MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 16 Experience the life of a dark army captain in advance

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  Chapter 16 Experience the life of a dark army captain in advance

   Just when Kakashi felt that he was about to leave the tavern, the words of a Kusanagi caught his attention.

"The speed of hospital treatment now is the real ninja hospital. The previous hospital was built so large, but it turned out that it was a group of people who could only write basic medical ninjutsu. They could only treat minor injuries, making it the same as ordinary people's hospitals. "

   "That's right, with that red-haired woman, she can recover quickly with just one bite. I don't think even Konoha's hospital is that fast."

  'Red-haired woman, quickly recover from her injuries...' Kakashi paused, silently recorded these two messages in his mind, and then walked out of the tavern.

  In the ninja world, when talking about red hair, the Uzumaki clan and the sealing technique must come to mind.

  The Konoha Sealing Technique is so strong because it is an ally with the Uzumaki Clan. Uzumaki Ashina, the patriarch of the Uzumaki Clan, is known as the ancestor of the Konoha Sealing Technique. One can imagine the relationship.

   And Kakashi happens to be familiar with the Uzumaki Clan, and has a slight liking for him, because his wife is from the Uzumaki Clan.



   "Master Morishita." The two Kusanagi Anbu at the gate of the yard respectfully said to Nagasawa who walked in.

   "Yes." Yongze responded lightly, and then walked directly into the room.

  The two Anbu were not surprised that Yongze was indifferent to him. After Yongze disappeared from their field of vision, a Kusanagi Anbe sighed:

   "Morishita-sama is really diligent, just finished the task, and came to Anbe again."

  Another Kusanagi Anbu nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, Morishita-sama is always working so hard, yet there are still people scolding him secretly. It's unreasonable."

   "Those poor people who only know how to beg for peace can only talk in secret." Kusanagi Anbu sneered disdainfully.

  Since they can enter the Anbu directly under the leader of Kusanagi, of course they are all **** war factions.

  In the house, Yongze quickly found the entrance to the underground Anbu, which is the first room after the hall.

  The room has no floor and is completely hollowed out, only the stairs leading to the underground can be seen.

  Following the stairs, Yongze walked down calmly.

   Soon the stairs came to the end, and an outpost appeared. Among his knowledgeable domineering, there were four Kusanagi Anbe inside, the strength of which was probably a special jōnin and three zhongnin.

  Passing by the outpost, Yongze walked directly to the side of the outpost, then pointed to a Chunin-like Anbe and said:

   "Put the materials I brought into my office."

  Kusunin Anbe who was pointed at was stunned for a moment, and then hesitantly said: "But I am executing the guard..."

   "I said send the materials to my office." Yongze interrupted directly.

  Then, Kusanobu Anbe glanced at the squad leader sitting next to him, and was at a loss for a while.

   "Squad leader Morishita asked you to deliver the materials, so why not hesitate so much." Kusanagi Anbe said quickly.

  Received by the squad leader, Kusanagi Anbe opened the door, walked out of the post, took the information given by Yongze, and hurried to Yongze's office.

   And Yongze, after doing all this, seemed to have something urgent to do, left the post, and walked into the depths of Anbu.

  Nagaze wandered around in Anbe, while perceiving the breath of Kusanagi Anbe, who was going to Kizuki's office.

  He didn't know where Muyue's office was, so he randomly found a file bag, stuffed it with random things, and sent someone to the office to show him the way.

  When Kusanin Anbe felt that Kusanin Anbe stayed in one place for a while and then returned the same way, Yongze set off and found his office along the path of Kusanin Anbe just now.

  Yongze pushed open the door of the office and looked left and right.

  The office is very monotonous, with no decorations, not even much furniture, only a chair, a desk and some cabinets for materials.

  The most conspicuous place on the desk is still the information he gave to that Kusanagi.

  Sitting on the chair, he casually threw the so-called materials aside, and Yongze looked at some documents piled up on the table.

  Nagaze took a brief look. Some of them were Anbu missions issued by the leader of Kusanagi, some were various information collected by Kusanagi Anbu, and some of them were mission reports of some Anbu squads under him.

   "I have experienced the captain's life in advance." Yongze looked at the confidential documents of Kusanagi and smiled.

   It is estimated that Kusanagi could not have imagined that someone would be so bold as to enter Anbu disguised as the captain of Anbu.

   Just when Yongze wanted to see if there was any information on the members of Kusanin Anbe on the cabinet, there was a knock on the door.

  Yongze sensed the breath with his knowledge and knowledge, it was Chunin, and then calmly said: "Go in."

  A Kusanagi Anbe walked in and quickly said: "Master Morishita, the leader asked you to go to the meeting."

  Yongze nodded, and said lightly: "Well, let's go."

   Soon, under the leadership of Kusanagi Anbe, Yongze came to a room located in the deepest part of Anbe.

  The room is not big. There is only a square table and several chairs. There is nothing else. It is not a professional conference room.

  There were seven people sitting on the square table.

  Only the middle-aged man with a sad face sitting on the main seat was not wearing the Anbu uniform, and the other six were all wearing the Anbe uniform.

  Yongze thinks that the middle-aged man should be the leader of Kusanagi, his aura is the strongest that Muyue has ever seen in Kusanagi Village, even stronger than before he got the Whitebeard template

  The rest of the people should be high-level Anbu like Kizuki, and the ones with the worst breath are Jonin, and there is no special Jnin.

   Seeing Yongze coming, the middle-aged man said:

   "Muyue is here, now everyone is here, let's start."

  Sitting in the second position on the right of the middle-aged man, Captain Kusanagi Dark said with a serious face:

   "Anbu, who was sent to intercept the peace information, has been out of contact for more than a week. He must have been caught or killed by Konoha. We must make preparations."

  Although Yongze felt a little fluctuated in his heart, his complexion did not change at all, and he quietly waited for others to speak.

   "Everyone knows how to prepare, the key is how to prepare." The vice-captain Anbu, sitting on the left of the Kusanagi leader, said.

  A captain of the dark department said:

   "It's better if we don't admit that they are our ninjas. Maybe Konoha doesn't know who sent them there, and there is no forehead protection, and the ninja tools don't use Kusanagi's ninja tools."

   "What are you thinking, have you forgotten what the secret technique of the Muyeshan clan is? The identity must have been exposed." Yongze thought for a while, and said in a calm voice.

  The team leader also felt that his thoughts seemed a little too naive, so he closed his mouth and didn't say anything, but quietly looked at the others.

   The field fell silent for a while.

   After a while, the middle-aged man gave a low cough, looked at Yongze and said, "Muyue, tell me your opinion."

   Chapters that were in bad condition a few days ago will find opportunities to make up for them. If you have time, there will be another chapter later



  (end of this chapter)