MTL - Ninth in The World-v3 Chapter 1264 Beyond chaos

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It seems to know what Taihong Sage is going to say, all of them are refreshed.

The voice of Saint Hong Tai suddenly became dignified, "There are a total of 10,80 saints in the Holy Place Square. This time Jiu Chong Tian is naturalized, and the saints who have not yet woken up should be around one third The vast majority of people wake up and sit in this hall. As for waking up, they did not appear in this hall. It is estimated that they did not care about some things. "

All saints understand the meaning of Taihong saints. There are no saints waking up in the Holy Place Square, and many should have no chance to wake up.

The holy saints are not eternal, nor are every saints willing to be transformed into a statue here.

Under the mass calamity, the avenue of the saints and saints collapsed in the universe, as did their own avenues. Under the circumstances of mass destruction and even mass destruction, one can save one's flesh with one's own cosmic universe and hundreds of millions of cosmic life.

As for the Saint Kuihe, not only did he not use his great cosmic power and billions of living spirits to protect his own flesh and soul, and strive to get a holy place in the Holy Place Square, he also used his own flesh and spirit and even the road to try to keep the universe , And he is the only one.

Most saints can keep their primordial spirit and have a holy place here.

The saint who has the holy place, in the holy place square, is naturally madly absorbing the vitality of the avenue, trying every means to condense his own primordial spirit, or find a way to condense his own physical body. However, it is not so easy to consolidate the flesh. Many saints in the process of condensing, because of the lack of impure energy in the Dadao, etc., the Yuanshen eventually vanished and disappeared, and could never wake up again.

As for the Taihong saints, some saints don't care about some things. That is to say, some saints only want to continue to control the vast world, and they don't care about pursuing the so-called higher realm at all.

Sage Taihong continued, "Hundreds of Daoists, such as Qin Ji Sage and Duoyi Sage, have been working hard to find the secrets of the ninth floor of the **** realm over the years, and today they are not nothing ..."

Hearing Taihong Sage talking about the key points, the hall was still.

"We all know that beyond the Nineth Heaven, there is a vast chaotic land. Even if we step into the fourth step, there is no chance of survival in the land of chaos. The reason why some saints worry about the Nineth Heaven being naturalized, more I ’m worried that I wo n’t be able to use the Nine Layers to transform the new vast universe ... "

Although the tone of Taihong Saint was very gentle, many people still heard Taihong Saint ’s disdain. Obviously, in Taihong Saint ’s eyes, this part of the saint ’s vision was too narrow, just staring at Jiuzhongtian this acre of land. .

Some saints who want to stay in the Holy Place Plaza and want to continue to control this vast universe have already bowed their heads. According to the words of the Taihong saints, they are the group of people who do not ask for progress.

Fortunately, the Taihong saint did n’t go further. “Chaos beyond the nineth heaven ca n’t survive at all. I think that if it is a strong man of the complete avenue, a whole new vast universe can be born in this chaos, but this is only the case. But have you ever wondered, where is this endless chaos? Is there another saint universe like ours? Will their Taoism be stronger than ours? Is it beyond the fourth step? ? "

No one answered Taihong Sage's words, everyone knew that they could not survive after entering Chaos. As the Taihong saint said, the kind of strong man with a complete road, huh, if there is such a strong man, where can it be suppressed in this place?

Any universe has both pros and cons. No matter who controls the vast universe, it is impossible to practice both pros and cons at the same time. In fact, some saints know in their hearts why there is a lot of robbery in their universe. To take a step back, even if there is such a peerless genius who cultivates the pros and cons, the universe will inevitably suffer from volume calamity.

As for the truth, hehe, over the years, countless saints have controlled this vast universe, and when there is a robbery, what is the truth?

"Now that binds all the saints in the Holy Place, in fact, it is not only the realm that cannot be penetrated, but because it cannot survive in the vastness ..."

When Taihong Saint said this, his face suddenly changed, and he rushed out of the golden hall directly.

The Taihong saint is in the Holy Place Square, and that is one of the most powerful people to cultivate. In addition to the Taihong Saint, there is another Qin Ji Saint. Sage Qin Ji is also a strong man with a complete physical body, who often goes to the chaos of Jiuzhongtian to explore and return.

Now Taihong Sage suddenly rushed out, and it was obvious what happened. All the people in the hall rushed out for a while.

"Sage Taihong, this is locked ..." A saint who had passed away looked at the edge of the holy square, and his tone shivered.

Sage Taihong gave a hand, and a huge disc with Daoyun's circulation appeared in his hand. His eyes stared at the disc for a long time, and then he looked away, and his face was a bit ugly. , Completely stripping the Holy Place Square and Jiuzhongtian to trap ... "

"Holy place square is trapped?" Some of the later saints were shocked. The holy place square is the location of a group of powerful people who control the vast universe. Who can trap the holy place square?

The saint Taihong raised his hand to sacrifice a glory, and the glory brought the breath of hundreds of millions of killings, and then slammed down.

"Bang!" Dao Yunguanghua and the golden light breath on the edge of the Holy Place Square made a loud noise, and then disappeared without a trace. If it weren't for that loud noise, I'm afraid there wouldn't be any movement.

"Awesome rules ..." said a shocking saint behind Taihong Saint. His name was Duoyi. Although he had no physical body, his status would not be much weaker than Taihong Saint and Tanji Saint. His primordial spirit is even the strongest in the entire Holy Place.

The Taihong saint took a breath and said slowly, "Duoyi is right, the people who can arrange such a large array are really powerful. This trapped array is arranged outside the Holy Place Square, although it is good, but it is down. I wo n’t be able to open it, so I locked it with the Daxi Dao plate. I did n’t expect this person to be able to enter the Holy Place Square, and then perfect the large array again. Completely integrate this trapped array with the new universe rules Together, it is now difficult or impossible to open this trap.

This incident blamed me. I thought that the naturalized Jiu Chongtian guy was just a ants. Then, when a saint went out to solve it, now it seems that I was wrong. This person is very strong, at least. "

Several saints who wanted to continue to control the vastness were anxious. At this moment, the magic weapon had been blasted down.

It is a pity that no matter how powerful their magical power is, how thick the blasted gods are, they end up muddy into the sea without any sound.

The Taihong saint waved his hand, "No need to try, unless the strong man who builds a new universe opens up his own ruled world, otherwise, this trapped array has no flaws at all, and it simply cannot be opened."

The duo saint suddenly said, "That's fine, at least the naturalized Tao is unable to naturalize the holy square. We can wholeheartedly search for a higher level of divine realm to explore what is beyond chaos ..."

"Since the man came in, it means that he is still hiding in the Holy Place Square. Let's go find him." Saint Kai Kai said a little unwillingly.

Kai Mo Saint would n’t want to look for something clueless like Taihong, Duoyi, etc. His purpose is very simple, to continue to control the vastness, and then use the next opportunity to control the vastness to see if he can get it breakthrough.

This breakthrough has two meanings ~ ~ One is not to let the volume robbery come, and the other is whether we can use the big universe to break through to the fifth step.

Several saints who wanted to respond to the Kaisage Saint saw that the Taihong Saints had a calm face, they did not answer the Kaisage Saint's words at all, and turned around and left, they did not dare to stand up and speak. Obviously, the Taihong saint only cares about whether the Holy Place Square is still there. As for whether the Nineth Heaven outside has been naturalized and whether it is trapped here, he does not care at all. He didn't even bother to find people who were in trouble.

Even the Taihong saints left, most saints followed. The Sanctuary Square was trapped, and they even strengthened Tai Hong's idea, looking for a new level of divine realm.


Di Jiu was sitting on the holy position of Saint Zun Yun at this moment, and was a little worried in his heart. What he worried about was not the trapped array. The trapped array was completed by him and merged with the outer universe. Even if he was strong, he could not open it. He was worried that someone could see his means and then knew that he was hiding in the Holy Place.

If someone really knows that he is hiding inside, and then deliberately seeks him, Di Jiu estimates that his hope of hiding is not high.

(Today's update is here, my friends good night!)