MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 88 Complete plot line

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Yu Zhengdu silently looked at Shang Yang, and for a moment he laughed, but he did not know what to say.

Shang Yan looked at his face and looked up at his chin, making a look of arrogance.

He waited for a while and did not see the words of arguing and talking, and could not help but use Yu Guang to see Yu.

Just as the metaphor is also watching him, the eyes of the two meet, and Yu Yu’s eyes are soft: "Boss, you listen to me..."

"I don't listen." Shangyu first started to be strong and said very timidly. "You misunderstood. I didn't intend to promise you from the beginning."

Although he said this when the expression was controlled, the hand holding the mouse was not consciously exerted, and the knuckles were slightly white.

Yu Yu’s unfinished words were blocked and looked back at Shang Yang. After a long while, he sighed deeply and said again: “You are sure, don’t you really promise me?”

"Of course it is true!" Shang Yang said, the tone of the hard state, with a bit of pride in the bones, "Is not you are not ready to tell me anyway? We are even!"

"It’s already ruined." Yu Zhengdu looked at him, and he didn’t know what he thought. He smiled a little at a loss. "I thought about it later, I think it’s good to promise me."

Merchant Emei, for a moment did not respond to what it means to be a metaphor.

"However, I think you really need to think about it again." Yu said to cross his hands into his jacket pocket and said seriously, "Do you really want to be with me, or just because I feel like I like you, I want to follow me." Together."

Shang Xiao coldly retorted: "I didn't want to be with you..."

Halfway through the words, I saw Yu Zhengduo looking straight at him. The Shangyu subconsciously swallowed the second half and tampered with the words: "You don't like me anyway."

"I have never said anything." Yu Zhengdu laughed. "Xiaoshang, you can't think that I like you, and think that I don't like you."

"More importantly, you can't just want to be with me because I feel like I like it, and think that if I don't like you, I will retreat."

Shangyu’s mind has already been blank. He simply wants to understand the words of Yu Zhengdu. He only said by his consistent waywardness: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Then think about it." Yu Zhengdu said with patience, "I am not in a hurry."

He is not in a hurry! ! ! !

Shang Yan took a deep breath and clicked on the game client on the computer desktop. He said, "You go out, I want to play the game."

"Well, I will go to the subsidiary office first time during this time." Yu Zhengdu said, he retired to the office door, thought about it, and turned back, smiled and shouted, "Xiaoshang."

Shang Yang raised his head.

Yu Zhandu bent his eyes and said with a smile: "You look so good."

Business:! ! ! !

You said that I look good, why not confess!


The next morning, Yu Zheng went to the subsidiary company to start work in the future. He usually runs at both the headquarters and the subsidiary, so the company's people are not surprised.

Yu Zhengdu did not explain much. After sitting down, he thought about it and sent a message to Shanghao: [Do you need me to give Peggy an unborn baby today? 】

Shang Hao did not pull him black this time, but he did not return information.

Yu Zhengdu is immersed in meditation: So is this a cold war?

Just as the subsidiary programmer Liu Wei came to him to discuss the problem, Yu Zhandu put the business affair in the back and began to analyze the work difficulties he encountered with Liu Wei.

Speaking halfway, a shadow suddenly casts on the side, and several programmers around have said hello: "Business is always good."

Yu Zhengdu looked up and saw Shangzheng standing in front of him, looking at him with a cold face.

At this time, Liu Wei turned his head and looked at it. The whole person was shocked and shouted: "Business, how do you hold a chicken coop?"

That's right, at this time, Shangyi's tailored suit is as elegant and elegant as usual. It stands like a javelin and is very handsome. It is full of the majesty of a superior.

But it is such a handsome and solemn business owner, but holding a huge ... chicken nest?

Not only that, but looking down, you will find that his feet are followed by a white duck.

Liu Wei is confused by the whole person: "Business, our company will not want to develop animal husbandry?"

The company's product catalog is already amazing enough...

Yu Zhengdu also looked at the things in the hands of Shang Hao, which is clearly Pei Qi’s hatchery nest, that is, I don’t know what Shang is doing.

He stood up and said to Liu Wei: "You should go back to your seat and wait for it to come back..."

"No, I will let go when I let go." Shang Hao said faintly, then indifference two steps forward, put the huge chicken nest on the table and put it on the table, then looked down and took a look at the big white duck.

The big white duck "嘎-" screamed and flew up to the desk, then twisted the duck's buttocks and sat in the nest at the end, continuing to hatch.

The loss of the metaphor is enough for the table to be able to accommodate the nest and a duck.

Yu Zhengdu looked at Shangyu with some incomprehensibility. My heart was not a taste for a while. Is this really a question... Is it really broken? Don’t want a goose?

He hesitated for a while before he tried to say: "Boss, are you?"

Shang Yang didn't look at him, but he started to go, with a hand in his pocket, his eyes looking at the distance, and he said with a light and light voice: "I think, if we are not together, Peggy should want to follow more. you."

Yu Zheng crossed his head and squeezed out a row of question marks, almost squirting on the spot.

No, is this the result of Shang Yang’s presenting now, is it the legendary... divorce and custody plot?

Yu Zhengdu was caught in a moment, should the ghost king be a ghost king?

Although Shang Xuan vowed that he never intended to promise himself, from dating to child-rearing, from child-rearing to divorce, the whole plot line went so far that it was completely intact and did not fall at all.

"I hope that you can take on the responsibility of a single father." Shang Hao continued, "Don't neglect the goose because I am not around."

Yu contested a **** throat in his throat and almost didn't kill himself. He helped the forehead for a long while: "I know, I will take care of Peggy."

"You don't have to worry about it. I gave Peggy a protection. She didn't have anything to do before she was born." Shang Xiao added, went to see the big white duck, his eyes sharp, "Do you know what to do?"

The white duck wings shrank and whispered: "Hey--"

After explaining the matter, Shang Hao was nodded with satisfaction and looked at Yu Yu with a flash of light. He coughed: "Then I am gone."

"Yeah." Yu argued and nodded. "You go slowly."

Shangyu stood still, after a while, Yu Zhandu couldn't help but look at him with doubt: "?"

Shang Yan glanced around at random and faintly said: "You have no job to report to me?"

"Not yet." Yu Zhengdu smiled and looked at him. "If there is, I will send it to you on WeChat."

"I can't tell you online." Shang Xiaodao said, "If you have any questions, come to my office to discuss."

Yu Zhengdu: "Good."

Shang Yan waited for a while and saw that he really had nothing to say. He had to turn his head: "Then I will leave."

Yu Zhengdu: "Well."

Shang Hao then opened his straight legs and gracefully prepared to leave. He just walked two steps and thought of something. He stopped and said, "Although Peggy followed you, I still have the right to see her." ""

Yu Zhengdu smile: "Of course."

Shanghao nodded: "Then I will give her prenatal education regularly."

Yu Xingdu couldn't help but ask: "Is it regular?"

The merchants sank a bit: "Just once a day."

Yu Zhengdu: ... I believe in your evil.

Shangyu talked about the time to visit the goose, and he left with satisfaction.

Yu Zhengdu couldn't help but re-enforce the amount. When he turned around, he saw Liu Wei looking at him in confusion: "Boss, why did the Shanghe give you a chicken nest?"

"That's not a chicken coop." Yu said, "It's a breeding nest, hatching eggs."

"Ah, is that the case?" Liu Wei scratched his head, turned to see the hatchery, and then fell into confusion again. "Wait, boss, if it is hatching? Why is a duck here?" ”

Yu Zhengdu is embarrassed to say that because the geese are too fierce, the ghosts can't catch them, they are vague: "Is there any problem?"

"Of course." Liu Wei was a messy person. "Boss, are you not in the countryside, don't you know, ducks are not hatching?"

Yu fights for a moment: "... is it?"

Liu Wei looked at the quiet ducks of the years, and his expression seemed to see a natural miracle: "Boss, at my hometown, duck eggs are hens hatching..."

To be precise, the ducks do not hatch, because when the ducks are raised, the ducks that hatch the eggs are found to have fewer eggs and are not fat. Therefore, the domesticated ducks are cultivated very early, and the hatching eggs are replaced by artificial hatching eggs. After the cultivation of the generation, the current domestic ducks are no longer hatching their own eggs.

Obviously, this is not everyone's knowledge. At least, the ghosts of Yu Zhengdu and Luo Feng don't know.

Liu Wei said with emotion: "What happened to this duck?"

Experience the threat and intimidation of the ghost king.

Yu Zhandu looked at this dedicated, no-regretless duck, and said: "I think, probably because this duck has special maternal love."

"That's not impossible." Liu Wei thought for a moment, reluctantly accepted this statement, and helped find a reason to explain, "After all, ducks are also hatching eggs. Although they are rare, they are still occasionally so One or two cuddles."

He looked at the quiet, chicken-like duck, and he couldn’t help but singularly: "Boss, you duck is not only maternal, but also good."

Yu Zhengdu smiled and nodded: "Well, it is a duck."

Just finished, I saw the duck "hey--" and stood up. The little eyes slid and looked at the metaphor, crazy suggestion.

Yu Zhengdu said to Liu Wei: "It has to be pulled, I have not prepared a duck toilet for it. You should take it to the toilet in the building today."

Liu Wei looked at Yu Zhengdu and looked at the duck again, revealing a shocked face: "Your duck still knows to go to the toilet?"

"Yeah." Yu said to calmly nod. "I said, it is a duck."

This is a simple duck, so it’s all ducks?

Liu Wei looked at the **** duck and jumped off the table, twisting his **** at his feet, was about to take it to the toilet, and subconsciously looked back at the hatching egg, and then his eyes popped out again.

"Boss, are you not a duck egg?" Liu Wei pointed at the huge white egg.

"I didn't say it was a duck egg." Yu Zhengdu touched Peggy. "This is a goose egg."

Liu Wei sighed in his chest, and after a while, he trembled and touched the hair of the white duck: "Duckling, what have you experienced?"

You said a duck, hatching eggs, even hatching is not a duck egg... Is this the proliferation of maternity or the distortion of duck sex?

"嘎 嘎 乖 乖 乖 乖 乖 乖 乖 乖 乖 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然 突然

"Hey--" Liu Wei sighed. "Boss, your duck is poisonous!"


Shangyu was sitting in the office for a day, and every time he saw WeChat, the managers of each department took turns to ask him for a round of work, that is, he did not see the information he wanted.

He replied to the instructions of various departments one by one, and approved the submitted reports. When they finished this, they stopped and felt irritated.

Shangyu thought about it, just log in to Weibo to see it.

He was immersed in the sweetness of love (?) a few days ago. For a while, he didn't go to Weibo for business. This login received a lot of information.

He never looked at the comments and forwarded things, only looked at the private letters to see some.

As a result, he found that Professor Shen Wenrong of Diyang University sent him several private letters.

Before the Shangyu, because of the historical bugs in the small diss costume drama "The Old Dream of the Liangliang", it was hotly searched by the opera, and later Shen Wenrong, professor of history at Diyang University, came out to seal the affirmation of the historical viewpoint of Shangyu. In the matter, the professional image of Shangyu has been affirmed, and many fans have been harvested under the double bonus of face and talent.

After this, Shen Wenrong has always maintained contact with Shangyu. Later, he has solved some problems in the study of Song history. Therefore, Shen Wenrong always hopes to invite Shangyu to participate in their academic discussions, but Shangyu never promised. .

Shang Yan looked at Shen Wenrong's private letter and found that he re-raised him and invited him to the party again, but this time it was not an academic discussion, but a non-governmental exchange meeting organized by Song history lovers.

Shang Yan casually glanced at it, and once again refused Shen Wenrong coldly, and then continued to read WeChat.

Yu Xingdu still did not send a message.

At lunch time, Shang Hao finally couldn’t hold it anymore. This time, Yu Yu’s meal was all lunch with him. It’s all going to dinner. There’s nothing in Yu’s dispute.

He thought about it, took an order in the takeaway software, and then shared the red envelope link to Yu Zhengdu.

My poor boss: [hand slipped wrong]

My poor boss: [But if you order a takeaway, you can grab a red envelope. 】

After a while, Yu said that he had returned to the information.

Yu Zhengdu: [No, I am with Liu Wei, they are eating downstairs]

Business:! ! ! He is looking for someone else to eat together!

My poor boss: [You have not reported to me today]

Yu Zhengdu: [The system has come to an end, there is no special need to ask for this time]

Yu Zhengdu: [[file: tolist]]

At the glance, the documents of the disputes of the Shangyu point of view, listed above, his work arrangements for the next few days, found that Yu Zhengdu really did not deliberately not report to him, it is really unnecessary.

For the first time, Shang Yang felt that sometimes employees are too capable and not a good thing.

He was depressed, Lu Lingxi gave him an inside call, but Shen Wenrong called.

Shen Wenrong’s nature is the gathering in the private letter and Shangyu. He said: “Commercial, this gathering is not a general gathering. Many private collectors of the private sector will bring their collections to attend, and they can see many public occasions. Can you not be moved by the Song Dynasty antiquities?"

Shang Yang: "Not heart."

Shen Wenrong was stunned and shouted. "How do you exclude these activities? If this is not a job, just take a trip."

Shang Yang is studying the work table of Yu Zhengdu. He heard that the light bulb in his head was bright and his mouth floated and smiled: "No, this is work."

Shen Wenrong quickly said: "Isn't it..."

“It’s work.” The spirit of Shang Yang’s spirit rose and said, “Professor Shen, I can participate in the past, but I have to bring a staff member.”

When Shen Wenrong heard that he was willing to participate, he was overjoyed. If he was unhappy, he immediately agreed: "Of course no problem."

On the other side, Yu Zhengdu is eating lunch, and WeChat is bright again.

My poor boss: [The day after tomorrow, go on a business trip with me]

Yu Zhengdu: [What? 】

My poor boss: [Participate in a Song History Exchange]

Yu Zhengdu: [... This is also the content of my work? 】

My poor boss: [Yes, I just added it to the tolist]

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

The capitalist is the capitalist! Even ghosts will not change the nature of their exploitation!

The author has something to say: Peggy: Hey! Dad don't divorce!

Single-parent goose children need public care! (Goose's eyes look at everyone, the sound of nutrient solution

(Professor Shen Wenrong's plot back to Chapter 43) 2k novel reading network