MTL - My O Got Pregnant After Dressing Like a Scum-Chapter 176

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Chen Mian told Liang Shi that the reason for this was very simple.

First, the person who bought the painting was Qiu Zimin, and second, the person on the painting was somewhat similar to Liang Shi.

Liang Shi stared at the painting and studied it for a while, but he didn't look at it.

I heard Chen Mian say a few interesting things about Shenchi.

It's a fun story, it's a love story.

Also a famous painter decades ago.

She is good at painting landscapes and people. She has a distinctive style. The most famous thing is her family background and her love history.

The two green plums in Shenchi are her classmates, and the three of them grow up together.

One of them fell in love with her, but broke up soon after.

Still friends.

Later, Bai Yueguang got engaged and she was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

But it's all a secret in the wealthy, not many people know.

Chen Mian also listened to her teacher casually mention it, and then she kept it a secret.

Not much.

Liang Dui heard a story that he didn't want to do.

But when she asked Chen Mian to see Qiu Zimin and Zhu Mingqi, she called her.

Chen Mian agreed.


Chen Mian met Qiu Zimin first, when Liang Shi was sitting in Chen Mian's studio, listening to the conversation between Qiu Zimin and Chen Mian across a door.

Chen Mian did not plan to sell the remains of Shenchi.

This painting was passed down to her by her teacher, and it is quite memorable.

What's more, now that someone is bidding.

Chen Mian refused to let things ferment, so he politely declined Qiu Zimin.

Qiu Zimin did not let go: "You can make a bid, I want this painting."

Chen Mian was helpless: "Sorry, I don't plan to sell it. If you are in this painting, then there is another person in this painting. To tell you the truth, now Ms. Zhu is also looking for I bought this painting, but there is only one painting, and I want to collect it personally.”

"But this is Shen Chi's painting." Qiu Zimin said.

Chen Mian nodded, "I know, this is what my teacher left for me."

Qiu Zimin paused: "Do you mean to sell it to Zhu Mingqi?"

"No." Chen Mian replied, "I plan to keep it as a treasure."

Qiu Zimin stared at her, quite resentful.

Chen Mian asked again, "Can I take the liberty to ask, why do you want this painting so much?"

Qiu Zimin sneered lightly: "You know what to ask?"

"The teacher told me something before." Chen Mian said, "Check it out."

"What did your teacher tell you?" Qiu Zimin asked nervously.

Chen Mian paused for a while: "This painting has the person that Teacher Shen cares about most."


Chen Mian pointed at the person on the far right, Qiu Zimin's expression changed suddenly, "Nonsense!"

Chen Mian shrugged, "That's what I heard, including that Teacher Shen was always with me before he passed away, so... there should be some credibility."

"Impossible." Qiu Zimin got up, "You don't know anything, talk nonsense."

Chen Mian made a gesture of invitation, "Believe it or not."

"You really don't sell it?" Qiu Zimin gritted her teeth and made another bid: "80 million."

Chen Mian shook his head: "Not for sale."

Qiu Zimin left with anger on her face, but before leaving, she looked back at Chen Mian, "What your teacher said is false."

Chen Mian: "…"

Chen Mian nodded indifferently, "Just think so if you want."

When Qiu Zimin left, she slammed the door of her house, making a loud noise.

Only then did Liang Shi come out and look at the painting carefully, but still don't think it has the potential of 80 million.

Chen Mian chuckled: "Painting needs people to give it value, including works of art. It's not how much its materials and ideas are worth, but more importantly, the content behind it. thing."

Liang Shi barely understood.

The meeting between Chen Mian and Zhu Mingqi was the same, Liang Shi still hid in the studio.

Chen Mian also rejected Zhu Mingqi with the same words.

"I learned from Teacher Shen, but I have never met." Chen Mian said, "It is a teacher."

Zhu Mingqi smiled: "But you should be the one who has learned the most, and you have a lot of aura."

"What about this painting?" Chen Mian asked again.

"No more." Zhu Mingqi said, "This is just a memory for me. It's good to be able to buy it back, but it also has a different meaning for you. You can keep it private. Very good, these memories are all in my head anyway, and it is not a painting that can be used to prove it."

Zhu Mingqi treats people very kindly. If she can't talk about painting, she says she wants to visit Chen Mian's studio to see if there is any other eye-catching relationship.

Such a person is actually very friendly to contemporary painters, because it will make them richer.

Rich people spend money to buy paintings, so that painters have a better environment to create.

No one doesn't like it.

But because there were people hiding in Chen Mian's studio, he planned to refuse, but Liang Shi unexpectedly opened the door and walked out.

Zhu Mingqi was taken aback, "There are still people at home..."

"Ms. Zhu." Liang Shi greeted her.

After seeing clearly that it was Liang Shi, Zhu Mingqi was surprised, "Ah? It's Miss Liang. You and Chen Mian... oh yes, the last time you were at the museum, we left together, so this is also Miss Liang. home? It's abrupt."

"No." Liang Shi immediately denied: "Chen Mian and I are just friends."

"Then you said you were married last time?" Zhu Mingqi naturally chatted with her.

Liang Shi nodded: "Yes, but not with Miss Chen."

Zhu Mingqi said: "Sorry."

"It's fine." Liang Shi said, "I just have an appointment with Chen Mian, so I'm waiting for her inside. If you want to see the painting, you can go to see it."

Said and retreated to Chen Mian's side, Chen Mian did not understand her behavior.

Liang Shi whispered, "Make money."

Chen Mian: "?"

Zhu Mingqi didn't think too much or was polite. She went to the studio to pick a painting she liked and sold it for 300,000 yuan.

But it is the most healing one in her studio.

Zhu Mingqi said, "Ms. Chen should have painted this painting with hope. I see love and hope in this painting."

Chen Mian was at a loss for words, not knowing what to answer.

This painting was indeed drawn by her thinking about Qi Jiao after drinking too much.

Thinking of their first encounter.

It was a very dull day, with sun, wind, and crowds.

The little girl sat alone on the seat, tilted her head and looked out of the window. She had a very gentle face, but her face was full of sadness. She turned her head unexpectedly, and the two met their eyes. .

The corner of the little girl's mouth lifted up slightly, but there was no light in her eyes.

Later she saw the light in her eyes.

I drew it just thinking about her smile, so the tone is very warm.

Zhu Mingqi said it all, and Chen Mian could only shyly say: "Well."

Zhu Mingqi also visited other paintings in Chen Mian's studio, and chatted with Chen Mian about some of the paintings.

Finally, I found a painting in the corner.

The artistic conception of this painting is also very beautiful.

In the vast snow, a girl has been looking into the distance, and in the distance is a small group of light and shadow, which can be vaguely seen as a person.

This painting is the only one with a name here, it is called "Wang".

It looks sour.

When Zhu Mingqi was watching this painting, Chen Mian glanced at Liang Shi subconsciously.

Zhu Mingqi said, "What are the people in this painting looking at?"

"Look at her own thoughts." Chen Mian said.

He probably met his confidant, but Chen Mian didn't hide it.

She went to the next room and took out two more paintings, one called "Chasing" and the other called "Release".

It can be seen that these three paintings belong to the same series.

Liang Shi understood it now.

The person in this painting is Chen Mian, Liang Wanwan, and also a person who can never be loved.

Zhu Mingqi was surprised. After reading the three paintings, she bid 1.5 million to buy these three paintings, but Chen Mian shook her head and said that she would give Zhu Mingqi another free painting as a gift. She, but these three paintings are intended to be given to others.

Zhu Mingqi did not force it.

Because they were chatting happily and it was just before lunch time, Zhu Mingqi said that she wanted to invite them to eat.

Chen Mian glanced at Liang Shi, but neither of them refused.

When Liang Shi was about to leave, Chen Mian packed the three paintings and handed them to Liang Shi, asking her to give them to Liang Wanwan at the right time.

Liang Shi: "…"

Sure enough.

Later Liang Shi happened to go abroad to film and brought these three paintings to Liang Wanwan.

On the day she received these three paintings, Liang Wanwan cried so hard in a foreign country.

Liang Wanwan, who drank too much, shouted to the rooftop: "Chen Mian, I gave up."

"I will never like you again."

"You must be happy, Chen Mian."

Of course, that's something else.

At this moment, Liang Shi put the painting into the car, and then got into Zhu Mingqi's car with Chen Mian.

Liang Shi was relatively quiet in the car, because Zhu Mingqi and Chen Mian were talking about art, which was not a topic she could talk about.

But then Zhu Mingqi changed her words, "Ashi, you know Xiaoxue very well, right?"

After she finished speaking, she paused: "I call you Ashi, do you mind?"

"I don't mind." Liang Shi put away the phone and sneered: "You still remember that day."

To be honest, walking with Gu Yixue into that auditorium and watching her be ridiculous is one of the brave things Liang Shi has done in his lifetime.

Zhu Mingqi nodded: "Naturally, it surprised me at the time."

Liang Shi chuckled: "Sorry."

"It's okay, it's not your problem." Zhu Mingqi started talking to her, "I don't understand these children now, my eldest's wedding has been delayed for so long, and then a When that happened again, her dad got mad that night."

Liang Shi: "...Ah this."

"It has nothing to do with you." Zhu Mingqi said, "But compared to that, I do like Xiaoxue more. It seems that my boss likes Xiaoxue more. Gu Chunmian, that girl, has a bad heart."

Liang Shi listened silently, not daring to express his opinion.

She didn't know much about Gu Chunmian, and she didn't know much about the relationship between Gu Yixue and Shen Fenghe. When she entered the wedding scene with Gu Yixue, she was just a friend go.

Not to mention, it's not a robberies.

That can only be called a leak at best.

"I've said too much." Zhu Mingqi said all her thoughts with hindsight, and smiled helplessly: "Old man, I usually don't have much social interaction. When I meet young people chatting, Always talk more."

"It's alright." Liang Shi chuckled: "Tell me, I'll listen."

Zhu Mingqi looked at her again and regretted again: "Xiao Liang, if only you weren't married."

Liang Shi: "?"

"I always wanted to introduce you to my second daughter." Zhu Mingqi said.

Liang Shi: "?"

Liang Shi coughed lowly, accidentally choked on his own saliva, and began to cough wildly.

Zhu Mingqi was startled.

"Are you okay?" Zhu Mingqi immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, and I didn't mean to ask you to divorce. It's just to express my love for you, don't misunderstand."

Liang Shi: "…"

After a while, Liang Shi calmed down, but his face flushed from coughing.

Zhu Mingqi helpless: "I just like you so much, I feel like a match when I see you, how can a little girl look so good-looking."

Liang Shi: "…"

She looked at Zhu Mingqi.

The admiration in Zhu Mingqi's eyes cannot be faked, she really likes her very much.

Liang Shi smiled politely: "Thank you for your love."

"Just don't take me offense." Zhu Mingqi said, "Since you are married, I will definitely wish you a hundred years of marriage with your lover."

Liang Shi nodded: "Thank you."

She doesn't know what to say anymore.

"As for my second daughter." Zhu Mingqi shook her head: "I'm too stubborn, she looks like her father, and she doesn't look like me at all, she can't be with you, then She's not lucky."

Liang Shi: "...?"

Shen Hui is still in love?

Well, there is a point.


"You don't know yet?" Liang Shi asked tentatively.

"What?" Zhu Mingqi asked.

Liang Shi immediately waved his hand: "No...nothing."

It seems that she still doesn't know about Shen Hui and Zhao Xuning.

"What's the matter?" Her attitude aroused the curiosity of Zhu Mingqi, "It has something to do with A Hui?"

Liang Shi still didn't say: "You will know when the time comes."

Pray for Zhao Xuning online.

Zhu Mingqi smiled: "Mysterious."

The hotel arrived.

Zhu Mingqi brought them to a high-end restaurant. At least they have to spend millions in this restaurant to have a name, but the service and dishes are really good.

It can be seen that Zhu Mingqi really likes them and is not stingy at all.

It was a delightful meal.

Although Zhu Mingqi always makes fun of herself as an old man, she is very insightful and self-thought when talking about art with Chen Mian, and she also talks with Liang Shi about film and television dramas.

Liang Shi was surprised that she knew too much, but she waved her hand indifferently: "The old man has nothing to do all day, except to look at paintings and watch movies and TV dramas, people are too lazy to go out, and that is what they love. already."

Liang Shi and Chen Mian like her very much.

After dinner, Liang Shi's phone rang.

It was Zhao Xuning who called and asked where she was.

"In Tianxiangju." Liang Shi said.

"Eating so luxurious?" Zhao Xuning was surprised: "With Xu Qingzhu?"

"No." Liang Shi coughed softly: "With someone you can't think of."

Zhao Xuning was still recovering, so she didn't ask any more questions, and only asked her to come to the hospital for a while.

"Good." Beam adapts.

Zhu Mingqi raised her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liang Shi replied subconsciously, "I saw a white hair."

Zhu Mingqi was stunned: "Ah?"

Liang Shi: "Maybe I'm wrong."

Liang Shi asked if she wanted to unplug it.

Zhu Mingqi immediately said, "Pull it out."

Liang Shi lightly pressed one hand on her head, the other hand pinched the hair, and quickly pulled it out.

Although she tried to avoid pain, Zhu Mingqi still took a breath.

But it hurts a bit.

Liang Shi showed her the white hair, then returned to his position and threw the hair into the trash can.

In fact, the hair was still in her hand, but it was just a fake.

Zhu Mingqi sighed there, "Since the death of my youngest daughter, my white hair has been blowing out, and sometimes I feel that I am indeed old."

Liang Shi and Chen Mian couldn't talk.

This is the first time Liang Shi has done such a thing, and he has not recovered from the fake action just now.

Zhu Mingqi recalled the past by herself, "I was quite beautiful when I was young, and many people chased me. I'm not kidding you, I was probably similar to Xiaoliang when I was young. I was walking on the street. , a lot of scouts hand me business cards."

She said and looked at Liang Shi, "Don't say it, Xiao Liang does look a bit like me when I was young."

Liang Shi smirked: "It's a misnomer."

After the meal, Zhu Mingqi settled the bill, and then told Chen Mian that if you draw pictures in the future, remember to show her first.

She will definitely be the first buyer.

Chen Mian chuckled, "Send you later."

"Which line?" Zhu Mingqi said: "Art is valuable."


After leaving Tianxiangju, Chen Mian went home, and Liang Shi took a detour to the hospital.

As soon as she got in the car, she put Zhu Mingqi's white hair in a sealed bag.

There is a white hair in the transparent sealed bag, which looks a bit awkward.

She simply pulled out another one of her own and put it in together.

The black and white hair was intertwined, and for some reason, Liang Shi's heart beat like a drum.

When she arrived at the hospital, Zhao Xuning was lying on the bed reading a book and seemed to have recovered almost.

"Have you eaten yet?" Liang Shi asked as soon as he entered the door.

"Not yet." Zhao Xuning said, "I'm not hungry yet."

"Have you eaten in the morning?" Liang Shi asked.

Zhao Xuning: "It's a meal."

"How does it count?" Liang Shi put the food he had packed with foresight on her small table, "Can you still count on eating?"

"Shen Hui brought me a piece of bread." Zhao Xuning said.

"Where's Shen Fen?" Liang Shi asked, "I saw her ward was empty when I came."

"I was discharged from the hospital in the morning." Zhao Xuning bookmarked the page he was reading and put it aside, "I have something to do with Wu Li."


"Then you are considered a compound?" Liang Shi asked the most wanted question.

Zhao Xuning was startled, "That's right."

It just hasn't returned to the way it was before.

"But I'm curious, what did you find and stop it?" Liang Shi asked.

Zhao Xuning lowered her head to open the package, her tone was light, "Wu Li's ex-girlfriend is seven months pregnant."

Liang Shi: "?"

Because abortion is not allowed here, you can only give birth if you are pregnant.

But Wu Li's ex-girlfriend?

"What does her ex-girlfriend have to do with her?" Liang Shi wondered: "It's not her current girlfriend either."

During the examination, because the fetal position was not correct, the doctor suggested that she be hospitalized for rest, but she had no money, and when she called Wu Li... Wu Li was on her way to Huichang Temple with Shen Hui."

Liang Shi: "…"

This is just scum.

"So you went to find Shen Hui?" Liang Shi asked.

Zhao Xuning nodded: "I can't control what other people do, but Shen Hui and Wu Li can't get married."

"Then why didn't you tell Shen Hui?" Liang Shi sat beside her hospital bed and said regretfully, "Shen Hui asked Shen Siyan to investigate, but Shen Siyan didn't say anything."

Everyone is protecting Shen Hui in their own way.

When she mentioned Shen Hui, Zhao Xuning smiled, "She especially likes to take responsibility for herself, I don't want her to think that it is because of her that this happened, she will definitely treat Wu Li's ex-girlfriend feels guilty."

Liang Shi: "…"

Maybe it's a tacit understanding that has been in love for many years?

However, looking at it this way, Liang Shi was still moved by Zhao Xuning.

"To tell the truth, if I were Shen Hui, I would definitely be very moved when I knew everything." Liang Shi said.

Zhao Xuning: "?"

Zhao Xuning glanced at her lightly, as if to say - don't disgust me.

Liang Shi: "…"

"Go." Liang Shi said, "Anyway, congratulations to Dr. Zhao's reunion, don't repeat the same mistakes."

"I hope I order it well."

Zhao Xuning turned around and took out a transparent sealed bag from under his pillow and handed it to Liang Shi, "Take it to the testing agency for identification."

"This is?" Liang Shi wondered.

"Shen Fen's hair." Zhao Xuning said.

Liang Shi: "?"

"I won't do this appraisal." Zhao Xuning said: "When the time comes, let Shen Hui know, and he will make trouble with me again."

Liang Shi: "…"

Liang Shi took out the sealed bag he prepared, "I got Zhu Mingqi's hair."

Zhao Xuning: "?"

After a while of silence, Zhao Xuning took out his mobile phone and contacted a friend, and then asked Liang Shi to send the sample over.

The laboratory department is on the seventh floor of the hospital. After Liang Shi went up, it was unobstructed. It was said that the results would be available in two hours.

Liang got used to the sound, but when he went downstairs and got out of the elevator, his legs were inexplicably weak.

When I go to Zhao Xuning's ward after that, I always feel restless.

There is an inexplicable tension.

Zhao Xuning asked her to take care of her own affairs, but Liang Shi said that she was resting today, and there was nothing to do.

Liang Shi can only send a message to Xu Qingzhu: [I just sent my hair and Zhu Mingqi’s hair for identification. 】

Xu Qingzhu quickly captured the important point: [They? 】

Liang Shi: [There is also Shen Fen. 】

Xu Qingzhu: [Dr. Zhao got it? 】

Liang Shi: [Yes. 】

Xu Qingzhu: [Are you nervous? 】

Liang Shi: […Well, my heart is pounding. 】

Xu Qingzhu sent a voice: "Where are you now?"

Liang Shi: [Zhao Xuning Ward. 】

Xu Qingzhu: "I'll be there soon, wait for me for a while."

Zhao Xuning, who was sitting by the side reading a book: "?"

"Aren't you going out yet?" Zhao Xuning frowned slightly.

Liang Shi: "?"

"I can't sit for a while?" Liang Shi said, "Why are you so arrogant when you are sick?"

Zhao Xuning: "I don't want to eat dog food, so you go out."

Liang Shi: "…"

"Let Xu Qingzhu comfort you." Zhao Xuning poked her arm with a book: "Don't come to me to find a sense of existence."

Liang Shi: "?"

Liang Shi was not in the mood to quarrel with her, and went out to find Xu Qingzhu.

She just happened to meet Xu Qingzhu when she was going downstairs and getting out of the elevator. Xu Qingzhu asked her with a big belly, "Have you eaten lunch?"

"Eat." Liang Shi supported her: "Eat with Chen Mian and whoever."

The two walked out while talking.

I have to say, Liang Shi feels much better after seeing Xu Qingzhu.

Inexplicable peace of mind.

Xu Qingzhu took her to the outside where people came and went.

It was a little hot at this point, Xu Qingzhu asked her to drive, and the two went to a nearby hotel to open a room.

Liang Shi was stunned: "What are you doing?"

"Lunch break." Xu Qingzhu took back the room card and glanced at her, "Where do you want to go?"

Liang Shi: "…"

Liang Shi went upstairs with her. As soon as she entered, Xu Qingzhu changed her shoes and lay on the bed, feeling sleepy.

Liang Shi was still a little nervous.

Xu Qingzhu patted the position beside him, "Baby, come and lie down."

Liang Shi lay down, hugged her, buried his head in her neck, and said in a wronged voice, "Wife, I'm nervous."

"It's fine." Xu Qingzhu said, "I'll know the result in a while."

"I know what to do?" Liang Shi said, "I haven't thought about it yet..."

"Then you did it?" Xu Qingzhu chuckled, "Our teacher Liang is so brave today."

Liang Shi said in a muffled voice, "I was driven by Zhao Xuning to put it on the shelves."

Xu Qingzhu only persuaded her: "It's okay, we will discuss it when we know the result."

Xu Qingzhu patted her on the back, "I'm here~ with you and our baby."

It was just a simple sentence that calmed Liang Shi's anxiety.

Xu Qingzhu has recently developed the habit of taking a lunch break. After eating, she always sleeps for a while. Liang Shi was infected by her yawn and yawned along with her.

The temperature in the room was just right, and she smelled the familiar smell of Xu Qingzhu, and she soon felt sleepy.

When Liang Shi woke up, Xu Qingzhu was standing by the window looking at the scenery.

The house they booked is on the 30th floor, with huge floor-to-ceiling windows, offering a sweeping view of the whole city.

Liang Shi asked in a hoarse voice: "How long have I slept?"

"Half an hour." Xu Qingzhu said, "Get up."

Liang Shi was a little disappointed: "It's only half an hour."

The pregnant Xu Qingzhu was wearing loose clothes and a very casual low ponytail. She had a pure face, but her skin could be broken. Liang Shi stretched out his hand to her. At the moment when his hands overlapped, Liang Shi sat up , hugged her waist again, resting her head on her stomach.

The ear fell on her stomach, listening to the movement of her stomach quietly.

"Did they kick you?" Liang Shi asked.

"I kicked it." Xu Qingzhu said: "Otherwise, how do you think I woke up?"

"Baby is so hard." Liang Shi raised his head and raised his hand to touch Xu Qingzhu's head, but because of the disparity in height, he couldn't touch her, so he lightly pinched her chin, but Xu Qingzhu touched her "It's okay, they're not making trouble."

"Baby." Liang Shi was still nervous, and rubbed his head on her stomach, "I'm still afraid."

"What are you afraid of?" Xu Qingzhu said: "If you think about it, after this test is done, you will feel at ease. Whether it is or not, we will always have a result."

"Besides, the Shen family is pretty good." Xu Qingzhu flicked on her forehead, "Get up quickly, I want to drink milk tea."

"Iced or hot?" Liang Shi stood up and hugged her from behind.

"Hot." Xu Qingzhu said.

"That suffices."

Afraid of being recognized when traveling, Liang Shi also put on a mask and put it on Xu Qingzhu as well, then dragged Xu Qingzhu downstairs and went out.

Across the road is a milk tea shop with a long queue.

Xu Qingzhu and Liang Shi walked over and waited and chatted casually.

"Don't you have to go to work in the afternoon?" Liang Shi asked.

Xu Qingzhu shook his head: "I finished everything in the morning."


It was their turn soon, Liang Shi asked for two cups of pearl milk tea, and while standing there waiting, he felt exploratory eyes coming, but Liang Shi looked back and found no exploratory eyes Where did it come from.

In the end, I can only let it go.

But soon, she was on the hot search.

The agent called her and said, "You were photographed, and you are with President Xu."

Liang Shi: "…"

The most popular search term is #梁世 Married#.

Chang Hui asked what to do, whether to make it public.

Liang Shi logged on Weibo herself, and after scanning the comments, she found that she was photographed at the door of the milk tea shop just now. She and Xu Qingzhu were holding hands and queuing up to buy milk tea. Someone took a photo of their side. photo and back view.

The comments from netizens are pretty good, after all, she is an actress and not a traffic.

So she took the opportunity to announce it officially.

@Liang Shi: Well, married.

Put this Weibo directly to the top, and said in the comment area: Outsiders, don't pick it up.

Chang Hui has long set up a personal studio for her, and the studio reposted her Weibo with the text: Teacher Liang and his wife are really loving~ But please pay more attention to the artist's work , away from the artist's private life.

Not tucked away.

Some things, the more you hide and tuck, the more rebellious the public will be.

Of course, there is a price to pay.