MTL - My Years As a Car Dealer-Chapter 256 : Got slapped by Zhang Chen again

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Chapter 0256: Zhang Chen pits again

This scarred man is ferocious and his bids are ruthless. As long as he likes the model, whether it is to smash it with money, or threaten the bidder with his eyes and fists, in short, he has to get it.

He bought almost one-fifth of the more than 200 cars, costing tens of millions of dollars.

Whether it was a car dealer or a private buyer, they looked at Scar's smug look, envy to death, and mocked him Shabi while complaining that this kid was rich.

Because except for a few low-end cars, the rest of the models in the Scar auction are high-end cars, otherwise it won't cost that much money.

What about Zhang Chen?

Zhang Chen arrived at the official end of the bus auction. Under the deliberate run by Lai Wu and others, not a single car was bought. It was a waste of time and energy. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

Lai Wu bought more than a dozen cars today, all of which were snatched from Zhang Chen's mouth.

Today, Zhang Chen was able to get this result. Lai Wu was so complacent that he lay down in the wooden chair, humming a little tune and happily looking at Zhang Chen in front of him, while smashing the model information in his hand with Erlang's legs crossed. Waiting for the subordinate to pay the money and go through the formalities to come back.

The sound of paper being smashed into the palm of the hand, Papa, and Lai Wu's piercing laughter made people's forehead hurt. It seemed to be deliberately angry with Zhang Chen in front of him.

After the auction, Zhang Chen didn't leave, he still stayed in his seat, as if he was waiting for someone.

Jiang Fangyan, who was next to Zhang Chen, kept her head down and didn't speak. Just when Mu Qing thought that her little cousin was sick, she wanted to pat her head to see if she had a fever.

Suddenly, Jiang Fangyan, who had been hanging her head all the time, raised her head abruptly. Regardless of the crowd around her, she shouted at Zhang Chen, "I remember, the five of them are the chefs of Jijie's kitchen."

As we all know, the relationship between Jijie and Zhang Chen is stronger than that of siblings, so there is no need to guess, everyone also knows the relationship between Knife Scar and Zhang Chen.

After being exposed, the carefully designed scam was revealed in an instant, and Zhang Chen's old face turned red.

After hearing this explosive news, Mu Qing was also stared at Zhang Chen with wide eyes and mouth wide open by Lei, while her little head was sorting out the cause and effect of the whole thing.

Mu Qing guessed that Zhang Chen expected everything that happened during the auction today, so he asked Sister Ji to send someone to act as a trustee for him.

So even if Zhang Chen didn't bid for a single car, but that Scar won more than 40 cars, which means that Zhang Chen is still the biggest winner.

Mu Qing was dumbfounded. She stood there blankly, not knowing whether to praise Zhang Chen or slap him.

Mu Qing's reaction was not the biggest. Lai Wu and the others were all blown away when they heard Jiang Fangyan revealing the identities of Scar. As a result, the area behind Zhang Chen was full of crowds.

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen, and there was only one thought in their hearts: "What's wrong with Zhang Chen again today."

The car dealers have mixed feelings in their hearts, and the thumping, thumping hearts are all in their throats.

In the end, Lai Wu reacted the most, shouting wildly towards his subordinates who were walking in the distance: "Quick, go to Zhao Yishou to see if there is any problem with the model we are bidding on."

The crazy Lai woke everyone up at five o'clock. The car dealers were in a mess, some making calls, some crying, and some fainting...

Not long after, Zhao led his apprentices to the bus auction site.

After being identified by Zhenghong Used Car Testing Center, the cars bought by car dealers are generally in average condition.

In particular, more than half of the more than a dozen cars that Lai Wu bought have some kind of problem and need to be repaired or even overhauled, otherwise no fool would be willing to take over.

"I was trapped by Zhang Chen again." Lai Wu fell down on the wooden chair in despair. His eyes were straight, and he realized in a trance that he had lost the bottom again. How would he explain it when he went back?

Mu Qing, who had been silently observing the situation, actually no longer hated Zhang Chen in her heart. Instead, she admired the genius under her very much.

Because Zhang Chen and Jijie practiced so many car dealers, the car dealers had to find Zhang Chen's Zhenghong Used Car Inspection Center to check the car's condition, and he made a lot of money in vain.

I can't accept it!

The bus auction finally came to an end. With more than 40 vehicles, the empty Four Seas Motor Shop was finally able to operate normally again.

Zhang Chen and Wang Keqiang sat in the office, looking at the large open space outside, especially Zhang Chen was filled with emotion.

To be honest, Zhang Chen likes the condition of the bus very much. It is clean and tidy, well maintained and well maintained. The driver of the team has good driving skills, and there are few scratches and underpinnings. Some models have also been modified with high-end facilities, making the ride more comfortable and cost-effective.

Saves money on maintenance and repairs, and saves worry and effort.

It can be said that even if a small number of models have reached a certain level of mileage and vehicle age, common problems have emerged, and most models are almost considered to be excellent.

It's not a little bit better than the ** car shoot that Zhang Chen participated in.

But if Zhang Chen were to choose, he would not go to the bus auction again.

Wang Keqiang curiously asked Zhang Chen why?

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly, because the public car auction attracted too much attention, and people believed in the condition of the bus. Whether it was a car dealer or a private buyer, everyone was madly fighting for their lives.

A 2011 1.8tsidsg honorary version Passat, which was listed in May 2011 and traveled 110,000 kilometers, sold for 110,000 yuan. You must know that the new car of this Passat 8 years ago was only 230,000 yuan. In the same condition, The reference price of the same car of the same age in the used car market is only 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

A 2011 2.4lct luxury business comfort version Buick gl8 was listed in February 2013 and traveled 70,000 kilometers. The condition of the car, the same car of the same age, the participation price in the second-hand car market is only between 100,000 and 120,000.

Everyone's frantic scramble has resulted in the high premium of the auctioned buses, which is far higher than the normal price range.

At that time, Zhang Chen played a double-reed with Scar and the other five, and he worked hard to win more than 40 cars.

If there is another time, Zhang Chen is really not confident that his plan will succeed.

"I also think it's annoying." Wang Keqiang sighed and suddenly said, "It would be nice if we could go to Che County to get a lot of cars."

Zhang Chen didn't say anything, and smiled bitterly.

Wang Keqiang understood what he meant. The water in Chexian County was too deep. Nearly half of the 100 cars that Lai Wu entered a few days ago had problems. The compensation Chen Haojie went crazy and nearly strangled Lai Wu.

There is no suitable It's no use to go to Che County. He kept this idea in his heart. Wang Keqiang suddenly smiled and said to Zhang Chen, "There will be an auction in a few days, do you want to go?"

"An auction again?" After the car auction and the bus auction, Zhang Chen seemed to have a lot of scenery and was out of the limelight.

In fact, those treacherous car dealers have resorted to all kinds of tricks in order to bid for models with high-quality car conditions.

Under the black hand, a group of yin people, together to target a certain buyer, looking for support to drive up the price...

Zhang Chen was tortured insanely. He worked hard and worked hard. He was more tired than fighting with a hundred or ten people.

Especially the private buyers at the auction gave Zhang Chen a headache. They didn't know the used car detection technology, they didn't know the normal selling price, and they didn't have any strategy.

However, seeing a favorite model, relying on money, or trying to drive up the price as soon as the head is hot, they are all raised to the sky, and there is simply no way to communicate with them.

Zhang Chen shook his head and told Wang Keqiang that he had to find another way and was unwilling to mix it up.

"Don't go." Wang Keqiang understood Zhang Chen's difficulties, and persuaded him with a smile, "This is a professional b2b auction, and there are no private buyers to interfere."

b2b auction?

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, but quickly obtained this information from the car dealer system.

B2b auctions refer to transactions between merchants, which means wholesale.

That is to say, after a super cheating company comes in a certain number of models from a certain place, it organizes an auction, []