MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 578 andy's fame

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The officer shouted, and the navy rushed forward with a machete. Nearly 60 well-trained navies and ten undead skeletons fought a decisive battle on the beach.


Charles looked at this scene not far away, and was a little shocked. Everything seemed to be arranged. The conflict between the two sides was so simple and infinitely magnified.

"Those naval soldiers are afraid of them, panic and distrust, as long as a little provocation will have a very impressive effect, what's more, these soldiers will not know that in addition to the Armada, there are such undead skeletons. It's the trigger."

"Then let's wait for them to finish?"

"The battle won't last long, the plan is too rough, someone will always find the problem, the elite navy of the West Spot Empire is not a fool, it's just that the flames and blood just made them temporarily forget to think, now it's just consuming their physical strength, after all Our newly recruited sailors are probably not the opponents of these elite navies."

Andy lowered his voice and said to Charles.

"Now, get the crew ready, we have muskets, we have machetes, and it's a shame if we can't win."

As Andy expected, although the personnel of the Armada were attacked, they remained awake. After more than ten minutes, many navies began to be exhausted, but the personnel of the Armada did not kill anyone, but took the initiative. Back off and talk to the officer in the navy.

The matter is very clear, there is an undead skeleton on the beach.

"It's definitely not ours!"

The person in charge of the undead skeleton said in shock, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"It's the pirates of the Empire! Maybe the pirates who picked up the gold skeletons!"

However, before he could analyze the matter in depth, a large number of black shadows suddenly appeared in the jungle behind the navy, and with the sound of gunfire, many ordinary navy fell into a pool of blood.

"Kill them all!"

"Give some color to these chops!"

The pirates rushed up excitedly. They didn't care where the navy in front of them came from, they didn't care whether it was the Roman Navy, the Eagle Navy, or the West Spot Navy.

For pirates, wherever the navy wants to hang them on the gallows.

People of any country, those who think they live in a civilized world and are superior to others, regard them as vulgar savages.

Most of the sailors had been exhausted from the previous battle, their muskets had run out, even the long-barreled muskets had been destroyed, their arms holding the machetes were sore and trembling.

"Retreat! Back on the boat!"

"The invincible fleet belongs, counterattack!"

Two very different voices sounded on the beach. The ordinary navy was ready to board the ship. There were muskets and ample ammunition on the ship. On the ship, they could take advantage of the geographical advantage and deal a heavy blow to the pirates who wanted to climb on the ship next. .

As for the crew of the Armada, they were not worried at all.

Because they are invincible.

They are not tired, they have no pain, they do not need to defend, and they do not need to retreat.

The tents on the beach were burning violently, and the wooden stakes, wooden boxes and wooden barrels used to fix the tents all burned up. crazy.

"Bypass these monsters!"

Billy saw a terrifying skeleton undead walking out of the navy, he remembered Andy's advice to him, and shouted.

The pirates were naturally reluctant to face these guys. They obediently bypassed ten skeletons. Only a few pirates were stopped by them, and the rest chased the navy to the place where the sailboats were moored.

The ten crew members of the Armada were stopped by Andy and Charles.

Or rather, they stopped by themselves.

"Oh God, what kind of monster is this?"

A skeleton opened his mouth and looked at Charles in shock. As for why he was shocked, because the guy's eyeballs that were about to fall out were even more bulging, as if someone stuck it with snot.

The crew of the Armada were monsters, and they were monsters when they found the cursed gold coins and took them out of the altar.

When helping the Xiban Empire to eliminate pirates and kill the Imperial fleet, they had seen some incredible things, and they had never seen Charles who looked like the Scorpion King.

"You look like a stitched corpse, a corpse of a human and a scorpion...but can you tell me where the scorpion is so big? Or was it cultivated by a wizard by some means?"

"Oh! Wizards are a bunch of lunatics! Not only the wizards who developed the cursed gold coins, the wizards all over the world are lunatics!"

The leader of this small team of skeletons obviously regards Charles as something like That is the product left by the evil curse, and can only be regarded as a monster for a lifetime.

The skeletons looked at the giant claws that Charles was wielding gently. They had no doubts about the consequences of this dangerous thing once it fell on them. They would not die, but if they were torn into pieces, they would not die. It doesn't make any sense.

The big guy in front of them made them feel cautious for the first time.

At this time, the captain obviously saw Andy, and he was curious why Andy could stand in front of Charles in such a thin appearance, so he turned his skull several times and his eyes fell on Andy.

"Are you the leader of this gang of pirates?"

"Yes, I'm the captain of the Black Fantasy, Andy."

Andy narrowed his eyes slightly. Since the group of skeletons wanted to talk, he was so happy. It was useless for them to delay time. The pirates already had the absolute upper hand. Although they only had forty people, those The navy has just run out of strength, and it won't be long before they choose to surrender.

The reason is very simple. After all the navy gets on the ship, they will be horrified to find that the ship is about to sink.

"Andy...I've heard your name."

Unexpectedly, Captain Skeleton's answer, I have to say, this really surprised Andy.

"Oh? Where?"

"Your name has been circulated in the Xiban navy a few months ago, the candidate for the next legendary pirate king, the successor of the golden pirate era... Nie Xiao's son, Sao Feng's adopted son, you are in Stormwind Sea. Your deeds, your defeat of Eric the Red Devil in the Sacred Sea, your deeds on Skull Island, and even your release of Tutankhamun, have all been passed on to the Imperial Navy."

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