MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 99 new Year

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"...The propaganda effect of "Dream of Dreams" is very good. The user expects the game produced by Double Angle Technology and Luofeng to be very high. If there is no accident, we will officially launch the line before the Spring Festival according to the original plan." Said the sales.

As the big boss of the double-angle technology, Wei Pin personally went to the door and obtained the ip authorization of the Luofeng Ghost Festival Tournament, and the game was adapted and developed. Now the game is finally developed and the name is "Dream Traveling".

Because of the Spring Festival, Wei Pin deliberately took time to take a flight before Luofei gave his daughter to buy some transport jade, and by the way, purchased a batch of yin detectors to be sent to friends and relatives as a Spring Festival gift, just to confirm with the Shangyu The project situation.

After listening to the business, the face could not help but reveal the smile of the fascination: "I finally got on the line..."

Although Luo Feng only authorized ip, he did not participate in the development of the game. However, as an ip holder, Shang Yang had put forward a lot of opinions on game planning. Wei Pin saw his familiar smile and suddenly felt his heart. Cold, quickly reminded: "Commerce, regarding your design in the game, please be sure to keep confidential, or once it is passed out, we really have difficulty explaining to the user..."

The merchants waved their hands: "Know it."

After talking about the business, Wei Pin is preparing to leave, but Shang Yan is a turn: "Yes, I have something to talk to you."

Wei Pin saw him as serious as he was, and his posture was serious: "Commerce please."

Shang Yang’s body leaned a little forward and seriously asked: “What kind of online learning course did your daughter have reported? Is there a better recommendation?”

Wei sells an eyebrow: "Does this always be reported to your own children? Or do you ask a friend?"

The business has a good face: "Of course it is your own."

Wei Pin was slightly surprised: "I can't see it, the business is always so young, there are kids."

Shang Yu coughs a little, it is rare to be modest: "Not too young."

"Shang dynasty can go to class at this age, isn't it young?" Wei Pin smiled. "But you asked me to ask the right person. Before the ink and ink, I couldn't go to kindergarten and training classes because of physical problems. Me and me. My wife specializes in many online courses..."

Wei Pin said, I really recommended a lot of online tutoring classes for young children, and also introduced the advantages and disadvantages of different remedial classes. Then, the online course requires parents to have enough time to accompany their children. So busy, if it is not for special reasons, it is better to let the children go to kindergarten and training classes."

Shangyu: "There are special reasons."

“Oh? What is the reason?” Wei Pin said, “If you don’t mind, you can talk to me. I have a little experience in raising children. Maybe I can give some advice to the general manager.”

Shang Yang holds his chest with both hands: "The training class will not accept it."

Wei sales is even more confused: "... why not? Is there any problem with children?"

Shang Yang: "You don't understand."

Wei sells stunnedly, but since the business does not say, he is not good to ask.

After talking about things, Wei Pin officially got up and said goodbye. As soon as the door of the office was pushed open, he was shocked by a sigh of "嘎嘎嘎嘎-" and then saw a programmer being a white goose. Chasing after running.

The big goose is about half a meter tall, and it looks round and round, and he is wearing a pink skirt. It looks so cute.

However, the temper of the big goose is obviously not as cute as her appearance. At this time, she is fiercely chasing behind a programmer. A pair of big wings fan like a hot wheel, as if I can still hear the "hw". The sound of the wind, the long goose neck is the opportunity to look forward to the past, and suddenly the programmer's heel.

The programmer was a tall man, and he was bitten by the big goose, and he cried out cryingly: "Pei Qi, I am wrong, you are not fat at all, really, you are the most in the world. Good big goose -"

The growth of the goose was very fast. It didn't take long for Peggy to grow into a big goose. As her body became stronger, Shangyu no longer restricted her range of activities. Now she often runs on both sides of the headquarters and subsidiaries.

In the past two days, Yu Fei was on the side of Luo Feng. She also followed the activities at the headquarters. I did not expect to encounter the programmers of the subsidiary to report the work. When I met, I said: "Pei Qi, I haven’t seen you for two days, how are you? Fat?"

Then the programmer understands what is called "the wrath of the goose."

Still so smart to be seen by Wei Pin.

Wei Pin: "...??"

Luo Feng has a goose Peggy who only likes to wear a small skirt. He also heard about it, but... the programmer was bullied by the big goose really a big man?

The legendary programmer is not as powerful as a goose.

Wei Wei, a product manager, couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and took a picture of Peggy's bullying of the programmer. He also sent a circle of friends:

[Wei Pin: Rational discussion, is the programmer's combat power really only 0.5 goose? [photo]】

In the photo, the programmer squatted on the ground and put his hands together to make the requested position. On the opposite side, the big goose wearing the skirt has taken back his wings and proudly leaned forward to the long goose neck, which is quite white and round. The goose chest, the wings slightly supported, I don't know if it is an illusion, actually there is a little akimbo look.

Wei Wei’s WeChat added a lot of people, and many of them are big in the industry. When he made a circle of friends, he immediately attracted countless praises. He was also sent to the Internet by a screenshot, attracting netizens: [2333333]

[Wei Pin has not been a product manager for many years, but still has not changed the instinct to hurt programmers]

[Amazed, some people said that the future programmers of the Egret were bullied by Peggy, I thought it was compiled, actually? ! ! ! 】

[Programmer's style is murdered...]

Because of Wei’s circle of friends, the discussion on the Internet happily raised the discussion about the combat effectiveness of programmers and big gooses, and others made a special analysis of the strength of power, from different angles to demonstrate why programmers can not beat big goose.

However, it was not long before this analysis was made, and it was overthrown by powerful facts.

I started to do the European **** today: Peggy is disobedient today, my father is angry [image]

In the photo, Peggy shrinks her wings, hangs her head, and even the goose's palms stand inside. It looks so good and pitiful, and in front of her, Yu is arguing with her arms and her face is serious. she was.

Netizen: [... The student seems to be a programmer too? He won the big goose! 】

[Thanks to the seniors for the programmer's name! ! ! 】

[Wow, the student’s life wins, as a programmer, not only the hair is thick, but also the perfect driving of the big goose, admired! 】

[ceo seems to have not sent a goose chart without a senior? 】

Because of the existence of Yu Zhengdu, the programmers finally turned the tide in this battle with the big goose and successfully saved the wind.


At the moment, Wei Pin, who has finished his circle of friends, is about to leave Luo Feng. He will see that Yu is rushing to hold the computer and come out from another conference room. He just saw Peggy sticking his waist to bully the programmer, and immediately brows and shouts. Road: "Pecher?"

Peggy quickly shrank his wings, clenched it tightly, and then took the goose's palm. He swayed and ran to Yu Yu: "Hey--"

Wei Pin: "..." This goose is so obedient?

He was surprised that Shang Yang also followed, and looked at the big goose, revealing the expression of the strict father: "Peqi, I just discussed with your father, and I will give you an online course after the end of the year. You study hard, don't bully poor programmers all day long."

Peggy patted the wings: "Hey--"

Wei Pin: "...??" The online course that Shanghao asked him to inquire for the big goose?

Make him play?

Wei pinned his mouth and twitched, and it was not easy to ask Shangyu. He always felt that there was a suspicion of questioning the IQ of others. He shook his head and did not ask again. He came out of Luofeng.

After leaving the office, Wei Pin went to the toilet and stepped into the toilet. He did not expect to come out of the toilet and met Peggy.

Peggy is coming out from the opposite female toilet. Wei Pin thinks of the legend that Luo Feng’s ducks and geese will go to the bathroom on their own, and they smiled and said, “Hey, Peggy, go to the bathroom?”

His words were just a joke, but the big goose's eyes slid a little, then nodded and made a "嘎-" sound.

Wei Pin was shocked and looked at her incredulously: "Do you understand?"

The big goose eyes slid and looked away, but this time he did not respond to him.

Wei Pin’s heart was in doubt, and he was not sure whether the big goose understood or didn’t understand it. He thought about it and took out his mobile phone and searched for “Goose Peggy” on Weibo. He jumped out from small to big. The beauty of all kinds of big goose, and how she is cute and cute.

However, the Internet only said that Peggy is smarter than the average poultry, and it is better to raise it. It is not too exaggerated.

Wei sales mind calmed some, the intelligence of the goose is indeed higher than that of ordinary poultry, otherwise it will not be raised by some families. Luo Feng, as long as it is smarter than the average big goose, can understand the simple password. normal.

Probably because of the psychological shadow cast by the Shangyu to the big goose newspaper training class, he actually gave him the illusion that this big goose can understand people.

... But in any case, even if this goose is smarter than the ordinary goose, he still has to say that it is really outrageous to discuss the goose to the goose!

Wei Pin felt that he was really out of heart. He shook his head in a smile and squatted down and touched Peggy’s little head. He smiled and said: "You are so cute."

Peggy has a wing: "Hey--"

Wei Pin is about to get up, suddenly slipped to Weibo and shared it: Peggy sister successfully predicted the result of the game! [image]

The picture is a group chat screenshot, it seems that Peggy is like the octopus brother of the year, successfully predicted the results of several games.

This Weibo was a long time ago. After that, there seems to be no such thing as Peiqi can predict the game. It is estimated that like the previous octopus brother, the second choice happened to be the right one.

Wei Pin naturally did not take this Weibo seriously, but he just happened to have a choice to waver. When he saw it, he asked him half-jokingly: "Pei Qi, do you say that I am bringing my family to Si Ling to play with Chinese New Year? Going back to the old family to worship the ancestors?"

Wei Pin usually works very busy, and spends less time with his family. It is rare to have a few holidays during the Spring Festival. In the past years, because of the physical problems of his daughter Wei Mo, they usually stay at home. This year, with Luo Feng’s products, Wei Mo finally can As a child goes out at will, Wei Pin wants to take a family to Si Ling for a holiday, but the child's grandmother feels that the child is normal and should return to his hometown to worship the ancestors.

Wei Pin actually wants to bring children out to play, but it is not very good to reject the elderly. These two days are bothering.

He just asked casually, did not expect a goose to really answer him, but saw Peggy Xiaoyan eyes rushed to him, suddenly patted his wings, "嘎 -".

Wei sold a heart, I don’t know if it was an illusion. I always felt that Peggy’s eyes seemed to understand the general. He was puzzled and tried to ask: “Peqi, are you answering me?”

Peggy looked at him only and didn't talk.

Wei Pin thought about it and changed the question: "Do you think that I am taking my family to Siling?"

The round white goose head shook.

Wei Pin was shocked and asked: "When is that old home?"

Peggy nodded.

Wei sales is really shocked. Looking at Peggy’s eyes is incredible: “Do you really understand?”

Peggy did not answer him this time, patted his wings and twisted his buttocks and swayed away.

Wei sells his heart and confuses. For a moment, he does not know whether he should believe this big goose, but he is not a person who does not believe in evil. He thinks of Luo Feng’s mysterious products. He hesitated for a while, or sent a message to his family. :[This year is still going back to my hometown, and I will have the opportunity to go out to play later. 】


In the blink of an eye, the Lufeng headquarters and the subsidiary's future work and vacation arrangements are all in line with the Yangshang Company. The Spring Festival is also a holiday, but there are also children born in the Spring Festival. The work of the birth point cannot be stopped. Change.

This year, Luofeng's business is booming. It is not the same as the office in the past. The company has sent a year-end to everyone. During the Spring Festival, colleagues on duty have three times salary in addition to the transfer. In addition, the company also gives Lu Lingxi in advance. Arrange the various benefits of the employees on duty, organize the Spring Festival celebrations and the staff's New Year's Eve at the point of reincarnation. Under such a comprehensive arrangement, all the staff are happy and happy.

In the New Year's Eve, Yu Zhengdu took a boyfriend and a goose, a duck, and set off for the New Year in Jintan Town.

When Shang Qingming was clear, he went to Yu to go to the house for a holiday, and also sent a set of antique tea pots. Yujia’s parents also knew that Shanghao had no family members. Therefore, this time, the second old man said that he was welcome. It was a telegram on the phone that revealed the expectation of 120,000 points.

Yu Zhengdu: ... his mother is purely confused by the beauty of the business.

This year is the New Year’s Eve prepared by Dad. Yu’s mother plays with the New Year’s decorations of flowers and potted plants on the balcony.

I heard the door call of Yu Zhengdu, Yu Dad wearing an apron to open the door from the kitchen, and shouting his wife: "The small business that has been arguing with your heart is back."

Yu Yudu outside the door: "..." Fucking, this is my heart!

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu wore the same scarf, and Shangyu also carried a large bag and saw Dad coming out.

Then Shang Xiao’s face was somewhat unnaturally metaphorically, and Dad nodded: “Hello.”

Yu Zhengdu sneered aside, and the thousand-year-old ghost could not scream an uncle.

Yu’s father didn’t pay attention to it. When they saw that they were full of things, they quickly reached out and asked: “When you come back, what are you doing with so many things?”

As a result, the hand had not been touched. Suddenly, a long sigh of "嘎-", a duck and a big goose came out from the back of Shangyu and Yuzheng, and the father was scared.

Yu Dad’s eyes glimpsed: “How come with ducks and big goose?”

Then I slammed my sleeves: "Exactly, let you see my master skills - the taste of the louffle."

The nurse duck didn't know much about people. Peggy knew it. He heard the wings show, his **** twisted and he ran wildly.

"Oh, the big goose is running!" Yu Dad is in a hurry and will catch up.

Yu Zhengdu quickly stopped him: "Dad, this is a pet that is a small business. Like a prostitute, you can't kill it!"

Yu Dad: "...hey?"

He knows that rich people have a lot of tricks, like to keep strange strange pets, but raise big geese... Also as a prostitute, he is the first time he meets.

Inside, I still want to pretend to be ordinary, and my father smiled: "I am joking, joking."

Yu Zhengdu only waved towards Peggy: "Peggy, come back, won't eat you."

Peggy's eyes flashed and carefully slammed back, saying that Dad saw the magic and said: "Hey, will you listen to people?"

Shanghao nodded: "She is very smart."

Yu Zhengdu also said to Dad: "So, at this year's table, it is best not to have poultry meat, chickens."

"Know it." Yu Dad lowered his voice. "I will take the onion chicken back into the refrigerator when I wait, and wait for you to leave and take it out."

Yu Zhengdu: "...all are ready."

Yu family is small, but the New Year's dinner is very warm.

Yujia Sankou and Shangyu are sitting on the table, and two delicate food bowls are placed next to the table for the goose Peggy and the nurse duck.

Yu mother eats and gives food to the merchants. The more he likes him, the more he likes it. He can’t help but say: “Would you like to come to our house every year after the small business?”

Yu Dad gave her a look: "What do you say, Xiaoshang doesn't have to get married?"

However, seeing Shang Hao’s nod to be good and good: “Good.”

"I heard no." Yu mother proudly returned to the metaphor of Dad, and no regrets, "Oh, we are arguing if the girl is good, can be a small business..."

Yu Dad: "Do you talk nonsense?"

Yu is a mysterious smile: "It's hard to say."

Yu Dad is not clear, but can not stop the mother's feelings of beauty, she gave a chopsticks to the Shangyu chicken: "small business, come, eat that green onion."

The scallion chicken was put on the table, but in order to take care of the big geese and ducks, they did not call the chicken directly, but instead used the cipher instead.

Yu Zhengdu took a look at the eating situation of Peggy and the nurse duck, and got up and added some fresh grains and chopped fruits to them.

Yu mother took a look at the situation and suddenly was shocked: "Oh, this big goose and duck have been eating for a long time, things have not spilled out?"

In general, poultry eating things can't help but spill things. Yujia's parents have always prepared these two pets to make a mess at home. I didn't expect this duck and big goose to be so Sven, looking like it was younger. The children are still neat.

Yu Zhengdu is vague: "Small business training is good."

Just finished, I saw the duck twisted his buttocks and swayed in the direction of the living room door.

Yu mother quickly got up: "Is the duck going to run?"

"No." Yu argued that he waved his hand. "It just went to the bathroom."

Yu Dad was surprised: "Does the ducks of Xiaoshang still go to the toilet?"

Yu Zhengdu said casually: "What is this, Peggy will still flush."

Yujia parents together: "...?"

People in the city really will play!

After eating the meal, Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu were rushed to the living room to watch TV. The Spring Festival Evening has not yet started. At this time, news is still being played, mainly in the case of preparing for the new world around the world, and it is full of joy.

Yu mother cleaned up the table and chatted with them. Suddenly, the peaceful and happy news inserted a less pleasant news: "...Silhou suddenly torrential rain, accidentally caused landslides, causing many tourists to be trapped, local related The department is organizing emergency rescues... I would like to remind all visitors to pay attention to safety during the Spring Festival trip..."

Yu mother listened for a while: "Oh, oh, big New Year, out of this kind of thing..."

Yu Dad came out of the kitchen and found a half body. He nodded. "I hope that those who are trapped are safe and sound."

Yu Zhengdu quickly ran to open his own luggage, took out the laptop and opened the data to see the life and death book system.

Yu mother saw a straight frown: "How do you still have to work for the New Year?"

The merchants waved their hands: "It's a little urgent."

Yu Jia’s parents were puzzled, but when they saw the boss say this, they didn’t say anything. After a while, they broke down and put down the computer. The whispered and sighed: “The data is fluctuating normally, there should be no major casualties.”

However, it is inevitable that the trapped people and their families will be worried for a while.

Shang Xiao smiled and touched his neck: "Life and death, you don't have to worry about it."

Yu is not convinced, but in the end there is a lot of peace of mind, I want to change some easy topics, and suddenly talk about the phone ringing.

He took it up and looked a little surprised.

Yu Zhengdu asked: "What?"

Shanghao handed him the phone and saw it, but it was Wei’s message: [Commercial, Happy New Year, this is the lucky money for Peggy. 】

Wei Pin: [[Transfer]]

Wei Pin: [[Transfer]]

Wei Pin: [[Transfer]]

Wei Pin has transferred three strokes of 60,000, adding up to a total of 180,000.

Business: [? 】

Wei Pin: [Also asked Peggy, otherwise we will go to Siling for a holiday in the New Year. 】

Yu Zhengdu: "Hey..."

He went to Peggy and asked her seriously: "Peqi, have you fortune your fortune?"

Peggy confided the goose into his wings.

The business has also seen it down: "Peggy is not nervous, and it doesn't matter if it happens once."

Peggy just put her head out.

Yu Zhengdu looked helplessly at the business: "You can't be so indulgent."

"I believe that Peggy will not come in chaos." Shang Xiaodao said, "If you look at Wei Pin, this is not a real money, he will still do things."

Yu Yudu thought about it too, he touched the wings of Peggy: "That is all this time."

His eyes bent: "The lucky money will be saved for you, and you will be able to pay for it yourself later."

Peggy proudly shoots his wings: "Hey--"

Yu Zhengdu said that he felt a little thirsty, and he got up and went to pour water. By the way, he also poured a glass of wine. He didn’t expect to come back, and he saw Shangyu leaning against Peggy’s head, and sneaking and discussing: "Peggy, your red envelope is a copy of me, I have less pocket money than you!"

Peggy grievances: "Hey--"

Shang Yang then took the opportunity to go back, just to the eyes of the metaphor.

Shang Yang: "...Peqi himself said to give it to me!"

Yu argues that the heart is sour: "... give you some pocket money."

The author has something to say: About the call of the goose, I downloaded the video and audio research, but I couldn't find the exact onomatopoeia, a little "giggle", "嘎嘎", "ah", then I chose "quack"……

Shang Yang: Happy!

Save the little sunflower and give him some swear! 2k novel reading network