MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 228

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Bai Chuanxia took out a video camera and deliberately made a "click" sound.

Miwako shuddered, this kind of portable video camera is too common in Dongguo, mostly appearing in some low-budget movies.

Reminiscent of the kidnapper in front of her claiming to be the director, she has already anticipated what she will face.

The only good news is that there is only one kidnapper.

"Do you have any questions?" Bai Chuanxia turned on the recording function of the camera, but did not shoot.

He also has integrity, although not much.

For this extraordinary measure, there is not much pressure.

Because he believed in Aunt Ma Fei, she thought Xiangta was innocent, so he must be innocent.

Then there must be something wrong with the woman in front of her.

The recording is only for analyzing clues after going back.

Deliberately misleading her is also to make the following inquiries reasonable.

Hesitation flashed across Mei Hezi's face: "Will you hurt me?"

"No." Bai Chuanxia replied resolutely: "You should have guessed what will happen next. As long as you cooperate, I will not hurt you. After all, there is an essential difference in terms of charges and sentences for breaking into a house and wounding others. Of course , I don't mind violence if you don't cooperate."

"Please don't worry." Mei Hezi bent down and wanted to bow, but immediately realized something was wrong, and then sat up straight again: "Mr. Director, no matter what you tell me, I will do it."

"Okay, do you have a boyfriend?" Bai Chuanxia asked.

"Boyfriend, me?" Meihezi spoke slowly, obviously thinking.

In the next second, a sharp, cold blade touched her neck, scratching her skin all the way down.

The knife edge didn't cut the skin, but the real touch of the scratch on the skin made people shudder.

"Yes, I have a boyfriend and I'm going to get engaged soon." Mei Hezi said anxiously, crying, "Please, don't kill me, I will answer everything."

The tip of the knife did not stop because of her begging, but fell in the sound of her begging for mercy.

The first button of the white shirt was cut open, revealing her fair collarbone and the edge of her flesh-colored corset, with a little bulge.

"Ueda Miwako, 26 years old, unmarried..."

Bai Chuanxia slowly read out the information he had read, and every time he read out an accurate piece of information, Miwako's body trembled a little more.

"I hope the answer that comes out of your mouth next time will match the information I got."

"Of course, and then the answer was too slow, wasting our time with each other, and you can guess where the tip of the knife will appear."

Miwako shook her head and nodded.

"What's your boyfriend's name?"

"Taro Tanaka."

"What's your favorite color?"


"When did you and your boyfriend meet?"

"One person ago, his father and my mother were classmates and introduced him to me."

"What's the name of the front desk with you on duty today?"

"Keiko Hirota."

Bai Chuanxia answered quickly, every question was irrelevant, the purpose of course was to let her answer without thinking time.

"Have you ever done it with your boyfriend?"


"When was the last time?"

"last night."

"What pose?"

"Normal position."

"What's his XP?"

"He liked me wearing this uniform and stomping on him."

"..." Bai Chuanxia pursed her mouth, having fun, squinted her eyes at the same time, and asked softly, "When did you and your ex-boyfriend break up?"

Miwako said without any hesitation, "A year ago."

"Huh?" Bai Chuanxia was taken aback for a moment, he could tell that Miheko hadn't lied, and he could be considered a person who had experienced big storms.

After being sanctioned by Jingu Nao, he is learning micro-expressions.

Although she wasn't considered a professional, if Miwako could fool him, she wouldn't be just a receptionist.

"The last person who made love to you, besides Taro Tanaka, who else?" Bai Chuanxia's thoughts changed sharply, but the question on his mouth didn't stop.


"Here we come!" Bai Chuanxia quickly asked a few other questions, and then quickly asked: "The last time I did it with Xiangta, whose house was it?"

"His home."

"What pose, did you use any props?"

"Behind, it's useless."

"are you comfortable?"


"Why, is it because Shota's skills are not good?"

"No, because I'm about to get engaged and I can't betray my husband."

"Do you love Taro Tanaka?"


"Do you want to have children, how many?"

"Intend to, two."

After the coercion just now, Miwako's answer was so urgent and fast that she didn't have time to think at all.

"Damn... made a mistake?!" Bai Chuanxia's eyes flashed with surprise, he didn't think that the feelings of a woman who wanted to give birth to two children for her husband would be fake.

His question is actually quite perverted. If he were from another country, he would definitely be suspected.

But in Dongguo, before making a low-budget movie, these questions would be asked, even more detailed than he asked.

So he wasn't worried about being suspicious.

He raised his hand and looked at the time. It will be the time for the security guard to change, and he must leave.

"Then Miwako-san, please pose in your husband's favorite pose."

Miwako's face turned red when she heard the words, but she didn't hesitate. She held her legs open with her hands, stepped on the sofa with her high heels, and turned into an M shape.

Then she tore off the pantyhose on her crotch with her hands.

Coming in soon.

"Yeah." She moaned.

Just a moment, it was pulled away from her body.

She just blushed and waited for the attack.

Hold this position for a full 10 minutes, after your feet feel numb.

Then he said cautiously: "Mr. Director?"

After getting no response for a long time, she slowly removed the blindfold, and there was still a robber in the room.

Bai Chuan Xia Tieqing returned to the police station and walked straight into Concubine Ma's office.

He tried it with his fingers just now, Miwako is different from Kinoshita Ren, obviously he doesn't have much experience, both front and back.

Chapter 296 Aunt's Promise

"The situation is very bad." Bai Chuanxia opened the door and walked into the office.

Concubine Hojo was sitting behind the desk, wearing a pair of rimless glasses, flipping through the file in her hand, and didn't lift her head when she saw him coming in.

"I went to investigate Miwako, she doesn't look like the kind of woman who plays around." Bai Chuanxia walked to the desk:

"Is it possible that Xiangta has an illusion of life?"

Concubine Hojo read a page in her hand, took off her glasses, and looked at him with a smile: "Are you planning to give up?"

Bai Chuanxia leaned on the desk, and when she turned her head, she noticed a mole on her fair neck.

She swayed as she talked, a little sexy, last time I went to bed, my attention was on my aunt's chest and between her feet, I didn't notice:

"The time is too short. Judging from the current evidence, Shota is more like a stalker."

Concubine Hojo smiled, stood up, and leaned on the desk beside him, and the two of them stood side by side, maintaining the same posture:

"If you want to have **** with me, it's only to this extent, but it's not enough. In addition to physical stimulation, women also desire a sense of spiritual security, and I prefer mature men."

"..." Bai Chuanxia had a strange expression, Auntie Ma Fei was quite direct in her private words.

She caressed Bai Chuanxia's abdomen with her right hand, and stretched her fingers through the waist of his trousers.

"?" Bai Chuanxia looked at Auntie Concubine Ma in surprise, why did he suddenly get angry, although he didn't mind, but he always felt baffled.

What if the mature and beautiful aunt suddenly puts her hand into your pants?

The answer, of course, is to lie flat.

Bai Chuanxia enjoyed his wife's slender fingers gently holding his body.

"I love my husband very much." Concubine Hojo turned her head and looked at him with a smile on her lips: "Although he has passed away for so many years, I still love him."

"Eh." Bai Chuanxia didn't feel jealous, she has been dead for so many years, love as much as she loves.

It is strange that she holds herself with one hand while expressing her love for her husband.

Or auntie likes some weird play.

"But I don't deny that it will be very comfortable when I'm with you." Maki Hojo looked at him with winking eyes.

"Please be sure to bring this." Bai Chuanxia picked up the pair of glasses from the table and put them on for her, giving her a little more intellectual beauty in her charm.

This time, he felt more.

Concubine Hojo stopped her hand: "So women are very complicated."

"Uh, don't you want to continue?" Bai Chuanxia wanted to hold her hand.

She ran away with her finger first, and teased it with her fingertip before leaving.

"We'll continue after you're done." Maki Hojo said with a smile, "But I don't want to have **** with ordinary men."

A strange color flashed in Bai Chuanxia's eyes.

Auntie is so realistic, she has made it clear that if you want her to cheat, you have to be a good enough man.

But that's fine too.

"I see." Bai Chuanxia turned his head and put his head next to her ear: "I won't wear a condom then."

After he came out of the office, he went directly to the detention center and found Shota with the certificate given to him by Maki Hojo.

"I'll just say it directly." Bai Chuanxia looked at him expectantly, and said directly: "According to Miwako's confession, she doesn't like you, and you have been harassing her because you feel good about yourself."

"And no surprises, she's going to get engaged soon, and the partner is the executive of a listed company, and the family is not bad."

He finished speaking in one breath, looked at Xiangta, waiting for his answer.

Xiangta listened to his words, lowered his head with his hands on his thighs, and murmured: "Did she say that?"

Asking questions is also like talking to himself.

"Yes, although I want to help you, but now everyone has all the evidence and evidence. After three days, the police will submit your case to the court for prosecution."