MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 115 Mysterious horse head

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Yu argues that their ticket is in the first row of the VIP area. After entering the venue, Yu Wei will look around and find that there is a lot of expensive ladies sitting next to the seats. It is estimated that many of them are directly related to the brokerage company through the relationship. Take the ticket.

Yu Zhengdu laughed and said: "These should be the local powder on the Internet?"

The merchants swept around for a round: "In the past, only those in the front row could hear the music of the tight."

Yu Zhengdu looked at him doubtfully. Shang Xiao smiled and explained to him that Huaxia is a big country that believes in Buddhism. Especially in the age of Shang Yang’s life, Buddhism is the heyday. At that time, Daxiangguo Temple was near the Imperial City. It covers a vast area, and there are dozens of light courtyards. In the era when spiritual power has not yet declined, it is possible to invite miracles. In the case of large-scale ceremonies, the West will occasionally lower the Sanskrit, but at that time, these are the patents of the nobles.

Unlike today, as long as you have enough money and fast enough, you will have the chance to grab a ticket for the Sagittarius concert.

During the speech, there were warm applause and a little cheer in the room. The fan bases that are coming today are too old, and everyone is not used to cheering and cheering like the young fans, or applauding.

In the applause, the legendary Sagittarius band appeared.

This is the first time that Zhang Naluo’s debut has seen their live performances. When they appeared, they fought on the spot.

I saw the male tight Nairo wearing a leather denim, wearing a horse's head, the female tight Na Luo is also a cool shape, with a smoky makeup ... it is not a Buddhist system.

The two tight Nairo seem to be very excited. It is no wonder that although they have experienced countless performances, they have been in the underground, and the performances have been given to the Fa. It is like now, there are thousands of people in the audience. It is their fan.

Speaking of it, since the debut of the Luo Luo, they have become more and more in the company group to insult the monk, and have already reached the point where they have to use the mobile phone when they have breakfast, if they are not swindling them, They have been doing cult scams for so long, and they have been hiding in Tibet, and they have ended up wearing a sin.

It’s still good for Luo Feng, giving them the opportunity to rehabilitate themselves, and providing a new career development path. Now they are hard-working, and they are on the peak of God’s life. They only hate to make more money for Luo Feng and strive for an early company. Sign a labor contract with no fixed term.

"Hello everyone, Jupiter, thank you for coming to our concert!" The man tightly waved to the stage and said with a loud voice, "Now let us show you one of our main songs - bliss rock!"

As the music rang, the audience was instantly high, and the middle-aged and old fans took out the lights and light sticks inherited from their children and swayed with the music.

Yu Da and Yu mother also almost got excited to stand up a few times, but fortunately, at the crucial time, I remember that I was sitting in the first row, and I was born to endure.

If you want to change the color of the big chandelier, the aunts and aunts can be on the scene.

When the last song came out, Yu Zhengdu almost went to the scene to sublimate - the song called "Rock Tang Sanzang", which is said to be the inspiration that was followed by the film and television dramas derived from Journey to the West.

Yu said that he was weak and said: "Fortunately, they did not see the Dream of Red Mansions."

Otherwise, what he is hearing now may be rock and roll.

The lights shone, the atmosphere reached the apex, and almost all the fans’ emotions were mobilized. The older aunts who were watching the ages sang along with the light sticks. At this moment, the barriers between the chasing stars of different ages were Break through, fans blend into one.

Yu Zhengdu was shocked and said: "Hey, the aunt is not too young, and it’s a little..."

"Oh, my grandfather is amazing. Is that a brush written by myself?"

Shang Yan looked at him in the sight of him. He saw a lantern waving a lantern on his hand. The difference is that the name of his light card is the calligraphy of the dragon and the phoenix. The small light bulb with a circle around it is very hard. nuclear.

"The music of Tinnaro is able to reach the hearts of mortals." Shang and he explained, "It is normal for mortals to be transferred."

For Shangyu, there is no difference between Jinnao and the past, that is, ordinary performers, so they are much calmer than the people around them.

Yu Zhengdu sees the direct support: "After tightening Nairo, I will open different forms of concerts for different fan groups. I am worried that my aunt and grandmother are too excited to have a good time..."

"Yeah." Shang Hao nodded.

Yu Zhengdu diverged a bit: "When the concert tickets for middle-aged and old fans are available, you can also buy a thermos cup and a cup."

Shang Yan thought for a moment: "I think young fans should also need it."

Yu Zhengdu thinks deeply: "Younger those who sell hair-making suits."

Just finished, suddenly the station uploaded a "嗡嗡-" sound, and the woman’s microphone was out of order.

Because today's concert was originally positioned as a fan meeting rather than a regular concert, so the equipment was just ordinary commercial equipment. The result was that it was too tight or too excited, and the staff was too excited. The problem.

"Hey--" The woman tightly shouted twice, the microphone couldn't be heard, and the lively atmosphere of the scene was interrupted for a moment, and the fans' high spirits were also splashed with cold water.

This is the last song, and this kind of failure, if their heart is being infected by the Buddha, a rock and roll, and the scene is picked up.

Although it has not been picked up now, it is inevitable that disappointment will occur.

Yu’s parents are also a bit embarrassed. Yu’s mother “had a sigh” and said with regret: “I sang the best song, how can I’m silent...”

The organizers were very nervous and rushed to find a spare microphone.

At this moment, the male tight Naro suddenly threw the microphone in his hand, and looked at the woman tightly, cuddling their piano and drum, and did not use a microphone. Two steps.

The organizers thought that they were mad because of equipment problems, and they were suddenly black, and they could be expected to wait for the concert to end up.

The fans in the audience also followed suit, but they saw the men’s tight hands and began to shoot the drum: "Come, everyone sing with me!"

The female tight Naro immediately followed, and the piano sounded.

It is also strange to say that their music is not particularly shocking, but it is inexplicably swaying, and even the most corners can be heard clearly.

The emotions on the scene were once again mobilized, and the audience began to follow the music. In the agitation of the music, the tight Luo did not need a microphone, and sang directly without the radio.

The audience was stunned and the staff was stunned.

The problem with the equipment is almost a nightmare for every music performance staff, but it seems that it’s not a problem at the Sagittarius band here – they are actually not much more powerful than before, but the voice of the dry sing is almost unaffected and remains clear. The ground is introduced into the ears of every viewer. No, accurately, the interference of the machine is reduced, and their voices are clearer and more translucent.

What an amazing amount of lung capacity? What amazing singing skills?

Yu is sympathetic: "It is God!"

"Not because of this." Shang Yu said casually. "There was no microphone in the past, but the Fa will be grand. They must ensure that every participant can hear it... It is a basic job skill, and now White-collar workers have to make a point in the office."

Yu Zhengdu: "..." can't let him leave a little fantasies about God?

Because of the unexpected accident, it achieved the highest level performance of the Sagittarius band that night, the concert is not over, the Starway broker urgent public relations, the accident and the band unexpectedly dealt with the hot search, earned a wave of heat And praise.

After the concert, the audience left the scene in an orderly manner under the staff's organization. After the two men signed the enthusiastic fans, they went to the small venue next door to receive media interviews under the arrangement of the brokerage company.

Because Sagittarius has become so popular, many media have been paying attention to this concert. The brokerage company has invited several entertainment media to attend the event. After the concert, they will make an interview. Subsequent large-scale activities, and also invited a small number of lucky fans to the hot field in the newly established support club to consolidate the new powder that was just attracted.

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu are taking their parents to leave, and they hear someone shouting: "Commercial, Yu, you have come to the concert!"

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu turned to look at it, but it was Xu Hui, the music director of Starway Brokers, and the album producer of the Sagittarius band.

"Hello, Mr. General." Yu Zhengdu and he greeted him.

"Why don't you talk to me when you come over, I will arrange for you." Xu Hui couldn't hide his excitement. He came up and said that they would fight for them. "Exactly, wait until we have a celebration feast. Let's join together. ""

Yu Zhengdu originally wanted to quit, but Xu Hui did not give them a chance to quit. It is no wonder that Sagittarius is now the trump card in his hand, and he is more and more diligent about the real boss of Sagittarius.

Yu Zhengdu apologized: "I don't want to participate, but we are here with my parents, it is not good to bother you."

"Hey, come with the uncle and aunt." Xu Hui quickly greeted the parents of Yujia, and then waved his hand. "What is there, go together."

When I talked about this, Yu Yudu’s resignation would not give Xu Hui a face. He looked at Shangyu and looked at him as nothing.

Yu Zhengdu went to see his parents: "Dad, Mom, if you want to go to eat together, you can see your favorite Sagittarius."

Yu Jia’s parents were a little embarrassed. When they heard Sagittarius, their eyes suddenly turned on. When Dad stepped forward, he asked inadvertently: “Is it difficult to see the interview of Sagittarius?”

Yu Zhengdu: "..." underestimated the enthusiasm of the middle-aged star.

Xu Hui said refreshingly: "Convenient and convenient, of course convenient, uncle and aunt come with me, I will arrange a seat for you."

Yu Jia’s parents know that they are leading the people. I am sorry to trouble others. I quickly waved my hand: “No need, we can stand.”

So in a speechless mood, Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu took his parents and went down the road in the small field next to Xu Hui. The interview there was already underway.

Xu Hui led them into the side door, fearing to alarm others, they did not specialize in position, just standing on the side watching.

Because of the last small accident in the concert, the interview made a lot of topics, the media asked questions, and the answer was tight.

Yu Da and Yu mother saw the stars, and the two praised them one by one.

Yu Dad: "Ah, Miss Yanna is really beautiful."

Yu mother: "Mr. Luo is also very handsome."

Yu Zhengdu looked at his parents with blood on his face: "Mom, Luo Luo is a horse head. How can you see him handsome?"

Yu mother: "It's a handsome horse!"

Yu Zhengdu: ... This fan filter is less than forty meters thick?

Just after finishing this, Xu Hui followed with emotion: "The entertainment industry has not had such a temperament and standard star for Dina and Jurassic for a long time."

Yu Zhengdu did not expect Xu Hui, who has read countless people, to recognize it. He was curious at the moment: "Is it?"

"It doesn't need to be said about temperament. Now the entertainment industry can't find the temperament more clean than them." Xu Hui exaggeratedly rubbed his heart and pointed his finger at the tight Luo on the stage. "You listen to their conversation. This level and consciousness are enough to participate in the NPC deputies."

Yu Zhengdu was shocked by Xu Hui's exaggerated description. He just chatted with his parents. He didn't listen carefully to Naluo's words. He was said by Xu Hui, and he followed it for a while.

Then he knew what was going on.

The two people in the tight Nairobi are clearly deceived by the old monks who have gone to the rivers and lakes. The set of words is perfect, and the level of the masters of the high level is completely reached. It’s good at getting rid of the savvy media.

At the beginning, the voice was flickered to a bunch of believers by this set of words. Can the level be low?

Yu Xingdu looked at Xu Hui’s words that were so moved by the words of Tiara, and he would like to ask him if he wants to apply to join the Tiongjiao and become a glorious guardian.

Because of the extremely high level of conversation, the interview was going very smoothly, and the reaction of the lucky fans was very enthusiastic. Soon the interview was over and the staff began to arrange for the exit.

Yu Zhengdu also led his parents to leave Xu Hui from the staff channel. At this moment, the audience suddenly heard a panic scream: "Ah--"


Then followed by a man’s strong shout: “Sagittarius, I like you guys—”

Yu Zhengdu quickly turned his head and looked at the stage. He saw that there was a tall man who smashed the gap in the field and threw himself at the speed of the thunder.

The scene was a mess, and the staff was caught off guard. Several security guards rushed to the stage to stop the fan, but it was too late.

The fan was obviously prepared, and a blink of an eye had already reached the body of the man, and he hugged his horse's headgear with both hands and shouted: "Jura, what do you look like--"

When he shouted out of this scorpion, the fans suddenly had a moment of silence, and everyone couldn't help but look at the stage.

Crazy fans are disgusting, but at this moment, everyone can't stop faintly looking forward to it - the Sagittarius band has been wearing a horse's headgear since its debut, no matter what occasion has never been taken off, It’s impossible to say that fans are not curious. In fact, fans are very curious.

The post on the Internet about what Jura himself looks like has been opened one after another.

Only the vast majority of fans will never make this crazy and dangerous act like this man.

If... If the horse's headgear is really pulled out, the fans will strongly condemn the crazy fan, but at the same time, they will definitely look at the appearance of the man himself.

With the same subtle mentality, the live media raised their cameras and waited for the moment when the Roman head was opened.

Xu Hui was anxious to yell: "Hurry him down - fast -"

However, he is mainly for commercial considerations. Today, the horse head of the Jurassic is one of the biggest selling points of the Sagittarius band. The more mysterious, the more attractive the discussion and topic. Once the horse head is pulled down, the topic is even Completely abolished.

The scene was full of thoughts, but it was useless to worry about it. The fan was tall and tall, holding the horse's head, and pulling hard with an unstoppable momentum: "Jura, let me see you-"

The eyes of the fans are huge and the flash is flashing.

Then... didn't pull out |

The crazy fans seemed to have some accidents. They didn’t even pull out the horse’s head. They looked at the smack in a puzzled look. The part of the horse’s mouth that was clasped with both hands was forced again, and pulled out twice... still no movement. .

The pupils of crazy fans are gradually increasing, with a terrified tone: "Ma, horse mouth... is it solid?"

Male tight Nairoo made a proud laugh: "I can't think of it!"

Immediately after a punch, I hit the abdomen of the crazy fan directly, and suddenly he took him out a meter away, and then easily clap his hands: "煞 pen!"

Then he followed the female tightness and gave him a scene: ? ?

Yu Zhengdu looked at Shangyu with a word: "The Buddha disciple is really new."

Shanghao nodded: "Would you like a monk?"

Yu Zhengdu: " are right."

Next to Xu Hui’s long sigh, Yu Zhe turned to look at him: "Xu, what happened?"

Xu Hui handed him his mobile phone screen: "Today's news is estimated to be all over."

His mobile phone interface is a few media large on Weibo. On this occasion, these large ones have been urgently edited and the latest headlines are sent out:

Entertainment headlines: Sagittarius band interviews on the scene of crazy fans to pull out the hood, can not pull down.

Today's entertainment circle: The mysterious horse head that can't be pulled down, how did Milo do it?

Yu Zhengduo patted Xu Hui's shoulder and calmly said: "This is not very good, the flow of the lever."

Xu Hui: "..."


The author has something to say: Ma Taunan: I can't think of it.jpg

Violent Buddhist singer looks at everyone, shouting loudly: nutrient solution