MTL - My Stepmother is Soft and Charming-Chapter 513 It won't work

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 “Hahaha, my cousin is so powerful.”

Having said this, Du Jingyi didn't stay any longer, and then made a special trip to the next door courtyard. After knowing the reason why Xia Meng went north, she felt relieved.

“It’s been a national mourning period recently, so we can’t go out for fun every day, but we can still catch up on temple fairs and so on.”

"Temple fair? I went to it twice when I was in Shuzhou. It was quite interesting."

"I have never been to the temple fairs in Shuzhou, but I have been there a lot in Sui'an City in the past. The new emperor ascended the throne and ordered to reshape the golden bodies of the Buddhas in Pingliang Temple to protect the great prosperity of the country. This is a rare event. If you wait Come on, you can wait to see the grand event before leaving."


“In half a year, it won’t be that fast to build a golden body.”

Seeing this, Xia Meng nodded. Du Jingyi was afraid that she would be bored, and then added.

"Sui'an City is at the foot of the Emperor, so it's not easy to deal with. But if you are willing, you can follow my Du family's caravan to the north or west. They are both good choices. There will be someone to protect you along the way. , As for eating, drinking and having fun, there is a Mr. Leng in the Du family caravan who is very capable, I can ask him to take more care of you."

Hearing this, Xia Meng was a little tempted.

She would probably not be able to bear it if she had to stay here for many years, so she would be happy to go outside.

So after thinking about it, he said to Du Jingyi.

"Ma'am, I can arrange it, but I'll wait until the weather gets cooler before heading north. I want to see the winter scenery in the north. Is it really so beautiful?"

"not afraid cold?"

 “Not afraid.”

"Okay, then I will make arrangements. After Mr. Leng finishes this trip, you can go with him on any of the next two trips. Maybe you can come back in time before the end of the year and we can have a New Year's Eve dinner together. "

Xia Meng smiled and nodded, very satisfied with Du Jingyi's arrangement.

 In the evening, when Gu Shaoyu came back, everyone gathered in the flower hall and was waiting for him alone.

His life and career made Xing Zhao laugh a few times.

"Cousin is like this. Those who don't know, think that we are here to pick you up, and don't know to come back early. Really, it has caused us to make a fuss in the temple of the five internal organs, and we don't dare to use chopsticks, right? Brother Tai .”

When the smart guy like Tiger heard this, he shook his head decisively, and then said.

 “Tage is waiting for his father, he is not hungry.”

 One sentence actually stopped Xing Zhao back, and he said it twice.

“He is indeed your father’s great eldest son. In terms of his ability to coax people, no one is as good as you.”

Brother Tai looked at Xing Zhao with a smile, and then shouted sweetly, "Uncle Zhao," and Xing Zhao was suddenly helpless.

Gu Shaoyu sat down, looked at the dishes on the table, and then spoke to Xia Meng.

“During the national mourning period, it is not advisable to eat meat and drink alcohol, so I can only entertain Doctor Xia with a vegetarian banquet. I hope you will forgive me.”

“General, you are so kind. This table is already very good.”

  Everyone was using their chopsticks and eating happily. The children's meals were prepared individually. Several wet nurses had planned to feed them, but in the end they all had to eat by themselves. This scene was approved by Xia Meng.

"It is good for the children's development to be able to use chopsticks and spoons early. I will check their health later, but now it seems that they have been raised well by you!"                                   . They were all very competitive, so when my younger brothers saw Brother Tai wanting to use chopsticks, they also started to learn how to use chopsticks. It was quite troublesome at first, but gradually it got better."

Du Jingyi explained, Xia Meng nodded while listening. For such a big child, it would indeed be better to give them more space for self-exploration, so she added a few words.

“When there are many children, it is common for them to influence each other, so it is enough to provide more guidance and there is no need to interfere.”

Her words were originally talking about children, but when they fell into the ears of Gu Shaoyu and Xing Zhao, they seemed to have other meanings. Therefore, although the two of them continued to eat as usual, they thought of many things.

When the meal was over, Du Jingyi originally planned to clear the table and let everyone drink tea and talk together, but then he saw Butler He walk in with an ugly expression and said to Gu Shaoyu and Du Jingyi.

“General, madam, the eldest lady asked people from the Duke’s Mansion to send a message, saying that she asked you to take the young masters there, but the Duke...can’t do it.”

As soon as his voice fell, everyone present fell silent.

For example, Mrs. Du and Mr. Du knew the situation a long time ago, so they didn't say anything, while Xing Zhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was not familiar with the Duke. If he was gone, then his cousin Gu Shaoyu It only takes Ding You three years, but it can put aside a lot of things so that he can do something easier, so he feels that this is the right time.

As for Xia Meng, she didn't know what happened, she just asked Du Jingyi.

 “Can I help?”

Du Jingyi shook his head, patted the back of her hand and said.

“My father-in-law’s illness is an old one. There was no cure for it two or three years ago. It’s an accident that it has been delayed until now, so I don’t need to trouble you. We’ll just go over and take a look.”

"Let us, the old couple, go with you. There are many children, so we can help take care of them."

Mr. Du spoke, and Du Jingyi also agreed.

Gu Shaoyu glanced at his wife and saw that although there was no big reaction on her face, there was still a little sadness in her eyes, so he couldn't help but comfort her.

 “Life and death matter, don’t think too much about it.”

When Xia Meng saw this scene, he was still very surprised. The person who was obviously going to die was Gu Shaoyu's father, but why was he the one comforting Du Jingyi instead.

 I want to think about it, but I still don’t speak nonsense.

As soon as they left, Xing Zhao and Xia Meng were the only two people left in the flower hall.

"Let's go back and wait for news. I guess I won't have to sleep this night."

Xing Zhao had participated in the funeral of Mrs. Gu, so he naturally knew how tiring it was to attend the funeral. If the Duke really went there tonight, he would not be here for the next two or three months, not to mention today. These are better days.

 So, instead of waiting here, it is better to go back and catch up on some sleep.

 At that time, I will be more energetic and help share some of the work.

The Gu family's carriages and horses were galloping on the bluestone. The children were a little surprised that they were suddenly taken out at night. However, it was strange, and they all sat quietly. It was just Brother Tai who leaned against Du Jingyi. In his arms, he asked with some curiosity.

 “Mother, where are we going?”

 “Go to see your grandfather.”


This word is so unfamiliar to Tagore, he has never even seen it. (End of chapter)