MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 16 complacent major general

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The following hot reviews are varied:

"Even if the world looks like it's going to be destroyed, the school still doesn't have a holiday... Find out about Hengshui Middle School."

"There has been a change in High Swan Castle in my hometown. Can I add some compensation points for the college entrance examination?"

"I tried to ask the boss for a leave of absence today under the pretext of the change in Hohenschwangau. The boss said: Haha. Then he approved my resignation."

Shang Yinhe dragged the page down and left the scope of the hot comment area. There is a long end of the world analysis in the latest comment, which seems to be very reliable from the beginning.

He opened with great interest.

"The comment does not exist."

Shang Yinhe was speechless and returned.

He ran to other video websites and apps to check it out, and found that, as the tall man said, every website that can put videos is forced to put these videos on the top.

He even watched it over the wall. There are these videos on YouTube and NetFlix, and even the video sites in India that he has never heard of have put these videos on top.

This is true. Published on the whole network!

Weibo has exploded since yesterday afternoon. As soon as the topic #高紅 Castlemutation# appeared, it immediately rushed to the top of the hot search, and the next ten related topics rushed to the list together, directly occupying the top nine of the hot search. Now, the topic of celebrity scandals is left alone, and it hangs on the fifth place in the hot search alone.

Shang Yinhe opened the solitary star topic, and it turned out to be a bunch of group ridicules:

"Buy hot search is hanging on the wall"

"Why is the public relations so ineffective, why don't you quickly take down the topic?"

"It's a real hammer, the fifth hot search really means spending money to buy the ranking"

"I feel bad, I finally bought the hot search results so bad _(:з)∠)_"

- Public opinion, it seems that it is not as serious as he originally imagined!

- This is the age of entertainment to death!

Shang Yinhe couldn't help knocking his head.


Not dreaming, not playing.

He is in reality.

After swiping the phone and computer for so long, Shang Yinhe's mood was also much calmer.

He has accepted the situation:

The games he has played will actually happen in the real world.

[The Landlord of the Demon] caused the "High Swan Castle Mutation" all over the world; [Long Live the Anchor] let his video be published on video websites all over the world and forced to the top.

Shang Yinhe put down his phone.

Away from the atmosphere of the Internet, the silent reality suddenly surrounded him. Take off those seemingly magical coats, behind these videos, what a terrifying reality!

He considers himself not a kind and good person.

When he sees a bear child, he will only get bored; when he sees an old lady who falls to the ground, he may choose to take a detour and leave; when he sees a stray dog ​​and a cat, he will never buy something to feed.

No one has ever warmed him, and he will not bring warmth to others, and the cold reality has also made him cold.

But he didn't think he was a bad person.

Living in a peaceful society, he could not take the deprivation of human life for granted.

The monsters raging everywhere, the soul of the hero flying in the sky...

The seemingly beautiful and lovely style of the two-dimensional world, once it is reproduced in reality, it will appear so terrifying and terrifying - it is a life!

What can he do?

After thinking for a while, Shang Yinhe found in despair that the game system did not leave him any choice.

From the very beginning, he had only one way: to follow the requirements of the game honestly, and clear the main task of the game.

If he doesn't do this, is he willing to be permanently trapped in the world of this game, facing the monotonous game life day after day, but can't get out?

Even, the concept of time in the game is completely different from daily life, and he is very likely to obtain endless lives in the game.

An endless but monotonous life, and the whole world is all alone.

Just thinking about this kind of life makes one feel hopeless.

And the way to leave this kind of life is at your feet, close at hand, within reach, you only need to take one or two steps to clear customs and liberate.

He didn't believe how long he could last in such an environment.

If he had known that the game would be reproduced in the real world, he might have resisted for a while because of his conscience.

But, sooner or later, he will give up resistance and he will seek clearance.

He would ignore everything else for freedom, for himself, and not to be swallowed up by loneliness.

Moreover, even if he resists, he chooses to sacrifice himself for the world, then... can that save anything?

The game system can select him, can't it select other people?

He fails, he dies, and then someone else repeats his path?

Wouldn't it be worse if it was replaced by a sociopath, or a careerist?

Shang Yinhe thought his brain hurt.

He flipped his left hand, the six-pointed star on the back of his hand slowly emerged, and the book of the devil came to him.

"The Book of the Demon King..."

As if he couldn't help himself, he read out the name of the book.

"Maybe, I am really the big devil behind the scenes..."

Shang Yinhe sneered and turned the page.

The countdown to the next game is still beating second by second, like a talisman from the King of Hell.


Maybe there is another way.

Pandora opened the magic box in her hand, and the curse of the gods came to the world from then on, and human beings have suffered from disasters, plagues and scourges ever since.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages, both yin and yang. At the bottom of Pandora's Box, there remains the last hope of mankind.

Isn't there an old saying? The trouble should end it.

The game system is so magical, each level unlocks a lot of features, and each play will give him magical enhancements.

Perhaps this game brings not only disaster, but also hope.

Perhaps in this game, there is a complete solution to the problem.

Maybe he can walk before the mutation of the world and save this era.

Thinking like this, Shang Yinhe turned over the pages of the book that were beating every second in the countdown.

On the ability page on the second page, the anchor points that used to be zero eggs have now become 721.

This means that in just one and a half days, the number of video views around the world has reached 700 million.

At first, he thought it was difficult to earn points for this anchor, but now...

According to the instructions, the anchor points can be used for strengthening. But the instructions are very vague, what can he reinforce?

Shang Yinhe tried to use a little anchor point on the Demon King's cloak.

Looks unchanged.

Is it used too little?

He tentatively added a little more, a little more, a little more...

When it reached 200 points, the attributes of the Demon King's Cloak finally changed:

Changed from "Charm +30" to "Charm +31".

...Your Highness the Demon King, you are already very attractive, so you don't need to add more charm points.

Shang Yinhe stopped his hand with a black line.

He tried adding some more to himself.

After adding a full 200 points, there was no response at all.

Or maybe there was a slight change, but he couldn't feel it at all.

He tentatively added a point to the "countdown to the next game", and found that 1 point of the anchor point can delay the countdown by 1 hour.

To convert it, it takes 24 points to postpone by 1 day, and 240 points to postpone by 10 days.

It doesn't seem like a good deal.

He tried it in other places, and the player's level and experience could not be added. It touches the ability page can add points.

Shang Yinhe threw 200 points on [Ability - Long Live Anchor].

Still no response at all.

He compared the reaction of the Demon King's Cloak, and he could only guess that when the added points were too few, there would be no change.

With 120 points left, Shang Yinhe simply threw all these points into [Ability - Long Live Anchor], wanting to see the evolution of his abilities.

But unfortunately, a total of 320 points have been smashed, and this ability has not changed at all.

—It’s a bit of a waste of emotion_(:з)∠)_

However, considering the awesomeness of the release on the whole network, the anchor points can be saved again soon, and it is not distressing to spend them all. He doesn't believe it anymore, if he keeps throwing points into this ability, this ability will not respond!


Hans State, Free State of Bavaria.

"This is a war!" Ludwig von Bismarck said to the staff in front of him.

He is a direct descendant of Otto von Bismarck, the famous iron-blooded prime minister in the history of Hans, and he joined the army with the heavy responsibility of revitalizing his family. The "Fon" in his name represents the glory of the Junkers nobility, and he has never lived up to his name.

As a member of the army's young soldiers, he was authorized to handle the Hohenschwangau incident with full authority.

"Don't think of this as a little prank," he said with a sneer, "this is a declaration of war on Hans!"

Behind him, men and women in military uniforms flowed endlessly and went their separate ways. The sound of countless computer CPUs was converging together, and the buzzing sound kept hovering over the hall.

"The blockade near Hornschwangau Castle has been completed, and all residents have been evacuated. The deployment of the army is preliminarily completed, and the deployment of monitoring is preliminarily completed."

"The analysis task force on Jiuqu has been established, and personality psychology experts, criminal behavior experts, computer experts, national-level hackers, criminal psychology profilers, etc. are all in place!"

"The mutant monster analysis group has been established, and fifteen universities including the University of Munich, the Technical University of Munich, the Free University of Berlin, and the University of Heidelberg will provide research support!"

"The Hohenschwangau Castle topographic structure task team has been established, and the 3D modeling team, meteorological data team, and engineering analysis team are all in place!"

"The white fog composition analysis group has been established, and seven research institutes including the Leibniz Society, the Helmholtz National Research Center, and the Max Planck Institute will provide scientific research support!"

Ludwig von Bismarck listened to his subordinate's report, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Well done," he turned, overlooking the busy and noisy hall, "The majesty of the Hans country cannot be desecrated, and now is the best time to show our style."

In the hall, all the people are busy and orderly acting for the same goal.

Ludwig von Bismarck looked at all this, and his complacency seemed to emerge from the bottom of his heart.

He does not believe that there can be any so-called "monsters" in the world that can defend against such a state machine.

The war badge on his chest gleamed in the hall lights, reflecting his high spirits.

"The world will soon know how terrifying the war potential of the Hans country is!"