MTL - My Wife Has Been Blackened-Chapter 59 Fourth sister-in-law's strong luck

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  Chapter 59 Fourth Sister-in-Law's Powerful Luck

  Wufu Village soon ushered in the post-disaster population registration.

  The government office took the notebook, starting from Yifu Village, and registered in each village.

  Basically all villages have no increase in the number of people, more or less there are many casualties.

  In Yifu Village, seven died of freezing and twelve died of starvation.

  Erfu Village has always been united with the outside world, and the village head is also a capable person. Didn't freeze to death, didn't starve to death, but two drunkards came out to beg for a drink. After drinking, I fell asleep in the snow and couldn't sleep.

  Seventeen died of freezing and nineteen died of starvation in Sanfu Village. Several of them are said to be girls.

  In Sifu Village, three died of freezing and six died of starvation.

   At this time, the official dispatch arrived at the entrance of Wufu Village. Several people were holding booklets and wearing thick jackets, sighing as they walked.

   "It's so early in the morning that I haven't even had a sip of tea. So many people have died that I'm too embarrassed to beg for food."

   "I ate two bowls in Erfu Village yesterday." It was dark when I hurried back after work.

  The few officials were a little numb after seeing too much, so they chatted in a few words.

"Wufu Village wants more casualties. The old village head heard that in order to curry favor with General Xie's unmarried daughter-in-law, he made a little girl the head of the village. What does the little girl know? I'm afraid that the people in this village will starve to death and freeze to death." How much do you know? By the way, the previous villages have occupied some land to build houses, and they said that we should ask Wufu Village, but I don’t know what it means." The three of them entered the gate of Wufu Village as they spoke, and they were stunned as soon as they walked in. one time.

  I saw the originally empty village, but now the village is full of houses on both sides. There is very little smoke from cooking, and there are children playing in the snow.

  Well, I was still holding the gray white flour steamed buns in my hand, and I was chewing while running.

  It is a little bit different from the imagined road with frozen bones.

  The sound of babies crying could be heard from that room from time to time. Looking at the sound, I am afraid that a lot of babies were born in the village during this period.

"Aren't you looking for the village chief? Go straight to the village chief's house and go straight to the end. Well, with my brain, you just follow the place next to the big red double happiness. Their family's fourth middle school held an exam, and there is a wedding going on. These days It's being arranged." The pregnant woman with a big belly pointed the way.

  The three yamen servants watching were stunned.

   What about post-disaster reconstruction? you? Almost as good as Xanadu, right?

  When the yamen servant arrived, Zhou Laosi had just arrived in Jiangzhou and rushed back, his face full of ambition and complacency.

  Seeing that Xie Yinghui had already left, I felt a little uncomfortable, but was quickly washed away by the joy of getting married.

"Mother, this is three hundred taels of silver. You find some people to expand your house by a few houses. The bigger the row, the better. He is an official, so don't lose face." Zhou Laosi felt a little regretful in his heart. In such a poor family.

   "The new daughter-in-law is the face, mother, you should also think of a way. You can't let your father-in-law look shameless." Although Zhou Laosi didn't explicitly ask for Zhou Yan's words, Yang's mind had already turned there.

  Now what Zhou Laosi says is right.

  If it was said that he favored Zhou Laosi before, now his heart is only on him. This is her only and most promising son! Now she is about to become an official wife.

  The house was discussing the preparations for the marriage, but the government office also knocked on the door and entered the house.

  "Village Chief Zhou, did someone come from the yamen to ask about the number of people in our village?" The woman who brought them had a strange look on her face. After all, they were the only ones who knew how many people there were in their village.

   Zhou Laosi is now a juren, but he used to be a little flattering to the yamen servants. Now he didn't lift his eyelids.

  After Zhou Yan's words came out, Mrs. Yang poured tea, and Zhou Laosan frowned and grabbed fried peanuts and a few pieces of sugar.

"We were ordered to register the number of people. After the natural disaster, the number of people in each village has changed. I don't know the original number of people in Wufu Village, the current number, and the number of outsiders, the number of people who died of freezing and starvation. If there are new students, count them. , but now at this age, there will probably be no newborns." The yamen servant grabbed the peanuts, and seeing Zhou Laosan coming out with a plate of steamed buns, his eyes turned green.

  The town uses silver money to buy grain, and the price of grain will naturally rise again and again. According to the statistics this time, the number of people who starved to death is actually more than that of the villages.

   "The original number of people in Wufu Village was 700. The current number..." Zhou Yanci paused.

"The current number is 1,900, and 1,200 new people have been added. There are 1,200 outsiders, and none died of freezing or starvation. Well, there are 22 new students in the village." As soon as the words fell, someone heard someone outside the door shouted.

   "Village chief, the Xu family gave birth to a fat son."

  The yamen servant was taken aback for a while, and then he heard Zhou Yanci faintly say "oh".

   "There are twenty-three new students now." Zhou Yanci said to the dumbfounded yamen servant after taking a sip of hot tea.

   "I, I, I... You, you, you said you have added 1,200 foreign personnel and 23 new students? When it snows heavily, you hide in the village to give birth?" A yamen servant lost his voice, his face full of surprise.

  In this famine year when there are corpses everywhere, I am afraid that what Wufu Village means is clear.

   Each town also has population statistics, which are then reported.

  This means that Wufu Village alone may be able to equalize the number of casualties in the entire town. The county magistrate can't run away with at least one reward.

  A few days ago, the population report went up and got a lot of criticism. Hearing this, the yamen servant didn't plan to eat. He hurriedly counted the specific number of people and rushed to the town.

  The sudden increase of refugees in Wufu Village is no small matter, but it is obviously a great thing at this moment!

"Why do you need to talk to them in person in your capacity? You have lost your status in vain. Your fourth sister-in-law, who has never been educated, is a well-educated lady. You will learn from her in the future. As a woman, you must behave like a woman. Son. Follow your father and brother at home, and follow your husband when you get married. Your fourth sister-in-law speaks weakly and delicately, how can she shout like you?" Zhou Laosi walked out with his hands behind his back, looking like a good brother.

"You don't know what kind of person your fourth sister-in-law is, do you? I met her elder brother Song Chaosheng a few days ago. His sister has a family of girls. It's just that she was born weak and raised in a deep boudoir. A girl who doesn't step forward. If she speaks loudly, she is afraid of disturbing others, and she is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting." Zhou Lao looked a little complacent, Zhou Lao Er's eyes darkened, and his interest in picking things seemed to fade A few points.

  Miss Guanjia, he will never be able to marry in his life.

   "Then I wish fourth brother that you and fourth sister-in-law Qin Se and Ming are in love until the end of life. I wish you will be husband and wife for life to life." Zhou Yanci shook his head.

  From that day on, she felt that Zhou Laosi had a very good luck, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he had a prosperous official career.

   Later, it gradually became dim, until he got engaged to Miss Song, and even the relationship between his eyebrows and heirs was dim. At this moment, it was even more cloudy, and Zhou Yanci was stunned...

   Who is her fourth sister-in-law!

  The powerful luck of her fourth brother was suppressed by her.

  (end of this chapter)