MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 477 absenteeism

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  Chapter 477 Absenteeism

   "At that time, you two will act according to the plan. I will hunt some heads with high rewards first." After arriving in Tang Country, Kakuto said to Loquat Juzo and Musashi.

  Although everyone is an official member, there must be a leader in action. In this operation, Kakuto is the leader of the trio.

  Musashi felt that Payne was really in a daze, and it would be better if Kakuzu was the team leader. Kakuzu would definitely go to absenteeism in order to earn extra money.

  Although Kaku is an experienced ninja veteran, he also really loves money.

   As expected, Kakuzu started throwing the blame on them before he even started planning when he just arrived in the Tang Kingdom, planning to make extra money by offering rewards by himself.

  But it’s not the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario Musashi imagined is that Kakuzu used fighting to lure him to hunt and kill bounty ninjas together.

   Now at least he went alone, without dragging him.

  If Kakuzu really did that, then Musashi, who has the heart of a swordsman, had no choice but to resolutely join the team of absenteeism.

   Just kidding, he came to the Xiao organization to become stronger, not to shine in the Xiao organization, to make the Xiao organization bigger and stronger and create greater glories. Of course, his own growth must be the first.

  Pipa Shizang frowned. As a native of Wuyin Village, he still attached great importance to the task, and Kakudu's behavior of absenteeism before the start made him a little displeased.

   "At any rate, let's go after the operation goes well." Loquat Shizang said.

  Jiadu glanced at Loquat Ten Zang indifferently. Unlike Black Hoe Lei Ya, he still liked Musashi very much, because Musashi would give him bounties for free without charging any money.

  Where to find such a powerful tool person who works for free, Jiaodu certainly finds him pleasing to the eye.

   Then Aiwujiwu looked at Loquat Shizang quite pleasing to the eye, so Jiao was not angry at all, and said flatly:

   "The Tang Kingdom is weak, and you can deal with emergencies with you, and it's not like there are peripheral members."

  Jiaodu's meaning is obvious, he is determined to do this work, even the Sages of the Six Paths can't stop him, he said.

   Loquat Juzo glanced at Musashi subconsciously. Although he is a proud assassin, it must be admitted that he cannot beat Kakutsu alone.

  If you add Musashi who is stronger than him, then Kakuzu is definitely not their joint opponent.

  Musashi scratched his head and said: "It doesn't matter about this kind of thing, the two of us will try it first, and if it doesn't work, let Kakuzu-senpai come back and act together."

  Pipa Juzang is a little speechless, can things like missions be indifferent? Do you know that in the five great ninja villages, ninjas like you are going to be sprayed and commit suicide.

   Oh, Musashi is a samurai, and he is also a ninja from the Five Great Ninja Villages, so it’s okay.

   Loquat Juzo was infected by Musashi's spirit, nodded, and agreed with Kakuzu's decision to be absent from work before starting work.

   Seeing that the two agreed, Jiaodu also nodded and left, as expected of the person he liked the most, and he was quite flexible.

  Then Loquat Juzo and Musashi are left to go on the road together.

  The peripheral members have already arrived first, but they will go later.

  On the way, probably due to the lack of Jiaodu, Loquat Shizang also began to complain about the recent plans of the Xiao organization.

   "Building a ninja village in a ninja village without a country, and controlling the weak ninja village, is this what a serious ninja organization should do?" Loquat Juzang complained.

   Loquat Shizang even felt that it would not be unusual for the five major powers to call at their door one day, and this organization is definitely going to do something big.

  Ordinary ninja organizations also try to make money or something. If they are stronger, they can earn a lot of money by picking up a little war commission from the ninja village.

  The Akatsuki organization has reached out to the ninja village and even the country. It is not a big conspiracy, who would believe it.

   "I don't really understand. After all, I'm just a samurai, so I don't understand you ninjas very well." Musashi scratched his head.

  He is still a samurai after all, in fact he doesn't know anything about the ninja village system, he only thinks of ninja as a role similar to a powerful samurai.

  Loquat Shizang:…

   "It's just that our current actions are very dangerous." Loquat Shizang thought for a while and said.

   "It's okay to run away when you encounter danger. There is no need to work for the Akatsuki organization." Musashi said as a matter of course.

   Loquat Juzo looked at Musashi in a strange way, and he couldn't help asking: "I heard that one of the great characteristics of your samurai is loyalty. Why are you..."

   I didn’t say what Loquat Shizang said later, so I can be regarded as a good friend by comparison.

  Musashi's face became serious, and he said: "A samurai should be loyal to his leader, but I never think that Payne is my leader. My real leader is only Dad."

   Loquat Juzang was confused, and felt that there was a lot of generation gap between samurai and ninja.

  In his words, he is actually not very interested in these things, because in his opinion, ninjas are like this, and the bounden duty of ninjas is to do tasks, so even if the Akatsuki organization sends dangerous tasks, Loquat Juzang will not refuse.

   If one day dies in a mission, Loquat Ten Zang will not complain about anything.

  Ninja's fate should be like this.

   If you don’t die in the mission, you have to die somewhere.

  But Loquat Ten Zang is still very interested in the father that Musashi said.

   It may be because Pipa Shizang often accompanied him to practice. Musashi never told anyone else about his father in the Akatsuki organization, but he only told Pipa Shizang.

  He just told Loquat Tenzo that his father was a very powerful samurai, who once punched Urenin Village apart with one blow, and Hanzang Hanzang also died in his hands.

   "Didn't Hanzo die at Payne's hands, and now we Akatsuki control Urenin Village." Loquat Ten Zang asked.

   Musashi shook his head and said: "No, Payne is just a catcher, he was also there at the time, but I can't say whether he has the strength to kill Hanzo.

It is true that Dad killed Hanzo. I saw with my own eyes that after killing Hanzo, Dad exhausted a lot of energy and was poisoned by Hanzo. After that, a mysterious masked man took the opportunity to attack Dad. I, who was not yet strong, sent away, dragging my exhausted body and fighting the mysterious masked man alone. "

  Musashi didn't mention the ending of the father, and Loquat Tenzang thinks it should go without saying. In this situation, the only way is to die.

  Musashi attaches so much importance to strength, and likes to fight to improve his strength, he must also want to find revenge on that mysterious masked man.

   It's no wonder that he doesn't care about the affairs of the Akatsuki organization. After all, the Akatsuki organization may have an unknown relationship with the mysterious masked man who has a grudge against Musashi.

   What Loquat Ten Cang didn’t understand was that Payne recruited these traitors forcibly, even Musashi, who had a grudge, was not afraid of backstabbing.

  Could it be that people with high skills are bold, confident that they are invincible, and not afraid of backstabbing?

  Pipa Shizang didn’t quite understand it, so he just stopped thinking about it. Whatever he did, if there was a fight, he would just help Musashi kill people.

  Akatsuki's plan in the country of Tang is pretty much the same as that of the country of Tian.

  First of all, the main reason for the shrinking power of the Ninja Village in the country of Yuno is that the daimyo of the country of Tang did not give money.

  The relationship between Ninja Village and the daimyo is a contractual relationship, and there is no strict hierarchy. It seems that the daimyo is superior to the shadow, but in fact it is similar.

  Although every time Hokage is selected, the daimyo and the officials of the country of fire and the high-level Konoha are selected together.

  But in fact, it is Konoha's high-level executives who really control Hokage's right to choose, not whoever the daimyo of the country of fire wants to be.

  However, since the daimyo is the sponsor, it is necessary to give some face. In the process, the daimyo should give a letter of appointment or something.

   To put it simply, the daimyo contributes money, Shinobu Village contributes, and everyone performs their duties.

   But the daimyo of Yunokuni is a person with pioneering thinking.

   In the ninja world war, the ninja village of their land of soup is useless at all. The land of thunder and the land of fire should be fought on their land or on their land.

The daimyo of Yunokuni thought, when I didn’t have a ninja village here, they were on my territory and everyone bullied me casually. Now that I have a ninja village here, I spend so much money for the ninja village every year. Be bullied on the battlefield for a big country.

  Then, isn’t this ninja village established for nothing? Isn’t so much money spent for nothing?

  Then the daimyo of Yuno Country cut down the funding of Ninja Village a lot, but kept it to such an extent that the Ninja Village would not disappear directly.

   After all, apart from big countries, there are also small countries where wandering ninjas need to be on guard. They can’t just let the ninja village disappear, and they have to save some power.

  Although it looked like he had cut off his own hands and feet, the operation of Tang Zhiguo's daimyo not only did not bring disaster to Tang Zhiguo, but made the economy more prosperous.

  Why is this, because above the Kingdom of Tang is a small country called the Kingdom of the Moon, which is too small to pose a threat to the Kingdom of Tang, and above it is the Kingdom of Thunder.

  If the Kingdom of Thunder has ideas for them, it will be useless to give Tang Nin Village more funds. They can't beat them, they can't beat them at all.

  The same goes for the Kingdom of Fire in the south, it's all useless to resist.

  While to the west is the weak Tian Country, which is also a small country with little strength, and to the south is the endless sea.

  Even if Tang Ninja Village is weakened, the country of Tang will not be afraid of the country of Tian and the country of the moon, and the country of fire and the country of thunder are useless.

   The weakening of ninja power has also led many people in the ninja world to think that it is safer and will not be in danger. In addition, Yuno Country has beautiful scenery and many natural hot springs, and it has suddenly become a tourist attraction.

  Tanokuni is the daimyo who wants to keep the money for himself, and Yunokuni is the daimyo who thinks that the ninja village is useless.

  So the Akatsuki organization also chose to deal with the ministers of the Tang Kingdom first.

   It is still the same method as before, collecting the handles of the ministers and then threatening to control some ministers.

   Immediately afterwards, they used the power of the ministers to recommend them to Tangren Village, and used the powerful power of Musashi and Loquat Ten Zang to directly take over Tangren Village.

   This is relatively simple, because the world of ninjas relies on strength, and Musashi and Loquat Juzo can crush them.

   And it was recommended by the ministers, so there was no civil strife or anything, it just caused some dissatisfaction in Tangren Village.

   It's okay, they are even more dissatisfied with the daimyo.

  Anyone who fought life and death on the battlefield before and was cut off in a bad way after returning, can't be happy.

   Being abused by the Five Great Ninja Villages, can it be called abuse? This is a non-war crime.

   It would be strange if we won.

   To expand, you must have money. What Akatsuki wants is not a half-dead Tang Nin Village.

  Although there is a lot of money in the small treasury organized by Akatsuki, it certainly cannot be used to supply Tang Ninja Village, so he has to make money by himself and collect wool from Tang Ninokuni Daimyo.

   In terms of making money by yourself, the Xiao organization can reproduce the operation of Guangren Village. If you want to get wool from the Tang Dynasty Daimyo, you have to spend a little effort. This is the master who cut funds and almost wiped out Tangren Village.

  Nagato let the ninjas of Guangren Village conduct military exercises on the border of Tianzhi Country and Tang Dynasty, and sent a total of more than 2,000 ninjas, known as 3,000 ninja troops.

  Yango Country's daimyo was in trouble in an instant, and the weak neighbor became rich and dared to threaten him.

  Military exercises on the border are not threats. Where exercises cannot be conducted, they must be on the border.

  The Tang Dynasty daimyo is really scared, because there are 3,000 ninjas, even if there are not the so-called 3,000, there should be more than 2,000.

  There are only more than two hundred ninjas in Tangren Village, and some of them have no combat effectiveness.

   That is to say, if there is a fight, at least one person from Tang Nin Village must fight ten.

  Yunokuni Daimyo didn’t think that his Tangnin village was so brave that he could fight ten per capita.

  So he decisively approved Tang Ninja Village's request to increase funds and expand Ninja Village.

  Although Tango Country’s daimyo feels distressed, there’s no way it can be done. The times have changed, and even the poor place of Tanokuni has set up a ninja village.

   And it was very impressive, so many ninjas joined in, and 3,000 ninja troops came out.

  3,000 ninja troops are quite a lot. At the peak of Tang Ninja Village, there were only more than 1,500 ninjas.

  Yunokuni daimyo broke his head and couldn't think of what that person named Yahiko did. Given the economic situation of Tanokuni, it is impossible to spend so much money.

   This is a miracle that only Nagato and the others can create, because other people simply don't have so many ninjutsu secrets to come up with.

  Of course, this is not without disadvantages, and it will create a certain amount of confusion. After all, the secret or unique ninjutsu used to be controlled by the ninja family, and ninjas without roots can only practice the worst street things.

  In the current situation, Nagato is eager to make a mess, so this side effect is not taken seriously by him, he just hopes that the plan will be carried out quickly.

  With the daimyo’s funds, Musashi and the others reproduced the actions of Guangnin Village according to the plan, and established a library with a large number of ninjutsu secrets in Tangnin Village, and made a lot of publicity to attract ninjas from Tango Country to join.

   I have to say that as long as you don't go offline and don't care about the consequences, it will develop really fast.

  As time fermented, Tangren Village quickly turned into a decline. Not only the original Tangren returned, but also many newcomers joined.

  In just a few months, Tang Nin's strength has surpassed the peak period, and the number of ninjas has reached 2,000.

   Push a Naruto

  Book Title: Konoha: No one knew I could escape!

  This is the old author of Hokage, and he has written many high-quality Hokage

   Those who are interested can go and have a look

  (end of this chapter)