MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 29 large group

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   Chapter 29 The Great Group

   "How cheap are you guys asking for...just a house in Jianggu District?"

  The rain fell on Lorna's face, washing away her cold sweat, she said through gritted teeth.

She looked at the woman in black who had become almost exactly like her, and knew that at this moment, in another place, there were at least two other supernatural beings, an assassin, an actor, wearing a helmet device connected to the superdimensional Mind Network.

   They used the spiritual network channel to get on the body of this doll together, forming a large empathy group.

  Doll, Class J Program: Container

   The doll uses its own body as a data container, and other superhumans can connect their own personality data to the doll's brain domain through brain-to-brain connection or spiritual network connection, which is also called "moving the upper body of the soul".

   After that, within a sustainable period of time, the doll container will be downward compatible with all the programming abilities of others with its own extraordinary talent and program level.

   is like a doll container for a four-speed talent and a programmer.

  Other superhumans move their souls to the upper body, even if it is an assassin with an overdrive talent and a second-programmer, it will be downgraded to the doll container's fourth-speed talent and a first-programmer, and the container can only use the assassin's J-level program ability.

   This is called backward compatibility.

   Therefore, an excellent doll container must be a highly talented person, and neurodevelopment and prosthetic transformation must be comprehensive and omnipotent, so that they can be equally compatible and upward compatible with those superhumans who are connected to the container.

   And a good large group must go through a long period of training, running-in, and personnel adjustment in order to have the best cooperation.

The   doll container can also stabilize the integrity of its own personality. Only in this way can the main characters of the large group be switched smoothly.

   A large group that can only be controlled by one main character at the same time, and the others are sub-personalities waiting to play.

   "If you were taken back alive, it would be an apartment in the garden area." The woman in black said with a smile in the rain, holding the red-handled samurai sword in her right hand, which was the least like Lorna Lude.

  Dolls? assassin? actor?

   At this time, it is undoubtedly the actor who is using the program and talking as the main character of the doll container.

   But Lorna couldn't see through this container, how many superhuman personalities were there in total, three? or more?

   It is entirely possible that there are more superhumans lurking in the container and can switch to the main personality at any time...

  The first second is the assassin, the next second is the actor, the next second is the hunter.

   is unpredictable and inexplicable, which is the horror of empathy.

   "So, what I hate the most is the doll container... a group of people crowded in it, it's a mess..."

  Lorna wanted to disconnect the nerve connection and withdraw her xenomorphic right hand, but she was rapidly losing control of her body.

   "I'm Lorna Ludd, nineteen years and eight months."

The woman in black spoke calmly, like a self-narrative: "I'm the daughter of Roton Ludd, the daughter of bone and blood, the street child, the blood blade, the mercenary, the extraordinary hunter. I like Wandering band songs, I like video games, I thought about being an otaku, but there are always all kinds of troubles that drag me into a whirlpool..."

   "You know me well..." Lorna let out a beast-like neigh, trying her best to break free from the opponent's control.

   In order not to make her suspicious, he used assassins to lure her into the bait, and then used actors to control her.

   She is becoming her own sub-personality, and the main character is that actor's persona.

  Actor Occupational Department, Q-level program: Mask injection

  The extraordinary actor creates a corresponding personality mask with a J-level program "mask" by imitating another person. Then, through the neural connection, the Q-level program "mask injection" is used to seize the main character position of the main lord, and the fake will be confused with the real.

  The actor can produce a Q-level program, which also means that this doll container is at least a second-programmer.

   The rain was loud and clear, Lorna felt someone snap her fingers in her head, and then heard the person say…

   However, it was clearly her own body that moved her lips and said, "Agree."

  Lorna looked at the red window, as if she was trapped in it and became an exhibit. From a third-person perspective, she saw Lorna-Ludd standing on the street in the rain.

  I am Lorna Ludd, you are Lorna Ludd, I am you, you are me…

  I am the main personality, you are the secondary personality.


When   Lorna was about to lose consciousness, her eyes suddenly noticed the cloth bear in the red window, and many memory pictures flashed in a trance.

   This actor is very familiar with Lorna Ludd and has done research on body movements, mental postures, character characterization...

   This large group didn't just pick up a job and ran to arrest people, it was definitely prepared for a while.

   However, there is no such cloth bear.

  There is no song sung by the cloth bear either. It's New Year's Eve. Happy New Year...

   "Your mother will let you go! Happy new year to your mother!"

Lorna struggled and scolded, and while she was still the main character, before she was taken away by that persona, she suddenly grabbed the opponent's red-handled samurai sword with her left hand, and tried to slash at the opponent with difficulty, but she couldn't. past.

   The green eyes of the woman in black are also expanding, her body is struggling, and she has a mirror-like anger.

   There is only so little time left, and we must act decisively.

  Lorna swung the samurai sword and suddenly slashed towards her right arm, bang bang bang, a crisp sound.

  The entire blood-red nerve bundle was cut off and scattered on the ground, blood gushing red, dyeing the streets of the rainy night red.

  Lorna's spirit suddenly trembled violently, and she almost fell unsteadily, but the woman in black was also uncomfortable. Such a physical forcible disconnection would have a big impact on anyone who connected.

   Especially the woman in black is a doll container. In fact, it is a large group with many personalities.

   And they are not Lorna who hacks the connection from the psychic network, but builds the brain-to-brain connection by her neural hacking.

   The next forced disconnection, the actor had already connected to the persona on Lorna's body, and it shattered quickly because the network was disconnected and the actor's mental data was lost.

   While that persona becomes a piece of spam in Lorna's brain, the actor will also collapse part of her personality...

   "Ah..." The woman in black also made a painful voice, her disguised face twisting and changing.

   Sometimes it's the stubborn Lorna Lude, sometimes the calm assassin just now, and sometimes another beautiful woman's face. I don't know if it's the actor's face or the doll container's own face.

   These faces became more and more weird and hazy in the rain.

   Before the other party could recover, Lorna gritted her teeth, pressed her left hand to her right arm that was gushing blood, and stumbled away.

   She felt that the world was spinning, and she no longer had the strength to hack the opponent to death.

   can't beat it, the opponent has at least two second-programmers, and she can't beat this large group by herself...

  Lorna stepped on the rain splashing, and she walked across the street and entered an alleyway that was being renovated and renovated. She could only pant against the iron frame of the building next to her, so she didn't fall down.

  The surrounding lights are dim, and a temporary plastic protective net is installed on the iron frame of the renovated building to cover the wind and rain like a canopy. The street children who have just managed to steal food are hiding here and eating fruits.

   When they saw her coming in the rain, they drove her away fiercely and fearfully:

   "Go away, go away, this is our..."

"who are you?"

   "Her hand is broken, there is blood, don't mess with her..."

  Lorna leaned against the iron frame and slowly squatted down, staring blankly at the clever girl of a few years old.

   Affected by the spam left over from that persona mask, her personality integrity continued to decline.

The    was originally only about 69%, but now it is only a small fright when it collapses below 60% and becomes a ghost.

   "Sister, come here, there is a way here." The little girl suddenly said, "I'll take you away!"

  Lorna barely managed to keep from fainting, and grinned at the moment: "You know what's going on?"

   "I know." The little girl took the lead and waved to her, "I saw it all, that woman is a killer and a bad person."

   "I...isn't it?" Lorna murmured.

   "You're not." The little girl affirmed, "I know you're not."

Lorna slowly stood up, her eyes were blurred and psychedelic, staggering, and she followed the little girl through the narrow and dank plastic shed path. Han's cloudy eyes flashed.

   Walking for an unknown amount of time, Lorna found herself next to a railway, the Jianggu Line...

  This route connects Kabukicho district and Eya district, and this route can take her to Shouhui Street.

   rumbling, there is a subway approaching in the distance, and the high-rise buildings along the way that were submerged in the night rain are also illuminated by the lights.

   "Thanks..." Lorna looked back, wanting to take another look at the little girl.

   Through the rain and fog, she saw the little girl's hazy smiling face, which turned out to be what she looked like when she was a child.

   It's not the little girl who stole the fruit just now, that childish figure gradually dissipated...

   It turned out to be a hallucination...

   That personality integrity must be very bad, what a waste of Gu He's kindness.

  Lorna burst into laughter, thinking it was funny, the more she laughed, the more she couldn't stop.

At the moment when the old train whizzed past on the rails, she jumped suddenly and jumped to the top of a car of the train. Her left hand tightly grasped the red-stained car roof, the pouring rainstorm. And the fast speed almost knocked her off.

   rumbling, the sound of the subway passing through the neon city, breaking through the rain, but not breaking through the green and dim yellow.

  Who pays to hire people to do things? Capture her alive, go back to control her, and get the sign of the daughter of bone and blood, and then what?

   A lot of questions, but now, Lorna doesn't want to think about this shit.

   Her body was shaky on the carriage, her misty eyes looked at the night sky, and it was another starless rainy night in Liuguang City.

   The second update, continue to explode today! Ask for monthly passes, investments, rewards, anything!



   (end of this chapter)