MTL - Nine Cents Refining-v3 Chapter 2800 King Kong skull

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The battle of the Yuanshen space is beyond the difficulty of Sun Hao's imagination. The battle outside has been playing for a long time, and it has been a long time for several generations of low-ranking monks to go old, but compared to the battle of the Yuanshen space, it is really a small witch.

In the Yuanshen space, the rhythm of the battle is faster, and the duration is longer than the outside.

It was a kind of exhaustion even if it was the body of the sorcerer, and it was high-intensity. I don’t know how long it took to fight.

The King Kong God, it seems that it is really inanimate.

The King Kong God God even gave up control of the flesh, even if it was a physical collapse, and dedicated to the whole battle of the Yuanshen.

It can be seen that the real Achilles heel of King Kong is still the Yuanshen. It is very likely that as long as the Yuanshen is not destroyed, King Kong’s body will be able to be rebuilt sooner or later.

However, King Kong, who has collapsed to the point where it is now, is estimated to be fully restored. This time will be long and unimaginable.

The King Kong God of the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer should have an understanding of the body's dying, just as its tall body completely collapsed, and the black hole's power was blocked by Sun Hao, the King Kong God, roaring angrily, attacking the rhythm Accelerated, it has become a kind of fanaticism that is not afraid of death, brave and ruthless.

The body of the sorcerer's sorrow, a few moments of heavy weight, the bones of the right leg have a slight damage.

Outside, Sun Hao’s eyes swept over the distant time and space, and he thought silently, it was time to win the game.

The sorcerer’s body of the sorcerer’s belly suddenly screamed, and the virtual crystal Shield rushed to King Kong.

Seriously to see, Sun Hao’s slap line of this smashed crystalless square shield is the route of the cold forging 36 hammer. When slamming, it is the trick of the thirty-fifth hammer, such a slap, Sun Hao did not know how many times he used it in these years.

King Kong Yuanshen is already very familiar, and feels that even if it is taken, it seems that the problem is not big.

Slightly a little careless, the wrath of King Kong's right arm in one fell swoop, greet the direction of the virtual crystal shield, trying to resist this shield, hurt and hurt, and hit the opponent.

The self-healing ability of King Kong’s etheric body exceeds Sun’s punishment, and it is very cost-effective to hurt and hurt.

King Kong Yuanshen can clearly perceive the virtual crystal shield, the right arm slams into a top, two huge forces hit, and suddenly there is a shock in the void, as if there is a layer of layers to pass.

King Kong’s left arm clenched his fist and waited for his opponent to suddenly strike. He suddenly slammed and felt his body stiffened a little, and was locked by a magical law.

With the power of the King Kong God, the power of this law is quite weak, and it will be scattered.

However, this is the power that makes the diamonds daze, so that King Kong did not evade the sledge of a sledgehammer in time.

In the space of the King Kong Gods, after other things come in, it will take a long time to become nothingness.

However, this transformation ability has weakened with the collapse of the body of King Kong’s deity. That is, at this time, Sun Hao has accumulated a number of years of cold forging, not knowing how many times, and finally With Sun Hao in his hand, a broken hammer with a magical crushing effect, slammed down.

The King Kong God God slightly stiffened his body, and the result was hit by a hammer that was rapidly becoming empty.

A slamming sound.

The broken hammer is in the forehead of the King Kong God.

Then, with a bang, the body of the King Kong God, that is, the body of the blood of the blood of the King Kong, instantly turned into a **** rain.

The King Kong God is extremely angry and tries to reunite together. What is strange is that this **** rain is actually scattered and scattered. It seems to be shaped. The King Kong God is not able to recover, it is still loose. Bloody rain.

Sure enough, the power of the broken sky hammer, it really broke the blood of the King Kong God, and at the same time, the force of the cold forging 36 hammer broke out, resulting in a firm force, the result is the King Kong Yuan God is given a state of blood fog.

At the same time as Sun Hao’s heart was happy, he was surprised to find that the King Kong Yuanshen was quickly cracking his own accumulated power that he did not know how many years formed.

The heart sighed the power of King Kong, and Sun Hao’s right hand slammed the virtual crystal shield into the blood of the diamond. The right arm slammed, and the virtual crystal shield began to change, turning into a small piece of crystal, mixed in the blood of the diamond.

The sneaky body that has been quietly swallowing the **** fog of the blood has quietly drilled out, with the shell of the 勐拉里沙, slamming into the blood, a bang, suddenly disintegrated, and mixed in the King Kong. In the blood of the fog.

Trying to recover, trying to contact his own god, King Kong, instantly stunned to discover that his own **** is full of impurities, filled with something that can not be kicked out, and these things are strangely cut off their own gods, The Ether God, who had been defeated, fell into a state of war.

There is also a huge problem, which is also born. The King Kong God itself is balanced in yin and yang, and the cycle is rotated. It is very balanced. Now it is integrated into the pure yin 勐拉里沙, suddenly, the yin and the glory, the yin and yang balance of the Yuanshen space is Breaking, the transformational power of the ether is instantly destroyed.

The emptiness of the King Kong Gods space, at this moment, like a spider web, there are many cracks, it seems to have begun to collapse.

In the moment, the sorcerer felt the change of the surrounding space, and glanced at the broken virtual crystal shield. The body of the sorcerer began to fade rapidly in this space.

Outside, Sun Hao discovered that the space of King Kong Yuanshen has begun to collapse. This is also a sign of destruction. The mission is completed, although it is a pity that his own virtual crystal shield and the broken hammer that has been completely etherized, but this is removed. Difficult big guy.

Sun Hao issued a summoning order and began to take back his own criminal days and sneaks.

According to Sun Hao’s past experience, the sorcerer and the sneaky scorpion are one of their own three souls and seven scorpions. The recycling is quite simple. Within a certain distance, as soon as the consciousness comes, they can fly to their own. Know the sea.

But this time, when Sun Hao knows how to contact his own sorcerer and sneaky, he suddenly gets a big jump.

Good guy, at this moment, Sun Hao’s feeling is actually heavy. The sorcerer’s day and the sneaky look are very heavy, and the feeling of flying is not enough. The recycling has been greatly affected.

What happened? Sun Hao was shocked and looked at the front with his eyes. Immediately, he immediately had an incredible feeling.

In the past, in the void, on the battlefield of himself and the King Kong War, a huge head, the head of the one-eyed King Kong, has already flew to himself at a very fast speed.

Could it be said that his own eyes replaced the King Kong Gods at this time, and directed the head of King Kong to fly to himself?

The heart is guessing like this. Immediately, on the sneaky scorpion of Sun Hao, there is another kind of violent temper that makes Sun Hao feel scared, and there is such a strong disappointment. It seems that there is a strong will with Sun Hao. The dominance of sneaking in the general.

In the heart of Sun Hao’s heart, the criminal sorcerer waved his fists and rushed up, pointing at the blood fog in the air, slamming his fists and fists, and his hands slammed on the blood.

When the blood fog was shocked, King Kong’s will was suppressed by the sneaky and sorrowful sorcerer. However, Sun Hao also immediately understood that, the King Kong Gods have now completely stirred up with their own ghosts. Together, it is estimated that if you want to take back the ghosts, you have to recover the King Kong Gods who are entangled with the ghosts.

To recover the King Kong God, you have to take back the void, the one-eyed King Kong skull!

Everything has been done for a long time, and Sun Hao has been ruthlessly killing King Kong. He didn’t think about it. At the end, King Kong is still a hundred-footed worm that is dead and not stiff. The gods are entangled in themselves and begin to compete with themselves for sneaky Dominance.

Incidental, actually sent a huge head of King Kong.

An eyeball above the head of King Kong is equivalent to a horse to the sun. The size and size of this head can be imagined.

In other words, if it is not strong enough to be a monk like Sun Hao, I am afraid that seeing this head will scare you to death! Once hit by this head, few of the virtual worlds can withstand it.

And this head rushed into your own sea space? The results are not expected to be imagined. I am afraid that my own knowledge of the sea will encounter a huge storm. It is very likely that it will be similar to the process of making a hard-working reindeer. The whole sea will be suppressed by this huge head. You can't move.