MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 64 spiritual distance

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   Chapter 64 Mind Distance

   "Director Wilson, someone is trying to cut my brain slave connection! Right now!"

In the private room on the second floor of the Xinwang war room, Sophia was in a rage that lost her manners. She almost smashed the red wine glass in her hand at Carl Wilson, who was expressionless. Voice.

   She could feel that the connection signal between herself and Kitano Kazuya's brain was getting weaker and weaker.

   She didn't want to fight back in person, that risked revealing her "real name" - her personality cube coordinates.

   And as long as she doesn't interfere, the connection of the brain slave will not affect her, just change the brain slave.

   Although Sophia is out of balance and full of anger, she does not intend to violate this basic rule of blood eaters.

   There is no need to go into battle in person, otherwise, what does Gasboy spend so much money on raising so many dogs for?

   "Mr. Wilson." Sophia quickly regained her demeanor and took a sip of red wine, her lips seemed to be stained with blood.

"If you screw up this thing because of your improper command, I will lose a brain slave and the company will lose a heart net task force. I will be demoted, and you, of course you will, will also If you drop a lot, maybe you will have to fight in the net yourself again."

   She looked through the one-way glass, looking at the two rows of thirty consoles in the war room below.

   Thirty fighters were lying there, wearing helmets on their heads, and covered with electrodes connected to the equipment interfaces.

   Director Wilson was silent for a few seconds, from an ordinary Internet cowboy into Gasboyne, and then climbed to this position...

   He has spent many years, paid a lot, and experienced the brink of life and death again and again, and he does not want to go back to those years.

   Only now, he can naturally see that the situation is not good, which is too obvious.

  Because on that big Seth screen, the thirty rays representing the thirty Gasboyne fighters suddenly stopped moving, and they stopped there.

   No matter what happened, fantasy or something else, the entire team was trapped in a small area without movement.

   The super-speeding light connected to the few cyber cowboys just now lost their monitoring...

   "Miss Sophia, we still have backers. Most of those cowboys cooperated to create a fantasy world."

Director Wilson judged based on experience, "Our people haven't leveled up yet, which means they're not finished yet, and the other side can't be killed, but only enough to maintain. Now the two sides are in a state of connection, which gives us a chance. "

   "You better have it." Sophia's eyes were cold.

   "Attention." Director Wilson immediately commanded the war room through the intercom, with a calm tone: "Inject nerve venom information into all ten overdrive gears, the maximum dose, immediately."

  Sophia was stunned when she heard it, yes, there is also nerve venom information.

   In this way, the ten maximum overclocking and overspeeding gears have all become information bombs, full of all kinds of potent viruses, which will blow up enough for those cowboys to drink a pot, maybe it will directly blow up their personalities.

   Since these cyber cowboys dare to create illusions, prepare to be attacked by illusions.

   As for those ten information bombs, of course, it is impossible to come back, and they will all become a turbulent flow of information.

  What does it mean, anyway, if they can come back, they will be abolished.

   It's just that these people were all subordinates trained by Carl Wilson, and followed him to death.

   was sold just like that, you can't even be a waste.

  Sofia pursed her lips and smiled, and said in approval:

"Director Wilson, you are so professional, I really appreciate it. Thirty if ten is not enough, blow up those cowboys! There is a certain loss this time, but as long as Gasboy wins, I have a way to keep our authority."


   "Leader, Chief!?"

   "What, what's going on here..."

  The illusion of light and shadow flickered, and the grid dome of the fantasy city in the matrix space suddenly burst into a splendid splendor, like a wave caused by a boulder hitting the water.

  The busy office of the securities company suddenly fell into a panic.

   A few securities staff suddenly turned blue and black, their bodies twisted and twisted, and the blue veins on their heads burst out from their flesh.

   And then, their flesh was torn apart in pieces and layers, revealing the unstable and violent vision inside.

   Beneath the flesh is not bones, but electronic, mechanical, and fluttering 0 and 1 coding sequences. The sequences are still being refreshed rapidly, forming a chaotic information vortex that devours itself, bang bang!

  One, two, three... These weirdos burst open, and only one murmured before the explosion:

   "I see... Carl Wilson... You son of a bitch..."

  Other people in the office were stunned, running away and running away, sitting down and sitting down, screaming and screaming, there was chaos.

  Boom boom, boom boom, as more employees alienated and exploded, the securities company's office and trading floor were completely out of control, and there were space holes everywhere, filled with strange lights and shadows.

  People were scrambling to escape, but when they came to the door of the company building, they were stunned.

   The busy street with people and cars is clearly outside, and there are no obstacles at the door, but they just can't get out.

   As if in the air, there is an invisible high wall, an invisible but real boundary.

  More and more staff came to understand.

  This world is fake.


  [Container, program status: 73%, busy↑]

  【Accommodating data, progress: 90%↑】

   In this brain-slave connection area, Gu He's right palm is still pressing Kitano Kazuya's personality cube, two minutes have passed, and it's still not good. However, this personality cube is constantly shrinking, and there are fewer and fewer tentacle pipes connected.

  Ayane Kumiko held the electronic samurai sword, stood beside him and watched, "Xiaohe, work harder."

   In fact, this speed is already very fast, it is extremely fast for a programmer, but they do not have that much time.

  The bank dog will not sit still, and since the blood eater behind him has not given up the brain slave, it also means that this matter will not end easily.

   "I'm adding it, I'm adding it..." Gu Hezhen was using all his mental power, and the container program was running at high speed.

   Finally, when he regained his energy, the containment progress rose to 100%, and the container program status reached 75%.

   This personality cube takes up 15% of the container incrementally.

  Because Kitano Kazuo is not an extraordinary person, this is the number, if there is no Miss Ayane, maybe 5%.

   "Okay!" Kumiko Ayane could also sense it. In a race against time, Gu He found himself and her sitting on the red beastly motorcycle again, with iron cables at the rear pulling Kazuya Kitano's personality cube.

The    personality cube did not enter the database of his console, this kind of accommodation is more like a connection by empathy.

Ayane Kumiko slammed into driving the motorcycle, the roar of the engine sounded, and it galloped away on the circuit board street. The personality cube connected to the back of the car was suddenly dragged, and there was a crackling sound, and those brain slaves connected tentacles. Pull off.

  Gu He hurriedly hugged her waist, and when he looked back, he saw the personality Rubik's Cube bumping up and down on the road, like a Rubik's Cube kite.

   bang bang, the personality cube hit another cube, and bang bang again, the personality cube flew over the firewall.

   Now, Kitano Kazuya really has enough headaches.

   "Go!" Miss Caiyin shouted and jumped abruptly.

Hey, a few brain-slave connection pipes that were still firmly wrapped around the personality cube just now broke neatly, and a large pixel grid exploded, some work images of Kitano Kazuya, and daily images of eating breakfast with family members Fall and dissipate.

   In the blink of an eye, Gu He saw that everything around him had changed, but he had changed again before he could see clearly.

   "It's safer to jump several times, and you can better hide the traces by giving yourself some changes when jumping."

  Miss Ayane jumped to dozens of locations in a row, and the drag show continued. Stewardess, sailor suits, mechanical idols…

  Because the speed was extremely fast, it only took ten seconds before and after, Gu He was a little dizzy, and saw her stop.

  The red motorcycle is flying high in the sky, and the ground is a neat and uniform Rubik's cube. At a glance, the light and shadow are hazy, and the Rubik's cube is arranged in endless rows, which can also be said to be crowded.

   "Just here, there is no trace of activity here."

  Ayane Kumiko said, and Gu He didn't need to operate it anymore. The motorcycle flashed to the ground, and the iron cable connecting the rear of the car to the personality cube suddenly snapped off, and Kitano Kazuya's somewhat broken personality cube was thrown out.

The    Rubik's Cube fell into the vast ocean of Rubik's Cube, and it was immediately unclear which was which.

   "Did you succeed?" Gu He hurriedly asked.

   Mission completed? The goal of entering the Mind Network is this, can you go?

   "Successful, and He was also saved." Miss Caiyin smiled, "But it's not over yet, let's go, go back and see them!"

   Dozens of jumps again, then she changed back into a cowgirl outfit, and they were back over the fantasy city.

   They didn't leave for more than three minutes, but things are very different here.

  The grid roof became crumbling, there were intertwined cracks everywhere, the images of the fantasy world were full of eerie, and some Gesborn sports cars rammed and flew through the streets, flying and firing, and passersby fled in panic, like the end of the world.

   Lindsay, Osamu Sakai, Boxer, they're all still there, riding on motorcycles.

   But the complexion became solemn, and there were strange lights flashing, as if some garbled virus.

   Miss Ayane frowned when she saw it.

   "Mom, there is nerve venom information!" Sakai Shukichi shouted, "The bank dog has rabies and bit someone."

   "Can you still walk?" she asked, "We're done over there, no problem."

  Gu He didn't know the situation very well, but the data information from their interaction made him feel that they were all on the verge of personality collapse, and they might be short of a heavy blow.

"It's not very good..." Lindsay said, the movement of ten fingers wiggling and pulling the thread is still very chic, "The amount of virus is a bit too much, this illusion is now completely supported by us, once we let go, it will be shattered within a second, and the mad dogs will run out. ."

The more    Miss Caiyin listened, the worse her expression became.

  In that case, none of the five of them can escape in their current state.

   "And this virus is a bit violent." Osamu Sakai said urgently, "If we forcibly let go, our personal integrity will not be able to withstand the impact of that sudden collapse."

"Let's go." Lindsay suddenly said, "I'm running out of time, don't be long-winded, let me hold on, I'm going crazy anyway. Miss Caiyin, you help me tell those girls that Lindsay is playing ball, they will Understood. Let Shuzi not be too sad for me."

   "Fuck you, you are the only one who is great." Osamu Sakai scolded, "Fist, think of a way!"

   "...It was never me who was in charge of finding a solution." The boxer was helpless and anxious, "Asai, you have a solution."

  Gu He hesitated, but aside from hugging Miss Caiyin's waist, he really didn't understand...

"It's gone, let's go." Lindsay shouted, her sharp eyes were fiery, interrupting the muttering of the orange cat, Shiba Inu, and macaque in the car, "I said, once it starts, the performance must be completed. "

   He looked at the fantasy city below which was about to collapse, and continued to swing his hands and fingers.

  The director will not leave, because the work is the life of the director.

   And right now, it's not a powerful shot that could be the ending, not yet.


   "Bone blood guy, how much strength do you have, you can't run today!"

   First, the ice wall was blown down by a face.

   Several members of the God of War Gang who were originally in the virtual tavern were suddenly attacked and bombarded by these gangsters. They kept their personalities, but the tavern became a fragmented ruin of data.

   But at the same time, someone went out to report the news, and quickly brought back more God of War members.

   And now, there are more than 30 hunters, assassins and warriors of the God of War gang, chasing after Lorna and others, no matter how hard the opponent jumps, they can keep up.

   Gradually, most of the chasing soldiers were chasing after Lorna, and if they wanted to beheaded, they would cut off the bone and blood.

   The Xinwang Tavern was blown up by the Bone Blood Guy. If this happened, it would be no different from the bombing of the headquarters building on the Berserk Street.

   "I don't have much strength left, I **** you guys a little hard just now."

  The surrounding scene kept changing, Lorna kept jumping, and replied to the group of boxing dogs who were following reluctantly.

   But she knew that the other party was right, I'm afraid it's hard to escape today...

   She's running out of nerves, spirits and spam ammo, especially ammo.

   She is just holding on now, the heavy pickup truck is looming, and it is almost impossible to imagine.

  Lorna's mental network's illusion gradually became real in the jumps over and over again, and she knew that her personality data had overflowed.

   She seems to have returned to the bone and blood area of ​​the past, the river is still clear, the amusement park is still lively, the park still has flowers, people breathe fresh air, and greet each other with a smile...

   Her father and mother were still there, and for some reason, Gu He was also there, drinking some of his horse urine and wolfberry water.

  Why... This feeling is getting more and more real, as if he is really...

  Lorna was slightly stunned, each jump became more difficult and slow, and her personality integrity continued to decline, from 69% to the edge of 60% again, probably because it hit a new low...

   But she really felt that, vaguely, she heard a voice saying:

   "Lorna, cutie, here, here..."

Suddenly, Lorna jumped again. This time the chariot came to the sky above a neon city. She couldn't help but stop in surprise when she saw it. there…

   Although they were masked, shadowy cyber cowboys, she recognized them, and she knew them all too well.

   A manipulator, a singer, a fabricator, and the guy who hugs a cowgirl.

   That wolfberry posture, others can't learn.

   "Lona!?" Gu He over there with sharp eyes, let out a surprised cry.

  The distance of the mind is just a jump.

   Ask for tickets, invest, support! Because the update is too fast, it is only 2 days before the book is released for a month, and the new book list is due to the full 200,000 words. It is worthy of everyone's support~~~



   (end of this chapter)