MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 19 Danzo is the enemy of Kusanagi

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  Chapter 19 Danzo is the enemy of Kusanagi

   After exchanging information, Nagasawa asked Kakashi and the three to find an ordinary small hotel to stay in, while he went back to Kizuki's home.

  One is afraid of revealing flaws in such trivial matters, who the **** can't live without a family and go to a small hotel, there will be problems at first glance.

  The second is to try to find the hidden information. Although he has already searched it in the afternoon, it is always better to be cautious.

  He found information about the members of Kusanagi Anbe in Kizuki's Anbu office, but unfortunately, only the team he was in charge of, and it happened that the three Kusanagi were not in it.

  He was going to find time to go to the offices of other team leaders to look through. There are only four teams in Kusanin Anbu, and there are only three teams left after Kizuki is removed. If he is lucky, he might be able to find it the first time.

  Opening the door of the house, Yongze once again entered this strange house.

  He first checked Kizuki's status. Although he is confident in his power control and sealing technique, it's always better to be steady, which is one of the reasons why he doesn't live with Kakashi and the others.

  Yongze opened the door of the small room, saw a young man lying in the darkness, added another seal, and closed the door with confidence.

   Back in the bedroom, Yongze sat on the tatami, ready to start refining chakra.

  The template cannot be strengthened by exercise until it reaches 100% fusion and is not completely integrated into the body, so he can only practice chakra.

  Of course, this kind of training is much slower than using points to add points, just because he is used to it.

  However, not long after Yongze practiced, his knowledgeable domineering sensed the aura of a ninja rapidly approaching his house.

  Yongze frowned, finished his training, 'Stand up and walk to the hall.

   Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

  Nagazawa opened the door, and a ninja wearing Kusanagi Anbe's uniform appeared in front of him.

   "It's so late, what's the matter?" Yongze asked while trying his best to check whether there were a lot of ninjas nearby.

  Yongze is very confident in himself, but at the same time he is very cautious. The probability of being exposed is very small, but it is not impossible.

  Anbu ninja quickly said: "Master Muyue, the leader wants you to go to Anbu base now."

  Yongze nodded, he had already sensed everything around him, and there were not many ninjas, so he should not have been discovered.

   Of course, it is not ruled out that he has already been discovered, and the leader of Kusanagi wants to lure him into the siege of Anbu.

   Waiting for Yongze to arrive in the Anbu, and then using the cup throwing as an excuse, five hundred grass ninjas jumped out in an instant and besieged Yongze together.

  If this happens, Yongze can only be forced to subdue Kusanagi and then **** Anbu's information.

  Under the leadership of Kusanagi Anbe, Yongze quickly entered the Anbu base and met the leader of Kusanagi.

  And there is not only him here, but also other high-level Anbu executives during the afternoon meeting.

  The leader of Kusanagi told the Anbu member who led the way to step down, then tapped his finger on the table, looked around at the many high-level Anbu officials and said, "Konoha is here."

   Hearing this sentence, Yongze was shocked, was he really discovered? It shouldn't be, wait for the five hundred Kusanagi to appear.

  But Yongze finally found out that he should not have been exposed, at least he was not exposed.

  Because the other high-level Anbu executives sitting here also looked at the leader of Kusanagi with a confused face.

   Obviously, they don't know the news either.

  If they were planning to ambush Yongze, they would definitely not fail to inform the high-level officials of Anbu.

  The Kusanagi leader continued: "Just an hour ago, two Konoha root ninjas met with me, and they said that Konoha sent people to investigate our Anbu, let us be careful.

   also said that if we can ensure that the Anbu data is not lost, we don’t have to worry about being attacked and paying compensation. "

   Kusanagi Anbe's high-level executives looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of confusion and bewilderment in their eyes.

  Although they are well-informed, they have never seen this scene.

  At this time, Yongze was also dumbfounded. Just now he was wondering if Midori Inuzuka had been exposed, and wanted to go back and reprimand him, but it turned out he was backstabbed by Danzo!

  Nagaze didn’t understand. According to Minato, didn’t Danzo support him instead? Why did you do it again.

  The last sub-captain held back for a long time, and said: "Exactly, Konoha's ninjas told us to be careful of Konoha's ninjas and ninjas to investigate us?"

   Kusanagi Anku thought for a while and said: "I heard that the root leader Shimura Danzo is a disciple of the Second Hokage and a strong competitor of the Third Hokage back then. Could it be that he was not elected to the Fourth Hokage, so he wants to take this opportunity to take revenge on Konoha?"

  The leader of Kusanagi shook his head and said: "Who knows, but their Konoha Genbu identities are true, and the news should be true as well."

  Captain Anbu nodded and agreed: "With Konoha's strength, if you want to attack us, you don't need to trouble yourself."

   After saying this, Captain Anbu also felt a little helpless. It is such a sadness for a small country to face the five big countries.

  People don't need to be so bells and whistles at all, they can be easily crushed directly by strong strength.

  Yongze knew that he couldn’t sit still. Although he didn’t know why Danzo wanted to sabotage this operation, he couldn’t just watch.

  Yongze thought for a while, stood up and said excitedly:

   "Everyone, we can't trust Shimura Danzo and their roots, he is the biggest enemy of our Kusanagi Village!"

  Seeing that Yongze was so excited, Kusanagi leader couldn't help saying: "Kuyue, don't get too excited, you can speak slowly if you have ideas."

  In view of Yongze's performance in the previous meeting, Kusanagi leader is still very willing to listen to Yongze's opinion.

   "Do you know who Shimura Danzo is?" Yongze sat down and asked after looking around.

  This is a little trick, you can’t just say it by yourself, you have to ask questions, so that those people have a sense of participation and it is easier to believe their words, because the answer is slowly deduced from their answers.

   "It's a disciple of the Second Hokage, the current Elder Konoha and the leader of Roots." The sub-team leader replied.

  Nagaze nodded, shook his head at the same time, and said: "You are right, but you missed one of the most critical information, that is, Danzo Shimura is the leader of the Konoha Hawk faction!"

  The team leader was a little confused, so what if they were hawks, they were also hawks.

  As if seeing through the thoughts of the sub-captain, Yongze said quietly: "The Hawk faction doesn't matter, but if Danzo, who is the leader of the Hawk faction, becomes Hokage, then it matters a lot."

  The hawks are all advocating military expansion. If Konoha Hokage is a hawk, the first to bear the brunt is the small ninja village around it

   Let’s count votes and comments to be more motivated



  (end of this chapter)