small gang like us."

This level of rainbow fart will no longer affect Shang Yinhe (really?), Shang Yinhe responded reservedly: "Jiuqu's actions must have a deep meaning, he chose you, it must be because you have been selected value."

Mobrow looked solemn and nodded solemnly.

"Don't let down Jiuqu's choice," Shang Yinhe stared at Mobuluo in front of him and hinted, "So... haven't you thought about more things?"

Mobrow was silent.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "I'll tell you the truth, Yinhe, I do have some ambitions... But I'm not sure, will my words affect the friendship between you and me?"

Shang Yinhe couldn't help laughing. In what direction the world line will develop, who else knows better than him?

He looked Mobuluo up and down and gestured, "How about you tell me first?"

Mobuluo hesitated again, and then chose a very euphemistic way of opening his mouth: "Galaxy, the war against the evolutionary animals and plants in Africa that you led the army is about to end. I know that refugees from various countries are returning recently. This kind of war is about to end. There are a lot of things involved, and it has caused you a lot of trouble.”

"If, with your permission, I would like to participate in the refugee resettlement plan and help you handle some things, too..." Mobrow obviously hesitated for a while, but still frankly said the next words, "Also Expand my influence. I want to create a United Kingdom of Africa, taking advantage of the most chaotic and disorderly time, to gather the entire land of Africa."

This is really an ambitious idea, and it is indeed impossible to bypass the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces, Shang Galaxy. A united and unified Africa is not in the interests of many major powers.

"I support you." To Mobuluo's surprise, Shang Yinhe agreed at once, "Refugee return is a hassle for me. You are willing to take over, and I am also very happy."

Mobrow's eyes lit up.

However, before Mobuluo could speak, Shang Yinhe continued to ask, "What about the extraordinary?"

When it comes to this, Mobuluo is excited: "I plan to hold a public trial meeting to judge all the superhumans who have committed major misdeeds before, and thoroughly eliminate the supernatural beings who are the strong eaters of the weak in Santantella. Atmosphere."

"I want to make Santeria a country of pure superhumans, and welcome all superhumans from all over the world to come and live; I also want to update my axe gang rules and try to make it completely the one we are discussing The Extraordinary Covenant..."

Listening to Mobuluo's endless thoughts, Shang Yinhe had a smile on his mouth, but his thoughts flew to distant places.

After the storm, the rainbow will soon be visible...
