MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 269 came back

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   Chapter 269 is back

   "Boom, I'm going to smash it!"

   "You **** be honest with me, I said you can only hit it when you hit it, don't force me to dismantle your stereo and smash your engine, I can do it when I'm angry."

  Starting from the mud pond in the morning, and then passing through the Walled District, Jianggu District, and Sanmanga District, the newly renovated black heavy-duty off-road vehicle began to drive into Kabukicho.

  Gu He sat on the passenger side of the car, listening to Lorna and Daniel arguing, watching the bustling street scene retreating from the car window.

   After staying in the mud pond for a few days, returning to this street where there are shops and buildings, neon signs, and pedestrians in strange clothes along the way is a bit like a lifetime.

  Different districts of Streamer City are different worlds, and he is getting more and more understanding of this.

  The people from the classic car dug until the third day. After clearing the ground and then digging out a pile of silt, the three found what they wanted, a box with a number 9 key program segment.

   Now, they have 9 blocks, and there are still 3.

  Before the three of them left the mud pond, Daniu Niu completed some repairs and modifications at the classic car workshop.

  Da Niuniu has two rows of seats and a trunk. The trunk can be disassembled and turned into a pickup truck. Lorna sometimes makes it an off-road vehicle and sometimes an off-road pickup truck.

   The build hasn't changed, but it now has bigger tires and a sunroof on the roof.

  Its front fender has a row of fang-like spikes, made of the material of the resurrection claw, which is hard and sharp.

   After some research, Gu He and Lorna confirmed that Daniel has no growth potential, but the function of strange objects is to be able to hit.

   They did some crash experiments in the workshop. It was more crash-resistant than ordinary vehicles, and the impact force was amazing.

  Lorna likes it, it suits her taste.

   However, on the way back from the drive, Daniel sometimes honked the horn, and the lights flashed randomly, and he almost hit the vehicle that wanted to overtake several times, almost causing a road rage conflict.

  Gu He is nervous for those ordinary vehicles. If a big bully rams into it, he can really smash others, including the car and the person.

   Fortunately, Lorna can still drink it, which is better than the voice function that he can't control the big cup.

   may be true to the sentence, people are afraid of evil people, cars are afraid of evil drivers.

   All the scavengers are very envious that they can have a strange object car, and Zhentong also quietly expressed his envy, the thermos cup, the off-road vehicle, and all the rare and rare objects that are conscious.

   There are mountains of **** in muddy ponds, and scavengers can find treasures from them, but strange things are still rare.

In fact, after Gu He drank the bowl of hot soup, he found a treasure. Zhentong's worn-out casing and buckled helmet also flickered with the light of strange objects under his gaze, and the brightness was very bright. very high:

  【The capital of strange objects: silver】

  Silver! He is a bit greedy. The third piece of silver he has found so far is a treasure of bicycles, a treasure of knives, and a treasure of classic cars.

If    is successfully activated, it will be a high-defense wonder item.

   But he was not surprised by this. After all, this case gathers the lives and dreams of many people.

   It's just that his holy water energy is currently only 20%, and the chassis of this classic car is so important. If it is used for something that is not very clever like a big cup and a big bull, I am afraid it will be difficult to end it.

  Gu He just mentioned to Zhentong that this case might become a strange thing, don't sell it, just sell it to him.

   But this is a symbol of "classic car", and Shinto certainly doesn't intend to sell it to anyone.

  The morning when they left, Zhentong and Lu Qi both sent a section of the road together. They are welcome to visit again when they are free. Zhentong also invited them to participate in the unruly winter race in the Slump Pond. Let’s wait for the snow.

   Sludge Guys also lived as Sludge Guys, and people everywhere would have some fun for themselves.

   This kind of unruly racing is to set up a track from the wilderness to the mud pond. Whoever starts from the starting point and reaches the finish line first wins.

   There are a lot of people who participate every year, and some from outside the area. Every year, some trash guys die, but every year, there are also trash guys who get honors because of this, which is the most unlikely thing they would have.

   This kind of thing is dangerous for Gu He to hear, but Lorna is a little interested, and will see when she decides.

   "We live in a world where information is developed, but the more information is developed, the less personal space we have!"

   A woman's cry came from the street outside the car, and Gu He knew that he had indeed returned to Shouhui Street when he heard it.

  While shouting, Jane noticed the heavy-duty off-road vehicle passing by, and Gu He greeted him by the window.

   Soon, the neon signboards and advertising screens of the Licai Club came into view, and the street in front was equally lively, with guests walking in and out, and a few children running past.

  Lorna stopped the car, and Pandora got out of the car and left immediately, "Get ready for the relationship on Dongtu Street," she said.

   They now have the business card given by Lu Qi, and they can go to Wen and Guan, but they still want to win the old relationship with Lao Fan.

"I'm back." Gu He was also about to get out of the car and looked at Lorna, "Why don't we go to the hot spring together at night, Xiuji and the others have already made an appointment for me." After a few days in the muddy pond, taking a bath was not a pleasure, so it would be nice to come back to the hot spring A cool is the best.

   "Let's talk about it at night." Lorna waited for him to get off and drove away, "I'll go see what my sisters are up to first."

   Gu He was suddenly alone, holding a big cup in his hand, and walked towards the familiar alley.

There are more graffiti on the walls of    Lane, fat stray cats jumping by, and homeless people sleeping by the trash can.

   "Come back, come back." He walked into the fish pond izakaya where the neon sign at the door was malfunctioning.

   It was the afternoon, no one was at the bar, only Lao Fan was watching TV, and Osamu Sakai was drinking.

   "Haha, Xiaohe!" Sakai Osamu said with joy as soon as he saw him, "You are finally back, let's go to the hot spring!"

   The nose on Old Fan Fatty's face was a little sniffed, "Don't sit here, kid, you smell like a mud pond."

   "Old Fan, don't tell me, the pork soup in the Rotten Mud Pond is delicious." Gu He said, and stood looking around, but he still hadn't seen Lindsay, "Has Lindsay been there these days?"

"No, Asai sometimes disappears for a few months." Osamu Sakai waved his hand, "Let's do the K-class program yourself, leave him alone, he doesn't need us to worry, we still worry about how to do Mr. Zaei's. Pool."

  Gu He was a little muttered, did Lindsay do the programming by herself? There is such a possibility, don't waste your talent...

But now, he can only go to the bathroom of the fish pond to take a good shower, change into a set of Dongtu sportswear, bring some hot food, go to Li Cai to say hello to Miss Cai Yin, and then go to the basement to meet him. A strange man.

   Not long after, when Gu He saw the excited Sophia, the Cowherd value really increased.

  [Cowboy value program progress bar: 3rd gear 10%, ↑60%]

  Without him delivering meals to Sophia these days, she could only eat biscuits.

   Now that the wind is out, she can eat fish **** and sushi with relish.

   "Pan God, I can't take it anymore..." Sophia begged, "I've already tied the noose, tied the gift chain, what are you afraid of? Take me out for a walk, take me to the hot spring..."

  Why does everyone want to soak in hot springs? Gu He was helpless, even himself.

   "I'm trying to figure out a way. You're in jail, and it's too much to take a hot spring or something."

   He still didn't promise Sophia, chatted with her for a while, and left the basement after the wind was over.

   Before returning to the fish pond, Gu He suddenly felt a trance, as if a voice flashed in his mind calling.

   Then, he was in a trance again, and it was very rhythmic. He realized that his personality cube was knocked.

   This rhythm code should be Miss Chiba...

  The ghost girl thing has progressed?

  Gu He quickly walked through the noisy Li Cai hall, rushed back to the fish pond, and asked Lao Fan to get a Xinwang helmet.

"What are you going to do?" Lao Fan asked, and Gu He walked to the box: "The connection with the wilderness." Osamu Sakai whistled when he heard the words: "Xiaohe, it turns out that you and Miss Qianye have been having such a tryst all the time. ?"

   "No, it's serious business." Gu He didn't bother to care about them, he entered the box and sat down on the sofa, entering the spiritual network.

  A matrix of rays extends in the ocean of data. This is a non-space composed of countless 0s and 1s, but it can also be imagined as a street like a circuit board, with personality cubes on both sides.

  The surrounding light gradually faded away, and Chiba-Gibson stood there, dressed like a secret agent.

   "Miss Chiba, what's the matter." Gu He flashed over, "Did my friend get in touch?"

   He has explained it before. Although he is his friend, don't reveal his identity to the other party, don't mention him, don't talk about him, and tell the people in the recovery meeting that she is Chiba's friend, so keep this secret.

   This is because he has a complicated relationship with that friend and has a bad past...

  Miss Chiba had a tone I understood at that time, ex.

"I met it." At this time, Chiba said with a smile: "We gave her a pickup truck and some supplies. Your friend is really mysterious. She wears a mask and doesn't talk much. I want to see what she looks like. Put on a mask to scare you."

   "That's good." Gu He breathed a sigh of relief. If he saw a "ghost girl" online, he would really be scared to death.

   This matter is finally settled, the ghost girl will not be violent in the wilderness for the time being.

   "I helped you, how do you thank me?" Chiba was naturally joking.

   "Uh..." Gu He couldn't imagine that he wouldn't be able to invite her to eat a meal or something, or could he?

   "That's it." Chiba said, "It's been so cold these days, I want to take a hot spring, but I don't have the conditions in the wilderness. When are you going to take a bath, let me transfer my soul to you and take a bath together."

   Another one to take a hot spring! Gu He thought that it was not difficult to achieve, and said, "We just plan to go to soak in the evening, can you come and soak in the hot spring for thousands of miles."

   "If I can come, I'm from the Silver Wing, and I'll get there after a short flight." Chiba said playfully.

   The two chatted about the schedule, and Gu He suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Miss Chiba, have you heard Morisa talk about Lindsay recently? Has he looked for her?"

   Chiba was slightly puzzled, "Don't you know, Morissa said that Lindsay was active in the wilderness, but not us."

   "What are you doing?" Gu He suddenly thought, "Lindsay didn't just hang out, right?"

   "I don't know, and Morissa doesn't seem to know either. I just heard her excitedly say that Lindsay went to the wilderness."

   Chiba thought back, "Just a few days ago, it seems that it has something to do with the winter food. In winter, there is not much food in the wilderness, and some tribes who are short of food will use the idea of ​​​​the agricultural area in the northern part of Liuguang City."

   "You mean, grab food?"

"Yes, now that the food has been harvested, it is stored in the granaries everywhere." Chiba nodded, "I am not very clear, this is also the first winter I have spent in the wilderness, and there will be enough food reserves for recovery. , no need to rob."

  Gu Heneng figured out that some wilderness tribes need to take risks to grab food.

   But I don't understand, how could Lindsay get involved?

   "Can Moretha find Lindsay? Ask him."

   "No, Morissa complained that the position of Lindsay's personality cube would keep changing. She wanted to find him, but couldn't find it."

   "Damn, I hope he just goes shopping, he doesn't die."

  Gu Hezhen remembered Lindsay's affairs, and was not in the mood to chat with Miss Chiba anymore.

   After talking a few more words, he hurried off the assembly line, and Chiba agreed to move the soul to the hot spring at night.

   The scene in front of him returned to the box of the fish pond. Gu He quickly took off his helmet, walked out of the box and returned to the bar in the room, where he told Lao Fan and Osamu Sakai about the new situation.

   "I can't control that crazy boy." Lao Fan said in a sullen voice, "Just don't bring the matter back."

   "The northern agricultural area." Osamu Sakai tapped his head in confusion, "I seem to have remembered something, but I just can't remember it. Asai and I were drinking outside that day and seemed to hear something."

   "Think about it quickly." Gu He was a little anxious, "Asai is our main force."

   "Hehe." Osamu Sakai was in no hurry, "Asai doesn't have what you can fight now."

   They were talking nonsense when suddenly a figure walked in from outside the fish pond. It was a girl with purple hair, wearing a plaid jacket and jeans with a mix of text symbols, and wearing a variety of plastic wire bracelets on her hands.

   Lao Fan and Osamu Sakai took a look, but they didn't know each other, where's the chick from.

   But Gu He took a look, isn't this not Qi-Sterling...

"Angel." An Qi was chewing gum and called him, looking at the cyan Dongtu sportswear on him, it was the first time she saw him wearing this, and she wanted to laugh, "Your suit is so interesting. "

  Gu He looked down at himself, "This is called the Eastern style."

  Elizabeth also said that An Qi would not like it, and now it seems that An Qi wants to buy a set of clothes.

   "Order Cowherd to Li Cai." Lao Fan thought about who it was, "I don't welcome children here for drinking."

   "I don't drink." An Qi looked at Lao Fan, Elizabeth had told her to respect this old and ugly guy.

   "I came to chat with Angel." She said to Gu He, "I just went to Hongyu's house to chat with Sister Liz, and the people of Hongyu saw that you and Lorna were back, so I came over."

   When Gu He heard it, the news was really well-informed, but Hongyu's security has been upgraded now, and people have been watching the situation at the intersection for a long time.

   "How are you doing lately?" He brought a fairly quiet mug and walked over to the sofa to chat with An Qi.

"Alive." An Qi talked about the current situation. She was expelled from Huayuan Middle School and now transferred to Jianggu Middle School. Her authority has been reduced, and her status in the family has also been reduced. Many people advised her to turn back and not be a special handicap person. and so on.

  Gu He watched An Qi sit down on the sofa. This master's exclusive seat has never even sat on a goose.

   "I don't wait for any neurodevelopment, I want to become an extraordinary person, don't persuade me, angel."

  An Qi's youthful face has anticipation and excitement, "I haven't chosen a career yet. Sister Liz let me consider the hero department, but I don't feel very much. I want to hear your opinion. How about the doll?"

   "What..." Gu He was stunned, he was really asked, and it was nothing.

   sat on this sofa again, facing a Miss Sterling, and talked about the doll department.

   But it seems that this Miss Sterling has no prejudice against dolls, and is still very interested.

   "Dolls are not bad." Gu He pondered, really not sure if it was his own influence, "I refused at first, but now I think it's okay, there are some good aspects."

   He looked at An Qi, and she seemed to be just playing around, which made him a little serious:

"This is a very important decision, don't be hasty. Not everyone can choose as well as you do. Some people become dolls and trash guys because they are confused. That's the norm. Angie, you You need to figure out your own ideas, if the way to improve the extraordinary program is the way you want to go, that is the best."

   "I'm just trying to figure it out now." An Qi looked at him with interest, "Can I see your golden hoop?"

   Thank you Alliance Leader Liu Chengzhi for the 10,500 coins, thank you~~~



   (end of this chapter)