MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 222 Killer Queen

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   Chapter 222 Killer Queen

   After the chaos in the fish pond, Gu He went back to the Bantian apartment to spend the night.

   Early the next morning, he came to Miss Caiyin's living room on the second floor of Li Cai Club.

   "Miss Caiyin, I remember when I first arrived at the fish pond, you told Lao Fan that there was something urgent. I might be the last piece of the puzzle for the team. What's going on?"

  Gu He is waiting for Miss Sakai, and she also wants to talk to Miss Caiyin about something.

   "It was originally Yakuza's job, and it was also transporting data. Later, things happened, and the job was long overdue."

  Ayane Kumiko, dressed in a printed kimono, said with a smile: "In Liuguang City, many things can't keep up with the rapid changes, so everyone rarely has that kind of long-term plan, so it sounds scary."

   Hearing that the job is gone, Gu He is not surprised now.

   Except for the recent changes, the fishpond is not a mysterious organization, just a group of street dogs.

"Xiaohe, in the past few months, you have brought a lot to the fish pond. It was something I didn't think of when I brought you back from Xiao Zhuang. What you did for the fish pond and the merits you made for Yakuza, I've reached out to save you."

  Ayane Kumiko looked at him, with a mature and charming face very serious, "From today onwards, like Asai and Shuji, you can move freely and stay wherever you like.

   "You're already famous now, and if you still want to stay like a cookie, I won't interfere with you.

   "Of course, I still want you to be the Night King, as you promised me."

  Gu He was slightly startled, but felt relieved.

   Have I paid it all back, can I retire, can I stay home...

   Just now, Luozhou will definitely not be able to go, and he may not be safe if he goes there. Is he staying in the Bantian apartment?

   "I'll think about it..." Gu He pondered, even if he was a house, Caiyin Kumiko and Qingyan were still his boss.

   This is his seniority in Yakuza and on the streets, and it will not change.

   His relationship with Yutang Licai will not be broken, it is part of his identity.

   It is said that when Miss Caiyin was the strongest, she was a four-programmer beginner with a six-speed gear. If her strength can come back, it would be a good thing for Yutang Licai, it would be an extra guarantee.

   "Miss Caiyin, I want to tell you a secret. I haven't told anyone yet. Lorna and Elizabeth don't know it. Before, I thought it would be better for me to know this secret."

  Gu He made up his mind, connected with Miss Caiyin, and then told the secret in his mind:

   "The life energy of my program and alcohol can temporarily restore other people's damaged nerves. I had no intention of treating Elizabeth's subordinate Judy Dickinson before, and they thought it was all the miraculous effects of Lao Fan's tonic wine."

   He doesn't plan to be a middleman anymore, it doesn't make sense to do that now. The bigger Red Rain develops, the safer he will be.

   And he now knows Elizabeth's will better, and her difficulties, and doesn't want to make that money.

  Gu He saw Miss Caiyin's bewildered pupils squinting slightly, and felt her heart skip a beat. She was surprised and a little dazed.

   "Uh, this program can still be upgraded, maybe it can be cured permanently in the future."

   He didn't say that he had considered it all at once, and he still didn't know what method and how much holy water was used for permanent healing. Let's take a temporary recovery first and see what Miss Caiyin said.

   "Xiaohe, you are right to keep secrets, you must keep them secret."

  Ayane Kumiko's mood quickly calmed down, and there was no excitement, but some emotion.

   "Healing, recovery, six-speed gear, three-speed gear, these are not really important to me. I was so ruthless in overclocking at that time, I just wanted Qingyan to have an ending. Qingyan has passed, and now there is only Kumiko Caiyin."

  But... Gu He hesitated, considering safety.

   "Six-speed isn't just going to take me back, we're in danger here if this leaks out."

Miss Caiyin was in a free and easy mood, "It's safest for me to continue to be a cripple. If it's really necessary, you can give me that kind of bar. I know my nerves. No matter how you treat it, the A-level procedure is gone, but I can If I exert the strength of the three programmers, I will not be your burden."

   Burdened? Gu He couldn't help but want to laugh, Lao Fan would be burdened, and Qingyan could beat a hundred.

   He had already tested it with water and beer last night, but he still needed Lao Fan's extraordinary food original wine to retain the holy water energy. Ordinary food would only be lost and disappeared quickly, and then returned to normal.

   So even if you want to sell wine, you really need to buy from Lao Fan, and bought a bottle in the name of Hongyu like last night.

   Lao Fan, a chef from the East, is still a bit skilled.

   "Miss Caiyin, take this pot of bar and take it with you. You can use it when you need it."

  Gu He gave Miss Caiyin a small and delicate silver jug, which was filled with specially made tonic wine.

   "Okay, this is the most suitable." Ayane Kumiko took the silver wine bottle, held it in her hand, and gestured to her waist and chest to see where it was going to be hung. "From now on, I will be such a drunkard image."

   She said with a chuckle, feeling relaxed and relieved, "It was the greatest luck I've ever had to get Xiaohe from Xiaozhuang."

  Gu He was also happy because of Miss Caiyin's mood, and a big stone finally fell in his heart.

  Let's do it for now, permanent treatment is really not suitable for the current situation, Miss Caiyin also needs to hide.

   After talking about this matter, Miss Caiyin’s words made another big stone in his heart emerge:

"Vivian mentioned to me that Miss Gasboyne needs to be dealt with, and it's not very suitable to lock her back. If she still doesn't change and can't find any good control methods, then don't force it. ."

   Miss Caiyin didn't plan to take care of it, she didn't take care of it before, it was left to him.

Gu He asked quietly last night, Lao Fan really refused to let Sophia return to the fishpond dungeon, and now there are too many eyes on the fishpond; Lindsay said, "It's none of my business, I'll leave it to you. ." Sakai Shujile said: "If anyone here has any feelings for her, it's Xiaohe, we don't care."

emotion? He is really helpless, that's not called affection.

  Compared with not wanting Sophia to die, there is not as much feeling of not wanting Elizabeth to be sad about it.

  Sophia, how can I let you stay in this rotten world, Pan Shen, Uncle Pan, and Pan Zi can't think of it...

   "Xiaohe, you can play by yourself, do your best, I will also develop new people for the fishpond."

  Ayane Kumiko said with a smile, patted his arm, and left the living room.

   He can move freely, and if he wants to and nothing major happens, he can stay at home for a month.

  Gu He sat on the sofa and continued to wait for Miss Sakai, thinking about his thoughts, but sighed.

   After waiting for a while, Sakai Huaqing arrived in a hurry, "He Sang, please ask me a lot today!"

   She is a person with ten times the effort, and practicing the promotion program is not done by herself. Actors need opponents and audiences, and she needs a large group to practice the queen mode to "get through a large group".

   A few days ago, they had done an experiment at the Yakuza headquarters, and they got through silently. It really worked.

   Today is going to be out on the street, performing in front of a large audience, so that the actors can progress faster.

  Because of the large range of activities, in order to facilitate the operation, Sakai Huaqing put on the Xinnet helmet in Miss Caiyin's bedroom to enter the spiritual network, first met with the appointment of Miss Chiba, and then moved the soul together into Gu He's brain domain.

   They also told Chiba the secret of getting through the crowd.

   Chiba is a reliable partner who can keep secrets, and can study together how to make good use of the upgrade program. At the same time, if there is a situation where it is necessary to get through a large group in the revival club, they also have to take care of it.

   Soon, when Gu He had three personalities in his body, with a capacity of 35%, the two actors laughed and were about to perform.

  The main character is switched to Sakai Huaqing. She is promoted to queen. Although she does not have a mature queen mask, she can still get through the crowd.

   The boundaries between personalities become blurred, and Gu He can also control this body without switching.

   He walked over to the fitting mirror and looked at it, wearing a neutral black formal suit today.

   Suddenly, his appearance changed, and his stature became different.

It was Miss Chiba who used the mask. Her mask ran at the same time as Miss Sakai's upgrade. The capacity was 45%. Miss Chiba had a large number of complete masks. The first second was Chiba-Gibson, and the next second became Sakai Flower. green.

   A few tentacles of flesh and blood suddenly sprang from her right hand, and the Holy Grail program was added to run, with a capacity of 55%.

   All of a sudden, he turned into the face of a young man, returning to Gu He's appearance.

   "Go, go shopping." Chiba put a pair of sunglasses on her face, "The Killer Queen is here."

  Sakai Huaqing was suddenly a little nervous, which is why she needed to practice more.

   She was the main character, but Gu He controlled the crowd, walked down from the second floor, and passed through the lively hall on the first floor of the club. The guests, cowherds, and waiters who had been happy all night could not see anything unusual.

  Ayane Kumiko glanced, but smiled knowingly.

   The tall man in black and sunglasses is a doll and two ever-changing actors.

  Gu He walked out of the Licai Club from the main entrance, came to the noisy street outside, and looked up at the advertising screen hanging on the high place of Licai, where the dazzling and coquettish cowherds flickered and changed.

   On that day, he just stood there, staring stupidly.

   But now it seems that in this city, Cowherd is indeed a good outlet for young people.

  Gu He turned around with a smile, and saw that on the street where people came and went, Jane in simple linen was shouting the low-tech concept: "Reject information overload, too much useless information is killing us!"

   He walked over, "Morning, Jane."

"Morning, buddy." Jane stopped and looked at Gu He who was passing by, but before she could see clearly, his appearance had changed, and his figure had also become smaller, turning into a beautiful and lovely person. girl.

  Jane was stunned for a while, then realized that it was an actor, and that person had already gone far, "Information disorder..." Jane shook her head.

  If you only expose the mask program, you can use it casually, it's just an ordinary function for the extraordinaire and the crowd.

Gu He just walked around Shouhui Street so casually, saying a few words to any acquaintances he met. Boxer sang songs on the street. Come to open, Chiba will open.

   In "Speed ​​Pursuit", X drove a runaway motorcycle, which was very cool.

   Chiba drove a motorcycle to the Hongyu House, and they saw a new look, because Elizabeth now has more funds, more warehouses next to it have been rented, and more street children are benefiting.

   And not only on Shouhui Street, but also on Renqing Street and Qiuye Street, there are new pilots of Hongyu House.

  Gu He also knew that Elizabeth made adjustments and optimizations to the staff of the Red Rain Group through the induction of the swearer in the oath procedure, especially the important security position was assigned to the swearer.

  Whether it is on the street or inside the bank, this is a good tool for finding friends.

   But she also remembered not to seek a sword in a boat, and not to reject other possibilities.

   "Brother Angel!" At this time, Elizabeth saw him and walked quickly from the main warehouse where the children were busy.

   "I'm a big group." Gu He said immediately, for fear that she would say secrets without knowing it.

   "Oh." Elizabeth surveyed him, "I really can't tell."

   Suddenly, Gu He's appearance changed to Sakai Huaqing, "I'm just looking around, so I won't bother you."

   He drove off on the motorcycle, and Elizabeth watched him drive away on the road, smiled and turned back to work.

   Leaving the House of Red Rain and turning around outside the Wrestling Gang again, Gu He asked Chiba to drive back in a different direction, heading to the other end of Shouhui Street, and went to Beiye Meat Shop to eat a hot patty.

   One money, three people tasting, really earned.

   "I always think your kid is weird today." Old Man Kitano twitched his facial muscles slightly, wondering if he could see it.

   This afternoon, the group went to the Diva's Den Bar again.

   Chiba used a mask to turn into a charming girl who looked like a mixture of Vivienne and Nimiao, attracting a longing look from a man who made Gu He horrified and made Chiba and Sakai Huaqing laugh.

  When the crowd looks like Gu He, no matter where in Shouhui Street, if anyone recognizes it, there will be enthusiastic shouts.

   "Xiaohe, now you are the big star." Chiba said.

   "Yes, Hesang, Miss Chiba is not as popular as you!" Sakai Huaqing was very proud.

  I don't know why, Gu He was strolling on the street and wanted to go to the game to help.

   But he didn't want to provoke an exaggerated welcome from Brother Zhuang and those muscular men, so he asked Miss Sakai to change into an ordinary woman's mask and walk into the game hall where there was a lot of noise and all kinds of game machines kept ringing.

   In addition to the gamers, it is the muscular men who are roaming around, from time to time with a frightening look.

   "Want to run without paying the debt?" Brother Zhuang was catching a group of teenagers, "Where can you run, you people..."

"What's the matter?" Suddenly, the ordinary woman turned to look back at He and walked towards the corner of the game room surrounded by muscular men. He felt that what Brother Zhuang said just now was a little familiar, "Brother Zhuang, are you playing wild dogs again? "

   As soon as he saw him, Brother Zhuang's expression changed greatly, "Master Gu He!"

   "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Brother Zhuang hurriedly grabbed one of the frightened skinny boys and came over, "These boys are street rats in the vicinity who come to play every day. They owe a lot. I think they are just working to pay off their debts."

  Gu He took a closer look, and he did look like some delinquent teenagers with colorful hair dyed.

   "You are Gu He!?" "Great Sage Gu He?" "Boss! Can you introduce us to Yakuza!"

   These delinquent teenagers suddenly shouted excitedly, and they were going to force him to be the boss and give him allegiance.

   "Brother Zhuang, you can do whatever you want." Gu He turned around and left, "Don't go too far, the sixth generation said to love and help each other."

   "Yes yes yes!" Brother Zhuang's strange face was full of smiles, he was really happy, and shouted to these delinquent teenagers: "You are lucky today, such a legend passed by, let you go!"

   Chiba and Sakai Huaqing both felt that Gu He seemed to think of something, and he sighed and laughed.

   "He Sang, what's wrong?"

   "I've also become a legend. It's funny, it's funny."

   Returning to the street outside, the group continued to shop aimlessly, practicing the promotion to queen mode. Gu He was still full of energy, but Miss Chiba still had something to do in the wilderness and needed to go back. Today is almost done.

   "He Sang, where are you going next?" Sakai Huaqing asked before moving his soul back.

   "Let's just go shopping, I want to go shopping by myself today."

  After they moved their souls back, the group disbanded. Gu He stood on the side of the street, but suddenly got into trouble. That's when he thought of a problem, he doesn't know how to drive a motorcycle!

  This car can’t drive in a hurry. He is an extraordinary person who can’t fall to death.

   However, Gu He scratched his head for a while, but saw an athletic figure in tight leather pants striding forward, Lorna.

   "Lorna, what a coincidence..."

   "What a coincidence, I found it here." Lorna was annoyed, "It really made me look for it."

   As soon as she came over and saw the red runaway motorcycle, she rolled over and sat on it, holding the steering handle with both hands, and her posture curved into a graceful curve, "Go, I'll take you to a place."

   "Uh." Gu He also sat in the back seat of the car and leaned against Lorna's waist, "Where are you going?"

   "Go to the beach and see." Lorna started to drive the locomotive, smoke came out of the exhaust pipe, and immediately accelerated away.

   "The seaside? Isn't that out of Kabukicho, is it safe?"

   "If the bank wants to kill you, you will be in trouble in Kabukicho. If you don't kill you, you can go to Acropolis."

  Lorna didn't care about his concern, and drove the motorcycle from Shouhui Street to Renqing Street, and then to the harbor area. At this time, the sky gradually turned into night, and the neon signs on both sides of the street radiated gorgeous lights.

  It was the first time for Gu He to go to the harbor area, but Lorna didn't want to go to the city.

   The motorcycle drove all the way to a road by the beach. Lorna also paid for a ticket to get so close. She stopped the motorcycle on the side of the road, and the two could see the sea there.

   "I'm lucky today, there aren't that many people." Lorna said, "I remember that this place is always crowded with people."

  There are indeed many tourists coming and going on the beach, and looking at the clothes, many of them should be the middle class in the city.

  Gu He looked at the seascape over there. It wasn't that the sea was full of garbage. It was quite pleasant to look at, but some pollution was invisible to the naked eye. It is said that many creatures in the ocean have become extinct.

  Luozhou, the legendary Luozhou, just beyond the sea...

   The sea breeze blew Lorna's short black hair, making it messier. "You can see it soon," she said.

   "What?" Gu He questioned.

"Liuguang Wonders." Lorna's voice was soft, "Do you think the name of this city is because of the neon lights in the city? My parents told me when I was a child, no, it was because of this thing in Liuguang Bay... "

  Gu He really didn't know, she added: "Every year from November to January, you can see it at night. I watched it when I was a kid."

   Soon, as the night became darker and more people were on the beach, the sea became a dead darkness.

   But suddenly, he saw that some splendid brilliance like aurora appeared on the sea surface, interweaving piece by piece, as if dancing, like rising from the bottom of the sea, and like falling from the night sky, reflecting on the sea.

   "Wow..." Gu He couldn't help sighing, "It's so beautiful."

   "Yeah." Lorna also sighed, "It's exactly the same as I remember."

She raised her green eyes and looked at the faint stars in the distant night sky and the streamers on the sea, and said softly: "I heard Kumiko say you want to retire, but tomorrow I will start a rescue operation, I am going to the Voodoo Gang, Dongtu Street, many places."

   "Lorna, I want to retire... However, this is the same reason that many people want to get rich, and it doesn't mean anything."

  Gu He turned to look at her, "Don't talk so much, you still owe me money, I can't leave you alone."

   The corner of Lorna's mouth smiled, and there was a different kind of divine light in her eyes, "I really look forward to seeing you and that bastard."

   "I think he will like me very much." Gu He said with a smile, "I have a share in saving him."

   "Then it depends on how I introduce you." Lorna laughed.

  The two faced the sea breeze at night, the neon city behind them, looking at the brilliant sea, looking forward to the future.

   The first volume of "Killer Queen" is over. This volume is about transformation. Thank you for your support! No leave, continue tomorrow! Thank you, the warrior of love, Wilde, who made 100,000 gold coins to become the leader of the alliance. Both books are alliances. Thank you very much!



   (end of this chapter)