MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 507 Knock three times

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  Looking at the white-eyed little boy who walked in, Yongze thought for a while, and quickly locked on his identity, the branch genius of the Hyuga clan, Neiji Hyuga.

  In the early stage of the original work, Neji should belong to the kind of person who comes out with a little sense of oppression. He feels like a master, but he stands on the opposite side of the protagonist.

  During the Chunin exam, Neji beat Hinata until he vomited blood after failing to persuade Hinata, and then mocked Hinata and Naruto who cheered for Hinata.

   But it would be inaccurate to regard Neji as a ruthless person.

  The reason why Neji attacked so hard was because he had great hatred for the Hinata clan. When Hinata was three years old, there was a cloud hidden ninja who came to kidnap Hinata, but Hinata Hizuru found out and killed him.

  Yun Yin, who failed in his attempt to draw a white eye, not only did not admit his mistake, but instead beat him up, saying that if Konoha did not give them a satisfactory answer, they would go to war

  At that time, it happened not long after the third Ninja World War ended, Konoha was unable to fight any more, and Iwagakushi was just about to make a move, so Konoha was forced to complete a deal with Yunyin, life for life.

   It was supposed to be Hinata Hyuzai who died, but in the end Hinata Hyuzai took the initiative to die instead of his brother.

  Ningji always thought that the Zongjia forced his father to die for him, so he always hated the Zongjia, Hinata Hizuru and Hinata.

  Faced with the existence of "killing father and enemy", how could Ning Ci hold back, since he was unwilling to admit defeat, of course he did it in whatever way he could.

But Ningci is not an unreasonable person. When he saw his father's suicide note and knew that his father really died voluntarily, he no longer hated Hinata and Hinata Hizuru, and felt sorry for his previous behavior. guilt.

  Finally, during the Fourth Ninja World War, Neji used his life to block the attack of Ten Tails, protecting Hinata and Naruto, and sacrificed himself. He was the only Konoha twelve strongman who died in battle.

   I have to say that this is a character that makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

He is very talented and is the most talented ninja in the Hyuga Clan. The Hyuga Clan only passed on the secret techniques of the clan. He taught himself successfully and failed in the Chunin Exam, but he was the first among the Twelve Little Strong to be promoted to Jonin. .

  The tragedy in his childhood had already caused his distorted three views but failed to distort his whole being. After learning the truth, he was able to admit his mistakes.

  He doesn't like words, always expressionless, seemingly emotionless, but he is a person who cares about his companions, and even the reason for his death is to protect his companions.

  Recalling Neji's tragic experience in the original book, Yongze was full of thoughts, and he quickly looked away.

  It is impossible to reproduce the tragic experience of Ningci in the original book. Yun Yin is very honest now, let alone come to Konoha to steal his eyes, even if Konoha ninja goes to their village to steal blood ninja, they have to hold back.

   Still without Yun Yin, a shit-stirring stick to steal his eyes, then Nei Ci's father would not die, and Nei Ci would not become that Nei Ci who was always pessimistic about fate.

"Ah, you are the one from that day..." Naruto recognized Neji as the person who helped Hinata with the message before, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that he couldn't call other people's names at all, and couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment send.

Ning Ci first said honorifics to the adults in the room with a calm face, then took out the letter that Hinata gave him, then handed it to Naruto and said: "This is from Hinata, she can't get out, So I will help you."

   "She said it was the story about the first-generation adults and the others you asked for before."

  Hearing that it was Hashirama and Madara's information, Naruto's eyes lit up instantly, and he thanked him after receiving the letter.

  Ning Ci nodded, and was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by Naruto.

   "Well, what's your name, thank you so much." Naruto asked directly in order to avoid the embarrassment of not being able to call out your name next time.

  Ningji paused, then thought about it, and said, "Hinata Neji."

   "Xiao Ning, do you want some tea or some snacks?" Jiu Xinnai asked kindly.

   "No, thank you." After speaking, Neji was about to say goodbye.

   Looking at Neji and preparing to leave, Naruto showed a thoughtful expression.

  ‘It feels like the same type of person as Bai Hehua. '

  Naruto thinks that the aloof Ningci and Baihehua have similar personalities, but he doesn't know if Neji is as powerful as Baihehua.

   "How's the daily difference?" Yongze said suddenly.

  Ning Ci was stunned, and looked at Yongze with puzzled eyes, obviously he didn't know why Yongze suddenly asked about his father, no, why did he know that his father was Hinata Nichizai.

   This sentence contains a lot of information.

   "I know your father, he once said that he has a genius son." Yongze said with a faint smile.

  He is really not talking nonsense. He not only knows Hinata Nishizashi, but also Hinata Hinata. It is not just knowing the name, but having some exchanges.

   As for the reasons, there are quite a few. Apart from some miscellaneous and trivial things, there are only two main reasons.

  One is that as Konoha's top executive, sometimes he will overlap because of his work. Hinata can be regarded as an important force of Konoha, and Baiyan's strategic value is very great.

  For example, when Hyuga Ninja was not allowed to leave the village before, it was Nagasawa and Hyuga Hyuzu who talked about it.

   The second is the reason for the training team.

  Nagazawa set the tone for the development of the training team very early on. The ninja version of the Six Styles he improved would not become the Six Styles of Anbu that belonged exclusively to Anbu, but the Six Styles of Konoha Ninja.

  After completing all Anbu's training work, Yongze quickly formulated a new training plan, allowing some ninjas in the village who are good at taijutsu and ninjutsu to learn the six styles.

   When talking about Taijutsu in Konoha, Hyuga cannot be avoided. The entire ninja clan of the Hyuga clan is a family that practices their ancestral Taijutsu soft boxing.

  They don't practice other ninjutsu, they only practice soft fist that can be matched with Baiyan.

  Rouquan is a special physical skill. Only with Baiyan can it exert its power, because Rouquan is a physical technique aimed at striking inside the human body. Without Baiyan's perspective ability, it is impossible to perform Rouquan.

  The reason why the Hyuga clan only practice soft fist and not other ninjutsu is because the soft fist is strong enough, the inside of the human body is difficult to exercise, and a strong ninja is fatal if hit by soft fist.

  So the Hyuga Clan does not lack Jonin. Like Uchiha, there are quite a few Jonin in their clan.

  But unlike the Uchiha who opened the kaleidoscope, it is extremely difficult for the Hyuga clan to open Tenseigan. Now no one in the Hyuga clan knows the existence of Tenseigan, so there is a lack of top powerhouses.

  Twenty years ago, and even now in the five major countries, Junin can be said to be the main force of the village.

  But Yongze knows that the times will soon change, and the strength of Jonin in the future is nothing.

  The Hyuga Clan continues to be self-sufficient in this way, and it may be better to rely on supercilious sniping in the future.

   It is obviously not a wise move to keep the little things of oneself, and even pass on the only thing of value to the heirs of the clan. Under the great changes, it is obviously not a wise move.

  So in the training plan of the training team, some ninjas of the Hyuga clan are also covered, including Hyuga Nichiza.

   "He's fine, thank you for your concern." Neji reacted quickly and said.

   "How is your soft boxing?" Yongze asked.

   "It's not bad." Ning Ci said modestly.

   "Then go out and call me. I'll see how powerful the son of the day is." Nagasawa said with a smile, and then walked out after talking to Minato.

  Ning Ci hesitated for a moment, and then followed, as if this person was indeed his father's friend.

  The curious Naruto also went up to watch the excitement.

  On the open ground, Ning Ci took a deep breath, then set up his posture, and immediately sent out a burst of fierce output to the air in front of him.

  Naruto scratched his head, feeling a little unclear, although he couldn't say anything, he just felt imposing.

  Yongze nodded, and Ningci's soft fists were very smooth, which was not easy at his age.

   "It's really good, you have lived up to your father's expectations." Yong Ze praised.

   "You're flattering yourself." Ning Ci said modestly, but he was also a little happy in his heart. Who doesn't like being praised, and it also helps his father look good.

   "However," Yong Ze suddenly changed his voice, "Although the soft fist of the Hyuga clan has some skills, it is still too simple, and you are separated, so you can't learn those clan secret skills."

  Ning Ci remained silent.

   Immediately afterwards, Yongze suddenly kicked out a sharp crescent slash, cutting a big hole in the ground.

  The sudden movement made Minato quickly check, and seeing that it was Yong Ze who took the shot, he went back with confidence.

   "I have a set of body skills called Six Styles here, and what I just performed is the moon step, one of the six styles. If you are given a chance, do you want to learn it?" Yongze said with a smile.

  The breaking rules of the Hyuga Clan's family division is really perverted. There is only one family in a generation, and even twins can only be the one who was born later as the division.

  And the life of the branch family is completely controlled by the clan.

  Because it was their family's own mess, Yongze didn't bother to intervene forcibly. He chose to train Neji, and let Neji change the old-fashioned Hyuga clan by himself.

  Ning Ci looked at the ten-meter-deep pit that had been lightly kicked by Yongze, and fell into deep thought.

   Undoubtedly, the strength shown by Yongze shocked him, and it would be a lie to say that he didn't want to learn.

  But after all, Yongze is a stranger who has only met once, which makes Ningci hesitate. He is a person who can think calmly, and it is not certain whether Yongze is his father's friend.

   "Well, it seems that you don't want to learn, so let's forget it." Seeing that Ning Ci didn't speak for a while, Yong Ze sighed pretending to be sorry.

  Ning Ci opened his mouth, but finally closed it, but his slightly trembling hands proved that he was not at peace at the moment.

   I don't know if I'm regretting that I didn't agree just now.

  Yongze smiled, and knocked on Ningci's head three times under Ningci's puzzled gaze.

   Naruto's eyes lit up when he saw this scene. Isn't this a famous scene in a story that Nagasawa once told him.

  Naruto said excitedly: "Ning Ci, Uncle Yongze didn't reject you, knocking three times is to make you wake up in the middle of the night to find him."

  Ningji looked at Naruto with a question mark on his face, not quite understanding what Naruto said.

  Naruto quickly told Neji the story of Sun Wukong's apprenticeship with a teacher.

  Ning Ci was speechless, he had never heard of this story, he looked at Yong Ze.

  Yongze neither admitted nor denied, but knocked Naruto on the head with his hand, "You know a lot."

   "Hey." Naruto scratched his head and smiled, not unhappy, because Brother Yongze didn't use any strength and didn't hurt.

  Finally, Neji sent the letter away, but returned home with a lot of doubts.

  After returning home, Neji found his father Hinata Hinata, and talked about what happened today with Nichiza.

   "Today I went to the home of Naruto Naruto, and I saw a..."

   "Namikaze Naruto? Isn't that the fourth Hokage's child? What are you doing at the fourth Hokage's house? You two are friends?" Nisashi asked curiously.

  Ning Ci shook his head, he and Naruto only met twice and exchanged a few words, so they should not be regarded as friends.

   "I'm helping Hinata deliver things there." Neji explained.

   "Then I saw a person who claimed to be your friend, who seems to be called Yongze?" Neji continued, and then he found his father was taken aback.

"Are you sure that person's name is Yongze?" Riza couldn't help asking, although he had some contacts with Yongze, but he was basically his subordinate. Did Yongze actually treat him as a friend? Some are flattered.

  Although he is a few years older than Nagasawa, both sides are incomparable in terms of status, status and strength. Even his brother, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hinata Hinata, is incomparable.

   "Yes, that's what Naruto Namikaze called it." Neji said affirmatively, and then described Yongze's appearance.

   "That's right, it's Assistant Nagasawa." Hiji nodded.

  Talking to the end, when he heard that Yongze actually valued Ningci and was going to teach the six styles, Rizai was even more shocked. Later, when he learned that Ningci hesitated, Yongze said forget it and showed a pity.

   Seeing his father showing such a rich expression in a short time, Neji noticed something, it seemed that this man named Yongze was very unusual, so Neji asked about Yongze.

   Hinata Hinata smiled and said: "Nagasawa Assistant is a great person, he is our Konoha's Hokage Assistant, and he is the strongest ninja world today.

   Once relied on the strength of one person to defeat the elite ninja troops led by the fourth generation of Raikage and the eight-tailed Jinchuriki, captured Raikage and the eight-tailed Jinchuriki alive, and led Konoha to defeat Yunyin.

  Before Kyuubi went berserk, it was he who suppressed Kyuubi, and Konoha avoided a lot of losses. "

   "Although he is young, his contribution to Konoha is far better than that of me." Hinata Hinata said with emotion.

   You need to know this move, you may not be able to see through it with your eyes open, let alone Yong Ze still has his eyes closed.

   "This is domineering and knowledgeable." Yongze opened his eyes and looked at the three of them with a smile.

   "Knowledge color domineering can sharpen people's five senses, and can make people feel the breath of people around them directly.

  And you can predict the attack to avoid danger, so no matter where you sneak attack, you will be dodged by me. "