MTL - My Stepmother is Soft and Charming-Chapter 25 passing heir

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Chapter 25 Passing an heir

“Let him come here now to support Jing Yi. With such a cousin here, the Duke’s Office will not say that it looks down upon our Du family.”

Mrs. Du couldn't help but let out a sigh when she heard this.

  Then he raised his eyebrows and said.

"Oh? I don't understand what my fourth cousin said. I wonder if Jingxian joined the court as an official or went to the battlefield to become a general? Why is it that with him here, the Duke's government doesn't dare to look down on the family status of our mere merchants? Woolen cloth?"


Mrs. Du never showed any mercy when speaking, let alone to Du Jingxian.

  It is clear that he is coming to covet their big house and property. What should you do to look good?

Du Jingxian was so humiliated by this conversation that he couldn't even raise his head, and then he said with dissatisfaction.

"Auntie, I respect you as an elder and don't care about it. With my business status, even if I have the ability to take the imperial examination, I still can't enter the gate of the Gongyuan. Why do I want to stab my nephew's heart? ?”

"Hey, it's really our couple's fault for being so affectionate. But wasn't it my fourth cousin who begged us to let you become a good citizen and become a merchant? Now you're regretting it?"

  When Mr. Du Si heard this, he was even more furious.

At first, they were interested in the fact that the eldest couple had no children and no descendants, so they thought of letting their only biological son become a businessman to please them.

 After all, although a businessman’s status is not as good as that of a good citizen, he cannot afford to have a wealth of thousands of dollars to enjoy.

Who would have thought that this businessman was admitted, but the adoptive heir of Dafang and his wife was not seen for a long time.

This made Fourth Master Du and his family very anxious, and they would come and cause trouble every few days.

 Er Taiye Du is eager to protect his grandson, and he often comes to put on airs and show off his authority.

 Completely forgetting the past.

Counting upwards, the Du family has been poor for several generations and cannot even pay the land rent.

If Mr. Du had not been lucky enough to make a fortune, and Mrs. Du had worked hard to manage and expand the property, the entire Du family would have been digging tree roots in the nooks and crannies of the mountain to make ends meet.

How can I have the chance to sit in Sui'an City and enjoy a peaceful and prosperous life!

 It just so happens that this human heart has always been like this.

 When you get used to enjoying good things, you feel that they belong to you.

Mrs. Du looked around at everyone present. How could she not know what they were thinking.

Listening to everyone's comments, I spoke loudly, but my expression didn't move at all.

Facing Mr. Du who had been silent next to him, he glared at him with a cold face.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Du immediately raised a smile and greeted him. He was so flattering that even the maid Cui'an couldn't help but want to snicker when she saw him.

As expected, he was born as a merchant, and his eyesight is much better than that of maids like them.

Those uncles saw that the soft ones were not enough, so they planned to be tough.

It just so happened that Du Jingyi came home today, so the couple did not dare to make a big deal out of it.

As a result, Mr. Du Er became the leader.

 He said fiercely at the top of his voice.

"Daughter-in-law, don't think we don't know what your plans are. Isn't it because you can't give birth to a son yourself and are still trying to prevent Chang Fu from taking a concubine? Are you afraid that Jingxian will enter the big house and become the big brother? Fang's son, won't you deal with your two girls in the future? That's why you stop him again and again!"

 After saying that, he hammered the yellow pear wood crutch again.

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Du, who had only half a good face just now, was completely torn apart. He said as soon as his expression dropped.

"My master and I said at the beginning that when we married Jing Xiang, we would leave Jing Yi at home to find a son-in-law, so that we could leave a bloodline to inherit the family property. It was you two who fought hard to prevent the matchmaker from coming. , and they went around making trouble and saying that Jing Yi had a hard life, so that no one dared to care about her as a matchmaker!"

"Now you dare to come to our house and openly throw dirty water on my head? Do you think you are worthy of living such a decent life in Sui'an City without the support of us and my wife?"

 Mrs. Du was angry and naturally spoke unpleasantly.

That Mr. Du Er is a firecracker that can explode at any moment, how can he still sit still at this moment?

 She opened her mouth and was about to cry, thinking that she would have to disturb her daughter's return home today!

It's a pity that he just opened his mouth.

Mr. Du said with a smile.

"Jingxian will have to work outside in the future. Wouldn't it be appropriate if he could have the support of his younger cousin-in-law? If the second uncle insists on single-handedly angering the Duke's mansion today, then in the future my eldest son will I must draw a clear line with you, but have you thought about it? If we continue to cause trouble, my nephew will send someone to invite the young master to come over."

Although he had a smile on his face, the words he spoke made everyone in Mr. Du Er's room feel extremely afraid.

 They came to make trouble just to get some benefits.

 It is not intended to make Du Jingxian more difficult outside.

If you really offend the young master, wouldn’t it be worth the loss?

 For a while, he had no choice but to shut up.

He was so angry that his face turned red and his neck became thick, and he groaned, but he did not dare to say another word.

Seeing that Mr. Du Er was being held in check, Mrs. Du took advantage of the victory and pursued him.

 After struggling for a long time, the truest thoughts of these people have been revealed.

 Seeing Mrs. Du glance sideways at those so-called relatives, she was too lazy to deal with them anymore, so she snorted coldly.

"This property is the result of many years of hard work between me and the master. So what if it is all given to our two daughters as dowries? Besides, how come my second uncle knows more about the things in our couple's room than anyone else? Could it be that he has been working all day long? He just likes to throw himself into other people’s courtyards, so he doesn’t have to be called a shameless old man!”

 Aren’t they just thinking about the small amount of property in their big house?

The Daxing Dynasty only had two emperors, but because of Queen Yide's strong promotion and thunderous tactics, the law was extremely protective of women.

 One of the orders stipulates that a woman's dowry belongs to herself. Even if her husband dies in the same hall, it is still at her disposal.

Even biological parents and family members are not allowed to get involved.

 Otherwise, if a petition is filed, the charge of being exiled to the northwest will not go away.

Hence this drama, the elders of the Du family came to the house to persuade the Dafang couple to adopt the step-heir as soon as possible.

 In the final analysis, it is just to prevent the tens of thousands of wealth from falling into the hands of others.

Mr. Du couldn't see the face of his clan relatives, so he pushed Mrs. Du to treat the guests harshly.

 The couple had a red face and a white face, but they were very capable of controlling these people.

 Subsequently, Mrs. Du walked away with a puff of her sleeves, and Mr. Du chased her away.

 Leaving behind a half-dead angry Mr. Du and an indignant and dissatisfied Mr. Du and Du Jingxian, gnashing their teeth but not daring to act rashly.

 As for the other people, they were just brought in to save face.

 Naturally, I won’t stand out.

 Then the target of the attack turned to Mr. Du Qi, who had remained silent.

“Lao Qi, why don’t you speak up for Jingxian? This child is also your cousin, isn’t he?”

 (End of this chapter)