MTL - My Teammates Are All Crazy-Chapter 135

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Candy: [The funeral sword grabbed the green demon! 】

Ah Ban: [Wait! The heart of ice and snow is connected to the funeral sword! Are you ready to launch an attack? 】

Almost as soon as KID's funeral sword grabbed the green demon, Jing Yu's ice and snow heart connected to him, and Qin Fei's Wan Ming Liuhuo attacked him as soon as the funeral sword appeared!

The funeral sword gained a boost in attack speed, and the hit rate on Ice and Snow Heart increased significantly. Obviously, it was one to two, but the blood of him and Ice and Snow Heart decreased almost simultaneously.

The audience was holding their breath, their attention was focused on the blood strips of the two, and even the eyes did not dare to blink, for fear of missing the most crucial scene in the blink of an eye.

However, just before the funeral sword was about to give Frozen Heart a final blow, Frozen Heart gave up a flash!

Ah Ban: [Goldfish flashes away! Funeral sword cut out! The funeral sword was killed! !! !! 】

[System] Kill the fire, kill!

[System] The enemy's funeral sword has been killed!

After seeing these two system prompts, the audience was uproar, and they never expected it to be the end!

The gain in attack speed fell to Qin Fei's Wan Mi Liuhuo.

"Go." Jing Yu said the word calmly, and Qin Fei and the two returned directly to the city in situ. Before the enemy arrived, Dan returned to his territory.

[Too thrilling! ] Candy felt that his heart could not bear it. [PG and the two killed KID's burial sword! KID's blackbird was controlled by the PG's soul, so that he could not rush to support in time, and the PG successfully escaped! 】

Ah Ban looked at the playback on the screen, watching the gain that finally fell into Qin Fei's hands, and couldn't help laughing: [hahaha! PG gives me a feeling of who desperately robs me! 】

When I heard this, Candy couldn't help but laughed: [PG is really just ah! I'm curious now, if the funeral sword didn't grab the green devil just now, would they still fight to kill the funeral sword? After all, their blood volume is very unhealthy, and their grades and economy are also a little worse. 】

【I do not know. 】 A half shrugged his shoulders. [I only know that in this way, the overall economy of PG will exceed KID! 】

After the playback was over, the live view was cut to the bottom.

Luo Yiming's Sander was shrinking under the tower to fight two.

Sand is also a displacement shooter, not less flexible than Dark Cupid, but the output is not so high.

His advantage is that the cooling time of the displacement is short, the slowdown effect of the first skill is strong, and the big move has the control effect.

All in all, a survivor shooter.

Then in Luo Yiming's hands, he became an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Yiming Luo: "Come here!"

Yiming Luo: "Come on me!"

Yiming Luo: "Come and kill me!"

Ye Hong laughed and wanted to roll in place: "Listen to the goldfish! This is how you use the snapshots. But you are more vocal than him, he is worse than him, he is cheaper than him!"

Jing Yu: = _ =

Shut up! Roll rough!

Candy: [LLy's Dark Cupid, the attack has been missed! I have to say that ONE's position is too great! 】

Ah Ban: [In this game, KID chose to use mad bone to assist. In fact, it is easy to understand, because mad bone is very flesh and can withstand a lot of damage. Unfortunately, mad bone is too short, and Sander cannot be hit without entering the tower. 】

Candy: [Well, the blood of the mad bone was basically destroyed by the defense tower. He entered the tower several times along the line of soldiers. Once he was hit by ONE, he would be attracted to the tower. 】

Ah Ban: [LLy has given up on killing Sander and starts to point towers! However, the speed of ONE clearing the line is very fast, and he rarely gives him the opportunity to point a tower! 】

I saw on the big screen that KID's mad bones entered the tower several times along the line. Lly's Dark Cupid clicked the tower as soon as possible. However, Luo Yiming always cleared the line in the shortest time and transferred the tower injury to the mad. He could even take time to lick the blood of Dark Cupid.

-Whether it is hand speed or operation has reached an incredible height!

Sand is a lightning element wizard. The special effect of flat a is to strike a blue flash of lightning forward. After the displacement, the flat a is strengthened within 5 seconds, and the flash of lightning will turn red.

Although it is a novice demon, the modeling and special effects are not bad at all, and even have a sense of attack that other demon cannot match!

Ah Ban: [ONE player has been growing, and the growth rate is amazing! However, the order pressure was still too great, and the progress of the Lly point tower was not fast, but there was always a chance to point it. PG's bottom road could not keep up! 】

As soon as the voice fell, a demon suddenly flashed behind Dark Cupid, and the silver silk thread tangled up accurately.

The soul is a skill-inexhaustible!

The perspective is on the bottom lane, and I don't know what happened in the middle lane. I only know that Ye Hong's soul suddenly swam to the bottom lane, and the dark Cupid who controlled Lly flashed!

Almost as soon as he was in control, Luo Yiming let Sander shift over and output madly!

The blue lightning thundered over the Lly's dark cupid one by one, and in a short time, his health was reduced to less than half!

After the mad bones on the side opened the shield, they directly opened up. They wanted to use a large stroke to attack Luo Yiming's Sander. At the same time, he carried the injury for Dark Cupid. As a result, Ye Hong ’s soul had a “puppet twisting operation” —skill rebound. !!

Immediately after the Department of Souls opened, he lost control of Dark Cupid again, and did not give him a chance to escape, Luo Yiming continued to output!

at last--

[System] Sand, kill!

[System] The enemy Dark Cupid is dead!

Seeing that the shooter was dead, the mad bone as an auxiliary could only flash out to escape. Who wanted to actually hit Jing Yu's heart of snow and ice, and Sander of Luo Yiming also decisively caught up with flash.

[System] Sander, double kill!

[System] The enemy's mad bones have been killed!

Luo Yiming played a single second, and everyone was guessing when he could hold on. As a result, KID's bottom line was the first to die? !!

Still killed by Sander Luo Yiming!

[PG works so well! ] Candy couldn't help but marvel, but after marveling, I always felt that something was wrong, [Strange, who is in the middle now ...]

The live view cut to the middle, and I saw Han Leng's condensing wind pressing KID's mid laner black cricket under the tower.

Behind the black cormorant is a burial sword with only a layer of blood skin left.

Ah Ban: [Troubleshoot the midway playback! 】

With Ah Ban's words, the situation on the middle of the road was quickly recalled on the screen.

At first, Ye Hong's soul was in line with Hei Ling.

Then the soul of the system was lifted up by the black dragon's waterspout, and KID's wild burial sword was moved over to gank. At this moment, Han Leng's condensing wind also moved over and stared at the burial sword!

After Ye Hong's soul was put down by the waterspout, the two control techniques were used together to control the burial sword to death, and he was beaten by Ningfeng!

When the funeral sword was released from control, there was only one layer of blood skin left, and it flickered away, and then the soul of the remaining blood returned to the tower, and Ning Feng stayed in the middle and aligned with the black cricket.

KID thought Ye Hong was planning to return to the city to make up for the situation, and he didn't care. Who could have imagined that he went around in a circle and went down? !!

Obviously, the person who gave this order was Jing Yu: "Good opportunity, Ye Ye don't go back to the city, go straight down, and control the dark cupid, I will come right away!"

——So there's a double Sander behind!

Candy: [KID is completely suppressed by PG! 】

Gosh! When did the three-shooter lineup become so powerful? Obviously it is a group of crispy skins ... not to mention that the shooter can only deal damage in the later stage, but now it is clearly the early stage!

[The three-shooter lineup is actually very tactical. A Banjie said, [If the PG starts with a double shooter, it is estimated that they will be beaten by KID, but they are smart enough to choose an order and a jungler. This not only ensures the development of each position, but also Can overwhelm KID's economy. 】

Then mobilize everyone's position according to the actual situation-anti-wild, walking, changing lines, catching people ...

[It can be said that the lineup of PG is quite flexible and is changing at any time! ] Ban gave a conclusion.

After killing KID's bottom lane combination, PG pushed their bottom lane one tower in a minute, and then took a magic disk very easily, and gathered together to push KID's middle lane tower.

Once the shooter gets the early advantage, it is terrible.

The three shooters pushed the tower together-feel the speed of the devil.

After pushing out the tower on the middle road, the magic disk was basically not damaged, so all the PG members continued to push and pushed the second tower on the middle road.

The game only reached the 12th minute, and the dragon was just refreshed.

However, PG didn't even fight the dragon, so he pushed out the three towers in the middle of KID!

Although when the three towers were pushed, the resurrected burial sword killed two PG shooters in succession, but Luo Yiming successfully pushed off the last tower on KID Middle Road before dying!

The shooter who got out was Han Leng's Ning Feng.

Strange to say, Han Leng was extremely fierce when he was assisting, and so impersonal when he took the order, but once he got the shooter, he became very enthusiastic, careful, how long he could go.

He and Qin Fei should be considered completely different types of players. Qin Fei is fierce with any kind of demon, his personal style is very obvious, and Han Leng, using different demon can play different styles.

However, they are undoubtedly very good players.

While waiting for resurrection, Luo Yiming opened the map and looked at KID's bare middle road. His mood couldn't be better: "Cool!"

Jing Yu couldn't help laughing, then said, "They are busy cleaning up the soldiers' line. Now, gather! Fight the dragon!"

Therefore, Jing Yu and Han Leng rushed towards the Demon Dragon after completing the state, and soon Qin Fei and Luo Yiming also rushed after the resurrection.

Ye Hong carefully explored the nearby grass with his tie soul, and after confirming that there was no problem, he also played the magic dragon with everyone.

[Three shooters hit the dragon really fast! 】 Candy couldn't help but look at the blood bar that the dragon was descending wildly. [This round is too fierce! Almost throughout the entire game, KID has been led by his nose! 】

Ah Ban: [Ha ha ha! This round of PG is considered revenge! Don't forget, they lost to KID's three shooters in their first points match! 】

Just as Ah Ban's voice fell, the dragon on the big screen fell to the ground in wailing.

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, conquer the dragon!

[System] The dragon army is about to attack!

With these two system news, all PG members rushed into the wild area of ​​KID and stole the wave wildly.

Three shooters in hand, I have the world, wherever I go, all the monsters are gone!

After finishing the game, all the PG members gathered in the middle of the road, and followed the dragon army into the territory of KID!

KID's people must not only clean up the dragon army, but also guard against PG attacks, playing very passive and uncomfortable.

Once controlled by the Department of Souls, the three shooters each recorded a level a, and no matter how much blood was instantly killed.

Not to mention, PG has a terrifying snow and ice heart!

[System] Frozen Heart, kill!

[System] The enemy blackbird has been killed!

[System] Frozen Heart, Double Kill!

[System] The enemy Dark Cupid is dead!

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, Three Kills!

[System] The enemy's funeral sword has been killed!

[System] Heart of Ice and Snow, Four Kills!

[System] The enemy's death is dead!

[System] Frozen Heart, Five Kills!

[System] The enemy's mad bones have been killed!

"Ahhhhh! Five kills!"

"Fuck, five kills in a second ?!"

"I have witnessed the live version of the wonderful edit!"


"It is indeed the first snow and ice heart of the national service!"

No one expected that Jing Yu's snow and ice heart could take five kills at a god-like speed before the enemy's territory was destroyed.

Even Jing Yu himself felt very surprised.

In fact, he did a tricky job with the five kills, because the injuries were all hit by his own three shooters. He just made up a few knives very easily ...

Because the heart of ice and snow can immediately refresh the displacement after killing the enemy demon, so he first took off the black blood and the dark blood of Cupid at the same time. As soon as the displacement skills were refreshed, they were used easily. Take away your head again, then continue to move and continue to kill.

It turned out to be a five kill in just a few seconds!

This five kills, Jing Yu felt that he was lucky, but the audience would not care so much.

When the audience saw this scene, they only had one idea, and that was-cool! !! !!

Five kills or something in an instant, so special!

The first game ended in the narration and the excited sight of the audience-PG won!

Luo Yiming was grieved: "For a moment, I thought that the five kills were taken by me, and as a result ..."

Jing Yu shrugged: "You may not believe it, it is my mouse and keyboard that move first."

Yiming Luo: "..."

"Ye--" Ye Hong couldn't help smirking, and then patted Luo Yiming's shoulders to comfort him, "Be content, you have the highest output in the audience, a well-deserved c-bit!"

Han Leng also laughed: "If you can fight with KID for two, you are probably the only one who looks at the entire e-sports circle. People who watch the game are not blind. Even if they are blind, they are blinded by your outstanding performance.

"Oh ~" Luo Yiming's mood instantly improved.

Ye Hong and Han Leng couldn't help feeling in their hearts-so coquettish!

The MVP of this game was given to Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow, but after detailed statistics, the technical team gave the final MVP to Sander Luo Yiming.

The ability to use the novice demon with low base damage to hit the team's highest damage shows that his effective damage is very horrible, in other words, the hit rate is very high.

The c position of PG is really him.

Seeing this result, the two commentators exaggerated Luo Yiming one sentence at a time.

Fang Luofan sat in the auditorium and listened very happily-I wanted to know what the KID group's expression was now.

Luo Yiming, this is the man he dug from KID!

Although this 19-year-old Huang Maozi is not perfect, it is undeniable that he is a very strong player, no less than any of KID's five starting members!


The second game started quickly, and the ban position of both sides completely continued the previous game. However, when grabbing the demon, KID robbed Sander, and the support was replaced by Jinghuashuiyue.

A Banjie said: [In the last round, KID played very passively, largely because of the control of the soul. It seems that they want to imitate PG in this round and control the wave. 】

Candy: [In contrast, PG, this game actually did not take the soul, took the Scarlet Wrath, and also took the powerful assistance of Salisbury, I do not know what will be done with KID? 】

The lineups for the second round of the two sides are:

PG: Extinguishing Fire, Scarlet Wrath, Condensing Wind, Salisbury Leaf, Heart of Snow and Ice

KID: Sander, Blackbird, Dark Cupid, Mirror Flower Water Moon, Burial Sword

Double shooter vs double shooter!

Seeing this lineup, Fang Luofan couldn't help laughing-it seemed that their battle plan was very successful.

KID has fallen into a serious misunderstanding.

Why did the PG win in the last game?

Is it because of three shooters?

No, it's so wrong!

It is because the opening successfully killed KID's orders and junglers, stole the monsters in the enemy's jungle, and played an economic advantage!

However, KID attributed everything to the PG's lineup, so in order to grab Sander, they gave up the strong version of the single death, and then gave up the most fleshy madness in the LD in order to get the control demon.

In this game, KID thought that he had prevented PG from taking three shooters, but he forgot that three shooters are not the style of PG. The lineup of PG is what they are good at!

At the beginning, Jing Yu's heart of ice and snow still went to Ueno, helped Ye Hong's scarlet fury get blue, and brushed up the wild in Ueno.

KID's order was worried that the heart of ice and snow was squatting in the grass like the last round, and did not dare to press too deep.

However, after a while, he found himself thinking too much-he wasn't overwhelmed at all! Not only that, it was also overbearingly pressed into the tower by Qin Fei's Wan Fei Liu Huo!

[Qin Fei's Wan Mingliu suppresses Sander! 】 A Ban commented, I do n’t know why, I always feel that the PG played in this round is easier than the previous one. 】

[Yes, I got Sander's ONE in the previous game, and the previous match has been kept in the tower. 】 Speaking of candy, I suddenly thought it was very interesting, [However, ONE is one dozen two. 】

In the last game, Sander Luo Yiming looked passive in the face of KID's downside combination. In fact, he was at ease and restrained each other with Lly.

But in this round, also with Sander, KID's order was completely suppressed by Qin Fei-just after the start, his blood was not very healthy.

Suddenly, Sander of KID rose up, and the action seemed to be equivalent to death, but Qin Fei, dissatisfied with him, quickly retreated.

The commentary with the perspective of God and the audience reacted the first time-Qin Fei noticed that KID's jungler came and caught it!

But at the same time, they also saw that Jingyu's heart of ice and snow squatted early in the nearby grass.

The battle is about to start!

The funeral sword was the first one to flash out of the grass, and Wan Wanliu, who caught up with Qin Fei, cut it directly, but was pushed away by a wave of air.

The enemy Sander followed the body of the burial sword and output Wanli Liuhuo, but only hit the first shot, and the screen became gray!

[System] Frozen Heart, kill!

[System] The enemy Sander is dead!

Just now, at the moment when Qin Fei's Wanming Liuhuo pushed away the burial sword, Jing Yu's snow and ice heart connected to Sander, and after pulling himself over, he recorded a flat a, and easily collected Sander's residual blood. .

Then the Heart of Ice and Snow again used "Snow's Traction" to connect with Qin Fei's Wanming Liuhuo, and the two accelerated towards the funeral sword.

The heart of ice and snow threw skills, and Wanli Liuhuo leveled a, but after a short time, he also took down the funeral sword!

[System] Frozen Heart, Double Kill!

[System] The enemy's funeral sword has been killed!

Started with a double kill!

The audience all watched! And Jing Yu and Qin Fei did not hesitate after winning the double kill, rushed to KID's Ueno area at the fastest speed, and took the gain of attack speed-this time, the gain was given to Jing Yu's ice heart .

[This round keeps up with the start of the last round ... it feels great! ] Candy was surprised, "[After killing the order, go to the opposition!" 】

[PG's Ueno linkage is very strong! 】 Aban said, [It seems that the breakthrough point of PG is KID's order here! 】

During the talk, the live view cut to the bottom, everyone was surprised to find that KID's shooter was actually suppressed by Luo Yiming? !!

Ningfeng and Jinghua Shuiyue combined this pair of lanes, and after becoming opponents, they faced the line very delicately.

Each time Jinghua Shuiyue loses control, Ning Feng can move away and fight back easily.

Ningfeng's displacement is just like being hidden from the mirror to control.

In the face of Ning Feng, Jing Hua Shuiyue has no advantage. Instead, it is the auxiliary Sally leaf on the PG side. From time to time, he loses a shield to ensure the existence of Ning Feng and let Luo Yiming fight without worries.

The result was that KID's down lane combination was crushed and he could only wince in the tower and fight.

What's even more annoying is that while Luo Yiming pressed them, in front of them, they took down the vision of the magic disc very leisurely.

Ah Ban's hunch was right: in this game, PG played even better than the previous game. In the first game, KID didn't get any chance to come back.

No doubt, in the second game, PG won again.

Winning two games in succession, the commentator and the audience were cheering for the PG, and felt that the championship was stable, but the PG five could not relax.

Ye Hong rubbed the back of his hands, always feeling that the pressure felt before the start of the game did not alleviate at all: "We still have to win two games ... can we continue to win?"

He was really afraid that once PG lost a game, it would lose to the end, let KID come back strong, and then be said that "KID let two chase four."

Or "Let three chase four"?

Anyway, it means that it seems that the previous few PGs can win because KID released the water.

Qin Fei responded calmly: "It's not a question of whether we can win, it must be a win."

PG continues to play, the state will only get worse.

Although the state of KID will definitely decline gradually with the increase of the length of the game, they are fortunately a team playing late, and their concentration and endurance are definitely better than those of PG.

Ye Hong secretly sighed and looked at Luo Yiming beside him: "C bit steady! Don't mess around behind!"

Luo Yiming glared at him: "You're the one, don't go to the back I've sent you all the heads!"

Jing Yu coughed, trying to soothe them: "Don't think too much, you can finish the fight."

Han Leng nodded and echoed: "If it really doesn't work, then I and Fei!"

Qin Fei: "It's okay. If it doesn't work, change the auxiliary equipment to follow me and help me with my shoes."

Ye Hong: "... your shoes are too smelly, please raise them yourself."

Qin Fei chuckled: "It sounds like you've heard it."

Han Leng: "Okay, you two shut up, I can almost smell it."

Yiming Luo: "Ah? What smell? Why didn't I smell it?"

Jing Yu: = _ =

What a mess ...

This group of teammates is really enough.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of Mo Zili, Rock Gourd, Qian Qiu Xue, Jing Hua Yu Xue, Xiao Ai; so ~ 5 bottles; Fuyu, Cuckoo Barley, Dream Shen, Wine Rongzi, Fish 1 bottle

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!