MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 220 Six generations

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   Chapter 220 Six Generations

   Ten days after the war on the top, the turmoil in Yakuza in Kabukicho gradually subsided.

At the beginning, there were some liquidation battles in Nanzhou Street, Shenbao Street and other places, but as the leader of the Binjian team, who was newly awarded the title of "Murderer Binjian", announced that he would retire because of the civil unrest, the situation was completely settled.

   Hama Kenyuro personally went to the headquarters of the Nagano Group, apologized to the deceased five generations of Nagano Masao, and cut off three fingers.

Binjian Group not only withdrew from the battle of the sixth generation, but also had a big shock within the group. Finally, his brother-in-law Oichi Kiyoshi was appointed as the new team leader. Together with the headquarters, the Binjian Group was reorganized into the "Ren Xia Nanzhou Group" to clean up the traitors and rectify the enterprise. Brother.

  No matter what Hamaken Yuro was thinking, the Hamaken group has withdrawn from the stage.

  If this is not done, this division will be beaten by all Yakuza until they die.

  It was also during this time that some important figures of the Yakuza senior faction came forward to support Nagano Tsukiori.

   "Meat Pie Chef Kitano", "Funny Itada", "Carved Baodong", these are not particularly heavy.

The two most important ones are Yuzo Yoshimoto, the fourth-generation younger brother of the fourth-generation Mesa Renhui, and the woman with the highest status in Yakuza before. lady.

  The support of Asahitsukai and Tian Gangsui cleared the last obstacle to Nagano Tsukiori's ascension.

  Part of the opposition from the Young Zhuang faction was quelled by the elders, and Yakuza has always been an organization that pays attention to seniority.

   And the great victory of the war made the streets of Kabukicho support the female head of the house very much.

   In addition, in terms of the alliance agreement with the banking consortium, Yakuza broke with the Santo Company, but approached the Seth Group.

   On this day, the Nagano Group officially announced that the Nagano Tsukigami would succeed the group leader, that is, the sixth generation of Yakuza.

  The main headquarters will hold the "Sixth Generations Succession Ceremony" after the funeral of the fifth generation.

   A civil strife enough to divide Yakuza was quickly brought to an end by the victory of a street war.

  Yakuza's first female head of the family, so it was settled.

   Two days later, the Liuguang City government announced that after the joint decision of the Supreme Court and the Metropolitan Police Department, the cause of this street conflict was complicated, and the "war on the top" had excessive means of improper handling, resulting in more bloodshed.

   Therefore, the municipality issued an amnesty order and no longer pursued the street riots that day.

   And the commander who went to war, Eliza Caton, took the blame and no longer served as superintendent because of the wrong order. He was relieved of all duties and went into recuperation.

   In fact, everyone has long guessed that this will be the result. There is no real law and order in Liuguang City.

  The civil strife in Yakuza and the battle between Santo and Seth are not within the control of the municipality, and it is up to the bank to investigate it.

  The city is a crumbling building block, the bank controls it, but fears it will collapse.

   Once the power erupts on the street and there is an uncontrollable momentum, an amnesty order is the best stop loss.

  Otherwise, if the fight is further fierce, it will be life and death, and the conflict may explode and spread throughout the city.

  This amnesty made everyone in Kabukicho cheer, and people's anger was more or less dissipated in this way.

   As early as a few days ago, Elizabeth left the Yakuza headquarters with the members of the Red Rain Group, returned to Shouhui Street, and personally presided over and led the new development of the Red Rain Home.

   After the release of the amnesty order, the overall situation has been settled, and some of the **** gangsters and some street dogs stranded in the building have also left.

   Including some people from the fish pond, Kumiko Ayane and Cookie went back, Pandora also left, Lindsay was long gone, and Boxer and Osamu Sakai couldn't be idle.

  Gu He didn't leave for the time being, Vivienne refused to leave, she didn't leave, Lorna didn't leave, Sakai Huaqing also stayed for training.

   After a few days, they have been in this headquarters building for 15 days, half a month.

   "Da He, think about what to do with that woman." Vivienne has been keeping in touch with Nimue recently through the psychic network. Sophia was kept in their residence in the voodoo area, but that was only a stopgap measure.

   "Uh, why don't you close it back to the fish pond..." Gu He didn't know what to do.

   "Do you think Lao Fan would agree to such a big deal? Besides, she's useless now."

  Gu He really didn't have much time to think about Sophia these days. He was busy brushing the Cowherd and eating experience packets. He compiled and eaten all the doll-related data such as "The Origin of Species" and "Gold Medal Yuesao Teach You to Confinement".

   Now, the Holy Grail program has risen to 95% of the primary level, and it will soon be able to break through to the intermediate level. I don’t know what functions it has.

   The primary "neural therapy" function, he has not used it once.

   After this period of recuperation, his personality integrity returned to 90%, and the holy water energy was 40%.

  The value of the Cowherd does not mean that you can brush it, sometimes it will come, and sometimes it will not. Gu He brushed a little bit and brushed a little bit, and during the period, he invited Miss Chiba to come over.

  Fortunately, the console pays off, and there are 1 line of source code for actor and 1 line of source code for operator.

  There are only 2 rows of manipulators, and 2 rows of blood eaters.

   These blood eater source codes are just as difficult to deal with as Sophia, leave it alone, or make blood eaters more powerful?

  Gu He also compiled the hero, hunter, and actor data into an experience data package. In addition to the master sharing it with Elizabeth, he also shared it with Lorna and Sakai Huaqing.

   What about comprehension breakthroughs? The program given by Jianbao is good enough!

   It's just that the gold program is slow to improve, they are all the same.

   He asked, Oath, Laurel and Promotion, after eating this wave of experience, only increased to 15%, 18% and 35% respectively.

  Ms. Sakai has more special ones, but hers is only a Q-level program.

   These days, Lorna and Sakai Huaqing go to the dojo from time to time to learn and train, mastering their own new procedures.

   A lot of Gu He's Cowherd value is obtained through sparring. He sees their progress, Lorna is more skilled, Miss Sakai is getting better and better at fighting, she is a hard-working person.

   Sakai Huaqing is working hard every day, practicing the promotion program like exercising her acting skills.

   And there is a big breakthrough because of the point of view put forward by Miss Chiba who has moved her soul from the heart network.

  Miss Chiba did not know the function of “getting through the crowd” in the promotion program, but only knew that there were four promotion modes, but she thought that Miss Sakai had not reached the full potential of the program, and she used it in the wrong way.

   Castles, bishops, knights, queens.

   is not as simple as raising certain attributes of the body through upgrading.

   "As long as the promotion is acting, it will not leave the core image 'show'."

Miss Chiba said, "Four modes are four characters and four masks. Hua Qing, try to understand these characters, create related masks, wear masks while switching modes, and show the related soul and divinity. ."

   Otherwise, Chiba-Gibson is an acting genius, a movie star, and a young actress.

   Before she proposed it, Gu He didn't think so, Elizabeth didn't give such advice, Sakai Huaqing suddenly realized.

  Sakai Huaqing is now a second programmer. Although it is a three-speed gear, the mask program can also accommodate a lot of masks.

She tried to create a knight mask based on Miss Chiba's chivalrous killer character "X" in "Speed ​​Pursuit". She put on the mask when she became a knight, and when she learned from Lorna, it was very different. With X's skill.

   seems to be the most primitive actor - the shrine maiden asks the gods to show her body before showing it, she shows X, she is X.

   And this is just a rough-looking mask, not to mention any personality.

   "Hua Qing, promotion is also a performance." Miss Chiba said, "You must play these roles well."

  The four kinds of characters must have at least one well-made personality mask, which is the four masks.

  Whether it is a castle, bishop, knight or queen, it is a new test for Sakai.

  Especially the queen, the soldier is promoted to the queen, the challenge for an actor is nothing more than this.

   Sakai Huaqing is quite at a loss. She can be the heroine, but she is not very confident. She just has to do that to truly exert the power of the promotion program. She can't let everyone down.

   "I will definitely work hard!" She still showed her determination, "The promotion program is called ten times the effort!"

  Lorna also has a new research on the Laurel program. Without it, when Gu He connected with her, she became very different when the king of the forest had a deer car, but it surprised them all.

   In this state, Gu He transmitted a little holy water to Lorna, and Lorna released the information beasts.

   Those beasts that were originally only information phantoms and could only be attacked by information that could only be mentally affected were actually shaped by holy water with a thin layer of flesh and blood, becoming like real flesh-and-blood beasts.

   They galloped past, almost trampling the wooden floor of the dojo, and exploded into a blood mist when the energy was exhausted.

   "How much holy water did you use?" Lorna asked.

   "Just 2%." Gu He said.

   "Fuck." Lorna scolded softly, "What about 20%, and what about Laurel's rank higher."

  Gu He doesn't know either, I really don't know, there is still a lot to be researched and unearthed in this program.

   As for the oath procedure, Elizabeth has always been a person who cherishes oaths, and now she cherishes it even more. She was not in a hurry to find anyone to establish a co-swearer, and the two co-swearers were still empty.

   She doesn't deliberately do tattoos, nor does she deliberately seek out co-oaths, just look at opportunities.

   For her, busy with Hongyu's affairs, busy with Seth and the bank, every day like this is an oath.

   This half month has passed like this.

   During this period, Gu He contacted the Ghost Girl twice, and she continued to live. Based on the information Elizabeth had inquired, the Ghost Girl returned to Hexiang District, but after this battle, the ability of the gifted person was questioned.

  Sid-Leikuo, Harato Yosuke and others, after losing the top battle, have been silent for a while.

   On the day of Yakuza's fifth-generation head of Nagano's funeral, it was drizzling in Kabukicho, and the Yakuza headquarters on Renqing Street was solemn and solemn, and people dressed in black formal clothes lined up at the entrance of the building.

  As the vehicle stopped, those Yakuza legends got off and arrived one after another, all wearing formal suits, or wearing the silver-black bat-sleeve combat suits they wore when they were commissioners.

  Gu He, as a hero this time, was also invited to attend, and Lorna attended on behalf of the bone and blood men who participated in this war.

   They saw some acquaintances in the mourning hall, old man Kitano, old man Bantian, Mrs. Meitian, and Diao Baodong, all of them came.

Of course, Miss Caiyin also came to offer her condolences. She put on the bat sleeve battle suit as usual, and brought the samurai sword that had been hanging on the wall of Li Cai's living room for a long time. She is Qingyan.

  This funeral also announced that the era of the five generations of Nagano Masao has officially come to an end.

   This Shoucheng Patriarch, although he experienced the failure of the bone and blood movement, has defended Kabukicho, and at a time when the world is becoming more and more corrupt, he has guarded the bottom line of the pole.

   And the cause of his death is still a mystery, and perhaps the truth will not be revealed until the day when the city really begins to change.

  Everything is going fast in Liuguang City, and Kabukicho needs the sixth generation of Yakuza to settle down as soon as possible.

   Three days after the funeral, the "Six Daimoku Inheritance Ceremony" was also held in this headquarters building.

  Many people who attended the funeral that day came again, but those who retired and became intermediaries did not come again. Some allies and friends were invited to attend, such as "Liz with red hair" Elizabeth came on behalf of the Red Rain Troupe.

   Miss Caiyin did not come again, Gu He and Sakai Huaqing represented the fish pond, and Lorna continued to attend.

   They were sitting in the auditorium of the headquarters in formal clothes again. There were no empty seats around. They were full of black Yakuza, men and women, many special commissioners, branch ministers, siblings... seniors, conservatives, young warriors, and centrist figures.

   With so many people in one place, Gu He was a little worried that something would happen, if a missile from the bank came over.

   He quietly connected with Elizabeth next to him, and asked this worry in his mind.

   "What the bank wants is profit, domination, balance, and control. If you do that, the balance of Streamer City will collapse."

  Elizabeth said, "Yakuza is not just these people, and it's not just Yakuza in the city. And Seth has an interest here, and that's a benefit for the bank. Brother Angel, we still have a long way to go."

   "What are you talking about?" Lorna noticed it and said in a low voice, "If you talk with empathy, pull me in too."

  Gu He pulled Lorna into the group, and simply pulled Miss Sakai into the group too.

  The auditorium was very solemn, but no one could hear what they were saying in their heads.

In this atmosphere, on the other side of the stage, Nagano Tsukiori, with her hair up and dressed in black, took a particularly large silver meat cutter ring from the "godmother" Mrs. Tian Gang, and a gorgeous black The katana sword "The Cut of the Extreme Way".

   These are all things that represent the owner of the Yakuza family.

   Nagano Tsukiori put on a silver ring on his right hand, and then held the pole cut, facing the audience, his mature face was calm and deep.

  In addition to specially invited friends and seniors, all Yakuza staff stood up and bowed to the new owner.

  Yakuza Six Generations era officially opened.

"We will continue to fight. If we don't fight, just go to work as a corporate sibling, or live timidly and will be laughed at, then Yakuza loses the meaning of existence, we have to fight! But why are we fighting? ?"

   Nagano Tsukiori looked at the crowd, and loudly gave her first speech as the head of the family, also announcing her program.

   "I won't promise you, we will attack San Manga, Pharaoh, or go back to the harbor area of ​​the first generation, we are in Kabukicho, this is our home, and we fight for it.

  “Yakuza does not need to continue to expand, but to make the home a better place.

   "If someone is in distress, we will help them; if there are street children starving, we will give them food; if an enemy invades Kabukicho, we will repel the enemy.

   "We are a group of violent gangsters, we are also a group of knights, we have to fight.

   "We are here, inheriting the legacy of our seniors and making Kabukicho a better place with allies.

   "The way of extremes is the way of Ren Xia."

   (end of this chapter)