MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 123

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It was very windy and the moon was white that day.

Huang Yue'er went straight to Du Fu, killing Grandma Du's grandmother with evil spirits and hurting many people. It didn't take long before she finally attracted Taoists.

The land baby always knew what she was doing, and she was very scared, but she was even more afraid that her sister Yueyue would be caught by the Taoist priests, and she would attach to the other side to hide her evil spirit.

He always thought he was paying his favor, but now he is confused. Did he help the wrong person?

At this time, he listened to the famous man again: "Did you see it? Huang Yue'er had become a wicked ghost and evil spirit, and his intellect was controlled by evil thoughts and suffocation. These ghosts were a great supplement to her. She couldn't control it at all. instinct."

The Taoist fingered a little and nailed Huang Yueer's legs. Even if Huang Yueer struggled, he could not escape.

"I guess it's you who protect her soul and prevent her reincarnation. But if you don't intervene, she will at best atone for her sin. Now she goes against the sky, is in debt and cannot live forever. You have not only harmed her, but also harmed her. You yourself have hurt the people in Qinglian Town and betrayed the faith of you for generations! "

The Land Baby cried, "Is it all the baby wrong?"

"you are wrong."

"What should the baby do?"

"you know."

The land baby is at a loss, he doesn't know anything ...

"You are a **** here. You can achieve what you want."

I hope?

I hope the ghosts rest in peace.

I hope that the people in the town will be good.

I hope to help Yueer sister redeem sin.

I also hope Sister Yueer can come back ...

The baby of the land exudes golden light, and the millennium is willing to shoot out at the same time, nurturing Qinglian Town.

Many ghosts faded under the golden light, and they returned to the land again, quietly waiting for the day of rebirth; the people in Qinglian town suddenly recovered, and the town was filled with surprise shouts at night Strands of black gas emerged from Huang Yueer's body, all pouring into the baby of the land, the baby of the land became more and more transparent, but Huang Yueer's eyes full of suffocation gradually became clear.


With only a single beep, the idol of land cracked a gap from the middle.

The baby's consciousness is gradually chaotic. He knows that he is going to sleep. I don't know how long this sleep can take, and I can't wake up?

Just then, he heard a soft and soft voice, "Baby, thank you, you're right, it was your sister who was wrong."

Immediately, he felt a strength in his body, and the tip of his nose seemed to smell the flower, which was the smell of his waking up.

Then, he fell completely asleep.

The temple returned to tranquility, but the cracked idol reminded people of everything that just happened. The sight of Jing Yue and others fell on the palm of the idol, and an orange flower grew out of the clay fingers.

At the last moment, Huang Yueer's soul was fully converted into the body of the baby in the land.

For a moment, Ruan Jiu whispered: "Can the land baby still wake up?"

Jing Yue: "Perhaps, the willingness of the sacrifice of the soul is very strong, and it may be able to keep a little spiritual knowledge in our land."

Ruan Jiu whispered: "He is not bad, I hope he can wake up."

Jing Yue: "If people in Qinglian Town can re-believe him and worship him, there will be a great chance for him to wake up."

While talking, he stepped forward and picked up a red round dandelion from the ground.

Several people noticed that this was a monster dan left after Huang Yueer's sacrifice.

"Huang Yue'er devoured this monster dan, so he became a evil lord. Ruan Daoyou also said that the ancestor of the red owl felt a monster here. Both things happened before ten days. In other words, the owner of this monster dan is very likely. It was the ancestor of Hung Hom who beheaded him, and it was in the lake. "

Qin Yanzhi: "There should be no demon here, there is a problem at the bottom of the lake."

Jing Yue nodded, "I want to explore the lake."

Qin Yanzhi: "It should be so."

After a quarter of an hour, several people found the body of a big demon on the bottom of the lake. The prototype of the big demon was a slime. It was three feet thick when viewed from the skeleton. At this time, the demon's body was not decayed, but it was eaten by some aquatic life. Mostly, the abdomen is gone.

Jing Yue: "The monster Dan in Huang Yueer's body should come from this loach monster."

Qin Yanzhi: "The creature in the water ate its demon body, but I am afraid that it will become a demon after a long time."

Jing Yue: "So we have to clean up to get rid of the demon in the water."

Not long after, a few people found a mud hole near the loach demon. The hole was only three feet wide. It looked like the loach demon had drilled out. There was a very faint demon in the cave, and it was only detectable near the entrance.

The four of them looked at each other underwater and swam into the cave one after another. As the cave's terrain continued to rise, they even connected the mountainside and descended downward, but it was a secret place.

But there was a ban outside the secret territory, but with Wei Zhentu, Jing Yue was waiting with the other two.

Ruan Jiu stared intently at Wei Zhentu's spellcasting, with admiration and admiration in his eyes, Lan Feng sighed after seeing Wu Wu: "Today is I love you, you do not love me, when I am sad, do not want to love you, you Come and love me again. Dog blood, sour, I like it! It would be better if I could change my gender, but I am Zhifeng. "

Jing Yue didn't understand, but she didn't intend to deal with Lan Feng, but she branched out to Qin Yan: "True King, the magic road and the demon clan team together, we have no clue, I have a hunch, the truth may be in After the mystery. "

Qin Yanzhi said, "In the past, the Taoxian ancestor said that the right way had a vitality. Now that he wants to come, the vitality should be tied to the ancestor."

Jing Yue smiled: "If this is the case, I will not be born again, but the vitality of the right path will not be tied to one person, but it will be related to all the right path."

Qin Yanzhi: "You are different."

Jing Yue: "I am the same as you."

Qin Yanzhi suddenly turned his head and looked directly at Jing Yue, and said for a while: "Well, let's advance together."

Jing Yue: "OK."

Lan Feng saw Jing Jingning rather ignore the rogue and frowned, and was preparing to shed a phoenix tear, attracting Jing Jing's attention, and suddenly heard a soft sound-the restriction was broken.

As soon as they entered the mystery, everyone felt the demon qi. Although it is not richer than the misty forest, it is not Ding Yao Mountain or the San Jie Temple demon tower, which is enough to be surprising and alert.

There were many strange-shaped plants growing in the small space in front of him. At a glance, Jing Yue recognized that these plants belonged to the demon world. At the same time, he suddenly felt something and took a branch from the Sumitabha ring.

I saw dead leaves, and I don't know when a leaf grew.

——Withered trees in spring!

"There is a mother bamboo of Tianzhu near here!" Jingyue surprised.

Both Qin Yanzhi and Wei Zhentu knew the reason for his search for the mother bamboo, and only Ruan Jiu puzzled: "Tianzhu? Is that one in Zhaili?"

Jing Yue: "That's right." He said the old man of Tianzhu again, and then released his insight, "The mother bamboo is in the southwest, and there are no monsters here."

Because the secret was not large, they only found the mother bamboo after walking a few miles. The sky bamboo is stout, but the mother bamboo is no different from ordinary bamboo. If it is not a dead branch vision, Jing Yue is likely to miss it.

When he wanted to cut a piece of mother bamboo, he suddenly stunned.

"this is……"

Qin Yanzhi's look was also dignified: "It's a broken bamboo!"

The place where the broken-bamboo bamboo is located can open up the enchantment channel of one mile!

Ruan Jiu: "Breakthrough Bamboo? Haven't they disappeared for a long time?"

Wei Zhentu did not recognize it, after all, the inheritance of Xingluo Villa is far worse than that of Han Yunzong and Wan Ming Sword Sect, but he has heard the name of the bamboo, "No wonder there is a monster in Qinglian Town. It was because of this bamboo ! "

With the broken bamboo, the monster can pass through the enchantment from here and come to the human realm!

Jing Yue: "Zhujiezhu is not a monster plant, and it was previously planted in Qinglian Town. It can be seen that it was intentionally transplanted here."

Wei Zhentu said in a deep voice: "The demon tribe hid the broken-bamboo in a secret place. Obviously, it wanted to enter the human realm through this bamboo, but if there are monsters in and out of Qinglian Town for a long time, no one can detect it."

Jing Yue: "That is to say, the monsters rarely use this bamboo, and they are trying their best to cover it up. I think they are waiting for a suitable time to break into the human world and kill us by surprise."

Everyone felt chills on their backs. If they hadn't found them in advance, the demons could stab them at any moment in crisis.

Qin Yanzhi: "Don't you know the existence of a broken bamboo if you join forces with the Demon Clan?"

Wei Zhentu said angrily: "This is Shangnanzhou. There are a lot of strong sects in the right way. Regardless of whether Modao knows it, the purpose of the demon clan must be us!"

Several of them nodded, and Jing Yue made a circle around the broken world bamboo, and suddenly said, "Since the demons can come to the human world through this bamboo, then we should also be able to enter the demonic world based on this. This is a good opportunity! "

Wei Zhentu: "A Jing means ..."

Jing Yue: "Let's go to the demon world and turn around, maybe we can have unexpected gains."

Ruan Jiu: "Are we not looking for more helpers? Maybe this is the monster city ..."

Wei Zhentu frowned, "What do you think? The monster tribe has not been exhausted and cannot be wiped out in one fell swoop. Why do so many people come here to fight the grass?"

Ruan Jiu was murdered by Wei Zhentu and his eyes were red again. "I, I just thought I was going to kill the monsters ..."

Jing Yue: "No, it's just a look. It should be enough for us to practice."

After he finished speaking, Ruan Jiu took a quick glance at Wei Zhentu and regained his guilty conscience, but Wei Zhentu still found it, and said nervously, "What do you mean?"

Ruan Jiu: "No, no ..."

Qin Yanzhi: "Maybe I'm afraid you're holding back."

Ruan Jiu repeatedly waved his hands, "No! I will protect Wei Daoyou!"

Wei Zhentu sneered: "Thank you, but I don't need it."

Jing Yue laughed inwardly, but on the surface was serious: "First of all, we must be able to enter the demon world smoothly, and we cannot be detected by the demon tribe."

In order to prove his strength, Wei Zhentu immediately said: "There should be a monster formation near the broken bamboo, I will find it!"

However, half an hour later, Wei Zhentu returned.

Jing Yue: "How? But you can't crack it?"

Wei Zhentu: "Break can be broken, but to enter the enchantment must be led by demon blood. Where can we get demon blood?"

Jing Yue thought about it, "Is Yao Dan okay?"

Wei Zhentu: "No."

Ruan Jiu: "Didn't it happen, we have to go to Ding Yaoshan to catch the demon?"

Just as a few people failed, Jing Yue's expression suddenly fell away, "Someone came."

Among these people, he has the strongest sense of consciousness. Although Qin Yanzhi and Wei Zhentu did not sense it, they all knew Jing Yue's ability and had no doubt under his heart. As for Ruan Jiu, what others say is what he believes.

Jing Yue: "Wei Daoyou, please give us a trick and hide us."

Wei Zhentu saw that he had a place to use it, and his spirit was refreshed, "OK!"

It didn't take long for a few people to enter the Wei array layout, and they saw a Sven-like young man sneaking in.

Qin Yanzhi: "It's a demon!"

Most of them knew immediately that the place was important. The demon clan would probably send someone to monitor it. I wonder if they had discovered they had come in?

However, Ruan Jiu had a different idea. He was excited: "Great! We can get the demon blood!"

Jing Yue: "... don't worry."

I saw the young man vigilantly make a circle around the mother bamboo, and then made a few rounds in the secret realm, then breathed a sigh of relief, and returned along the same path.

Ruan Jiu was anxious to stand up, "He's leaving, aren't we going to kill?"

Wei Zhentu held on to him sharply, "I know kill kill, shut up!"

Ruan Jiu was wronged first, but felt Wei Zhentu's hand on his shoulder, his face flushed instantly, his head bowed and hummed and stopped talking.

Wei Zhentu withdrew his hands suddenly, his eyebrows twitched slightly, and his lips slightly opened, as if trying to say something, but finally held back.

At this time Jing Yue said: "The demon should be routinely checked, not like he came to us. It can be seen that he did have the task of monitoring this place, but somehow, we didn't find that we came in."

Qin Yanzhi: "Looking at his dress, he should be disguised as a human race, most of whom live in Qinglian Town or Huayue City."

Jing Yue: "I don't know if he has any associates, let's follow up and see, we must always clear up the hidden dangers, so as not to find out that they are not reporting properly."

Ruanjiu just reacted and said, "I want to make it simple, sorry ..."

Wei Zhentu: "Hehe ..."

Jing Yue released a ray of consciousness to follow the demon tribe. When the other party went a little farther, he greeted several people to follow up.

When they came out of the secret place, it was not yet dawn, and a few people saw the demon entered a house in Qinglian Town, with a plaque on the door—Qianfu.


As soon as Qian Shu returned to the house, three people were waiting in the yard, anxiously, "How?"

"It's hard to say." Qian Shu scratched the ash on his body. "A big hole was drilled by the loach monster at the bottom of the lake, but it was as usual in the secret place."

"Where is the loach monster?" A young and beautiful little girl with a frown on her moan seemed to be impatient.

"I actually recovered the corpse. Unfortunately, Yao Dan was swallowed up by the female corpse at the bottom of the lake, and the demon body was crippled by fish and shrimp in the water." Qian Shu sighed, "Let ’s stew the rest. If you eat it, it ’s a big supplement, after all, it ’s a handsome monster. ”

The little lady yelled, "Eat and eat, you know how to eat. I told you to go earlier. You have to put on the curse and drag it to the present. Otherwise, Yaodan can be ours."

Qian Shu anxiously said, "That night, a sword was out of the sky, didn't you scare into a prototype? If I weren't alert, we would have been caught up!"

Another big-eyed boy dressed as a book boy said, "Then you've dragged on too long?"

Qian Shu aggrieved, "Is there always a monk in this town? If we can see our demon body, it will be over! Anyway, those monks are so low in cultivation that they can't find even evil spirits, and I don't worry that they can detect the demon. .If the monks who came here looked extraordinary today, I would be uneasy in my heart, and I would not risk going there. "

The girl next to the little lady also said, "Yeah, I feel a little familiar with those people."

The teenager's eyes sank. "How many priests are there? Can they still be in the town?"

"Are you looking for us?"

Unfamiliar voices sounded, and several monsters were immediately shocked. Before they could act, a figure rushed in. Under the entanglement of the sword light, the boy and the girl were instantly prototyped and cut into two sections.

Jing Yue, who followed him, sweated and said, "Ruan Daoyou, stay alive!"

Ruan Jiu: "I know!"

At the same time, the young lady was strangled to death by his sword. Only Qian Shu left her arm and turned into a long-legged lame cat. She was stepping on her feet by Ruan Jiu at this moment.

Everything happened in an instant. Jing Yue looked at the blood and the corpse in the courtyard, and could not help but shout to Qin Yan: "Ruan Daoyou ..."

Qin Yanzhi: "Well, he was the first person of the ten sent-out martial arts conventions in that year, and his combat power was extraordinary."

Jing Yue: "..."

The ten faction martial arts contest is a contest between Master Jindan and the ten masters. Jing Yue has been in retreat most of the time since entering the Jindan period, so she has not been able to participate. In this regard, Lan Feng was still unhappy for a while.

At this time, Lan Feng, like Jing Yue, looked reverently at Ruanjiu—it's a real thing!

Qin Yanzhi noticed, adding: "I won the first place many years ago."

Wei Zhentu also noticed that he didn't have to add anything, so he could only walk sourly: "Huh, it's still so rude!"

Several people stepped forward to surround the cat demon, Qian Shu was almost scared, and all his hair exploded. Why did he and he meet a killer? Shouldn't you first come to me to test a few words, do not agree with one another before you start? !!

Jing Yue: "Ruan Daoyou, hard work."

Ruan Jiu breathed as usual, without a drop of sweat. "Not hard. Unfortunately, he is a demon, otherwise I will search the soul directly!"

Jing Yue: "..."

Should he be grateful that this cat spirit can only be used on Terrans? Anyway, he is also a handsome demon, even without such dignity.

With Ruanjiu as a role model, others are also not easy to suffer, Qin Yanzhi directly cast a hypnotic curse on Qian Shu.

For a long while, Qin Yan branched out, "There are four monsters in total, all here."

These monsters are indeed sent by the demon clan to monitor the entrance to the mystery, and the mystery has been formed for more than 3,000 years. The demon guarding the mystery has also changed a few things. Due to their concealment, the human race did not even notice it.

If it wasn't for a loach demon ten days ago, when he was chased, he fled to the human realm through the secret realm, drilled a hole, and triggered subsequent things. These demon can still be in the human race safely.

Jing Yue: "The purpose of the monsters to arrange bamboos in the world is ..."

Qin Yanzhi: "He is a cat demon, and the cat clan is not high in demon clan now, otherwise he will not be arranged to keep secrets and delay cultivation, so he doesn't know the secrets."

Jing Yue nodded and looked around. "It is also a coincidence. I wonder how to conceal my identity when entering the demon world. There are exactly four demon here, which are just the four of us ..."

As soon as the voice fell, Jianguang flickered away, and the cat demon was in a different place.

Jing Yue looked at Ruan Jiu, and the other side retracted the sword, and said, "My Master said, the demon treacherous means are strange and we must not leave alive, so as to avoid endless trouble."

As soon as Wei Zhentu heard his "My Master said", he rolled his eyes subconsciously, Ruan Jiu found it, and he quickly argued: "In fact, I think so too ..."

Jing Yue: "... it should be so."

Several people stared at the dead body of a cat demon, a wolf demon, a snake demon, and a rabbit demon ... silently.

After a while, Wei Zhentu said: "A Jing just said, we are going to pretend to be them? But Yi Rongdan's appearance has not been fixed, and they are all enchanted. How can we pretend?"

As soon as he asked, Jing Yue looked up and smiled at Qin Yanzhi. There was a tacit understanding in his smile, Wei Zhentu felt very dazzling.

Jing Yue: "Qin Zhenjun and I had accidentally obtained a transfiguration technique, which is no worse than the corpse door and Shuluo Tower. In addition, with these demon monsters and blood, they should be able to hide."

Ruan Jiu gave a close smile, "That's great."

Immediately, he frowned slightly. "But there are two shemales ..."

After all, the four stared at the four corpses again and fell silent.

On the second day, the morning light fainted.

Rarely lively in Qinglian Town, many people took to the streets for the first time in a few days to communicate what happened yesterday.

"Our treasure column, it's all right overnight! I heard that there are several Taoists in the town. This is where they met an expert? Did they break the curse?"

"Yes, my father-in-law has been in a coma for two days, and he was able to get out of bed this morning, and his bones seemed tougher than before his illness."

"I heard that the scholar Qian's family made a night out yesterday, but I don't know what happened?"


While chatting, I saw four Taoists coming out of Du Fu, followed by Du Fu's girl-in-law Su Xiaocui.

I only listened to Su Xiaocuilong ’s voice: “Dear neighbors, a few of them have land to help yesterday. They have removed the evil spirits in Qinglian Town. Let ’s not worry about it!”

"No wonder we're headed, it's because evil spirits have gone!"

"Evil? Isn't it a curse? Where is the evil?

"Land? But who in the Land Temple?"

People were surprised after talking about it, and then they heard Su Xiaocui said, "But Xianchang said that there are monsters in the lake. They have to set up an altar in front of the earth temple to eliminate the future troubles."

Everyone was startled, "Monster ?! How can there be a monster in our town?"

Su Xiaocui: "Don't worry, you will not be able to come back after the landlords guard the place after the Xianchangs have done it."

Afterwards, the townspeople of Qinglian Town prepared the sacrifice under the arrangement of Su Xiaocui and moved to the land temple together.

When they found that the land idols were cracking, everyone was uneasy and knelt down on the ground.

When the people worshiped the land, Qin Yanzhi whispered to Jing Yue: "Why do you want to help him?"

That "he", of course, refers to the land baby.

Jing Yue: "We should remove the evil spirits in the lake, and let them do it. Zhenjun feels wrong?"

Qin Yanzhi slowly said: "No."

But the more he got in touch with Jing Yue, the more he found out that the other party was actually very soft-hearted, and maybe one day he could soften himself.

Qin Yanchi's eyes fell on the palm of the earth statue, and an orange flower swayed in the breeze.