MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 560 Lava and Freeze

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  Chapter 560 Magma and Freezing

  In the woods, Itachi and Dou confronted each other with knives, their bodies tense, and they would strike immediately after Yongze said the start.

  Yongze observed the state of the two of them, and after confirming that there was no problem, he stepped back a little distance and quickly shouted: "Start!"

  As if there was an invisible tacit understanding, the two rushed out at the same time almost instantly, slashing at each other.

   Clang! The two fast-moving knives collided together, sputtering sparks.

But what happened next was beyond Itachi's expectation. Suddenly, a terrifying chill erupted from the knife in his pocket, which instantly froze Itachi's knife, and it continued to spread towards Itachi. Itachi decisively abandoned it. The knife retreated, avoiding the ending of being frozen together with the knife.

   "As expected of you, I thought I could end the battle without you knowing." Tou said regretfully as he threw the frozen knife to the ground.

"Have you successfully developed the ice escape?" Itachi asked panting slightly. It was because of the opening of the Sangouyu Sharingan just now that the observation ability has been greatly enhanced. The good ending is also that one arm is frozen.

  Dou consciously developed Ice Escape before, to study the fusion of changes in the nature of wind attribute chakra and water attribute chakra, and came up with some combination ninjutsu.

   "Bingdun, it's true to say that, but it's not just as simple as Bingdun." Dou smiled and forced towards Itachi.

Itachi, who had no weapons in his hand, naturally didn't want to engage in close combat with the bag. Itachi quickly took out four shurikens from the ninja bag, and shot towards Fei at an extremely tricky angle, while Itachi took the opportunity to pull away At the same time, five shadow clones were created by using the shadow clone technique.

   "Fire Escape·Horse Fireball Art!" Three Uchiha Itachis simultaneously casted a large fireball, and one big ball flew towards the approaching pocket with two small balls.

  Breath of Ice broke out, the frozen fruit was activated, and the icy cold air condensed on the blade, without dodging or evading, and directly froze the big fireball fired by Itachi's body.

  Itachi's pupils shrank slightly, and then he forcibly calmed down, continued to entangle with Dou, and successively released large-scale ninjutsu to confuse his sight.

   And Dou is also pressing every step of the way, not giving Itachi, a close friend who is very close, a chance. The attack is very fierce, and the knife is slashing at Itachi's vitals. I don't know, I think the two are fighting to the death.

   Soon, the four shadow clones on the field were hacked to death, and some wind and frost appeared on Itachi's body.

   At this moment, Itachi suddenly threw a large number of shurikens and shot towards Tou, and after a short dodge, Itachi dodged and continued to chase Itachi.

  But Itachi didn't retreat again this time, but fought with Kunai and Tou.


  Suddenly, Dou sensed a burst of danger coming from behind, and directly turned his body into an element. In the next moment, a sharp sword pierced through Dou's shoulder, but because Dou had already turned into an element, Dou was not injured.

   "You have become more cunning." Dou sighed.

As early as the beginning, when Itachi split into five shadow clones, one shadow clone kept hiding in the dark. Finally, when Itachi released ninjutsu to block his sight, he used the transformation technique to turn into a shuriken, and Itachi let him out. The frozen knife over there was also melted by the powerful fireball of the shadow clone Itachi before.

  Even during this process, at the last step, Itachi deliberately controlled a subtle distance so that he felt that he could catch up with Itachi immediately, and the thrown shuriken also left many places where he could quickly dodge.

   "But it's useless." Itachi sighed softly, he couldn't understand what was going on now.

   I saw that the sharp blade that pierced the pocket not only did not hurt the pocket or forced to dodge, but the cold air flowed along the sharp blade and instantly frozen the shadow clone.

   Itachi was a little confused. In the short three minutes of the battle, he revealed a lot of not simple things.

  Ice escape, the new breathing method, and the secret technique to avoid attacks.

   On the contrary, it is him, except for the Sangouyu Sharingan, it seems that the breath of the sun is constantly improving, but there is nothing else.

  Itachi took a deep breath, the breath of the sun exploded with all its strength, and the chakra was running to the extreme, and then a fast spinning red fireball appeared in his hand.

  During so much time, Itachi didn’t get nothing. He developed the fire chakra property change of the spiral pill, and fused it with the breath of the sun, and the power that erupted in an instant was terrifying.

   "I can't control the power of this next move, you have to be careful." Itachi reminded before making the move.

  Helix Wan's fire attribute chakra change is an extremely powerful move that is extremely difficult to control, and coupled with the strengthening of the sun's breath, the power is even more unimaginable.

"Breath of Ice·Ice Age!" Hearing Itachi's words, Dou dared not underestimate him. Chakra breathing burst out in unison, and his frozen fruit ability was pushed to the extreme. The ground is frozen.

Huge blocks of ice are constantly devouring every inch of land between Itachi and Dou, and Itachi is not afraid at all, holding a huge fireball of the sun, and smashing towards Tou, the terrifying heat will quickly melt the ice that is trying to devour him .

   Zizi! A large amount of ice evaporated and a thick white mist fell, adding a touch of mystery to the forest.

  Finally, the white mist dissipated, and the huge pieces of ice on the ground seemed to be promoting the winners.

   "I still lost." Itachi said with a wry smile. At this time, the fireball in his hand had been extinguished, and half of his body was frozen.

   "You have surprised me very much. Uchiha's Sharingan really deserves its reputation. With so much less training time, it can't surpass you by much." Dou smiled and touched the ice on Itachi's body.

  Although he still has some means to use in this battle, Itachi has not eaten Yongze's Devil Fruit yet, and Dou feels that it is really difficult to maintain his strength beyond Itachi.

   "What was the secret technique you used just now? It's a bit like the hydration technique of Kirigakure, but I feel that yours is stronger." Itachi asked.

  In the battle just now, he just ignored the stabbing attack, which caused most of Itachi's layout to fail, and he immediately fell into a disadvantage.

   "Actually, it's not a secret technique, it's a kind of ability, the ability you have after eating a devil fruit." Dou said, and then showed Itachi the elementalization again.

   "Then your ice escape?" Itachi looked at the bag with a surprised face, remembering Sasuke's fire fist before departure.

   "Sasuke also ate that devil fruit?"

  Dou nodded and said: "That's right, Sasuke also ate the devil fruit, he ate the burnt fruit, and he has the power to emit flames."

   "No wonder." Itachi finally understood why Sasuke said it simply.

  In his eyes, Sasuke performed a Muji ninjutsu, but in Sasuke's eyes, he just punched once in an ordinary way.

   At this time, Yongze came out and introduced a wave of Devil Fruits in detail.

   "It's amazing, but why haven't I heard of it?" Itachi asked with some doubts. He had traveled to the Land of Fire and had never heard of such a magical thing.

   "If you have heard of it, it's fine if it doesn't exist." Yongze replied with a smile.

  Speaking, Yongze took out the magma fruit and handed it to Itachi and said, "This is the devil fruit for you. It is called the magma fruit. It is a powerful devil fruit that is comparable to the frozen fruit on the body."

  Basically, the points that Yongze accumulated over the past year have been exchanged for Devil Fruits. The top Devil Fruits are really not cheap.

He exchanged Frozen Fruit for Toto, Burned Fruit for Sasuke, Surgery Fruit for Orochimaru, Gravity Fruit for Obito, and Transparent Fruit for Kakashi. The Magma Fruit was specially reserved for Itachi. .

  Nagaze thought, when Itachi opens Susano in the future, the magma in his hand will be full of oppression.

   Itachi took the fruit, looked at it curiously, and felt that this magical fruit called devil fruit not only has magical functions, but also looks different.

   "Just eat it right away, remember to eat everything without leaving any." As a close friend, Dou reminded with a smile on his face.

  Dou still remembers the taste of the devil fruit. He is very puzzled that there are such unpalatable things in the world.

  So after seeing Itachi getting a devil fruit, Dodo didn't hesitate to remind him kindly, this unforgettable taste, of course we should remember it together.

Itachi nodded, and took a bite of the devil fruit with a calm face, but this bite directly broke the kung fu, unable to maintain a paralyzed face, showing a three-point surprise, three-point discomfort, three-point helplessness and a hint of disbelief .

   "It's a bit unpalatable." Itachi said with a frown.

  Du smiled without saying a word, did not speak, quietly happy in his heart.

  Even he couldn't bear the taste, but because of his words, Itachi still bit the bullet and reluctantly ate the magma fruit quickly.

   Not long after, Itachi, who has a strong ability to control his body, noticed the changes in his body.

  Itachi's mind moved slightly, and in an instant his flesh and blood right arm turned into hot magma burning with flames.

  Although the arm turned into magma, Itachi found that manipulating the magma was actually more flexible and convenient than manipulating the flesh and blood arm.

   Itachi aimed at the large ice block seven or eight meters high made by Dou, and shot out a piece of magma. The hot magma quickly melted the ice block, and soon there was only water on the ground, and there was no ice block.

   "This ability seems to restrain my fruit ability a bit." Dou found a problem.

   "There is no attribute restraint. As long as your ice is strong enough, it won't be the magma melting the ice, but you freezing the magma." Yongze said.

   "I will record this failure, and I will defeat you in five months." Itachi took the challenge letter.

   During these five months, he will redouble his training to make up for all the previous omissions, and then develop his fruit ability well.

   "I will continue my victory." Dou said unabated, noting the Itachi who ate the magma fruit.

  In order to keep his identity as the winner, he hurried to practice after eating something casually, and vowed not to give up until he killed Itachi.

  Although Itachi is also eager to develop new abilities to fight for defeating Kabuki, he still has something to say about the journey.

  Yongze brought Itachi to a small grass field, listening to Itachi tell what he had seen and heard along the way, and the doubts that arose during the journey.

"Why is it just a nonsense rumor that can develop to such an extent that even I was almost moved, wouldn't the people who spread it at the beginning not check it? Why do those nobles have such favorable conditions, but they have to torture Country people are happy..."

"Because most people just want to have fun, they don't care about the truth of the news, they only care about whether they can be happy, not everyone is a ninja, and in addition, the person in the rumor is indeed misbehaving and mishandling, in the end It's getting worse..." Yongze replied one by one.

   "However, I think you already understand it quite well." Yong Ze said with a smile.

   "People are too complicated." Itachi shook his head, feeling that he still didn't know enough.

  There are idealists who are desperate for lofty ideals, and there are pure villains who like to do harm to others and benefit themselves. There are too many people of all kinds.

   "It's good to know, but if you want world peace, it's not that troublesome. Maybe it won't be long before peace will enter the next stage." Yong Ze Youyou said.

  Currently the ninja world is peaceful, but it is peace dominated by the five major ninja villages.


After reaching an in-depth cooperation with the Chakra Technology Company, Nagato was satisfied and let Sugiyama Minato go back. The left and right are just a small character with one move in seconds. up.

  Nagato didn't care about Sugiyama Minato, but Sugiyama Minato cared about Nagato very much. After returning to the Shell Organization, he quickly and systematically reported all the information about Nagato in detail.

  Including Nagato's appearance, Nagato's performance when using power, and so on.

  When Sugiyama Minato said about Nagato's eyes, a trace of surprise flashed across Yishiki's plain face.

  He didn't expect that the leader of Guangren Village actually had the eyes of reincarnation, although it was only the lowest-level purple eyes of reincarnation.

   This kind of reincarnation eye will not appear on the orthodox Otsutsuki, only the next level of blood may appear this kind of eye.

   But this is also a pity for Yishi. Even the lowest level of Samsara Eye, it also shows that he has a good talent while inheriting the power of Datongmu's blood, and it is very likely that he can carry his wedge.

   But now Nagato's strength is obviously not something that he, a seriously injured body, can handle casually, unless Yishiki is willing to release his own power, but that would be suicide.

   "This Yahiko of Guangnin Village has big ambitions. I'm afraid it's not just Guangnin Village and Shuangnin Village, but also the small ninja village that has changed in the past two years is related to him." Sugiyama Minato said in a deep voice.

  Yishishi still maintained a calm expression.

   "It's good to be ambitious, maybe we can use him to help us accomplish something." Yishi said lightly, shaking the red wine.

  It doesn't matter what kind of ambition Nagato has, he is just a descendant of inferior Otsuki.

   At this moment, Darcy, an undercover agent in Guangren Village, brought them good news.

  Although Sugiyama Minato was discovered in Guangren Village, because he only met Darcy at the first time and was extremely secretive, Darcy was not exposed, but Sugiyama Minato himself was caught by Nagato.

  (end of this chapter)