MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 6 console

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  Chapter 6 Console

   In the early morning, Gu He woke up with a headache.

   So what talent test is over? How many did you get?

   He only remembered that after Captain Lorna and the others left, he went back to the sofa and fell asleep shortly after, and he didn't even like the underwear show of the supermodel contest.

   "Something else seems to have happened?" He thought hard, but he couldn't remember like he was drunk.

  Vanderbilt didn't know where he went. He walked around the hall and went to the bathroom to wash up, but he still didn't see the chubby figure. He probably went to Li Cai.

  The wooden door of the izakaya opened, the outer glass sliding door has not been opened, and there is a sign "open later".

   It was only dawn, the rain that had been falling overnight had stopped, and rain was still dripping from the eaves, lanterns and neon signboards.

  The cluttered neon lights of the alleys and streets have gone out coldly, like all the ghosts of the night.

  Without the rain, the alleys are not much cooler than the streets. Apart from the lack of traffic, it is also a noisy scene of people coming and going.

A street singer passed by the door of the store, then a group of gang members with tattoos on their faces, office workers with briefcases, young girls in scantily clad clothes smoking cigarettes, preachers with words on their lips, ragged clothes. the homeless...

  Gu He looked at it for a while, then turned around and walked through the bar cowboy door into the small kitchen to have a look. He found a thermal mug for guests and made himself a cup of wolfberry water.

   Drinking alcohol hurts the body, but wolfberry nourishes the liver and protects the kidney.

  As a doctor, he understands very well that young people do not maintain health, and old people take care of doctors. Lycium barbarum water must be drunk from young people.

  Drinking warm wolfberry water, he found the remote control from the bar and turned on the wooden box TV.

   "Matsuto is the big consortium here, right?"

   Gu He had discovered it long ago, and there are three vines everywhere.

   There is an all-in-one desktop computer in the kitchen, no mouse, the keyboard is embedded in the machine, and a 12-inch monochrome monitor.

   Computers, TVs, karaoke machines and other equipment all have the same trademark, which is three intertwined green vines.

   However, on these trademarks, the middle finger, crossed and some insulting swear words were drawn. Lao Fan and the others seem to hate Santo Company very much, but they have to use these devices.

   The morning news is playing on a small TV screen:

   "The Supreme Court made a judgment, and Santo won the anti-monopoly case"

   "Santo releases the first generation of laptops with built-in modems, and the Internet age has arrived"

  “The unemployment rate in the Walled District, Lannitang District and other places hit a record high, and the mayor promised to improve the situation”

  Gu He sat on the sofa, watched a few news articles, and made sure that his judgments were correct.

  The level of technology in this world is really like the 80s, but it is much more advanced in some aspects.

   "The gap between the rich and the poor is huge here..."

   He frowned as he watched the slum scene in the "Land Pond District" on TV, with shacks, unfinished buildings, landfills, filthy children, and gang members with fierce eyes. It was really shocking.

When the news of Santo Company was broadcast just now, the image was the "Garden District", one of the wealthy districts in the city, with neat streets, skyscrapers, beautiful garden villas, various schools, hospitals, art galleries, etc. .

  Santo Corporation is indeed a large consortium, forming the so-called "New World Bank" with other major corporate consortia.

  The New World Bank firmly holds Liuguang City, choking off all ascending channels.

   Ordinary people spend their whole lives as cattle and horses, and they may end up dying alone in the garbage dump on the street.

   There is an old saying on the street: they are in heaven, we are in a mud pond, and everyone has a bright future.

   As for himself, he is worse than ordinary people, he is a wild dog.

  Gu He saw the next news again, a mouthful of wolfberry water almost couldn't hold back, and he coughed.

   "Police bust an organ truck, more than 100 stowaways killed"

  This refrigerated truck was found in the mud pond area. The compartment was full of mutilated corpses of stowaways, whose valuable organs such as kidneys and corneas had been removed. Police suspect the case is related to the Sludge Gang.

   Wasn't it what Brother Zhuang and the others did? Could it be that the victims were those comrades from yesterday?

  Gu He scratched his head, no, Brother Zhuang is the Game Gang, not the Mud Gang...

   First of all, there are twenty-nine districts in Liuguang City.

  Lannii Gang is in the Lannitang District, and this is Shouhui Street in Kabukicho District. It's okay.

   "But, as my wild dog..."

  Gu He already knew that no one cares about the number of dead dogs in Liuguang City, and it is not news if they die at one time.

   No, I have to hold Miss Caiyin's thigh tightly...

  If you can't be this cowherd, there is no Miss Caiyin to help you get a legal identity.

   He may fall into the clutches of the Game Gang again, and picking kidneys and cows is no longer just a threat.

   "God of dog days." Gu He hugged the thermos cup tightly, why did he come to such a world.

  I really want to go back, there are family, friends, and safety...

   After a long while, he sighed and took a sip of wolfberry water. His mentality is very important. For now, it is best to just lie down.

   "What was the test result last night?"

   Gu He recalled carefully, when Captain Lorna and the others left, he was still stable, and the vortex of light in his mind kept showing "nerve overdrive".

  Speaking of which, the illusion was quite real.

  Thinking like this, suddenly, he felt that the whirling vortex of light reappeared in his mind.

   "What the hell?" Gu He was so frightened that he changed from a paralyzed sitting to an upright sitting, and the wolfberry water in his hand was no longer fragrant.

  Why is this hallucination still there, the sequelae of fragmentation?

   As soon as he focused his attention on the vortex of light, a splendid blue and purple light overflowed uncontrollably, resembling the dazzling halo caused by the strong and dazzling city advertisement screen.

  When the brilliant light falls, an old-fashioned electronic panel emerges from the original light vortex.

   The panel is about the size of a keyboard, and the surface is covered with a hazy light and shadow. It seems that it has not been fully activated. Only a few light bars like program progress bars and some buttons can be vaguely seen on the panel.

  The only buttons that can be seen clearly for the time being are:




   "Good guy, get out of the way..."

  Gu He hurriedly shook his head like a rescue, but he couldn't dispel these clear hallucinations.

   He couldn't help but remember that he was traversed by the leakage of electricity from the computer. The panel really felt like a computer console.

   Could it be that the plug-in is online?

   But, but!

  As a psychiatrist who is proficient in applied psychology and psychiatry, I usually like to read "Madness and Civilization". The first thing that comes to my mind is not my adventure, but...

   "I'm not going crazy, am I?"

  Gu He blankly looked at the console panel in his mind.

  If the patient has any hallucinations, the psychiatrist believes it, then he will no longer be a doctor, but the younger brother of the "world president", "alien world liaison officer", "reincarnated emperor" and other strange people...

   Even crossing can be a mental problem.

   "Reduplicative Paramnesia"

   This is a rare psychotic disorder characterized by the patient’s firm belief that some things around him have been outsourced, such as a spouse being changed, hometown being another place; even worse, the belief that the whole world has been outsourced.

   After a while, the illusion in his mind has not changed.

  Gu He had to explore carefully, but neither [Database] nor [Compiler] could be opened.

   He tried to click the [Share] button again…

  Suddenly and unexpectedly, some message boxes bounced like they were malfunctioning:

   "No Share Contacts Available"

  "The current number of new shared contacts is: 1"

   "Making new sharing contacts"

   For a moment, all kinds of strange light surged in Gu He's mind, his nerves boiled, and all the scenes in the living room around the sofa were pulled by the speed into gorgeous and solidified light and shadow.

   He seemed to have entered another dimension, and he could clearly feel the connection between the console and another brain at a distance...

  Indescribable feeling, a slim figure looming in the light and shadow ahead, that is a woman.

   She seemed to be sitting on the ground, looking left and right, looking shocked and at a loss.

"Who are you..." Sure enough, there was a female voice over there, but the signal was very poor. The voice was mixed with squeaking like a video cassette tape, and it was impossible to hear the other party's voice, and it seemed to be disconnected at any time, "Here is ...mental network?"

   Crazy, I'm crazy...

  Gu He was even more shocked than she was, and words such as dissociative disorder, schizophrenia, and paranoia flashed through his mind.

   Listening to what she meant, it seemed that I was really connected to her heart, like a video call.

   But he is more inclined, he is crazy, he has another personality, and he is talking to himself.

The    cassette-like squeaking sound is still there, the connection has not been disconnected, but the other party is also cautiously silent.

   After a stalemate, the female voice suddenly said:

   "Did Santo send you here? I don't know how you can do this, but I will continue to investigate and won't give in."

  Er girl, who are you, where are you, what are you talking about?

   Gu He heard question marks all over his head, and said tentatively, "I look at you for a long time, I look at you for a long time..."

   Thanks to the leader of the Confederate Soul who rewarded him for being the leader of this book, true love! There is also the helmsman who played He Yanpin, and everyone who gave rewards. I would also like to thank Food Fairy L, the operating officer of this book, for taking office!



   (end of this chapter)