MTL - My Sword Intent Can Be Infinitely Improved-Chapter 152 (True) In one thought, Mahayana falls!

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  Chapter 152 (True) In one thought, Mahayana falls!

  In the blink of an eye, twenty Mahayana monks of different races came to the scene.

  These beings were discussing wantonly with Su Yang below.

  Did not pay attention to Su Yang at all in the words, as long as they did it, they could easily explode the galaxy nucleus.

   During the discussion, there was no scruples about the two human monks present.

  The meaning is obvious.

   So what if it is obvious that you want to attack your human race?

  Can you two stop it?

  Do you dare to stop again?

  Tan Shang and Cheng Hui feel sad.

   And extremely resentful.

  When did the situation of their human race fall to such a point!

   They are not afraid to do it.

  Glance around, twenty Mahayana periods, how to fight?

   Really want to play ten?

  They really can't

   "Okay everyone, don't talk too much for now, destroying the crystal nucleus of this galaxy, and carve up the source of the galaxy is the business."

   "Yes, let's do it!"

  After figuring out the situation, a foreign Mahayana period couldn't help it immediately, and said.

   The Mahayana period alien who received half of the galaxy core from Yinyue Kuangtian nodded in agreement.

  However, among the twenty Mahayana period alien monks, not all alien monks are ready to do it.

   Even if the human race below is building a city, they are not prepared to do it.

  Among all the alien races, 30% have killing intent towards the human race, thinking of plundering the human race.

  But there are also 70% who just want to get some benefits, and don't want to kill their lives.

   It is not a good thing to neither do anything to the human race, but also cut the flesh of the human race.

  At this time, among the twenty monks of the Mahayana period, six of them rushed towards Su Yang.

   With a wave of his hand, various powerful spells were played.

   Covering the entire illusory city below, it even envelops Su Yang in it.

  Su Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

   Have you finally started?

  Looking at the six Mahayana monks of different races approaching.

  Su Yang didn't hold back any longer, and encouraged his majestic and vast sword intent.

  In just an instant, the sword intent tore through the sky.

  Su Yang's space vibrates, and there is a breath of void air, but it will not affect him in any way.

   This sword intent smashed the spell attacks of the six Mahayana stages in an instant.

  The mighty and overwhelming Mahayana period technique couldn't resist even a breath in front of Su Yang's sword intent.

  The vast sword intent was not affected in any way, and killed the six alien Mahayana monks at the fastest speed in an instant.

  The sword intent was in the sky.

  The heads of six Mahayana monks from different races soared into the sky.

  However, a head disappeared in place together with the headless corpse.

  Su Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, it seemed that he had some means of saving his life.

  But the other five Mahayana monks from different races were not so lucky.

  The sword intent is raging in the sky, and the void in the origin of the galaxy is tearing apart.

  Seeing this scene, the fourteen monks of different races who were about to pick up the leak disappeared without a word and disappeared in place.

   Vaguely, there seems to be a sentence echoing in the void.

   "Fuck! Angel!"


  In the blink of an eye, the monks of the Mahayana period who rushed over ran away completely.

   Only Tan Shang and Cheng Hui are left in the Mahayana stage of the human race.

   At this time, the two of them were also dumbfounded.

  Can their human celestial beings be so dark?

   If you don’t let go of your aura, wait for the aliens to make trouble, and then start killing them?

   I have to say that this feeling is really cool!

  Looking at the five corpses falling from the sky, the two felt more at ease than ever before.

   As for the aliens looking for trouble?

  Even though there are many masters of different races, it is still very difficult to trouble a celestial being.

  【Will of all beings + 3.22 million】

   This is the harvest brought by the five Mahayana alien races.

  Su Yang withdrew his sword intent to shatter the void, and glanced casually.

   "Running really fast."

   With a thought, the storage rings in the hands of the five corpses came to Su Yang.

   "Half a galaxy nucleus?"

   Yes, opening the first storage ring gave Su Yang a surprise.

   It also made Su Yang feel the pleasure of touching a corpse that he hadn't felt for a long time.

  Since his strength has improved rapidly, many things have not had much effect on him.

  So he basically never touches the corpse, and Gu Xiu handles all the spoils.

  With a slightly excited mood, Su Yang opened these storage rings one after another.

  The good things in it were also displayed in front of Su Yang one by one.

  A total of 300,000 strands of galaxy origin, two and a half galaxy crystal nuclei, and some miscellaneous things were obtained.

  But Su Yang also got a special map.

  It records the locations one by one, all in the dangerous area, and there are notes.

  【Green Lizard City-Hidden Resource Point.】

  【Spotted Yellow Ant City-Hidden Resource Point.】

  【Six-legged city-hidden resource point.】

  【Iron Armored City-Hidden Resource Point.】

  【White Cloud City-Hidden Resource Point.】

   There are a total of five cities with names. Su Yang took a closer look and found that the five cities were medium-sized cities of foreign races.

  So, this is the bottom line of these five foreign medium-sized cities?

   Needless to say, I am definitely not going to do anything good.

   As expected, there was no harmony among the alien races.

  On the surface, he is amiable, but secretly he even wants to take a look at the other party's underpants.

  Su Yang doesn't know what this guy's name is.

  But Su Yang secretly said to him, don't worry, I will help you with the things you haven't finished.

   After sorting out the harvest.

  Su Yang is very satisfied.

   This wave of harvest, in addition to the will of all beings, has more resources than he has been busy for half a day.

   Now, if he wants to build a city, he can build two more casually.

  But of course it can't be wasted like this.

   I don’t know what else this galaxy nucleus can do.

  Su Yang looked up and noticed two Mahayana monks of the human race.

   Just ask them.

   Just like that, a voice rang in the ears of Tan Shang and Cheng Hui.

   "Two friends, can you come over and have a talk?"

   In mid-air, the two looked at each other and hurried down.

   "Tan Shang, I have met my senior."

   "Cheng Hui, I met my senior."

   "No need to be too polite, you two can call me Su Yang."

   "Please come down, both of you. I want to learn some information from you, and I hope you can clarify your doubts."

   "Senior Su, just ask."

   In this regard, the two of them naturally would not have the idea of ​​​​refusing.

  Su Yang also asked some doubts in his heart.

  First, the use of the galaxy nucleus.

  In addition to building a city, this thing has many uses.

   Later, the big world will be promoted upwards, and this thing will also be used.

   It will be used when refining weapons, and some top-level formations will also need to be used.

  The city built in the origin of the galaxy needs to be expanded, and it also needs to be used.

  It has a wide range of uses and is one of the commonly used resources after the Mahayana period.

  Second, how to build Xingkongfang City.

   This needs to get something called void stone as the main body, and then it can be built with the help of galaxy crystal core.

  Thirdly, if the human race destroys the alien city, will it lead to a crazy rebound from the alien race, from being targeted by some alien races to being targeted by a large number of alien races.

   This is what Su Yang is most concerned about.

  Now with his strength, he can already wipe out those rampant small foreign cities, and even medium-sized foreign cities.

  But because he had to consider the reasons for the rebound of the alien race, he was very timid, and he was very upset.

   "Senior Su, this is actually the point. Although the foreign race has this alliance treaty."

   "But it won't do much."

   "Those who are completely hostile to the human race are still completely hostile. We can still stand upright now, which shows that these alien races cannot reach the level of complete alliance."

   "At most, it will make the aliens who are already opposed to our human race react more intensely."

   "Those leeches who remain neutral and want to **** blood from my human race may take the opportunity to make a fortune."

   "As long as you ensure that you have the ability to face a wave of fierce counterattacks from alien races before you make a move, there will be no problem."

  Su Yang heard the key in an instant.

   "That is to say, there should be as many human enemies as possible. At most, some greedy people will use this excuse to plunder our human resources and attack human cities for more resources. Is this what you mean?"

   "Well, that's right, but Senior Su, this kind of city destruction can be done once in a while. If it is too intense, it may attract a relatively strong backlash."

   "For example, if there are too many alien races destroyed, the masters of alien races will come forward."

   Tan Shang opened his mouth to remind Su Yang.

  He felt a little bit of excitement from Su Yang's tone.

   This is the feeling of wanting to do something to a foreign city.

   With the strength of Su Yangtian's fairyland, it is no problem to kill some foreign cities.

  The problem is that the foreign races also have the Heavenly Wonderland, and if there is too much trouble, the foreign races also have the Heavenly Wonderland.

   To put it simply, it’s okay to kill a little bit, not too much.

  Su Yang didn't think too much about it, and then asked: "Heavenly Wonderland is the strongest in a large city. Speaking of which, what is the strongest realm in our cantilever galaxy?"

   "This..." Tan Shang clearly felt that Su Yang didn't take his reminder seriously, but Su Yang was in a fairyland after all, so he couldn't guess it.

   "For the entire Cantilever Galaxy, there will be a true immortal sitting in every super-large city, and there will not be too many angels."

   "After reaching the realm of immortality, in order to pursue a higher realm, practitioners will step into the realm of immortality."

  Su Yang thought about it: "Then they won't come back?"

   Tan Shang shook his head and said: "When they step into the fairyland, they will be contaminated with the rules of the fairyland. It is not so easy to come back. So far, there are only a few cases of returning in tens of thousands of years."

   "The realm of being able to come back is not beyond that of a true immortal, and it is a temporary return, and it will leave again after a while."

   "As for the specific reason, I don't know, it probably is."

   "Understood, thank you for clarifying."

  Su Yang has become excited at this time.

   Can’t come back easily

   Then you won’t be prepared to be intimidated anymore.

  What nonsense foreign race treaty, foreign races can attack human cities, but humans cannot attack foreign cities?

   Fart your mother!

   "Tan Daoyou, you should have a list of alien races that are hostile to the human race in the Black Snake Plain, right?"

  Su Yang raised the corner of his mouth and asked with a smile.

   "Of course there are, but if I want a list of alien races that are hostile to the human race in the entire Black Snake Plain, I may have to go back and get someone to prepare."

   Tan Shang didn't think too much about what the strong want to do.

  It is different from what they think in their minds.

  The reason why the strong are strong is that they are usually smarter, more daring, planning, and luckier than the weak.

   There are some obvious crises, so he doesn't need to remind them too much.

   Can others still not know?

   Too many reminders may make people disgusted for no reason.

   "Okay, then let's exchange contact information? You can contact me directly when you're done."


   After some exchange, the two left.

  Su Yang will continue to stay here until the complete transformation of the city ends.

  The construction of this city will be of great help to him.

  Next, he will link every resource point with the help of sword moves.

  It's like connecting water pipes at the water source outlet, as long as resources are born, they will be taken to his own city by him.

  His city is a transfer station.

  With this city, and the resources obtained, the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven can be directly transmitted back to the Great Xia World.

   This is the most critical step.

  If it is only stored in the city, then Su Yang doesn't have to.

   This is the most direct benefit, allowing Su Yang to put a lot of resources directly into his pocket.

  The second point, after having a city, he doesn't have to waste too much world origin if he wants to get his disciples from the Great Xia Xianzong.

   Without consuming the source of the world, a small city can produce one token per day.

   If the origin is consumed, it is only 500 points of the world origin and a city token.

  Corner Black City Token is worth 1,000 points of world origin, that's because Corner Black City earned 500 points.

  There is also a third point, within the scope of the city, the city lord can restrict the opponent, and cannot let the opponent leave the origin of the galaxy at any time.

   You can delay the opponent for up to five seconds. It takes five seconds from ordering to leave the origin of the galaxy to leaving.

   It's like entering a danger zone.

  A galaxy nucleus can limit the range of one hundred miles.

  So. As long as the city is built, there will be foreigners coming to his city to behave freely.

   Hey, then I can’t run away.

   These three points can be said to be very helpful to Su Yang.

  Although now Su Yang can easily set up a sword formation here to guard.

  Probably no one can break his sword array.

   But only for one day, Su Yang does not plan to be a master of time management.

   Take a break, stay here quietly, and study new sword moves by the way.

   The first is to defend yourself.

   Upgrade it to be perfect.

  Put your defense to the extreme.

  Now his sword intent can slightly touch causal power.

   Just like that, his defenses ranged from frontal, spiritual, to causal.

   Various forces defend without dead ends.

  Danger awareness has also been raised by him, and he can know any danger at the first time.

   Under these two sword moves, unless the enemy's strength surpasses him too much.

   Otherwise, there would be no problem with his safety.

   During the period of time when he was studying his own sword intent.

  In the beginning, from time to time, monks of the Mahayana period of different races came here to observe.

   Some guys haven't figured out the situation yet, and they still want to build a city when they see Su Yang as a human race.

   Then there is nothing to say, let's unite with some Mahayana monks from other races who rushed over at the same time and start immediately.


  Then cover it with a white cloth and build the suona.

   To Su Yang, these people are the boys who give away treasures.

   It will take a while.

  His will of sentient beings has reached 7 million, and the number of galaxy nuclei in his hand has reached as many as five, and the origin of galaxies has also exceeded one million.

   But after an hour passed, no Mahayana monks from other races came to die.

  No one even came to take a look.

   It has long been spread within the Black Snake Plain.

   There are people who are strong in the Celestial Wonderland and are building a city.

  Whether it is a foreign race or a human race, everyone already knows the news.

   Those alien races who returned alive spread the news immediately.

   It took only an hour, and all the well-informed people in the entire Black Snake Plain already knew about it.

  At the same time, they also counted how many Mahayana alien races have died in the hands of this human race so far.

   There are as many as seventeen in total.

   You know, there are 53 medium-sized cities in the entire Black Snake Plain, excluding the five of the human race.

  That is 48 seats.

  Each medium-sized city has about 1 to 10 Mahayana monks.

   Even if you take an intermediate value, it is only 250 Mahayana periods.

   Now it took about an hour or so, and almost one-tenth of the number was killed by Su Yang.

   Calculated in the alien city of the hostile human race.

   This is a huge loss for them.

   Every Mahayana monk needs to consume an astronomical amount of resources to grow up.

   It is a very precious resource for any medium-sized city.

   Now seventeen people died at once, how can the alien race that is hostile to the human race bear it?

  One by one, they have already started discussing how to get rid of Su Yang.

  It can be discussed and discussed, but there is no result.

  Without him, Su Yang is a cultivation base in the Immortal Realm.

  With the means they have mastered, it is completely useless to kill Su Yang.

  Even paying a huge price, asking the great powers of the heavenly fairyland above can't solve Su Yang.

   It is also a fairyland, and it is very simple to want to leave.

  Even if they can kill them, it will not be of any benefit to them.

  Kill Su Yang, and finally build a small city?

  Do they need this thing?

   A full game is worth a galaxy nucleus.

  Although they died a lot of Mahayana monks.

  But those Mahayana monks are dead and have no value.

   Another waste of resources for some dead people.

   It seems even more uneconomical.

   At the end of the discussion, a lot of aliens broke up because of interest issues.

  He held his breath in his heart, wanting revenge but couldn't.

  If he wanted to target Su Yang, he would at most destroy a small city of the opponent.

   Is there a fart?

   A bunch of aliens feel aggrieved like never before.

  When did they suffer such a big loss at the hands of the human race?

  Depressed, they want to vomit blood.

  Silvermoon City

  Yinyue Kuangtian also knew about this matter through the special internal communication channel of the foreign race.

   "An angel?"

  Yinyue Kuangtian fell into confusion in Silvermoon City.

  The last time Su Yang did them, was he that powerful?

   If they had the strength of the Heavenly Wonderland at that time, they might not be able to escape, right?

   Shaking his head, these are not critical.

   Now he is a little panicked.

  Will Su Yang come to his door and destroy Silver Moon City?


   "He definitely didn't dare, otherwise he would have hit him long ago."

  Yinyue Kuangtian comforted himself in his heart, there is an alien treaty, and this human race's fairyland should not do anything.

   Just built the city next to him.

  Even if Su Yang doesn’t do anything, he’s afraid

  Heavenly Wonderland monk.

   It is considered a top-level existence in the entire black soil domain.

   What's more, their Black Snake Plain is just a small area in the Black Soil Domain.

  Corner Noire

  When Li Wen heard the news from the Terran Starry Sky Square City in the Black Snake Plain.

  The whole person is confused.

  Half a day ago, when Su Yang killed the Yinyue Clan, he showed his strength in crossing the Tribulation Realm.

   Later, he felt that there was something hidden, and that he should have the Mahayana strength to be able to build a city.

   Until now. The news told him that Su Yang is a fairy?

  (end of this chapter)