MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 136 Fanwai: Hungry ghosts (below)

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After the chilling, the ghost mother took the little black pig and led the Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu into her house.

The original thatched cottage of the ghost mother was temporarily converted into a small bungalow. A large petri dish consisting of water and mud was built in the house, and the body was cut only three or four meters wide. The body of the body was in the petri dish. Swim around.

The body is too old, this creature is very special, it is said to be fine, but because the body is only a fungus, so in fact, there is no independent thinking, after being cut, it only continues to grow in water and soil by instinct.

For example, Luo Feng built a petri dish suitable for it according to the expert's suggestion. After he was too old, he gave up the escape completely and continued to grow up happily.

There are also temporary laboratories in the room. The ghosts of several biologists are looking down on the study. When they come in, they stand up and say hello: "Shang Zong, Yu Zong, are you so early?"

Yu Zhengdu smiled and said hello to them, and looked around the environment, sorry: "The current environment is a bit rudimentary, everyone has worked hard."

"Fortunately, not hard." Experts should say, "The construction speed here is quite fast. The formal laboratory is still completed in two months, and it will be moved in time."

After deciding to carry out the large-scale breeding of the flesh, Luo Feng recruited several bio-scientific experts in the underworld and sent them to the Hungry Ghost Road for the study of Taiyue. At the same time, the infrastructure is also underway.

"Now we can be sure that the old age is mainly based on the absorption of microorganisms in the water, as well as the organic matter in the soil. Our current farming method can guarantee the stable growth of the old age, but the speed is still too slow..." Several pieces of information were presented to the two leaders. “The next major research goal is two points. One is to determine the growth mechanism of the old age, and the other is to find a way to effectively promote the growth of the old age...”

Yu Zhandu listened and reminded: "The most important thing is to ensure health and effective ingredients, not to reduce the quality for a large number of breeding."

The expert nodded: "Understand."

After learning about the progress of the research on Taiyue, the Xishan ghost mother left Yuxing Island with Yu Yudu and Shangyu to learn about the situation of other residents of Hungry Ghost Road.

"At present, there are more than 100 households in the hungry ghost road who have obtained the breeding work of the old age by lottery. In order to facilitate the exchange of farming experience, more than 100 households have moved to live nearby." Xishan ghost mother introduced while walking. The little black pig was held in her arms, and she couldn't hold the pig's hooves, but the ghost mother was reluctant to let go.

The natural environment of the hungry ghost road is not very good. The hungry ghosts are also awkward. They live in the mountains and the wilderness all the year round. More than 100 households are mainly other ghosts and some unknown hungry ghosts. House, under the guidance of experts to carry out the work of the old age.

In addition to the Taiyuan breeding industry, Luofeng also imported some raw materials for making soups from the human world, mainly some vegetables and fungi suitable for growing in the hungry ghosts, and sent a team of professional staff to guide other hungry ghosts to grow raw materials. And simple processing such as drying, making an ordinary soup package, after the formal food quarantine, it is put on the shelves to sell on the market.

Nowadays, the sales of other soup bags are also very good, driven by the meat ganoderma broth.

“Is it really useful to carry out the age-old farming to counteract the bad karma of the hungry ghosts?” Yu Zhengdu curiously asked the ghost mother.

"Useful." It was Shangyu who spoke. He looked around and said, "The crime of being hungry is declining."

In fact, Yu’s system of inheritance from the system of life and death can also see that the crime of hungry ghosts is fading.

The daily food class and the thought class played a certain role. The endangered peak was a battle. The hungry ghost road did not bother the world, but also indirectly helped the hungry ghosts to offset a lot of crimes, except for the hungry ghosts. In addition to successfully entering the cycle, there are still many hungry ghosts in the hungry ghosts that have been reduced from tens of thousands of years to thousands or even hundreds of years.

Although this number is still long, but for the hungry ghosts, at least there is hope, and then, let them realize that their bad business can really be offset by good things, the propaganda role can not be said to be not positive.

After that, the soup package production continued to improve the poor karma of the whole hungry ghost road. This is also the reason why Yu Zhengdu insisted not to increase the price of the soup package, but it is not particularly clear what the principle is.

"There are two reasons." Shang Yu explained to him.

In the past, people who were hungry and sorrowful because of jealousy, day after day, did not know how to do good deeds, nor did they have the channels and opportunities to do good deeds. Therefore, they could only rely on time and torture to reduce their karma, but Luo Feng opened up too old breeding and soup After the package is made, let these hungry ghosts have the opportunity to work.

Labor itself is a virtue, and nature can offset karma.

Yu Zhengdu suddenly realized, summed up: "It is the same as the prisoners in the human prison."

Shang Xiaoxiao: "This is the truth."

When prisoners in the world serve their sentence, they can't live in white and drink in prison. They must also participate in labor and do some simple manual work to subsidize the life of the prison.

The work of hungry ghosts is now similar.

"The second point is the role of soup." Shangyu continued.

Good ingredients can improve the physical fitness of the consumer, especially the physical body is too old, in a reasonable ratio, it has the effect of gaining medicinal effects, which is indirectly helping people who consume the product.

Yu Zheng nodded and shook his fist: "We must insist on doing food safety work."

The Xishan ghost mother said on the side: "But there are too many hungry ghosts in the hungry ghosts. Now the scale of the soup package is so large, and there are a lot of ghosts waiting in line, which is not conducive to unity."

This is all about the words of unity... It seems that the class of the mother-in-law socialism is still in place.

"This is no way." Yu Zhengdu explained that, in the first place, the sales volume of the soup package in the ghost city of Gengdu is impossible, and it is impossible to increase the output indefinitely. Then the environment of the hungry ghost is special, and many raw materials are not suitable for import. Hungry ghosts Their mental retardation, production level and efficiency are limited, from the perspective of cost, it is not appropriate to rush to expand the scale.

Xishan ghost mother did not understand this truth, the words can only sigh: "That can only let everyone wait in line."

Her previous life was studying how to make her devils reduce their karma as soon as possible and enter the cycle. Now it is difficult to have a method, but it is limited by the environment. How can it not be a pity.

It can only be said that the six reincarnations are the result of the fruit report. The existence of the hungry ghost path naturally has its laws.

"However, we may be able to learn about the prison in the world." Yu Zhengdu suddenly said.

Shangyu and Xishan ghost mother turned to look at him.

Yu Zhengdu laughed and said: "It is not easy to raise things here, but it is okay to get a doll to stick the eyes to the hungry ghosts?"

One of the most common types of work on earth: sticking eyes to dolls.

Of course, this is just a proxy, mainly referring to some manual labor that does not require a lot of thinking.

The Xishan ghost mother listened to the introduction of Yu Zhengdu, and her eyes were bright: "This is good."

Hungry ghosts are stunned. Although they have the stimulation of mobile phones and their heads are awake, they still can't think a lot. This simple and repeated manual work is very suitable, and it is not limited to natural conditions.

Yu Zhengdu: "Look back and let people arrange, as for the money that the hungry ghosts make by hand..."

He turned around and discussed with the merchants: "I don't think that the money will be included in the company's operating income. Let's set up a charity fund for Hungry Ghost Road to help those in need?"

Merchants naturally listen to him, "Yes."

The income of such manual labor is not high, and the main purpose is to help the hungry ghosts to offset the bad business. It is undoubtedly a better way to do public welfare.

"Then it will be used to support the nutritious lunch program in poor areas." Yu Zhengdu made a snap.

Shang Yang: "...good."

Let the hungry ghosts make money to support the public welfare nutrition lunch plan... It’s really a ghost.

So the plan was settled, and most of the remaining hungry ghosts could choose to participate in manual labor and fight for their own sentences.

After the successful scale farming of the old age, it can be fully promoted in the hungry ghost road. Luofeng and the pharmaceutical company signed a long-term procurement cooperation, and then they will not sell at all.

The Xishan ghost mother was so excited that she couldn’t control herself. She almost came out of the original shape. The piglet was squeezed by her. “That’s great, it’s so good, maybe I have a lifetime, I can see the hungry ghost. The day when the Tao was completely refined..."

Shang Xiao chuckled a little: "Which is so easy."

People are ghosts, ghosts are people.

Some people have complex human nature, greed and ignorance, and will produce sinfulness. Therefore, as long as chaos does not collapse, the world is still there, and the hungry ghosts will not die.

However, as long as we continue to develop and continue to be educated, the bad places will always get better.

Yu Zhengdu said: "So development is the last word."

Shang Yang: "..." is the reason.

"Right, the two leaders, I have a small request." Xishan ghost mother finally put down the little black pig, smiled and smacked over, his face full of charm.

Yu Zhengdu: "What happened?"

The ghost mother took out the mobile phone from her pocket and opened the memo: "This is the recipe I have carefully developed during this time. I heard that the company now has some authors on the forum to help you ask questions. Can you ask if you can? Help me with a recipe too..."

Yu’s face changed instantly, and he did not forget the fear that was dominated by the darkness of the ghost mother.

When the ghost mother saw him hesitating, he couldn’t help but grieve: "How? No?"

"Of course, of course!" Yu Zhengdu said, Yun Yuntian said, "You send me the recipe, I let the copyright agency help you contact the publisher, if there is no publisher willing to pay, we pay at their own expense!"

The ghost mother didn't think that Yu Zhengdu was so heavy to her, and she was moved to tears. She once again said that she must be loyal to the company in the future.

The merchants looked confused and whispered in a puzzled way: "What are you doing?"

Yu Zhandu said: "You can't only suffer from this one, let people feel the feelings, what is the real dark cuisine!"

Business: "..."

If you can't do this, it will add sin to the hungry ghosts...