MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 225 EnergyX

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Internet public opinion is like water.

Water can carry a boat or capsize it, it can only be guided, not blocked.

When a news really becomes the focus of the world's attention, no matter what kind of power, it can no longer prevent the insider behind it from being exposed.

Within less than an hour after the release of the video of "World Situation: One", the theoretical basis of this Lingshi new energy ignition trial operation experiment in Huaguo, the relevant personnel involved, the overall experimental arrangement, the behind-the-scenes stories, and even the cooperation between various countries. The progress of China's diplomatic wrangling in this technology was quickly picked up.

Who is Lu Yanchi, and what qualifications does he have?

In addition to Huaguo, there are other scientific research institutes conducting the Lingshi new energy experiment. How are they progressing?

Have countries XX and China excluded negotiating experts in this regard? Who is in the negotiating team?

All the seemingly secret information seems to have erupted in a concentrated manner during this period of time. Even the official intelligence experts of various countries will be dumbfounded at the efficiency of this kind of information mining.

After all, seriously speaking, this information mining has almost concentrated the power of Jiuqu video viewers all over the world, many of whom are master hackers, insiders in scientific research, insiders in politics, etc., and even a lot of information is Directly open to the public, such as papers on the arxiv website, such as Huaguo's news network, etc., as long as you have the heart, you can always find relevant news.

These news scattered on the Internet, when Lingshi new energy technology is not a hot spot, no one cares at all; but when this new technology becomes a hot spot, then the relevant news will instantly come from various corners. was pulled out.

"We have to keep up with the times!"

"We want new technology too!"

"We want cheaper and cleaner energy!"

"We want the technology recommended by Lord Jiuqu!"

The turbulent wave of public opinion hits like a mountain. These really voices from the hearts of the people instantly overwhelmed everything else and overwhelmed efforts to control commentary.

Looking at all this, Andrew Atwood only felt panic.

— "Didn't Jiuqu not post videos?"

— "Isn't he seriously injured, or for some other reason, he hasn't posted a video for almost a month?"

- "Why did he suddenly post such a video?"

- "Why did he suddenly post such a video!"

A strong sense of sadness suddenly came up from Andrew's heart.

He couldn't help thinking of his cousin Solomon, who seemed to be the same way. When everything went well, he was killed by a video from Jiuqu.

— Was it the plan they chose?

— No, everything was going well before Jiuqu released the video.

- Is it because their plan has loopholes and forgot to consider the existence of Jiuqu?

- Not really. If it wasn't for the long silence of Jiuqu, how could they have excluded the factor of Jiuqu?

Cousin Solomon's slightly mad and self-deprecating words suddenly sounded in Andrew's ears: "Jiuqu hasn't done anything yet, he just posted a video, it's just a video, haha, it's just a video - nine Qu only posted a video, and we will be crushed!"

Yes, Jiuqu just posted a video...

Andrew felt his heart keep falling. Emotionally, he couldn't help recalling his cousin Solomon's words at that time, but intellectually, he also understood that he should work hard to deal with the plan now, instead of thinking wildly.

Andrew took a deep breath, discarded all the messy thoughts, and threw himself into the response to the scene in front of him.

In theory, the most critical time to deal with public opinion is an hour or two after it has happened.

Because of this, Andrew was so anxious that he hurriedly used the power in his hands as much as possible to try to fight against the general trend, while waiting anxiously to discuss with his allies.

However, the video conference that Donald promised was never initiated.

Andrew was in a hurry to call someone he could rely on.

Donald's phone - busy tone is busy;

Father's phone - busy tone is busy;

Mother's phone - busy tone is busy;

The phone of the more familiar elder at home—busy tone is busy;

Even the assistants of those he wanted to contact were busy.

No one can get through.

Andrew is like a trapped beast imprisoned in the office, frantically trying to find a way out, but can't find anything.

It was not until an hour and a half later that the clan elder who had pushed him to the throne of the chairman took the initiative to call him.

"We have decided to split the Eric Meiyi Group," the family elder's voice was very serious on the phone. "We will cut out the oil and energy will be back as an independent company. The rest, including Chemicals, new energy, related investments and industries will continue to remain in the Eric Meiyi Group."

"'We' decided," Andrew couldn't help repeating the word. "Who exactly is 'we' here?"

"The entire group will be reorganized," the elder of the family pretended not to hear him, and continued, "The independent company of Petroleum Energy will be combined with the oil and energy departments of other companies."

"Who exactly does 'we' refer to?" Andrew asked persistently, "Why can I bypass the current chairman of the energy group with such a big decision about the reorganization of the Eric Meiyi Group?"

"This fluctuation will be relatively large." During the phone call, the elder continued to ignore Andrew's question and said directly and meaningfully, "Andrew, I hope you can cooperate well."

Andrew fell silent, did not continue to ask questions, and did not reply.

The chill suddenly surfaced from the bottom of my heart, mixed with the original worry, sadness, and helplessness, the ups and downs, and the complex taste.

Andrew is also a smart man to take the place of his cousin Solomon.

The clan elder's words have already been said so clearly, what else does he not understand?

At this moment, he has suddenly understood that he has become the scapegoat who was thrown out, the victim who was specially used to divert his attention.

Just like his cousin Solomon was thrown out to quell the anger of the scientific research community and public opinion, his Andrew has also been thrown out now and has become that **** scapegoat and victim!

In fact, he should have figured it out long ago.

Those calls that never got through, the so-called video conference that was delayed for a long time and never came.

In modern society, even if the phone is on a call, there will be a prompt when there is a new incoming call. In theory, there is no chance of missing an important call.

Those "busy tone busy" states are just deliberately not answering his calls.

Maybe, even when he didn't know it, their group of **** fellows had already made a private connection.

- No, it's not "maybe", but they must have made a connection. Donald, his family, other members of Eric Meiyi's board of directors, and his former so-called allies, if they hadn't negotiated a response plan within an hour and a half, how could they have come up with a joint company or a company cut?

But, even knowing this, what can Andrew do?

His position as chairman was wrong.

Like his cousin Solomon, he has not been through countless storms and has been able to deal with all the difficulties and dangers that come with a calm and forward-looking attitude.

In the absence of enough time to accumulate, his chairman's seat is completely like a bare commander. He hasn't had time to install his confidants, and he hasn't had time to promote his subordinates.

Moreover, even the cousin Solomon fought all the way up and sat for a long time in the position of chairman of Eric Meiyi. Facing the complete betrayal of the family and the alliance, wouldn't they have no choice but to step down in despair?

People like Andrew are more useless than his cousin Solomon.

Maybe cousin Solomon still has the means of breaking the net, just because he can't use it because of some scruples, but he, Andrew, at this time, really has no room for resistance.

Or maybe, they elected a young guy like himself to sit on the position of chairman of Eric Meiyi Group, just to be able to sell better now?

"Ha, haha..." Andrew couldn't help laughing at himself.

He can be said to be the shortest-lived chairman in the history of Eric Meiyi Energy Group.

He removed his cousin from the position of chairman, and used various means of exchanging interests to put himself in this position. What he expected was definitely not such a short-lived and ridiculous tenure.

Cousin Solomon's. A voice sounded in his ears:

"You wait and see, you guys who think they have the best vision and the most correct actions, I am your lesson."

"I'm waiting for the day you go to **** with me."

At this moment, Andrew saw through many things at once.

- Was their plan destroyed by Jiuqu? Did Jiuqu deliberately target them?

- Actually not. Jiuqu just posted videos normally, and everything that stopped before his videos was naturally crushed.

- What Jiuqu crushed was not just the old energy group Eric Meiyi, but everything that resisted the tide of progress.

- As long as Eric Meiyi is still on the opposite side of the world's progressive wave, as long as their privileged class people are still on the opposite side of the world's progressive wave, then sooner or later, they will be crushed by Jiuqu.

Cousin Solomon's words echoed in his ears again:

"Do you think that what I did before was just to delay the wave of Lingshi new energy application?"

"I'm saving us, I'm saving our entire upper class."

"I stand tall and see far. I am the one with the clearest mind and the farthest vision. I saw that scene in advance, so I started early."

At this time, Andrew understood what Solomon had done.

These guys who claim to be "high society", hold on to their own interests, and are destined to go against the development trend of the whole world, and they are also destined...

It is also destined to be crushed by the wave of development promoted by Jiuqu.

Andrew couldn't help laughing, the more he laughed, the louder he laughed, the more frantic he became: "Hahahahaha!"

The clan elder coughed unpleasantly on the phone and accused: "Andrew, what is your attitude?"

As if in a loop, Andrew Atwood slammed the words his cousin Solomon said to him before the phone:

"I'm waiting for the day you go to **** with me!"


Andrew's words were fulfilled faster than he expected.

Under the pressure of Jiuqu's "World Situation: One" video, the existence of possible future enemies of advanced civilization, the suspected existence of super-evolutionary animals, and the pressure of public opinion, some things are advancing faster than expected.

I don't know what kind of secret deal was made behind it. The first country that was rumored to be collaborating with Huaguo on Lingshi new energy technology was actually the Bald Eagle Federation.

This incident shocked the eyes of countries all over the world.

The atmosphere of public opinion in the Bald Eagle Federation turned instantly:

"Our country's courage is strong!"

"The public opinion on the Internet is really not credible. Our country should have been negotiating cooperation with China very early. It's just that this cooperation is kept secret from the outside world. Otherwise, how could it be possible to reach an agreement in such a short time."

"There is an initial lag in new energy technology, it doesn't affect anything, we can catch up immediately!"

Similar optimistic, touted, confident and competitive remarks instantly replaced the original wave of public opinion full of questioning and urging.

In the rhythm of such a rapidly changing world development, the old energy group inevitably declines.

Even if OPEC starts to announce oil production cuts, and even if various energy groups rush to survive, their influence and economic power, like their plummeting stock prices on Wall Street, are indeed in an unstoppable situation. slid down.

In the change of the times, new energy groups have emerged as the times require.

The new company, named EnergyX (Bald Eagle Federal Energy Exploration Technology Corporation), started from Silicon Valley. The founder of the bright side is Alva Roderick, a young scientist with a genius research talent in energy technology. .

It is said that this young scientist has obtained part of the technology of Lingshi New Energy from Ernest International Research Institute, and has his own patent on Lingshi New Energy technology.

At the same time, after completing the negotiations with China, the Bald Eagle Federation officially announced that it will work with Ernest International Research Institute, EnergyX Corporation, and other companies and scientific research institutions to quickly complete the industrialization and commercialization of Lingshi New Energy. process.

"We will make cheaper energy available to every citizen of the Bald Eagle Federation as soon as possible!"

"We will promote the progress of technology in the extraordinary era as soon as possible, so that the Bald Eagle Federation can deal with all the difficulties and obstacles in the future with a stronger attitude!"

At the press conference, the remarks by the diplomat of the Bald Eagle Federation won applause from the audience.

Polls show that after the press conference, the public's support for the current government in the Bald Eagle Commonwealth has risen by 5 percentage points.

After receiving this big list from the country, EnergyX, which was originally unknown, also expanded wildly in an unimaginably wild state.

Above the tuyere, pigs can fly to the sky.

In the eyes of those onlookers who do not know the inside story, the company EnergyX is a pig that was blown into the sky by the wind, just like many Internet companies that have been on the rise, just in the blink of an eye, from the ground to the cloud.


Bald Eagle Commonwealth, New York City, at the home of Secretary Stuart.

"Come on, General," Minister Stuart introduced to General Cartlett, pulling a quiet young man with glasses, "I'll introduce to you, this is the founder of EnergyX, a A scientist with outstanding talent in energy technology, Alva Roderick, is also my favorite junior and junior.”

"General Carteret, I have long admired the name," the young scientist Alva extended his right hand politely, "I am in the same school as Minister Stuart, and the Minister used to take good care of me. He also often mentioned you to me, this time It's an honor to finally meet you."

This young scientist still has a kind of bookishness that is unique to scientists. He has not yet fully absorbed the interest-oriented atmosphere of the business world. In layman's terms, he still looks a bit bookish.

General Carteret quickly reached out and shook hands with Alva.

This time, General Cartwright's face took on a sigh of surprise: "So, this is your person."

"It's just cooperation and support," Secretary Stuart corrected General Carteret's words, his words smug, "how can you say something like 'this is my man' Woolen cloth?"

It is actually quite common for companies in sensitive fields to have official military support behind them.

The well-known SpaceX (Bald Eagle Federal Space Exploration Technology Corporation) has a part of the background of NASA, so it can always get NASA's big list and engage in the so-called "military-civilian cooperation space project".

In the Bald Eagle Federation, due to the social system and historical habits, this kind of thing is still relatively concealed; when it comes to China, it simply directly invests in the state and engages in public-owned enterprises. Big brother does not say second brother, it is an international practice anyway.

"The general seems to be right in saying that," the young scientist Alva smiled. "If it wasn't for the support of Minister Stuart, I would not have been able to create EnergyX at all, and I would not have been able to make it so big in an instant."

Alva picked up a bottle of red wine from the counter, poured a glass for each of the three, and then handed the glass to everyone: "Thank you for your support, let's have a toast?"

General Carteret took the red wine glass and considered a toast: "For the Bald Eagle Federation."

Minister Stuart smiled - a person who is used to being an intelligence person, even if he smiles brightly, it has a gloomy taste.

He corrected General Carteret: "It should be called 'For Humanity,' more appropriate."

"Okay, for human beings!" General Carter didn't hesitate, and responded readily.

The three red wine glasses touched each other gently.

As EnergyX is currently in a busy business start-up period, after clinking glasses, the young scientist Alva left soon, leaving General Carteret and Minister Stuart to continue drinking red wine at home.

"Congratulations, this game is well set up," General Carter raised the red wine glass in his hand, and after Alva left, his words became more bold, "successfully put this game that might have caused The risk of an economic crisis has turned into an ordinary company rotation.”

"Thanks for the compliment," Minister Stuart smiled smugly, his words initially reserved, "Is it bad for these businesses to have a decent lag?"

But soon, as he drank more wine, Minister Stuart opened up and said more: "I've been looking at these guys for a long time. Those who are high up, always manipulating all kinds of economic crises, All kinds of oil crises and all kinds of oil wars politically agitating for their own interests, hey…”

"Me too," said this, and General Carteret, who was born and died together with Minister Stuart on the Middle East battlefield, resonated instantly, "We fight to death on the front line, and they spend their lives in the back!"

In an era of overall peace in the world, the high-intensity wars in the Middle East have taken away countless lives and hopes.

Of course, if it weren't for their excellent performance in the Middle East battlefield, Minister Stuart and General Carteret would not have climbed to such a high position now.

"The Bald Eagle Federation launched a war in the Middle East, who is it cheaper?" It seems that these words have been accumulated in Minister Stuart's heart for a long time. He began to complain, "The Federation itself has not benefited from anything - not only has it spent a lot of money on the quagmire of the Middle East, it has lost the hearts of the people at home, it has lost its international prestige, and it has also provoked terrorism. A bed bug that just can't get rid of it!"

"The only cheap ones are the capitalists who control the oil price and make a fortune!"

"Hey, capitalist!" General Carter snorted.

"One of the politicians who lobbied for a war in the Middle East was one of them," Minister Stuart snorted and sneered, "deserved to be crushed by the wheels of the times - if they weren't worried that they would fall too far. Quick, it will cause a big problem, I have already done it myself!"

"This ending seems to be good now." General Carter shrugged.

"They think they can always be on top. Have you ever talked to them?" Minister Stuart complained, "Don't look at the gentlemen they pretend to be on the surface, the attitude of contempt for everything else from the bottom of their hearts, hehe, think Can't others feel it?"

"And, what's the time now?" Minister Stuart couldn't help taking a sip of red wine, "Jiuqu held a whip, urging the world to move forward, video after video, "The Extraordinary Age: A Far Away" "Eye" is still hanging there, who knows when the invasion of advanced civilization will come?"

"Those **** old stubborn, trying to stop the development of mankind for their own shallow interests..." Minister Stuart sneered, "I'm sorry, they should die!"

"Hahahaha!" This sentence didn't know where the laughter of General Carteret was, and he suddenly laughed, "Yeah, let them die!"

Laughing, General Carter raised the red wine glass in his hand.

"Celebrating a brighter future for humanity?"

"Celebrate a brighter future for humanity!"

The red wine glass touched the air lightly, making a crisp sound.