MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 141

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With Qin Yan's support, monks on the stone steps followed suit, and they used the most primitive method to pull their companions back one by one.

When everyone reached the stone steps, they were relieved.

Someone looked at a gray stone door at the end of the stone steps and asked, "Jing, ancestor, what do you know behind the door?"

Jing Yue: "If there is no accident, it should be Dragon Prison."

"Dragon prison?"

Jing Yue: "That's where the detained criminal dragon is."

In fact, he didn't know the specific situation in Dragon Prison. The last time, he was almost sucked by a dragon pillar in prison, but later he managed to break free. The secret tomb of Dragon Tomb had been closed, and he had to quit.

At the same time Jing Yue spoke, he slowly pushed Shimen.

However, everything in front of him is very strange, not the dragon prison in his memory, there is only a dim light martyrdom, I do not know where to go?

The dragon tomb actually changes by itself?

Jing Yue's heart was more vigilant and he didn't dare to set foot easily, but at this time, a thick floral fragrance spread, and the smell was faintly smelly.

It is the smell of dracaena!

Since they entered the tomb of the dragon, they have not found any useful treasures, but the dragon blood flower is a rare treasure of heaven and earth. It can restore the monk blood in a very short time.

In other words, even if you fight to the point of exhaustion, with this flower, physical strength can be restored.

The dragon's blood flower, as the name suggests, must be irrigated from the dragon's blood.

During Jingyue's thinking, a magician suddenly passed him and rushed into the martyrdom.

And his purpose, of course, is the dragon blood blooming on the rock wall on both sides of the martyrdom.

But Moxiu just picked the dragon's blood flower, and the rock wall suddenly burst into barbs, and quickly closed, squeezing him into flesh!

Such a **** scene made Jing Yue and others more afraid to enter, but everyone soon found that their spiritual power was restored again. Jing Yue thought about it and transformed into a tentative test.

He tried very carefully and found that there was no danger in the martyrdom as long as he did not touch the rock wall.

Since they arrived at the Dragon Tomb, of course they did not want to stop there. Jing Yue took a look at Qin Yanzhi, but the latter stopped him, "I'll go first."

Jing Yue: "No."

Qin Yanzhi saw Jing Yue's insistence, apparently he would not agree, and then said: "Then I will be with you."

Jing Yue: "Can ..."

The voice did not fall, the female sword Xiu named Cheng Yun stepped forward, "Let me try it."

She did not wait for the two to respond, and she had entered the martyrdom.

Cheng Yun walked quickly, but carefully did not touch the rock wall. When her back melted into the distance, there was still no change in the martyrdom.

Jing Yue: "Let's go too."

Qin Yan nodded.

The two moved, and the other monks hurried to keep up. Because of the contrast between the magic repair and Cheng Yun, everyone was at ease and turned a blind eye to the dragon's blood on the rock wall.

After all, no matter how precious the dragon's blood flower is, it's more expensive than its own life.

Not far away, Jing Yue found that the rock wall occasionally had bright spots of light flashing, and he was closer, only to find that the original scales were shining.

Qin Yanzhi frowned. "There are dragon scales and dragon blood on the rock wall. Where is this place?"

Jing Yue hesitated a little: "The width of this martyrdom seems to be exactly the width of an adult dragon's body."

He didn't answer clearly, but Qin Yanzhi still understood, "You mean ..."

Jing Yue nodded, he guessed that it was indeed Dragon Prison.

If the dragon enters the pass, it will definitely touch the rock walls on both sides, and the rock walls will inevitably squeeze to the middle. The force of squeezing is devastating to the human race, but the dragon is physically strong and at most will feel pain.

The more painful the dragons will crawl forward, trying to break free of the gangway as soon as possible, and the barbs on the rock wall will peel off their dragon scales.

It's just the past life. The dragon prison he saw is not the case, but the dragon prison is very big, and what he saw in that year is only a part of it.

If this place is really Dragon Prison, all the punishments are only targeted at the Dragon clan, as long as the clan does not commit taboos, they should be able to pass smoothly.

In fact, they did. They saw the exit of the martyrdom without encountering any danger. Cheng Yun was waiting there, saw them nodded slightly, "all the way."

After all, take the lead in getting out of the martyrdom.

The scene changed abruptly. There was a very wide cave outside the tunnel, the top of the cave was dozens of feet high, and a pillar of gold stood on it.

Jing Yue frowned slightly, and said to Qin Yanzhi: "I was here last time. Be careful, once you get too close to Jin Zhu,-"

A scream interrupted his words. Jing Yue Xunsheng saw that a monk was tied to a gold pillar by a thick iron chain. The iron chain became tighter and tighter, and the monk's bones cracked and his body cracked. Blood pours out, all absorbed by the iron chain.

Jing Yue: "It will be like him."

Qin Yanzhi looked at the tragic situation of the monk, and said, "You last ..."

Jing Yue: "Almost."

Qin Yanzhi suddenly held Jing Yue's hand, "Your past life did not have me."

Jing Yue was silent, thinking it might not be.

He knew that Qin Yanzhi had heard that he also had such a painful experience, and he felt uncomfortable, so he comforted him, "Relax, didn't I escape?"

In other words, his other finger moved slightly, and his spiritual power turned into a thick dragon with a little finger. He made a circle around the golden pillar that tied the monk, and the chain on the golden pillar "clicked" and fell off by itself.

The monk slipped to the ground and moaned.

Jing Yue half-joked: "If I didn't come here, I wouldn't learn to make dragons."

He can now say lightly, but it took him a long time to condense a complete dragon shape, and then imitated Lei Jing's dragon qi, which successfully cheated Jin Zhu and escaped his life.

Qin Yanzhi guessed about the difficulties of each school, but Jing Yue didn't mention it, he didn't ask much, just held the other side tighter.

Not far away, Lin Huaiyu stared at their hands, and there was a clear look in his eyes.

Lin Huaifeng chased his brother's gaze and said enviously: "Lao Jing and Qin Zhenjun have such a good relationship, it is indeed a life-and-death relationship."

Lin Huaiyu: "..."

With the previous misfortune, everyone tried to stay away from Jin Zhu, and they went all the way, but never encountered danger again.

I do not know how long he had left, Jing Yue stopped abruptly, and the people behind him took a breath of air.

A silver pillar is tied to a gold pillar in front of me!

This is Dragon Prison, and only Sin Dragon can be here, but it is the first time they have seen a dragon since they entered Dragon Prison.

The dragon in front of her was a mother dragon, whose scales had been peeled off half, and the large iron chains were embedded in her flesh, eating away her blood a little.

Jing Yue has reason to believe that the scales in the martyrdom came from the other side.

The dragon's eyes were closed tightly, and it looked as if it had lost its vitality, but everyone knew that as long as the iron chain was loose, this residual dragon would be awake!

Many of the dragons that can be locked into the dragon prison by the Dragon Hall are not appropriate, and Jing Yue and others did not dare to take risks. Each of them held their breath and bypassed the dragon in the distance.

They gradually walked away, and no one noticed that the dragon on the gold pillar suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils narrowed, and he stared straight at the back of a group of people.

Further down, this is the place where Jing Yue hasn't been.

Since their journey, they have not gained much. Many monks gradually become agitated. After all, the risk of entering the tomb of the dragon is for chance, but the situation today has disappointed them.

Suddenly, the sound of a knife stabbing into the meat came from the crowd, and then someone heard angrily, "You **** dare attack me?"

"What about sneak attacks on you? Didn't you want to kill me before?" In reply, a demon repairer, Jing Yue noticed that the man's eyes were red, and his eyes were full of cruel desires.

And the monk's waist and shirt that he had attacked had been cut, revealing a deep visible wound. It can be seen that if the monk did not dodge in time, he would die here.

Zheng Mo and the two didn't agree and immediately started, and the nearby monks dispersed.

Jing Yue was feeling inexplicable, and several monks were suddenly fighting, as if there was a mysterious power that ignited the violent spark.

The two demons fight together again, you pushed me, I stepped on you, and even seeing your unpleasant eyes became the reason for their shot.

Of course, Jing Yue and Qin Yanzhi were not idle. Facing the attack of Mo Xiu, Jing Yue defended himself and said, "They are not right, and they are not right here."

Qin Yanzhi replied: "There seems to be some mysterious power in this space that can induce negative emotions."

Jing Yue's meal suddenly dawned on him, "It's a dragon grudge!"

They did not get out of the dragon prison. The grievances of the ancient sin dragons gathered here for a long time, and they stayed together for a long time. Naturally, an invisible force formed, affecting the souls in the dragon prison.


A crisp sword sound penetrated this square space, hitting everyone's spirits.

Jing Yue only felt that the soul was swaying, as if being injected with a force of integrity, his emotions calmed down unconsciously.

Qin Yanzhi explained: "It's Cheng Yun's voiceless sword."

Jing Yue then looked at him and saw that Cheng Yun had just taken the sword. At the same time, many monks gradually recovered some clarity and their moves slowed down.

Their expressions remained emaciated, and it seemed that they did not respond. Why did they suddenly become violent?

At this time, everyone heard the sound of the dragon chant, as if scratching the eardrum, sharp and piercing, urging the blood in their bodies to growl again.

Jing Yue: "Not good!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw black fog rising around it, twisting it into countless black claws. Jing Yue knew that this was an entity spawned by dragon grudges.

The claws emerge out of nothing. From top to bottom, left to right, they are all occupied by black claws. Once caught by the sharp claws, the dragon grudge will invade the body, causing confusion, ignoring the enemy and me, only understanding the killing, and the ultimate power Died.

A monk hit the ball and immediately attacked the surrounding peoples, even if he was a companion at the last moment, but at this moment they were regarded as the enemy of life and death.

Lin Huaifeng was also not affected by the dragon's grievances, and he had to subscribe to Lin Huaiyu, who was closest to him, but maybe the instincts of the two were closer to the dragons. He always kept a touch of consciousness.

Lin Huaifeng bowed his back, with patience and patience, his hands trembling even more. He squeezed out his teeth, "Brother, stay away from me!"

Lin Huaiyu was anxious and painful, looking at the dense black claws, and somehow looked in the direction of Jing Yue.

As soon as his eyes touched Jing Yue, he listened to the other party saying, "We must purify the dragon grudges. I understand the law for a while, but evolved from the Buddha's gate. Please help me!"

Lin Huaiyu was refreshed and immediately said, "Yes!"

The magicians looked at each other, wondering if Jing Yue also needed their help, and worried that he would be left behind, busyly said, "Jing, ancestors, we can also do our part. Such a crisis, we should set aside grudges and fight against the enemy together. . "

Jing Yue smiled, "This Taoist friend is right, then please come forward."

The magic repair was overjoyed, and rushed to Jingyue, followed by some remaining rational magic repair.

Although the demon monks acted righteously one by one, everyone knew that it was just an illusion. Jing Yue secretly warned, but calmly said on the face: "This array originated from the three lives and three deaths of the Buddhist gate, but after the evolution of the gate, only the Part of the "three deaths" was renamed the "three deaths". "

Someone apparently heard of the Sanming Formation, and there was a flash of enlightenment in his eyes, "The Sanming Formation in the mouth of Lao Jingzu originated from the Sixiang Villa?"

Jing Yuewei nodded. In the past, Mo Xiangyun, the owner of Sixiang Mountain Villa, wanted to create eighteen hells. Naturally, he studied quite a lot of Buddhist formations, but later they were mostly brought back to Han Yunzong by Fu Xuan.

"This array takes the center as an array, and it needs 84 people to supplement it, of which 12 are the first perimeter, 24 are the second perimeter, and 48 are the third perimeter, forming a situation of the third ring ..." Jing Yue Explaining the method of formation in detail, he said, "I am naturally in the formation. You will listen to my command later."

The monk of the right way certainly agreed, but some magic repairs were worried that Jing Yue would let them do cannon fodder, and his eyes turned: "May we occupy the inner circumference?"

Jing Yue smiled, "If you worry that I will harm you, you don't need to participate."

Moxiu licked his face and smiled, "Jing's ancestors have misunderstood, and have no intention to do so, just ..."

Jing Yue said impatiently: "You don't have to say much, you just occupy the inner circumference."

Mo Xiu was relieved, "Thank you, ancestor."

He bowed his head respectfully, but missed a sly smile in Jing Yue's eyes.