MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 57 drunkard, boxer, big director

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  Chapter 57 Drunkard, Boxer, Big Director

  Gu He, because he couldn't stand Kazuya Kitano's muttering, was sitting at the bar when he saw those figures walking into the izakaya.

  The drunk young man walked over to the bar as soon as he came in, with a medium build, torn coat and trousers, with obvious O-legs swaying, and an empty beer bottle in his right hand.

   Although that drunken red face looks nothing like Sakai Huaqing's internet celebrity face, but she said before that there is an alcoholic brother named Sakai Shukichi, and now she is still beside her step by step, obviously this is the one.

   On the other side, the tall, strong man walked to the sofa, carrying a guitar in a black suit.

  Er, Gu He asked Fan Debao in a low voice, "Old Fan, are everyone a cowherd..."

   "No, they're cowboys, only you are the cowboy," Vanderbilt said.

   "Oh you are Gu He, the new cowboy of the fish pond..." Osamu Sakai swayed and sat on the chair next to Gu He, reached out and patted his shoulder, "My sister Hua Qing will ask you later..."

  Sakai Huaqing suddenly stopped hurriedly, "Brother, you are so rude, don't just say that when you see people."

   "Xiaohe, this is Miss Sakai's brother, Osamu Sakai."

  Ayane Kumiko officially introduced with a smile, "The Maker Occupation Department, the Second Programmer is a senior."

   "The gambling debts are all paid off? Dare to show up?" Lao Fan poured Xiuji a glass of sake from a good cypress wine.

   "A man's burden, a man is born to earn money to support his family..." Sakai Osamu replied nonchalantly, looked at the Kitano Kazuya family over the sofa, shook his head and said while drinking, "Man."

   The old man Kitano, who was a few seats away, let out a sullen laugh.

   "Brother, you're almost done drinking, don't drink anymore." Sakai Huaqing persuaded, "I'll be alive later."

   She's really afraid that he won't be able to afford it if he gets drunk, although the older brother always drinks, the more powerful he is, the more so-called inspiration he has.

   "Do you know what ladder wine means, 'drink from this tavern to that tavern', it's culture, culture."

   Sakai Osamu continued to drink heavily, burped again, and his face flushed, "And... aren't we all governed by fate... I'm not drunk, my name is just wine."

  Sakai Huaqing is very aware of how much Gu He emphasizes health preservation. Except for wolfberry water, he does not touch tobacco or alcohol at all.

She was afraid that her brother would get a bad impression, so she hurriedly said: "He Sang, Xiuji is a murder mystery novelist, and he has won an award. He likes to write emotional novels…”

   "It's writing dog-blooded novels that can't be sold or given away." Lao Fan joked, not mean.

   Xiuji raised the metal **** of his right hand to Lao Fan, a finger that had struck the typewriter and keyboard countless times.

   "I write murder inferences for a living, and sweet pet writing is my favorite...

"I don't understand. In Liuguang City, you can just turn on the TV and watch the news if you want to watch the murder story. How can so many people read novels? But sweet pet text, there's no such thing here... This should be The spiritual needs of people…”

   "That's what I mean too, I like watching it." Lao Cai said admiringly, "I just hope there will be some meat scenes."

  Gu He scratched his head when he heard it, not clear about the current situation of literature here.

   "Xiaohe, and this one." Ayane Kumiko introduced the big man who came over, "Fist."

   Boxer has long blond hair with a shawl, a mixed race, a tough national character face, a printed metal coat and jeans.

   The closer the opponent is, the more Gu He can feel how tall the opponent is. Brother Zhuang and the others have more muscles, but Boxer is tall.

   As soon as he heard it, he knew that it was an ugly name, but the boxer should be a boxer, "Hello, boxer, I'm Gu He..."

   Boxer Zhang Guozi had an expressionless face, "What do you say?"

   "Xiaohe, don't talk to Boxer like this, he can't hear clearly."

  Ayane Kumiko explained with a smile, "The boxer is purely deaf, and his personality almost collapsed once.

"He can speak, read, write, hear all the voices, anything, but if you have more than one word in a sentence, it's a bunch of noise to him. What I'm saying now, he can't hear it. ."

   Pure word deafness? Gu He was stunned, it turns out that this world also exists.

   This is a rare syndrome, also known as "oral auditory agnosia", which is a disturbance in the understanding of spoken language.

Although    Boxer couldn't hear clearly, he could guess what Miss Caiyin said, and said to Gu He, "If you can sign language, you can communicate with me in sign language. I'm still learning lip language, but it's too difficult."

   "Hello." Gu He can only say that, divided into three times, and said slowly: "I, no, sign language."

   "Okay." The boxer also sat down at the bar. He was already big, and he was carrying a guitar, which took up even more space.

   "The boxer was born in the boxing area." Kumiko Ayane laughed again, "But he is neither a fighter nor an assassin. He is a professional singer and a senior programmer."

  Gu He only then knew why the other party was carrying a guitar, why he wore hair and clothes like a rock singer...

   It's also because of this big body... that affects the image of the boxer.

"My eyes." Boxer knew that many people would have doubts about his alien eyes, so he said: "When needed, I can become a complete blind man, blocking vision, amplifying auditory perception, and pure word deafness. It doesn't affect."

   "Brilliant." Since Gu He could only say one word, he naturally said it.

Osamu Sakai, who was next to him, suddenly faced the air in front of him and cursed: "Fist, you are an insane idiot with insufficiency. You are the tail of the crane in the singer's professional department. Did you hear Quan, you are an idiot, a great singer. It's ugly, and you force others to listen."

   Boxer picked up a glass of sake and took a sip, but there was no response.

Someone next to    scolded a giant tank-like man, Gu He was a little nervous in surprise.

   "He Sang, my brother he..." Sakai Huaqing couldn't explain it, he waved his hands again and again, "He likes to joke."

   "Hmm." Gu He didn't dare to laugh, his muscles squeezed like a facial paralysis.

   He went to look outside and took the opportunity to leave the bar, "Isn't there another person?"

   Was it just a passerby who happened to pass by? He saw the young man still in the alley outside, drenched in the night rain, bent over and feeding the stray cats by the garbage heap with snacks in his hands.

  The strange thing is that the stray cat who usually runs away when he sees people is obediently eating and feeding.

   "Lindsay?" Ayane Kumiko called out.

   At this time, the young man in the alley stopped the stray cat, then turned around and walked into the fish pond.

   The man has black hair, a figure of over 1.8 meters, and a handsome face. His eyes and posture make him a charming person.

   He has no obvious body modification, a black leather jacket, light blue jeans, and some text tattoos on his hands.

  The last time Gu He saw such a handsome man was Roton Ludd. Because Lindsay was younger, he was a little less mature, but he had a little more style that only young people in their twenties had. The eyes are sometimes sly elf, and sometimes sharp-edged.

   Ayane Kumiko smiled even more, and introduced: "This is Lindsay, a professional operator, a second-level programmer."

   "Gu He, you look good." Lindsay came over and extended his right palm with a letter tattoo to Gu He.

  Gu He stretched out his palm without knowing it, and gave the opponent a high five...

   This is considered acquaintance.

   Lindsay turned around and walked to Kumiko Ayane, lightly placed her on her shoulders, with an intimate and natural movement, and removed the director's viewfinder that she used to wear recently from her neck.

   "Miss Caiyin, thank you for keeping it for me during this time." He said, hanging the director's viewfinder back on his neck.

  Ayane Kumiko let him take the viewfinder and smiled, "Lindsay is an independent film director."

  Gu He was taken aback, something suddenly made sense, I... the biggest observation mistake in my career!

   It turns out that the person who is the director does exist, it is this guy!

   Speaking of this, Sakai Huaqing suddenly had a look of admiration, "He Sang, Lin Sang, he is a talented person."

   There was another sentence she didn't say, it was a street rumor, and she didn't dare to ask it if it wasn't confirmed.

   I heard that Lindsay and Chiba-Gibson knew each other. Miss Chiba appreciated his talent and wanted to introduce him to a major film company to sign a contract and make a commercial masterpiece, but Lindsay was not interested and only wanted to continue to be an independent film director.

   He made ordinary movies, extraordinary sensory movies, not for money.

"Xiaohe, you have to be careful with Lindsay." Lao Cai shook his head and shouted, as if he was the old fan who only likes to pick on things, "He is a lunatic, a completely dangerous person, and his personality integrity is only 62%. .

   "Do you believe that in his eyes now, this izakaya is full of insects and animals? Lindsay can only see a 100% real scene when he sees things through that director's viewfinder."

   Gu He was stunned again, it's true... Isn't this more serious than Lorna, 62%! ? How can this live?

   And Lao Fan, this fat guy, has no opinion at all, but he was so strict before that Lorna might go crazy.

   But speaking of which, Lindsay looks normal, except for being a little handsome.

"Old Cai, didn't Asai just tell his female friends not to go to your plastic surgery, saying that you have no aesthetics, so you hate him so much." Sakai Osamu said happily while drinking, "People are right about you, you Looking at what the **** you've made my sister look like, I almost don't recognize it."

"This guy's women are all over the place, and let them talk about it everywhere, I have lost a lot!" Lao Cai said helplessly, and said to the old man Beiye: "Mr. Beiye, let your son keep an eye on his wife, and be careful of that crazy priest. Enter."

  Sakai Huaqing hesitated, she wanted to defend her idol a few words, but the contradiction was that she liked to go to Lao Cai for plastic surgery...

   "Hua Qing, be careful too, if you weren't Xiuji's sister, he would have already started." Lao Cai warned again.

   "Old Cai, how did you get it?"

  While talking, Lindsay really walked towards the sad Shoko Kitano, but then she just teased Shota Kitano.

   "Be careful, Mrs. Kitano, be careful that he starts with the child before approaching you!" Lao Cai wanted to demolish the platform.

   "Humph." Kitano old man muffled, but said nothing.

  Ayane Kumiko laughed again and again, "Yes, be careful."

  Vanderbilt sighed like he was trying to kill his own child: "Lindsay, this bastard, just likes to play and make trouble."

   "If you don't make trouble, what's the point of a street dog's life?" Osamu Sakai patted the bar and laughed loudly, "When you can be blind, you must be blind!"

   Boxer, as always, couldn't hear clearly, just asked: "Is the introduction finished, when are we going to start a bank dog?"

  Gu He looked at the group of people around him and felt that he was simply out of place.

  A fabricator, writer of novels and screenplays, gambling dog, alcoholic

   A manipulator, filmmaker, lunatic, playboy

   A singer, who can probably do movie soundtracks, big rock, pure word deaf

   There is also an actor who works very hard, but Sanku Sakai

   and... him, this doll container, this stage...

   "Let the show go on." Lindsay teased Jiang Tai, turned and walked back to the bar, "Once it starts, the show must be finished."

   Sakai Osamu put down the wine bottle, Boxer stood up, Sakai Huaqing became nervous, and Vanderbilt took out a special plate of food.

  Ayin Kumiko looked at the silent Gu He, "Xiao He, are you ready?"

   "Of course...not ready!"

   Ask for tickets and support! Thank you Bai Liyan for playing 10,000 gold coins to become the hall master, thank you! There is also the Supreme Lord and the book friend 20210709194637902 who each played 100 gold coins!



   (end of this chapter)