MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 106 Topcoat

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After leaving the scope of the village, Yu said that he was asked to ask: "What is human face sore?"

"It is the evil spirit under the Luoshan Mountain, and it will not be super-born forever." Shangyu’s voice was heavy, and he looked at the front, and his dark eyes were not at the bottom, as if he was watching past events that others could not pursue.

"I thought that they have all sunk into the ground and they are not seeing the sky."

The former Luojing Mountain suppressed 100,000 devils. Those ghosts gathered the most powerful suffocation between the heavens and the earth. Day after day, they suffered from the sinking of the sea, and they could not live forever.

Later, I don’t know how many years later, there was a gap in Luojingshan. Many ghosts took the opportunity to escape. These ghosts were to avoid the pursuit of Luoqishan, and they could not support themselves, so they parasitized on the flesh of the stranger.

On the arms, on the feet, on the neck, and even on the cheeks, there are places where the evil spirits are parasitic. The parasites will slowly grow out of the evil spirits. Some are just outlines, they look ugly, but they don’t have much impact. It will slowly grow your eyes and mouth, and even speak like a person, so it is called human face sores.

Human face sores share a body with the people living in the sun, forcing the parasitic people to give them food and drink. If they don't do it according to them, the parasitic land will be paralyzed and even festered.

Shangyu once saw a person with a face sore on his face, because the family can not meet the requirements of human face sores, the last half of the face is bloody, and even can directly see the bones of the meat.

Yu Xingdu listened to the body and the cold, and faintly understood why Si Ling was so exclusive.

All the people in this small village have long-sleeved trousers, and many people in the squat pit still refuse to expose their arms in the heat. That is to say, it is very likely that the entire Siling area has the scourge of human face sores.

This scourge does not know when it happened, nor what happened in the middle, but what is certain is that this scourge is still continuing. The newborn child is so hot that he is forced to wear long-sleeved clothes.

Without knowing what the reason was, the problem was not exposed. Instead, it became the common secret of the entire Siling. They formed a tacit understanding that the outside world could not break. Everyone tried their best to keep the secret.

Therefore, they reject all outsiders, have abundant resources, have state policy support, and endeavour to oppose all foreign investment.

This is an area that is attached to evil spirits.

Yu is arguing and frustrating, trying to calm down and continue to ask: "Is there a solution to human face sores?"

"Well..." Shangyu slowly nodded. "In the past, yes."

Thousands of years ago, Luo Qishan sent a large number of ghosts to hunt down the evil spirits. At that time, the heavens and the earth were full of aura, and the human beings had a supreme belief in ghosts and gods. Under the prayer of piety, the power of the gods and the power of the ghosts were enough to help the people to drive away. The evil spirits, supplemented by the stone, can be healed.

"For so many years, I have never received any offer from Si Ling." Shang Yan said, "There are no people from Shiling who have asked me to borrow the power of the ghosts."

Yu Zhengdu guessed: "Maybe just because they don't know Luo Qishan ghost king?"

After all, before he joined Luo Feng, he never heard of the existence of the ghost king.

Shang Yan suddenly looked at him strangely, but Yu Weidu was searching for something on the phone, did not notice his eyes. After a while, he suddenly said excitedly: "Yes, fifty years ago, Secretary Ling has a medical record of human face sores!"

Yu Xingdu’s mobile phone opens an internal file of a hospital in the Imperial Capital, which records the intractable diseases that many hospitals have encountered. One of the very simple records shows that 50 years ago, there was a The father hugged his newborn daughter to go to Beijing for medical treatment. The baby’s arm was suspected of having a parasite, and the name was sore. At that time, the medical conditions were not developed, but the hospital discussed the surgical plan. Two days later, the father took the The daughter did not say goodbye, leaving only a note saying that her daughter’s hand was just a common sarcoma and had fallen off automatically.

This is the only record that Yu Xingdu climbed about Shiling's face sore. It is a long time, or an internal file. Nowadays, there are people who have facial sores on the Internet, but they are just normal medical phenomena. There are no related news.

It is as if they were completely invisible from the religious world.

Not only that, according to Shang Yang, the actual population density and the life and death book here are not right. That is to say, Si Ling is likely to have some people's reincarnation, which is not through Luo Feng's system.

What happened here fifty years ago?

Shang Yang lowered his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something.

They quickly returned to the gathering place, and other masters who went to visit each other came back one after another, exchanged their visits, and they fought and listened quietly.

Sure enough, because of the hard orders sent by the superiors, everyone got better reception in the villages, and the villagers seemed to cooperate very well, but in fact they could not find out anything.

Someone scratched his head and said: "I always feel that they seem to be weird, but I can't say it for a while."

Yu said that he likes to say: "They seem to be not afraid of heat, and they wear long sleeves on such a hot day."

With this mention, everyone suddenly realized: "The right thing is right."

"Hey, aren't they hot?"

Everyone said a few words at random, but it’s not too much to say, and everyone will discuss other things.

Yu Zhengdu did not say much more, only in the heart of emotions really.

A monk and Ming Pei-ran said: "Ming Captain, it seems that we can only go into the mountains."

Ming Pei-Ran had no other way, so he nodded. "I immediately arranged for the staff to lead the team. Let's take a break and wait for everyone to start."

Yu Zhandu looked at the sky and asked Ming Peiran: "If you go into the mountains, you have to spend the night on the mountain?"

“There is no way.” Ming Peiran said helplessly. “I just received the latest report. The animals in the large farms in the southeast of Siling were all killed today, and the losses are heavy. The water level in each place continues to decline. It’s really a moment. It can't be delayed."

Yu Zhengdu nodded, and soon everyone came back. Under the arrangement of Ming Peiran, everyone followed the professional guide and prepared to take the off-road vehicle to the mountain. Yu said that in addition to the masters, there were several cars sitting. The mysterious person wearing a camouflage uniform could not help but pick an eyebrow.

Yuan Qing whispered to him: "The socialist work has always been cautious. This time, I don't know if it is a ghost or a ghost. Both hands are holding, just in case."

The vehicle went up the Panshan Highway and reached the top of the mountain. The road suffered a serious landslide. Ming Pei-ran then commanded everyone to get off the train and began hiking on the mountain. Fortunately, the relevant departments had cleared out the barely accessible trails. It is not too difficult to walk.

No Qimin all the way to walk all the way can not help but secretly touch the mud to eat two, also commented: "It's delicious! The soil here is delicate and dense, the aura is abundant, the chew is smooth and not greasy, it is better than before."

The martyrdom could not help the amount of help, and whispered to him: "You pay attention to the impact, eat less."

"Oh." Wu Qimin quickly swallowed the mud in his mouth, carefully looked around, saw no one pay attention to him, and secretly smashed two pieces of loess.

Yu said that he would follow the mobile phone and suddenly asked him: "The earth here is full of spirits?"

"Yes." No Qimin is eager to eat. "Siling is a good place. The soil in other places is less and less aura. It is getting more and more delicious here."

They walked for almost half an hour. At this time, the sky was getting darker, the setting sun was like a wheel, and it fell to the side of the mountain. Xiaguang burned from one side of the sky to the other, dyed the mountains and people into blood.

"It’s getting dark, everyone pays attention to safety.” Ming Peili reminded, and then the staff began to send flashlights and other equipment to everyone.

Suddenly a staff member wondered: "What is this?"

Yu Xingdu looked at the past and saw the man pull out a square white cloth from his pocket. He opened the white cloth and had a small cut opening.

The man was a little confused: "How come there is a piece of cloth in my pocket? Who put it?"

The people around him looked at each other and said that they didn't know, but they saw that Wu Qimin suddenly pointed at the white cloth and exclaimed: "Isn't that a coat?"

Everyone saw him look wrong, all of a sudden nervous, Ming Peiran went over and asked: "What is the noodle?"

Mu Daochang said: "It is a white cloth covering the face of the dead."

In ancient times, when some people died, they would put a white cloth on their faces, and cut a small mouth on the cloth, just opposite the mouth of the deceased. This white cloth is called a noodle.

When the staff heard it, they immediately threw the mask on the ground and shouted: "Who put this kind of thing in my pocket!"

Shanghao had been thinking about it all the time. He heard it and picked up the face that was thrown to the ground. He said coldly: "This is not an ordinary coat."

Everyone is not sure, so Mu Daochang asked: "What is not an ordinary mask?"

Shang Hao coveted: "This is the mask of the ghost."

Mu Daochang was shocked and his face looked surprised: "That is not, that is not..."

Shang Yang: "It is a death."

Ming Pei-ran quickly asked: "What does this mean?"

"I have only seen related records in the ancient books of this view." Mu Daochang explained, "There were signs of chasing the soul in the past, such as the soul of the soul, that is, people are not dead, but the soul has been With a shackle, or ear-hung paper money, the living person’s ear is hung up with paper money representing death, and the face is one of them. If the living person suddenly receives an unidentified face, it means that the underworld is coming. I am killed."

Not only that, the mask is usually associated with rickets, and it is said that if a large number of tops suddenly appear in a certain place, it is a precursor to the plague.

"Bewildered, superstitious?" The staff member was scared to start talking nonsense, but think about the unit where they work, and then look at the monks who are slipping in front of them, and the whole face is white.

"I am not sure about this." Mu Daochang is also a brow and a deep lock. "I also met for the first time."

Yu Zhengdu looked at Shangyu with astonishment. If the mask is a sign of chasing the soul, Luo Feng should be aware of it, but now the situation is that Luo Feng knows nothing about this situation.

Shang Yan looked at Ming Pei-ran and said: "Let everyone check your body and see if anyone else has received a face mask."

Ming Peiran did not dare to care about it. He immediately told everyone to check. This investigation was to find out a large number of masks. Their entire special department almost turned into a pocket in their pockets, and two young monks also I turned over the white cloth.

This big furniture is amazed. If a person receives a facial mask, it may be that someone else is not paying attention to it. It is not a mischief to explain that so many people turn over to the top.

The special department is not unbelievable. One by one, I was shocked. I couldn’t help but ask Perry: "The Ming team, what is going on? Is it that we are all going to die?"

"Don't worry, so many masters are there." Ming Pei-Ran also found a mask from his pocket, but he has seen many scenes. At this time, he still has a calm, and he was subconsciously asking Mu Daochang, but he thought about it. Then I turned to ask Shang, "Commercial, since you can see what this is, can there be a solution?"

"Give it to me." Shang Hao said faintly, "I promise you not to die."

There was no volatility on his face, and his tone was dull, but it was so light, but with the power of inexplicable trust, the commotion in the crowd calmed down.

Ming Pei-ran as the captain, still have to confirm with him: "Commerce... Can you handle it?"

The merchants glanced at him a little, and he was slightly intolerant. Yu said that he quickly went forward and smiled: "Yes, our company is specialized in handling this."

Although Mu Daochang did not know how to deal with the Shangyu, but he had the experience of cooperation with Luo Feng, he also helped: "Ming Captain, despite the belief in the business, Luo Feng has always been advanced in this area."

Mu Daochang’s status in the religious circles in China is superb. Even he said that Ming Peiran is naturally not good enough to have two more words. He hastened to arrange for the clothes to be collected, and soon installed a plastic pocket.

Ming Peiran handed a pocket of cloak to Shang Yang and politely asked: "Do you need a business thing? You need something, even though you have a sound, the cinnabar black dog blood garlic cross has everything, we are all brought together. ”

He smiled and said: "If the classics are not used, there are also innovations. Our department just imported an infrared scanning ghost instrument from abroad last month..."

Yu Zhengdu: == Is it true that the national team? The budget is very good!

“No,” Shang said, taking the coat and then waving his hand and smashing the neatly folded face into the air.

The white coats are scattered and scattered like white.

The surrounding people’s face changed, and Ming Pei’s urgency said: “Business, you are...”

When the words were not finished, I only heard the "bang" sound. All the clothes were instantly ignited and turned into a flame in the air. The wonderful thing is that these fire groups did not fall down, but floated in the air and burned. Like a suspended torch, everyone looked red on his face.

Everyone was surprised to see the Shangyu, there were a lot of high-ranking people, and it was not impossible to do so. It was not easy to attract so many lightning fires at the same time.

What's more, Shangyu has no process at all.

Ming Pei-Ran is also amazed. Yu is eager to think about how to explain to everyone in the heart, and listen to Yuan Qing’s applause and surprise: “I didn’t expect the merchants to practice so well in the spells! It’s a scientific monk. Pioneer, I know that mastering the technology will master the future!"

Ming Peiran heard a slap in the face, Mu Daochang explained: "The company always advocates the use of scientific ideas to guide the road of cultivation."

Yuan Qing added: "You have heard of the Zhengshi Tianshi of Ledu, and their descendant Zheng Yan is the product manager of the Shanghe Company."

"The original descendant of Zheng Shi Tian is their company!" Ming Peiran suddenly realized that Zheng Yan successfully cultivated under the guidance of the company's scientific philosophy, and the story of the realm of the realm was widely circulated in the industry. Ming Peiran certainly heard Over.

It is said that Zheng Yan can directly summon the big ghosts with his mobile phone, and it seems no surprise that their bosses are casually attracted to the thunder.

Ming Pei-Ran is awe-inspiring, and other masters have come over to request to add WeChat.

Yu Zhengdu: "..." It seems that there is no need to explain.

The thunder fire burned the coat in the air, and when everyone was going to relax, there was a sudden thunder on the top of the mountain. Everyone looked up and looked at the mountain as usual, and did not see any change.

Only the sky is completely dark, and the night is coming.

Ming Peiran frowned: "Is it raining?"

"It won't rain, the drought has not been found." Mu Daochang said, his face suddenly became more serious. "We have to speed up the pace. I just didn't know what was going on, but I didn't dispose of the drought. It’s a dry mine, and it’s very likely to cause a mountain fire. It’s too time to imagine.”

When I heard that Mu Daochang said this, everyone’s spirit suddenly became tight and they accelerated their pace.

Only Shang Yan’s eyes looked deeply at the thunder, and Yu’s ambitions buckled his wrist: “What are you looking at?”

"I burned my face and someone was angry." Shang said.

Yu Zhengdu: "Who?"

Shangyu turned around. At this time, the mobile phone screen of Yu Zhengdu just refreshed. The mobile phone of the village chief who invaded them visited the village. The mobile phone content of the village chief is simple. The most memory is the video files. The names are : Where is the mother, Guo Degang's comic dialogue and so on.

Yu Zhengdu remembered the reaction of the aunt to mention the variety show, and almost did not hesitate to open the "Where is the mother?"

"What is this?" Yu argued that his brow was wrinkled.

"It's my old friend." Shang Hao suddenly gave a low-pitched ridicule, then reached out and stroked the cheek of Yu. "You follow the big force, pay attention to safety, don't run around, I will go." ""

Yu Zhengdu wants to ask, but he looks at the deep eyes of Shang Xiao, and the chill he has never seen in his eyes. In the end, all the fears of turning into a kind of trust: "Well, I am waiting for you."

The merchants left quietly, and when others found out, they only saw Yu’s arrogance and smuggling alone behind the big forces.

Ming Peiran was shocked: "Where is the Shangshang?"

Yu Zhengdu told the truth: "Those masks are a bit problematic, he went elsewhere to check."

Ming Pei-ran suddenly rushed: "How is he so rash? It’s too dangerous to say to us at night."

"Dangerous?" Yu said that he patted his shoulder and gave him a sigh. "Ming team, our company calls dozens of ghosts in a minute. Who are you more dangerous?"

Ming Peiran: "..."

Hold on.

The author has something to say: The relevant materials such as the cover of this chapter refer to the self-protection group "Speaking Soul", some privately.

-_-||So, I have seen a lot of the same type of web text, I really don't know the setting of so many people with sore face.

The materials in this article are explained in the words, most of them are ancient legends. It is very simple for the ancients to write things. For example, in the "Shuyang Miscellaneous", there is only one thing in the human face sore, which basically does not involve the origin of things. Settings, so most of the settings are my own, not the same as elsewhere, we do not substitute for Kazakhstan. There are also stories of facial sores in Buddhist stories. They are about the grievances of past and present, so in fact, the opinions of different places are different. Let’s take a look and don’t take it seriously.

To say that I blame me for reading less. I saw this thing still happy, and I was shocked to be a man of heaven. I thought about how to have such disgusting and horrible things. I can’t use it, scare my little cute people ==

Who knows everyone's reaction... It's like I told a yellow joke, I look forward to seeing everyone's shy expression, and everyone starts to pick up, say what you have, look at me, and then tell me ten more yellow. == I hate! 2k novel reading network