MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 154

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Jing Yue had no spiritual power and could only give a verbal instruction to forget the power.

After forgetting the power, forgetting is very weak. Although Jing Yue hasn't experienced the feeling of the power, he won't feel good about it.

He spent more than a year conditioning the body for a forgetfulness, but the meridian of the forgetfulness was also damaged. Jing Yue now has no way to make elixir and can only find a medicine with a forgetfulness, which needless to say.

Fortunately, they gave Han Yunzong's recommendation letter to a strong casual repairer, and the other party was willing to resist the pot and helped them to pull away most of the hatred.

Even so, the two mortals mixed up in the repair world are still walking on thin ice, and they must be careful every time.

Until four years later, Yi Wang finally recovered his best condition and restarted forging.

For half a year, I forgot about forging.

Another day, I forgot to deflate into the body.

In the meantime, Yi Wang also asked why Jing Yue, as a person of the Han Yunzong Kaishan School, did nothing.

Jing Yue didn't know how to answer, but could only vaguely pass by, saying that he had some restrictions when he came to give directions.

I forgot and didn't ask, but said, "When can you take me back to Han Yunzong?"

Jing Yue could only say, "When you should go, you will know."

At that time I forgot to take a deep look at him and never asked about Han Yunzong.

This time, Jing Yue stayed in the illusion for more than ten years. He carefully taught and forgotten that although he did not have the name of a master and apprentice, he had the truth of master and apprentice.

Now that I have forgotten my practice, I am just one opportunity away from the foundation, and my cultivation is on the right track. It stands to reason that Jing Yue's wish is over, as long as one forgets to go to Han Yunzong to find another teacher. But he was still uneasy, because he didn't know whether to forget his prejudice and stop being paranoid?

Although they saw many sorrows and joys along the way, once they forgot to hide their true thoughts, they did not question or confirm, even Jing Yue could not figure it out.

He couldn't let it go until he couldn't see it for a day.

On that day, the two came to a city west of Bipolar, where the terrain was remote and few practitioners appeared.

But before entering the city, Jing Yue was vaguely aware that it was wrong.

After entering the city, he saw that the rather prosperous town always showed a sense of death. The death did not come from the evil spirits but from this land.

When he forgot to find his strangeness, he asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Jing Yue: "It seems that life here has been shortened a lot."

It is often said that the earth and the earth will last forever, but the land therein does not refer to a certain piece of land, but refers to a world. For its part, the land has a life span.

When all living beings on the land are dead and no longer recover, the land becomes dead.

Jingyue reminded him of a suspense, and made a special observation and found that there were few green plants in the city and the land was dry and cracked, but the rain and sunshine in the places they passed should not be so.

Jing Yue: "The life of this place should have been tens of thousands of years, but according to my observations, this land will die completely in no more than a few thousand years."

They both felt weird and suspected that something had broken the feng shui, but they went around the town and still didn't notice any abnormalities.

At this time, the sun was sinking, and Jing Yue planned to live in the city for a day, and talk about it tomorrow.

When I just wanted to find an inn, I heard a bell ringing, and then he saw a small Buddha statue with a small arm lifted out of the shop by some merchants. Some pedestrians and hawkers on the road held smaller Buddha statues in their arms and put them together. On the ground.

They made the statue face the West, followed by Hula Lah, kneeling down and down again and again.

Jing Yue and Yi Wang looked strangely at each other.

With only a few people still standing on the street, Jing Yue curiously asked a middle-aged man and asked, "This elder brother, what are they doing?"

The satire flashed in the eyes of the man, but the satire was not directed at Jing Yue. He said, "The two are from outside?"

Jing Yuehe nodded his head.

Man: "There is a monk who is said to be the reincarnation of a Buddha who is thousands of miles away from us. As long as he is devoted and faithful, the buddha can fulfill all the wishes of the believer. Later the master monk's ability came to the city, and it really worked. More and more people worship him in the city ... "

Jing Yue looked at the people who were still whispering and whispering, and guessed in their hearts, who is a spiritualist?

He asked the man again, "Why didn't the elder brother worship but didn't believe it?"

The man sneered and said nothing, shook his head and left.

As soon as the middle-aged man left, an old man stood up nearby. He held the Buddha statue and walked to Jing Yue. He said, "Two people don't care. People like him who do n’t believe in or respect the Buddha will have retribution after death. The Buddha is really convincing. The old lady of the Liu family was bedridden for six or seven years. Since her son believed the Buddha, she has gradually become better. The daughter-in-law of the Zhang family has been infertile for ten years. Hold two for three years; the Wang family ... "

The old man gave several examples in succession, his eyes gradually became fanatical, "You have the fate to come here, it shows that the Buddha is guiding you and giving you the opportunity to serve him. If you ever serve faithfully, you will have blessings."

Jing Yue only smiled, "It turns out that, thank you for telling the elderly."

Seeing his perfunctory attitude, the old man sighed with regret, and ignored them.

As soon as the old man left, some nearby believers came to see him, Jing Yue and Yi Wang were immediately alert, but those people did nothing after all.

Because of this, the two did not intend to keep the city, but wanted to visit Jingyang City.

They have no purpose, so they naturally want to go anywhere.

In the next few days, they passed three cities in a row. As they went west, the town became more prosperous, and the number of followers of the Buddha increased.

However, Jing Yue found that the closer to the city of Jingyang, the shorter the local earth life, he was almost certain that the earth life had a lot to do with the so-called "Buddha".

After more than ten days, they finally came to Jingyang.

Upon entering the city, there was incense everywhere. Obviously there were more believers in the city than they had seen before. Almost every family and every family believed in the Buddha, and the life here was only 500 years old.

In other words, after five hundred years, there will be no more living things on this land, only dead things.

In the evening, the two found a hotel and stayed there. The shop was very enthusiastic. In fact, as long as it had nothing to do with the Buddha, the people here were no different from other towns.

Xiaodian Dian: "Do you want to go back to the room to rest first, or order some food first? We are backed by Qing Cang Mountain, and the ingredients we use are all wild products in the mountains, and they are the most fresh."

Jing Yue: "Then come up with some signature dishes."

Shop two: "Success."

As soon as they were seated, they heard the familiar bell ringing. This way, they had heard it many times, knowing that the bell would ring once in the morning, middle and evening, reminding the believers that it was time to worship.

Sure enough, the shopkeeper took out a Buddha statue from under the counter, and the diners and travelers in the store followed suit.

Everyone knelt on their knees. Only Jing Yue and Yi Wang Duan sat at the table and looked very abrupt.

"you two--"

At this time, the next man at the table suddenly yelled and pointed at Jingyue's table: "The hour has come, why don't the two kneel? Maybe they don't believe in the Buddha?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at him with a bad look.

Jing Yue was embarrassed. Although they met many believers along the way, even if they were dissatisfied with their attitude, there were never any people who were accused in person.

The big man didn't respond when he saw Jing Yue and Yi Wang, and said angrily, "Boy, ask you something!"

Jing Yue: "We just passed by Jingyang ..."

The big man interrupted Jingyue directly. "Here is the blessing of the Buddha here. When you enter Jingyang, you also receive the favor of the Buddha.

Everyone else looked affirmatively, and even someone got up from the ground and wanted to reach out to pull Jing Yue, but before he met Jing Yue, he heard a muffled sound, and the person had been forgotten to the door.


Everyone in the shop glared at one forgotten, one forgot to sit steadily, looking indifferent, "I kneel and kneel, kneel ..." He glanced at Jing Yue and closed his voice, "In short, if you believe in you, why bother? Force us to believe too? Presumably the Buddha does not like forced believers. "

These words made the big man even more angry, and suddenly stood up, "Do you dare to disrespect the Buddha?"

One forgot: "When will I be disrespectful? Does everyone in the world have to serve the Buddha, otherwise it will be disrespectful? Even true Buddhas and Bodhisattvas won't be there, let alone you don't see that I am a Taoist?"

The big man sneered, "I don't care whoever believes in others, but you dare to come to Jingyang and appear in front of me, hum! You have to kneel today without kneeling!"

He gestured with his eyes, and several big men around him also stood up, trying to step forward and press Jing Yue and Yi Wang to the ground.

Some people show sympathy in the inn, some gloat, and more is taken for granted.


Jing Yue fiercely patted the table, lowered his face and stared straight at the big man.

Although he didn't say anything, the majesty emanating from his body was like a sea of ​​mountains and seas, which was daunting.

A Taoist ancestor's aura is fully open. Even if there is not enough power to match, his eyes are enough to fool people.

At least, these big guys have been fooled, and there is only one idea in their hearts-this is a master!

They looked for a moment, and then looked at Jing Yue. The heart that just appeared to be hands-on was not weak, but they respected the Taoist. From this point of view, the Taoist might be stronger!

Several big men did not dare to act for the time being, but were embarrassed to stop. The shopkeeper saw that they were in a dilemma and persuaded with admiration: "All good men, the good times will pass, but don't delay worshipping the Buddha ..."

The most excited man in the previous snorted and threw down the sentence "I don't know what to do." Then he knelt down again with his companions and worshiped to the west.

They respectfully worshipped the Buddha, and no one noticed that Jing Yue secretly dumped his hands-mortals are vulnerable, and their hands were numb when they patted the table ...

He had already practiced the "eye-killing" move many times just now, and with this move, he and Yi Wang successfully avoided a lot of trouble.

Jing Yue took a subconscious look and forgot a glance, and the other side also smiled, softening his cold face.

Suddenly, his eyes changed, and at the same time, the scream of Dahan sounded.