MTL - My Master Disconnected Yet Again-Chapter 600 Monitor

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Chapter 600

"Wait, Xiaoying!" Mi Le's face turned white, and it was too late to stop, Shen Ying directly connected to the quiet communication.

Almost next second, a light curtain popped out, and a face similar to Shen Yingbafen appeared on it instantly.

"Xiao Ying, what's the matter? It's rare to see you take the initiative to contact me." A quiet voice came suddenly, glancing over here, and seeing Mi Leshi's eyes stagnated, and then half of it turned away again, "Oh, Huahua Also! Are your classmates gathering? "

"HI ~~~~ Jing Sister!" Mi Le raised her hand tremblingly, smiling a little far-fetched.

"Sister, can you come some time?" Shen Ying directly said, "I have something to ask you in person."

"How do you ..." Shen Jing just wanted to ask what happened, glanced at Mi Le, what seemed to come to mind, his expression changed, "OK, you wait, I'll come over right away."

The screen suddenly turned off.

Miller's face was a little whiter, "You guys are chatting, I went back in advance!" After speaking, I immediately turned to open the door of the plane, but Shen Ying pulled it back, "What's the matter!"

"Xiao Ying, don't do this! It will really kill you!" Mi Le's whole body was bad, and his face was about to cry. Your sister will really kill me!

It's a pity that it's too late, the white light flashed in front of him, and the quiet came out directly from the gate of the plane.

"Xiaoying, why ..."

She hadn't finished speaking yet, but the next moment Mi Le, like a runaway wild horse, got rid of Shen Ying's hand and rushed towards the quiet. Then, with a sigh, Yan knelt on the ground in a posture of five-body throwing the ground, and yelled loudly, "Sister Jing, I was wrong!"

Solitary Moon: "..."

Qi Qing: "..."

Shen Ying: "..."

This strong desire to survive ...

Jing Jing glanced down at him, and asked subconsciously, "Are you broken?"

Miller shook, and then he laughed back and said, "No, no, sister Jing. I just think of kneeling at you, especially beautiful! Really!"

Three people: "..."

"What's going on?" Shen Jing looked up at Shen Ying.

A few people looked at each other, and Shen Ying came forward, "Sister, do you know what a watcher is?"

Quietly startled, his eyes widened sharply, "How did you know ..." She thought of something and glanced at Mi Le on the ground, "What did you say?"

"..." Miller shuddered and lay down a bit lower.

"He lied to us for a trip to the void!" Shen Ying replied.

"The void ..." Quietly thought for a while, thinking of someone who glared at the person on the ground, his eyes instantly reddened, saying word by word, "You lied to her to participate in the qualification test!"

There was a stagnation of air around for a time, it seemed that there was any terrible energy, and it swept across the whole **** domain in an instant. The silence seemed to be ignited, and the anger was burning instantly. The whole sacred land shook for a while, and the ground began to split openly, as if to collapse in the next moment.

"Calm down, Sister Jing, listen to me, isn't she okay!" Miller advised tremblingly. "Angry is not good for your body and is prone to wrinkles. Besides, this is her divine realm, sister Jing ...

"Sister!" Shen Ying couldn't help screaming as she saw that Shenyu was about to collapse.

The anger of the quiet body was suppressed a little. A group of people on the ground lifted their hands and opened a special door to explain. "You wait for half an hour before you come back!"

After speaking, dragging Mi Le and walked in, seeing that the door was about to be closed, faintly came Mi Le trembling begging for mercy, "Sister Jing, please, don't beat your face ... oh ~~~"

The door was closed the next moment, leaving only a hint of chaos in the scene.

Gu Yue and Qing Qing: "..."

Is she really a sister? The ways of Lien are so similar.

"Shen Ying, the door that Sister Jing just opened ..." Gu Yue couldn't help asking, "Willn't it lead to chaos?"

"... Um." Shen Ying nodded.

"..." Gu Yue was dead, why she could open the chaos portal casually. When he received the plane before, he had done his best to deal with a chaotic beast, and the difference was too big for the manager. Right.

Sure enough, it is the family of the plug-in!


Shen Jing said to wait for half an hour, but they waited for each other for an hour, neither of them had emerged from the chaos. From time to time, there were waves from the entire Divine Realm, and the two plane trees shook from time to time, as if they had been shocked.

Coupled with the chaotic time flow rate is different from the plane, a few people did not dare to think about how long Miller had been quiet. Anyway, two hours later, I saw Shen opened the door of Chaos again and walked back. She had changed her clothes, but she did not see another person behind.

"Where is Miller?" Gu Yue asked subconsciously.

"Why? Do you care about him?" Quiet and cold eyes glanced at him instantly.

Solitary Moon suddenly froze and immediately stood by the team, "No ... no."

Only then did Jing Jing turn around and sit on the transfigured sofa, and sipped her tea before saying, "Hum! That **** can't die yet."

"Sister, what is the monitor?" Shen Ying also sat down and asked, "Why did Huahua lie to me to the end of the void? What is the qualification test you said?"

She frowned instantly, turning her head to look at Shen Ying with a look of iron and steel, and the anger instantly burned. "You too! Didn't you always hate him when you were a kid? Why did he let you go?" Don't you have a brain? "

Shen Ying habitually counseled, "I was wrong!"

"Fortunately, this time did not really trigger the trial, otherwise ..." Her face turned black, and she seemed to think of something dangerous, her palm pressed tightly, and the tea cup in her hand suddenly turned into powder.

"Sister Jing." Gu Yue could not help but say, "What the **** is an overseer?"

She lost her eyes and sighed slowly after a while. "The supervisor is the supervisor of the plane management. The person responsible for monitoring and judging the actions of the managers of each plane."

"Supervising managers!" The three were startled at the same time.

"What?" Shen Jing laughed. "Do you think managers are invincible?"


"The monitor is the only person who can cross all planes indefinitely without being rejected by any plane." She continued, "The ability of the monitor is generally above the manager. They are not responsible for the stability of the plane, but Assess the behavior of managers. "

"The planes cannot invade each other. Managers can invade one by one to maintain the stability of the plane. But if the invaders are also managers, then the situation is different." She frowned. "And the managers and the The planes are symbiotic, and the planes are indestructible. The administrators are not dead. Not every plane will have an invasion, and long lives will be annoying, and there will always be a few people who want to stir things up. "

"The existence of the supervisor is to limit this situation." Shen Jing explained, "If the manager is to maintain a stable existence of the plane, then the supervisor is to maintain the stable existence of the manager."

"They are responsible for monitoring and reviewing all managers, and intervening when managers appear to invade. And help to choose a new manager to succeed!" She turned to look at the three, "Mi Le, the supervisor!"

Gu Yue and Qi Qing are together!

What? That girl gun!

"Sister." There was nothing unexpected about Shen Ying, and she looked directly at Shen Jing, "What about you?"

Quietly, she laughed softly, "Me too!"


(End of this chapter)