MTL - My Items Have an Upgrade Panel-Chapter 233 The Semiconductor Alliance can't sit still, proving Einstein

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  Chapter 233 The Semiconductor Alliance can't sit still, proving Einstein Rosenbridge

  NASA people were kicked out of the meeting room.

  Although there was an oolong, the meeting will continue, but the target to be dealt with has changed.

"The appearance of these mechanical dogs on the moon means that they have the ability to land on the moon, but this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that they can land on the moon silently under the monitoring of our satellite network, and put the mechanical dogs on the moon. Dogs sent to the moon.

  If they use this method, instead of landing on the moon, they come to our heads, have you considered the consequences? "

  Yan Jiang’s paranoia of being persecuted again.

  In the past year, they have become more and more anxious and irritable.

  In response to this situation, they have also increased investment in scientific research, military and aerospace fields, and some long-sealed plans have also been rediscovered.

   With the injection of large sums of money, these plans are progressing very quickly, and their strength is also improving.

   But the problem is that the opponent is faster than them.

  Although the other party has also developed krypton gold these years, and the momentum of rising is very strong, but the current situation is too terrible.

   "Don't worry too much about the war, we can't afford the consequences of war, and they can't afford it either.

  As long as we are not left behind in terms of force, we don’t have to worry about war issues. On the contrary, we should pay more attention to the other party’s economic and technological development.

  I saw a report two days ago. Since the beginning of this year, the semiconductor industry of the other party has got rid of our restrictions, developed carbon-based semiconductor materials, and continued to make efforts.

  In half a year, our semiconductor industry has dropped by 26.3% year-on-year, and it is expected to reach 62% by the end of the year. Isn’t this data terrible?

Our semiconductor industry is being destroyed. The physical properties of carbon-based materials far exceed silicon-based materials. Even if our technology is far ahead, the limitations of material performance make our technology worthless. We are about to lose this Trillion market..."

  Members of the think tank began to analyze the situation in the past six months in detail, especially the analysis and forecast of the semiconductor field.

   Didn't they know about this before?


  When carbon-based semiconductor materials were just born, they thought about solving the problem from the source.

  Unfortunately, the source of technology is Crimson Corporation.

  They have nothing to do with the Crimson Company.

  At that time, the military wanted to take action in Africa, and the higher-ups also put pressure on the other side from all aspects to force the other side to compromise.


  A proxy war was fought, and the family was completely defeated.

  The stick of force is not working anymore.

   Ying Jiang suddenly didn't know what to do.

  In other fields, it is very difficult to defeat a country of similar size.

  Even if someone doesn't have an advantage, it is basically impossible for you to defeat the opponent.

  In this case, the semiconductor industry is uncomfortable.

   This member of the think tank received money.

  First, let’s talk about the situation of the semiconductor industry, and then throw out the problem, so that everyone can find a solution.

   Must save the semiconductor industry.

  Because this industry involves information security, national defense security, and even future quantum hegemony.

  So no matter what, the semiconductor industry cannot give up.

   Others in the think tank also took money.

   also started advocating.

  The country must come forward to obtain related technologies of carbon-based semiconductors. Even if some benefits are given up, the semiconductor industry must be guaranteed to survive.

  Think tank meeting discussion is over.

  A report is officially submitted to Congress, and then Congress begins to fight.

  Because if you want to save the semiconductor industry, you must sacrifice other interests. After thinking about it, there is currently one area that is suitable for sacrifice, and that is the energy field.

   Internet upstarts and traditional oil giants are not comrades in the trenches.

  The objects supported by both parties are also different.

  So this wave of PK is not only the PK of the two factions, but also the veteran capital of the Internet upstart + Wall Street capital PK oil energy system.

  The military-industrial complex eats melons by the side and does not participate at all.


  Tang Rui was eating breakfast and swiping his phone.

  He got up a little late today, after all, he went to bed too late last night, and he didn't go to bed until after three o'clock.

  Staying up late is very harmful to the body.

  But compared to last night's research results, the effort in physical health is worthwhile.

Do not misunderstand.

  He did not crack the problem of information shuttle.

   But he has made a new breakthrough in the research of wormhole and holographic theory, and it is not a general breakthrough.

   belongs to the top achievements in physics.

   After breakfast.

  Tang Rui returned to the laboratory and began to write the paper.

  In the past, he didn't like writing papers, and felt that writing papers was very troublesome.

   But now it's different.

  While writing, he was shaking his legs, excited about writing.

  "According to the Casimir effect, the closer the distance between the two plates, the greater the density of negative energy. When the quantum of entanglement collapses..."

   Tang Rui wears smart glasses, crazy water thesis.

   It stands to reason.

   This thing should not be called a paper.

  But Tang Rui doesn't care, as long as your theory is correct, even if you publish a book, people will still read it.

   On the contrary, no matter how good the format is, but the theory is wrong, no matter how beautifully written the paper is, it is still a pile of rubbish.

  Tang Rui finished writing the theoretical derivation formula, and then began to post the experimental data, which was more than ten pages long.

   "Master, Lin Chao sent a video communication request, is it connected?" At this time, Honglian suddenly sent out a reminder.

  The video sent by Lin Chao?

  Is there something else up there?

   Tang Rui was very sad.

  He was pouring water into the thesis, and he was very happy, but he was disturbed by someone, and he was upset.

   "Come in." Tang Rui pouted.


  Lin Chao's holographic image appeared in front of him.

   "Mr. Tang, I didn't bother you."

   "Excuse me, my inspiration was interrupted."

   "...then I'm dead?"

   "Forget it, what can I do for you?"

   "The International Semiconductor Federation sent someone to talk to you."

  International Semiconductor Federation?

  What does this organization ask him to do, the key is to let Lin Chao pass the message, which means that the higher-ups agreed.

   "What did the above say?" Tang Rui asked directly.

   "If you're okay, you can meet with them and listen to what they have to say."

   "Sorry, I have something to do, so I don't have time to play with them."

   "Is something really wrong?"

   "Nonsense, I'm studying wormholes."

   "...Okay, then I won't bother you."

   Hang up the communication.

  Tang Rui put this matter behind him and continued with his dissertation.

   Wait until lunch time.

  His thesis is finally finished.

  67 pages.

  A total of 130,000 words.

  After writing, Tang Rui didn't check it, and uploaded it directly to the confidential database.

  This kind of basic scientific research can publish papers, but he doesn't care about the impact factor of any journal.

  That thing is not important to him at all.

  Besides, publishing journals is very troublesome, and he is lazy to do it.

   "Guren, bring the experimental equipment here."

  After Shui finished his thesis, Tang Rui was going to do experiments.

  Last night he just proved the real existence of the Einstein Rosen Bridge, and discovered that the formation of wormholes is related to negative energy.

   But the information is after traveling through the wormhole.

  Information loss is serious.

  This problem, he has not yet found a solution.

   I drank too much at noon, I was in a daze



  (end of this chapter)