MTL - My Teammates Are All Crazy-Chapter 5

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It may be because someone on our side is on-hook, or it may be because the heart of ice and snow plus the lineup of novice sprees, let the other party see the hope that does not actually exist. In short, until Jing Yu cooperated with his teammates to take down the dragon and led the army of dragons to the enemy's defense tower, the enemy did not surrender.

Soon, the words "Victory" appeared on the screen, and Jing Yu in front of the screen breathed a long sigh of relief.

Sitting on this speeding black car, his nerves didn't dare to relax for a moment.

If you walk away for a while, you may miss the opportunity to support your teammates, leading to the destruction of your teammates.

Such a fast-paced battle is really cool, just like torture, and the opponent has no power to fight back.

But Jing Yu knew well that once he didn't keep up with his teammates, that was another story.


Looking at the time displayed in the lower right corner of the screen, it was more than 7 pm and it took more than an hour.

Jing Yu has a fixed live broadcast of 5 hours a day, from 6pm to 11pm, and can play 8-9 innings under normal circumstances.

After finishing the live broadcast, I fell asleep and fell asleep until noon the next day for lunch, finishing the live broadcast in the afternoon, and posting some processed small videos.

This kind of life, Jing Yu has graduated from high school, has maintained for nearly a year.

Perhaps it is because of his relationship with the heart of snow and ice, his popularity is stable, high and low, and enough money to sustain his life.

Jing Yu feels that it is a very happy thing to earn money to support himself in the way he likes, so he does not regret not going to college, but ...

He looked at the post-war data on the screen, looked at the MVP on the heart of Bingxue, and pursed his lower lip-so that more people could see this scene ... Many times, the weak is not the demon, but the manipulation Demon man. If the manipulator of the demon is strong enough, whether it is the heart of snow and ice or a novice gift package, they can play an absolute advantage.

However, thinking in my heart, what he said was: "Hey, he actually won! Fortunately, I used the heart of ice and snow, otherwise this game will definitely lose!"

——Speaking as if it is the heart of ice and snow, not him.

The barrage on the screen of another computer was dazzled.

[Goldfish's heart of ice and snow is invincible! 】

[Maye, I actually won, I knew I wouldn't bet! 】

[Goldfish you killed me! 】

Looking at these barrage, Jing Yu couldn't help laughing: "I will continue to use the heart of ice and snow in the next game. Can you guess if I can get 20 heads?"

[Inflated. 】

[Anchor goldfish, online expansion! 】

"I'm serious ~" Jing Yusao's low-quality voice came back, however, after such a sentence, just after exiting the post-war interface, he received four friend applications in succession, which frightened him.

Not only was he startled, but the barrage screen was empty for a moment. Obviously, no one would actively add Jing Yu as a friend.

Jing Yu opened the application list, four faces rolled the keyboard to type the id, and he saw a black line on his face.

For the application of friends, he always refused to come, so he clicked all to accept it, and then ignored it and continued to go in a single line.

He was so afraid that he was one step behind and was invited to the car by those four people-the kind of fast-paced fighting, he couldn't guarantee that he could keep up with every round and was too frightened to fight.

On the other side, Qin Fei actually invited Jing Yu to join the team, but he was one step behind.

He looked at the words "in game" to the right of Jing Yu's head, and frowned dissatisfied.

"Waiting for him?" Huang Mao apparently also saw Jing Yu's "in-game" prompt.

"Wait a fart, where do we have so much time?" Qin Fei responded, "play another round and train, after the training, leaves go to harass him, one minute, don't forget."

Ye Hong couldn't laugh or cry: "Harassment ... I think I was blackened by him every minute."

As a result, the four of Qin Fei also entered the game.

It is no secret that the PG team is looking for orders. However, no one knows that the way they find teammates is to open a trumpet to match each other.

They also thought about whether to change the style and slow down the pace to cater to new teammates. However, first of all, personal style is not easy to change. Secondly, fast pace is their advantage. Slowing down the pace is equivalent to losing this advantage. . There is no problem playing with ordinary players. Against professional teams, they are full of flaws without advantage, and are no different from digging graves.

Therefore, less than a last resort, they still tend to find an order that can keep up with them. Or jungle.


At the end of the training, it was almost 11 o'clock, Ye Hong logged in to the trumpet, glanced at the message he sent to Jing Yu, and did not reply, then logged out and shut down the computer.

Teammates left the computer one after another, only Qin Fei was still sitting in front of the computer.

PG is a brand new team that was established three months ago. When it was established, it signed up for the third professional league of the Demon Lords and advanced to the quarterfinals.

However, in the past three months, their orders have changed one after another, and none of them have satisfied Qin Fei.

"It's too slow! I can't keep up! What do you want!"

-This is how he yelled his new teammates out of the PG's door again and again.

Therefore, the players who left from the PG have a strong grudge against Qin Fei, saying that he is a team tyrant.

There is nothing wrong with Qin Fei. As long as he is a teammate he doesn't recognize, let alone the coach, the boss can't keep it.

However, such a domineering man is also really considered for the team. He wants a teammate who can help the whole team to win the championship.

In the heart of ice and snow manipulated by Jing Yu, he saw such hope, so he desperately wanted to solicit this hope to his side. This matter was pushed to Ye Hong by his mouth, but he still wanted to try it by himself.

So, in the empty training room, after Qin Fei logged in to the trumpet, he couldn't wait to open a private chat interface with "It's a goldfish, not a salty fish."

asdf: Are you there?

asdf: Are you there?

asdf: Are you there?

It's a goldfish, not a salted fish: ...

Just after Jing Yu finished the live broadcast, he saw this series of news and was a little speechless.

After sending a series of ellipses to asdf, he glanced at the words jkll left him.

jkll: You play well. Are you interested in playing a professional?

There was only this one line of words, but Jing Yu was lost for a while.

Playing a profession ... Of course he wants to. However, he has what he insists on, and what he insists on is exactly what the professional team does not admire.

About two months ago, he was inspired by some barrage, saying "I haven't thought about playing a professional yet", and turned to contact several professional teams.

However, some of the applications were made to the sea, and some applications were answered that there was no shortage of people. Finally, a family responded to him and asked what the demon he was best at. He answered the heart of ice and snow, and then ... there was no more.

Jing Yu was not frustrated, just felt unwilling.

Why can't Frozen Heart appear in professional leagues?

——Yes, this is what he insists on. He wants the upset demons such as Frozen Heart to appear on the field of the professional league and win the game!

He wanted to prove that these demons were not weak, only weak people who manipulated them.

This kind of thinking is obviously not respected by professional teams. Most professional teams still hope that team members can adjust their card pools according to the team, and play appropriate demons according to the coach's requirements to help the team win the game and get champion.

Therefore, after Qin Fei issued the phrase "come to a career?", Jing Yu immediately responded with such a line:

It's a goldfish, not a salty fish: can I use the heart of ice and snow?

After Jing Yu replied, he laughed first.

After all, there was such an opportunity before him. What was the difference between him and his refusal? In fact, he didn't want to play a job at all ...

I just wanted to quit the game interface, but before I had time to quit, I received a reply from the other party.

asdf: Why not?

why not?

Jing Yu stared at this line for a long time, but didn't respond for a long time.

asdf: As long as you play well.

For a while, Jing Yu felt a little unreal.

The other party means, as long as he plays well, can any demon be used?

Jing Yu hesitated to type a line, delete it, type another line, and delete it.

I ended up with this sentence:

It's a goldfish, not a salty fish: If that's the case, I'm interested, but can you tell me what team you guys are in first?

asdf: PG.

It's a goldfish, not a salted fish :! !! !!

asdf: What's wrong?

It's a goldfish, not a salty fish: My brother, my husband! !! !!

It's a goldfish, not a salty fish: No, it's my male god!

It's a goldfish, not a salty fish: Can you help me get his signature?

asdf: ...

At this moment, in the empty training room, Qin Fei, the jungler and captain of PG, looked at the computer screen in front of him and frowned slightly.

Suddenly, there was an ominous hunch.