MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 104 Wuqi National

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After listening to Mu Daochang’s explanation, Yu Zhengdu knew that the state has always had a department specializing in special events.

This point has actually been speculated before. After all, he has encountered many things beyond common sense since he joined Luofeng. However, most people in daily life have no awareness of this. The biggest possibility is that there is an official power secret. Dispose of it.

The Siling drought incident has not only come suddenly, but also has a wide range of phenomena, and there have been very abnormal phenomena. For example, some ponds dried up overnight, the river level suddenly dropped sharply, and some wells could not hit the water at once. Some media have already received news to be interviewed, but after the local department reported the relevant situation to the superiors, the incident was quickly suppressed. After that, the personnel from the special department were quickly sent over, and then the masters such as Mu Daochang were contacted. Supreme, gathered here.

"We intend to go to the resort tomorrow to understand the situation and locate the places where droughts and floods may occur." Mu Daochang said that their speculations and business discussions are basically the same, that it is likely that the previous storms washed the hillside and let the underground underground See you again.

I don’t know if the Daoist is picking up the words: "There is such a serious drought in a few days. This drought is unusual. Now I don’t know if it is a zombie or something else. We must find a solution as soon as possible, but... ..."

Yu Xingdu saw a few confusing faces on the face, and curiously asked: "Do you have any concerns about the leaders?"

Mu Daochang shook his head and sighed. Yuan Qing replied on the side: "Yu Ge, you don't know. The people on the side of Si Ling especially reject the foreign monks. When we arrived yesterday, we originally wanted to find some local people to understand the situation. As a result, people are not convinced, even if they live in a hotel, if the superior department gives us arrangements, the hotel may not be willing to receive it."

Yu said that he was surprised: "Is there still such a thing?"

He remembered that the front desk of the hotel had seen the performance of Mu Daochang, and his heart was in vain.

Shangyu thinks thoughtfully: "Siling this place, because of special geographical reasons, Si Ling has never worshipped God since ancient times. He has always been self-contained in his beliefs. He does not integrate with the outside religion, but he should not be excluded. ”

"I didn't expect the Shangjushi to have an understanding of the history of the Siling." Mu Daochang was slightly surprised. He later agreed to nod. "This is indeed incompatible with outside sects since ancient times, but some national religious conferences have been represented before. Participate."

According to Mu Daochang, although Si Ling used to be self-contained in his beliefs, he still had exchanges with the outside world. Until a few decades ago, because of the historical reasons that everyone knew, the national sects had a round of reshuffle. Later, although the religious order was rebuilt, Si Ling was completely invisible in the national religious system. He has never participated in any meetings. At the beginning, some sects tried to enter the Siling area, but Si Ling’s resistance to outside religions was unusually strong. .

Yu is skeptical: "Why is this like this?"

Yuan Qingdao: "It is said that the original superstition was completely broken, and everyone did not believe this."

Yu Zhengdu does not believe it: "This is not in line with the general law."

Generally speaking, the more occluded the backward places, the less likely it is to get rid of the worship of ghosts and gods. Especially the self-contained place of Si Ling is unlikely to completely abandon the past beliefs.

"I think so too." Yuan Qing Shen mysteriously approached and said, "I think the real reason may be because the entertainment activities here are popular, and everyone has a spiritual sustenance, so they don't believe in religion."

Yu Zhengdu is inexplicable: "How do you say?"

"I heard a friend who had passed by this place a few years ago and said that the people of Siling especially love to watch entertainment programs." Yuan Qing looked at the proud expression of the truth. "When the Taoist friend passed through Shiling, To catch up with the festival, I saw the township committee here sent a complete set of "Where to Go" to each household..."

Yu Zhengdu was shocked: "How can it still be ruined?"

"What's the matter?" Yuan Qing spread his hand. "I just wanted to buy some drinks. The commissary is full of Lei Bi and Coca-Cola."

Yu Zhengdu is actually speechless.

A few people came out to eat, so a group of people went to a small restaurant while talking. Sure enough, the waiters in the restaurant saw them wearing a robe, and the attitude immediately became cold, and the whole one ignored it.

Yuan Qing wiped the sweat and said with sorrow: "We originally planned to visit the resort area to see if we could find out the signs of the droughts and floods. But when the people of the Shiling people approached us, then they did not cooperate with them. Say."

Yu Zhengdu thought about it and proposed: "I and the boss are also going to go to the resort to find out more, why not go together?"

Yuan Qing’s eyes lit up: "That’s great. If you can help out and communicate with the villagers, maybe it will be smoother."

Several Taoist leaders looked at each other. Among them, Mu Dao had the deepest qualifications and the highest level of Taoism. All of them were mainly based on his opinions. Mu Daochang thought a little and nodded: "When I apply with the relevant departments."

After finalizing the itinerary of tomorrow, a few people chatted a few words at random, and they did not forget to do some homework in advance, and the governors learned how to judge the whereabouts of the drought.

"This depends on the specific situation. The low-level droughts and floods have no sense of autonomy. They usually attack live animals, such as people and livestock." The road said, "But there are also droughts and floods that look like ordinary people. It is said that they are not carefully distinguished. Hard to recognize."

Yu Zhengdu humbly asks: "How can we tell this?"

The martyrdom is a bit shameful: "It doesn't matter, we haven't seen a living drought, it's not clear."

Mu Dao nodded. "There have been no such monsters in the world for hundreds of years."

"In fact, it is not difficult to recognize." Shang Hao suddenly opened the door. "The drought and the people are not like people. Their behavior is very weird. For example, the action is stiff, and the simplest point is that the drought is not clear. What, so no matter what they give them, they will eat it."

Several Taoist leaders listened frequently and nodded. Mu Daochang was even more appreciative: "The Shangju Shi is really knowledgeable, even this one knows."

The Shangyu was undecided and did not answer the question. Fortunately, Mu Daochang was familiar with his faction, and he did not ask again.

A meal was quickly finished, and a few people had to go back to the hotel after finishing the account. As a result, they just walked to the door of the restaurant. Suddenly the two girls ran over in a panic, one of them ran back and looked back, not paying attention. I ran into a metaphor and almost fell.

Yu Zhengdu quickly grabbed her arm and straightened her up and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Nothing is ok," the girl said.

Just listen to another person and hurriedly said: "Hurry and go, wait for the neuropathy and catch up."

Yu Xingdu heard that he was wrong, and he asked with concern: "Are you running into a bad guy?"

The girl who hit him was embarrassed to turn around and nodded. Then he nodded. "We just met a pervert when we were shopping. We told us to eat the soil for no reason, and we followed several streets."

Yu fights to get a brow: "Do you eat soil? Adjectives?"

"No, in the literal sense of eating soil." The girl said it was still incomprehensible, "and he also dug a piece of earth from the flower bed in front of us to show us, so metamorphosis!"

Yu Zhengdu heard the words and immediately looked at the leaders. Sure enough, everyone’s spirit was obviously a boost.

Yu Zhengdu immediately asked the girl: "Where is that person now?"

The girl wondered: "What do you ask this?"

Yu is arrogant and arrogant: "This kind of abnormality, we have to quickly control the police to prevent other victims."

The girl was moved by the light of justice that he exuded, and was about to give him directions. She saw her friend pointing in the direction they were running: "The metamorphosis has followed!"

Later, they also ignored the fact that they would argue with them, and quickly ran up her friends and ran away.

Yu argued that they turned their heads and saw that they were wearing a ragged clothes. The men and women who were looking at each other’s hands stretched forward and ran forward straight. They kept yelling, “I will eat the soil, I really Will eat the soil."

If you carefully distinguish it, you can see that the person's limbs are slightly stiff.


At the same time, these two words flashed through the heads of Yu and the heads of the Taoist. I saw that the governors immediately took out the bronze swords and the gossip mirrors from the waist, and they rushed up.

Yu Zhengdu also quickly reached out and grabbed things from his pocket. However, he only took out his mobile phone for a long time. He opened the mobile phone library and called up a photo of Fu Lu. This is Zheng Yanfa’s, and it is said that his father painted it by himself. It’s hard to say that it’s hard to get through, but I have to accept it.

Yuan Qing was on the side of "Wow": "Yu Ge, is your company even informatized?"

Mu Daochang also felt the photo of the mobile phone of Yu Zhengdu, and exclaimed: "It’s still a light, and the mana is quite strong!"

The merchants looked at them as if they were enemies, and asked: "What are you doing?"

Yuan Qing pointed to the person who ran hard from his limbs and said nervously: "To deal with the drought!"

The business face is expressionless: "That is not a drought."

Everyone sent his doubtful eyes to him, Yuan Qing said: "Not what you said, the drought and the limbs are stiff, eat strange things? That person is so stiff, still eating soil...not what is drought?"

Yu Zhengdu reacted at this time, sweated a bit and said: "Hey, that should be just a necessary and inadequate condition for droughts and floods."

In other words, although these conditions are met by droughts and floods, it is not the occurrence of droughts and floods.

When the man had already ran to them, the headmasters couldn’t care so much. Several people immediately stood in a row, blocking the other side and stopping his way.

The man was shocked and stepped back two steps: "What are you doing?"

Yu Zhengdu looked at his hands and grasped the two holdings of the soil, and there were traces of mud in his mouth. The brow could not help but wrinkle and asked: "Why are you eating soil?"

The man’s eyes flashed: “What is it with you?”

It is really not a matter for others to eat a soil. However, it is not so easy to be questioned. It immediately asks: "Why do you force the little girl to eat the soil?"

“When did I force them?” the man shouted. “It’s obvious that they said they would eat the soil. I asked them if they were the same people as me!”

His tone of anger and anger: "In order to prove that I will also eat the soil, I still eat them on the spot, who knows that they ran after reading!"

The content of his speech was a bit strange. Several Taoist leaders were inexplicably infatuated. The metaphor was a reaction. They looked at each other in a complicated way and asked: "When you hear them, is it similar to this? Do you want to eat the soil 'or 'the next thing to eat the soil'?"

If you remember correctly, the two girls just said that they are shopping, and the girls who shop are really easy to eat.

The man nodded quickly and looked at Yu Chengdu with surprise: "The right thing is right, is this what you are also a person in China?"

"No." Yu Zhengdu calmly denied, "I am not a person in your country, nor are they."

The man did not believe it: "Is not a person in China, how can I eat the soil?"

He also thought for a moment, God mysteriously approached a little whisper: "Mo pan, I am my own person, will not expose you."

Yu Zhengdu: "..." Are you not exposing yourself almost?

A few of the heads of the road heard a confused, Yuan Qingzui could not help but: "What the **** are you?"

The merchant whispered: "No people."

The man was shocked: "How do you know?"

Yuan Qing is a face-lifting: "No people? Who is that?"

Mu Daochang knew it, and immediately revealed the color of surprise: "Do you mean that the layman is a non-environment?"

Shang Xiao did not answer Mu Daochang, only looked at the man, coveted: "You are also rushed out of the ground by heavy rain?"

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was no enlightenment. The nationals did not distinguish between men and women, and they lived in the cave. After the death, the heart would not rot, and after being buried in the underground for a hundred years, it could change the adult again.

Everyone did not expect that this person was not a dry man, but he was not an ordinary person. He immediately discussed it and brought him back to the hotel to understand the situation.

The man is indeed speculative, but it is the uncultivated national who was buried in the Siling Mountain after his death. According to him, the non-founding country was a small overseas country. Later, the vicissitudes of the country changed and the small country was destroyed. Only a few nationals flowed to the mainland. However, the pilgrimage to the soil and the resurrection of the uninitiated people to the ordinary people and the monsters undoubtedly, after several nationals were treated as demon objects, they had to conceal their identity, and later scattered around, he alone fell to the Siling area, feel the local soil Excellent, he stayed and buried himself here before he died.

He did not know how many years he had experienced in the underground. Until a few days ago, the mountain was smashed by the storm and he saw the sky again. After he was reborn, he was familiar with the new world on the one hand. On the one hand, he carefully maintained the cautiousness of the innocent people and dared not expose his own things. Until today, I heard on the pedestrian street that the two girls said that they had to eat the soil. He thought that the other party was also a re-visiting day, and he was surprised to see the live performances. Who knows but scared the two girls away!

As for the stiffness of the body, it is only because it has been buried in the soil for too long, and it has not completely slowed down.

The more unsuccessful the nationals said, the more angry they were: "I am kind enough to recognize the two people. They didn't even appreciate it. I didn't expect that I was not so indifferent now!"

A group of people who listened to him: "emmm-"

"Hey--" Yu Zhengdu said, "They say that eating the soil, and your eating soil, is not a meaning."

Wu Qimin has a puzzled face: "What does that mean?"

Yu Zhengdu: "That means poverty."

No Qimin was shocked: "Now poor people are going to eat soil?"

Yu Zhengdu helped the lower hand and patiently explained it to him. Without the Qimin people, he suddenly realized that he said: "The language of Chinese people is still so profound and profound."

After confirming that this was just a misunderstanding caused by eating soil, everyone was relieved. The rare people should have reported to the relevant departments in the world, but this incompetent people can live to today with extremely keen insight. When I looked at the way that Mu Daochang seemed to report to someone, I immediately shouted and asked them not to expose him.

Since ancient times, the unidentified people who have been discovered their true identity have not been regarded as monsters to slaughter, or they have been studied as objects that can be resurrected, especially those who have been pursued by immortality. The end is even more miserable.

There was no tears in the nose, and it was a tearful heart. "If you don't have a country, you will have a single seedling. If I have three long and two short, then we will completely destroy the country..."

Everyone: "..." This unsuccessful posture is so skillful, and the desire for survival is so strong. It is no wonder that it can become a unique show of no people, and it is now.

Fortunately, it is not a feudal society now. Everyone is a person who has received advanced and equal education. Seeing him so pleading is also unbearable.

Everyone looked at each other. When the priest was young and learned the path of Marxism, he said: "This is no harm to the people. It is no harm to report it."

These are all friends who have a very personal relationship, and they are only cooperative with the relevant departments, not the superiors and the subordinates. Seeing the priests saying this, thinking about it, it is indispensable.

However, Mu Daochang is still cautious. He suggested: "Would you like to follow us in the past few days, and wait until the matter of Si Ling is finished, and then look at the situation?"

As everyone thinks, this is also a matter of Si Ling, and he agreed with Mu Daochang’s suggestion.

After discussing the matter, it was not too late. Everyone went back to the room to rest. At this time, they had to arrange accommodation without enlightenment. The hotel was already full, and no one could only squeeze with others.

No Qimin Baba looked at the scene of a handsome and kind-hearted metaphor: "Can I sleep with you in a house?"

Yu Yudu did not speak yet, and he saw the merchants turn coldly and turned around: "Do you know the four ways of writing dead words?"


No Qimin:? ? ? Is this also the new language method in China?

The author has something to say: The non-Qi national data refers to the "Yangyang Miscellaneous" and has been privately established.

Xiao Kui: I now allow you to run 49 meters first.

No Qimin: What does this mean?

Do you know the four pouring methods of nutrient solution? 2k novel reading network