MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 534 Defeat Kaido

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   "Tina, let's hunt down pirates today." One morning, Yong Ze suddenly said.

   "Have you determined the target?" Tina nodded, put down the document in her hand and asked.

   "Well, the Hundred Beasts Pirates." Yong Ze said his goal calmly.

   "Huh?" Tina looked at Yongze with a puzzled face, what the hell, did she hear correctly, the crusade against the Beasts Pirates, that is the pirates of the Four Emperors.

   "Admiral Yongze, are you talking about the Beast Pirates of the Four Emperor Kaido?" Tina asked.

   "That's right, it's Kaido's pirate group." Nagasawa nodded affirmatively and took a sip from the teacup on the table.

  Tina fell silent when she saw Yongze drinking tea calmly. Those who didn't know Yongze's relaxed posture thought she was talking to her about what they had last night. Those were the four emperors, the emperor of the new world.

  Tina thought about it, and thought it might be because Yongze was not a navy before, so he didn't have a clear understanding of the strength of the Four Emperors.

  So Tina rummaged through the information, put the top war information in front of Yongze and said: "General Yongze, Tina thinks it is necessary to explain the strength of the Four Emperor Pirates to you."

"Even though our Navy Headquarters was prepared in advance, the Whitebeard Pirates still caused huge damage to the Navy Headquarters, and Admiral Akainu was seriously injured..." Tina said a lot, but only one core idea, that is, the Sea of ​​Four Emperors The strength of the pirate group is not trivial, and it is qualitatively different from other pirate groups.

   "What you said is correct, but I think that the reason why the navy failed in the top war is because I was not the admiral at that time, and I was not the navy at that time." Yongze said.

  Tina rubbed her forehead, even she didn't know how to answer Yongze for a while.

   There is no doubt about Yongze's strength. The last knife that Yongze and Hawkeye slashed during the battle is definitely the strongest move that Tina has ever seen.

   But even so, because of the limitations of Tina's own strength, she only thinks that Yongze is stronger than other generals, but not too much stronger.

  Yongze laughed loudly, and then said: "Tina, have you seen me talking big, I'm just a group of beast pirates, don't underestimate me."

   "Tina is confused, even the Beast Pirates are nothing more than that. Then what makes you feel strong, Admiral Yongze?" Tina complained.

  Yongze thought about it seriously, and then replied: "It seems that there is no such thing in this world."

  Tina was stunned by Yongze's answer, but after thinking about it, Tina didn't seem to have seen Yongze suffer in battle, and Hawkeye was always suppressed in the confrontation with Hawkeye.

  If you are always invincible, it is normal to have this mentality.

   "Well, what is your battle plan, General Yongze?" Tina couldn't find a reason to stop Yongze.

   "Plan? Cut all the way through." Yongze replied.

  Tina held her forehead with her right hand, feeling very tired.

   "Marshal Sakaski will not agree with your actions." Tina thought for a while and said.

   "Agree? Then I have to report it to him before he can agree, and I won't report it." Yong Ze said.

Tina was even more tired. At this time, she had the idea of ​​smashing the jar. If she was tired, she would destroy it. If she wanted to fight Kaido, she would just hit him. As far as they were, Yongze could take Kaido with him even if he couldn't beat him. they run.

  So Tina led Yongze's few direct subordinates onto the warship, including Ainbinz.

   "Which pirate are you going to hunt down?" Binz asked curiously.

   "Kaido, and his Beast Pirates." Tina replied flatly.

"Oh, Beasts Pirates, what, Beasts Pirates!" Binz suddenly thought, isn't the Beasts Pirates the Four Emperors' pirates? Not enough.

  Ai En also looked at Tina after hearing what Tina said, with a puzzled expression on his face.

   "That's right, it's Kaido the Four Emperors." Looking at Ain Binz now, Tina felt as if she saw herself two hours ago.

   "Let's go! A huge achievement is waiting for us." Nagasawa said with a big smile.

  Although they are the same with or without Tina, but Yongze has the idea of ​​cultivating them, getting more exposure to some high-end bureaus will benefit their future development.

  Tina didn't speak, but silently looked ahead.

   Merit? Just don't let her, a major general who has just been promoted not long ago, turn back into a brigadier general.

  The reason why Tina took her subordinates to go with Yongze was because Tina had the experience of running around with Yongze, and she trusted Yongze's strength.

  If other generals say such stupid words as leading a team to fight the Four Emperors alone, Tina will absolutely ignore them.

  The base camp of the Hundred Beasts Pirates is Oni Island near Wano Country.

   As a group of Four Emperor Pirates who can run rampant in the new world and make the navy fearful, they are of course very different from ordinary pirates.

  When Nagasawa's warship approached the Wano country area, it was discovered by the Beast Pirates.

   "Master Kaido, there is a warship coming towards us, and according to observations, there is the white horse general who captured Doflamingo some time ago on the warship." Members of the Beasts Pirates reported.

  Kaido, who was drinking tons and tons, paused when he heard the arrival of the admiral.

   "Who else is there besides the general?" Kaido asked as he put the big wine gourd on the ground.

   "Except for Admiral White Horse, no other general or vice-admiral-level navy has been found." The member of the Beasts Pirates replied.

  Hearing that only a general named Yongze is coming, Kaido suddenly picked up the big wine gourd and laughed a lot: "White horse? He must come and never come back!"

   Just an old white beard can rescue Ace under the siege of three generals, and he is not a gift for a general.

   "Let me go." At this moment, Jin suddenly said.

  Kaido shook his head and said: "This time I will do it myself. This guy has ruined my dream. I will destroy him with my own hands."

   After all, he is a general, so he should show some respect. Kaido is going to do it himself.

   Regarding Yongze, Kaido has no information here, because the pirates who were hostile to Yongze died after seeing Yongze's strength.

  Kaido didn’t let his men attack Yongze’s ship, but brought his men to appear in front of Yongze when Yongze landed on Ghost Island. He wanted to defeat Yongze himself in front of his men.

  As soon as I got to the island, I saw Kaido, Tina and Ain all showed signs of vigilance.

  Kaido is a person who looks very difficult to mess with. He is burly and extremely tall, with a height of more than seven meters. This height is considered very tall in One Piece. After all, Kaido is not a giant.

  Such a burly figure, coupled with the huge mace in his hand, makes Kaido belong to the kind of person who is very difficult to mess with at a glance.

   "Navymen, do you want to go to war with me?" Kaido said extremely bluntly, his fierce expression made Tina suspect that he would attack in the next moment.

  But Tina is in a good mood now, because her boss, the white horse general Fujiwara Nagasawa, is standing in front of them.

   "That's right, so do you want to surrender? I will consider whether to accept it." Yongze said unceremoniously.

  This time Kaido didn’t speak any more, but picked up his mace which was bigger than Yongze people and threw it at Yongze.

  Under Kaido’s powerful swing, that ordinary smash erupted with terrifying power, and the powerful impact even caused Tina and others to be in a trance.

  Yong Ze unhurriedly pulled out the blade like fire, swung it quickly, and resisted Kaido's mace.

  Boom! !

   A huge roar erupted centered on the two of them, and the air waves created by the attack caused some ordinary navy and pirates to retreat a lot.

   "Huh?" Feeling the pressure coming from the opposite side, Kaido showed surprise on his face, and Yongze's strength was much greater than him.

  Yongze's power exploded, and Kaido was thrown upside down in an instant, sliding on the ground for dozens of meters before stopping.

"Admiral Yongze!" Seeing that Yongze had knocked Kaido into the air, the navy's faces showed excitement. This is not an ordinary pirate, but Kaido of Beasts, one of the four pirate emperors of the new world. !

   "Lord Kaido!" The pirates of the Beasts Pirates were shocked when they saw that Kaido was blown away by Nagasawa, a short man less than two meters tall.

   But they were not too anxious. Compared with strength, Kaido is most famous for his super defense and vitality.

  Kaido has been executed dozens of times, but each time ended in failure. There is nothing serious about Kaido, but the equipment used for execution has been damaged. Such Kaido was once said to be an immortal monster.

  As expected, Kaido stood up like a normal person, and then rushed towards Yongze again.

  Although he suffered a loss in the first confrontation, Kaido didn’t think there was anything wrong with it, so he just needed to be stronger. Fighting is not only about strength, but also about domineering strength, fruit development, and physical strength.

  So Kaido still chose to confront Yongze in melee.

  This time, Kaido used the armed color domineering, the powerful armed color flowed on the iron rod, and then violently tore the air, and smashed towards Yongze.

  Kaido used the armed color, and Nagasawa was not too polite. Chakra broke out, and the sharp blade was instantly covered by the black armed color domineering.


   Two weapons wrapped in powerful armed domineering collided together. The collision of powerful forces created a terrifying aftermath. Explosions occurred in the surrounding ground, and the ground began to become dilapidated.

   Something that surprised Kaido happened, the strength of the armed color domineering, he is still not as good as Nagasawa!

  Nagazawa's armed domineering Liuren Ruohuo easily broke through Kaido's body covered by domineering, leaving behind two **** bloodstains.

  The expression on Kaido's face became a little dignified. Great strength can be a natural supernatural power, but such a powerful armed domineering look is enough for Kaido to attach importance to it.

   Seeing Yongze easily break through Kaido's defense, Jhin frowned, with a bad premonition in his heart.

   And Yongze let Kaido suffer one after another, Tina couldn't help but have a bold idea in her heart.

  ‘Could it be that Admiral Yongze can really defeat the Hundred Beasts Pirates? '

  Even Tina, who has always been sensible, couldn't help being a little excited at this moment.

  If Yongze can really succeed, then this is definitely great news for the navy, and Yongze will also become a new naval hero.

The failure of the top war had too much impact on the navy. Under such a background, Yongze only led a major general, and some adjutants and lieutenants defeated a Four Emperor Pirates. This will cheer up the navy, because This is an unimaginable victory.

  Navy Headquarters failed to prepare for such a top war, but Yongze succeeded with a few people alone, which will make Yongze's personal reputation rapidly rise to a whole new level.

   Not only Yongze, but also Tina and the others in the navy will also get some credit. For example, Tina will be promoted to lieutenant general soon after returning.

   No matter how much she contributed in defeating the Beasts Pirates, she is the number two figure on this warship, and her achievements will not be small, and it will not depend on her own will.

  Based on Tina's understanding of the world government, the world government will definitely promote them severely.

  Of course, the premise is that Yongze really defeated the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

  There is no comparison in strength, or in domineering than armed color. Kaido does not believe in evil. He transformed into a huge green dragon, floating in the sky.

   Immediately afterwards, Kaido opened his huge dragon mouth, and a large amount of red gold flames were ejected from the mouth and flew towards Yongze.

   "Playing with fire with me?" Yongze smiled.

   "Everything is ashes, and the blade is like fire!"

   Fierce crimson flames erupted from the knife that was as sharp as fire, and instantly turned into a fiery knife.

   Immediately afterwards, Yongze slammed a knife towards the attacking fiery breath, and a flame slash of more than 30 meters flew towards Kaido rapidly.


  The flames on both sides looked mighty and extremely aggressive, making Jhin ashamed for a while.

But when Flame Slash and Kaido's breath collided, Kaido's breath ray was instantly suppressed, and Flame Slash flew towards Kaido rapidly, even if Kaido spit out more flames, it would not help. In the end, a huge black scorched scar was left on the dragon.

  At this moment, Kaido is angry. He can't match his strength, his armed color and domineering, and he can't even match his flames. What is going on with this general!

  Kaido burst out with a terrifying domineering aura, and the terrifying aura hit Yongze and others like a huge wave.

  Tina and the others felt their minds go blank for a moment. Shocked by this powerful coercion, some navies with weaker strength fainted directly.

  But in the next moment, they realized that it was all right, because Yongze's domineering look met Kaido's domineering look, and now it is their momentum.

  Two extremely powerful overlord colors collided together and produced a huge air wave, which made Yongze's justice cloak flutter, and many pirates of the Beasts Pirates couldn't help squinting their eyes.

  Black and red lightning kept appearing. Someone looked up at the sky and found that even the sky had a deep mark, as if the sky had been torn apart.

  The earth shattered and the sky cracked. Within a few minutes of the two fighting, it seemed as if the end of the world had arrived.