MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 3330 God King encounters the emperor

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The core of Tiandu Shenyang floats slowly and hovering in the air. This core is much larger than Qin Yun’s imagination, and the quality is very high.

"God king, I believe that with your ability, even without this kernel, you will be able to create a poisonous sun."

But it takes a long time. In the universe, the poisonous sun is almost extinct, and you can't find a second one. ”

The eyes of the nine-day island are full of sadness, looking up at the core, seems to be remembering something, can tell the story of the core of this poisonous sun.

"This should be the core of the last Tiandu Shenyang. I had to pay a lot of money in order to get rid of it quietly."

Qin Yun said: "I can drive away the Emperor, keep your Jiutian Island, and give you a blood of the sun."

The price you paid in the past was not in vain?

In order to get rid of this kernel, the main purpose is to make blood for the sun, is it? ”

The owner of Jiutian Island did not deny it. He nodded and said: "I did get a small point for the blood of Shenyang. It was only as big as sand... However, I finally did not figure out how to use it."

There are also Shenyang blood species in the Tiandu Shenyang! "Does the poison of the poisonous sun and the sun still?"

Qin Yun quickly asked, he thinks that Tianshen Shenyang is so special, then Shenyang blood seed liquid is certainly very special.

The owner of Jiutian Island took out a large black box, which was full of two people. It can be seen that the inside and outside of this box are heavily enchanted.

"It's still, but it's very dangerous. I will give it to you along with the core of Tiandu Shenyang!"

The owner of Jiutian Island controlled the box and flew to Qinyun.

Qin Yun took the box and a few pieces of jade, which was used to unlock the box seal.

"God king, how do you take this core?"

The main road of Jiutian Island: "The breath of Tiandu Shenyang must be leaked out. They must be able to perceive the Emperor. You should act quickly."

Qin Yun is still very cautious about this. He does not immediately get the income of Jiuyang, but he first enters the core of the kernel to check whether other things are hidden inside, so that it is very troublesome.

In the center of the evil spirits inside the Jiuyang Gods, there is the consciousness of the universe.

After some detailed inspections, Qin Yun determined that the kernel was fine, and then placed it in a bead of Jiuyang Shen, and then named it Tianzhuzhu.

"The conditions for the formation of Tiandu Shenyang are very harsh. Even the cosmic spirits do not understand how it was formed.

But as long as there is a kernel, then gather enough energy, this day poisonous Yang can be born again. ”

The main road of Jiutian Island.

Qin Yun nodded. He had a kind of poisonous sun in his hand, but it was really difficult to create a poisonous sun from scratch.

"Go, take me to the Emperor!"

Qin Yun said: "When I run away from him, I will give you a blood of Shenyang."

Qin Yun has only one kind of Shenyang blood in his hand, but that is Tianyu Shenyang blood, he wants to keep a sample for copying.

Therefore, he had to take the time to copy the Shenyu Ziyang blood type, and then he could give the nine-day island owner.

There is no contract in this transaction, but Qin Yun and Jiutian Island owners trust each other at the moment.

"He should come over!"

The main road of Jiutian Island: "I just unlocked the seal and let the kernel float, just to bring the emperor."

Qin Yun looked around and said: "This moor is really suitable for fighting!"

"He has now captured the most central position of my nine-day island! If you fight in the central area, you will be razed to the ground."

The main road of Jiutian Island: "God king, wait for him to fight, try not to let him run!"

In fact, the owner of the nine-day island does not want any damage to the island. He is the spirit of the whole island. This island is like his body.

"I am invisible first, I have to give it a try, can he perceive me!"

After Qin Yun finished, he was invisible. His body was engraved with a very powerful "hidden" pattern.

If the Emperor can't perceive him, it means that with the inability to cooperate with the **** sky box, to engrave the "hidden" sky pattern, all aspects of the improvement are great.

Jiutao Island nodded and floated in the air, waiting for the arrival of the emperor. His body was just a body made of various materials. Even if it was destroyed, it doesn't matter, so he is not afraid at all.

The savage emperor came, and it was still slow, and it seemed that he was not in a hurry.

After all, among the nine islands, he is the strongest and can crush anyone, so Jiutian Island is like his back garden.

The savage emperor is very beautiful, with a face like a jade, a long hair fluttering, wearing a white coat with a faint silver light, making him look like a beautiful man who came out of the painting.

His momentum is very strong, holding a folding fan, slowly flying, and near him is the emperor of the four empires, as well as a number of Taishi forces.

Qin Yun saw this very emperor, and he sighed in his heart: "I can really wear it!"

The star-studded emperor came to see the moon, and after seeing the owner of the nine-day island, he smiled slightly: "I didn't expect that the island owner, you still have such a gift, thank you very much! It must be the poison of the sun." Kernel?"

The owner of Jiutian Island was a little surprised, because this savage emperor did not find Qin Yun hidden in the vicinity, which made his heart secretly excited. After all, even the Emperor did not find Qin Yun, then Qin Yun may have to be superior.

"You are running now, you are not afraid that the big guy will suddenly wake up?"

The owner of Jiutian Island laughed.

"Not afraid of not being afraid, even if the animal wakes up, it is mine.

Besides, the nine-day island master will definitely help me, and there are also the gods who guard them there. ”

The emperor laughed.

What they said is the mysterious beast of the nine-day island seal! "The Emperor, the core of Tiandu Shenyang, I really want to give it as a gift, but it is not for you, because you don't deserve it."

The owner of Jiutian Island said.

"I do not deserve?

Who is worthy?

Nine days of Fa Ling?

Jiuyang Fa Ling?

Is the universe spiritual? ”

The emperor slightly frowned.

"I want to give to the king of God!"

The main road of Jiutian Island.


The owner of Jiutian Island smashed, and then smiled: "I still gave it to me! I am now the **** of the gods of the gods, and the nine days of Fa Ling and the cosmic spirits support me!"

The owner of Jiutian Island screamed coldly: "You came from the outer universe! Besides, the native strong people in the wilderness of the gods, who will serve you?"

"Whoever disobeyed, I hit him to serve... No, whoever refused, I will kill him!"

The emperor smiled and said: "Nine-day island master, then you are not obedient to me now?"

The owner of Jiutian Island is very anxious, because Qin Yun has not shot, let him think that Qin Yun has slipped away, and he now does not perceive that Qin Yun is absent.

"The gods of the gods of the gods, except Qin Yun, I don't recognize anyone!"

The owner of Jiutian Island shouted that he was reminding Qin Yun, the **** of the king, that he should be shot.