MTL - My Items Have an Upgrade Panel-Chapter 212 It's slapping his face (two in one)

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  Chapter 212 This is slapping his face (two in one)

   "Brother Han, they have dispatched armored troops, should we press on them directly?" Tang Rui asked Han Shu excitedly when he saw the red dot on the sand table.

   "No, no, no, this armored force cannot be wiped out anymore." Han Shu shook his head hastily.

   This armored force can be said to be the most elite force of the opponent. If they go up, they will directly destroy the opponent.

   Then hit a hammer.

  The other party probably packed up and went home.

"Now what?"

   "Not far from this armored force, we will attack the tribal coalition forces in the rear, and we cannot let them rush into the city."

  Wars belong to wars, and it is right to consume the opponent's strength.

   But civilians cannot be involved.

  Especially Asu is still our ally, we can’t imitate Yingjiang and cheat our allies, that will lose credibility.

   Therefore, these tribal coalition forces must be wiped out.

   They cannot be allowed into the city.

   Otherwise, they are passive.

   "Well, let's use the bazooka."

  Tang Rui understood what Han Shu meant after listening to it. Since he wanted to destroy all the enemies, he could only cover them with firepower.

   "Yes, the range is sufficient and the power is sufficient. To deal with these tribes who have no armor protection and only have pickup trucks, they can be completely wiped out."

  After Han Shu finished speaking, he clicked on the rocket launcher unit on the holographic projection.

   Then give them orders.

   The rocket artillery unit began to adjust the direction of launch according to the results of Guren's calculations.

   "Anchor elements."

   "Lock complete."



  A row of rocket launchers fired at the same time, and the trails left by the rockets after launching drew a series of pontoon bridges in the sky.

  As Tang Rui, a late-stage patient with insufficient firepower phobia, when designing the rocket launcher, he considered how to deal with large-scale enemies, so the firepower must be sufficient.

   Each of these rocket launchers can launch thirty-six rockets. These rockets can directly cover an area of ​​10,000 square meters, except for special composite armor of more than 200 mm.

   No one can survive under this level of fire coverage, even hiding in a trench is useless.

the other side.

  The tribal armed forces drove the pickup truck and led people to charge towards the city behind Hada. Because the speed of the car was too fast and the road surface was not good, some people fell down on the way.

  But the top leaders of these tribes didn't care at all.

  They are very afraid that other tribes will enter the city first, then they will have less things to grab.

   Did not eat.

   From their point of view, they didn't go to war.

   is to rob.

   As for the fight, it is completely trivial. As long as someone stops them from grabbing things, they will shoot at each other with guns.

   Either the enemy dies, or they die.

  Anyway, there is always one dead.

  While they were advancing, the BBC war correspondents were all ready. They set up their cameras and pointed at the Aso army outside the city, preparing to film their ugliness.

  War is a means.

   Propaganda is also a means.

  In this regard, they are still very experienced, and even a complete plan has been drawn up.

   "Here we come, here we come, quickly turn on the live broadcast signal." Anxiously on the roof, looking at the pickup trucks billowing in smoke in the distance, he said excitedly to his cameraman colleague.

  The cameraman immediately turns on the camera.

   Aim at war correspondents.

   "Hello, viewers in front of the TV, I am Kaili, and I am now in a city of Asu's family, where the freedom resistance movement is about to break out.

  According to the news we received, the local tribes are very disgusted with the dictatorship of the Aso government. Due to the over-exploitation of local natural resources by the Aso government, the living environment of the local tribes has become more and more difficult.

  Therefore, they had no choice but to take up the weapons in their own hands and defend their freedom. "

  The war reporter used his skilled words to start stacking buffs for the soldiers of the local tribe.

  They are not rebels.

   They are not terrorists.

  They are just a group of fighters who want to fight against dictatorship, deforestation, want to protect their homeland, and want to embrace freedom.

have a look.

   This is how proficient.

   "Look, everyone, they will arrive soon and start to exchange fire with the dictatorship government forces. Although their equipment is very backward, they have a free..."

  The war correspondent hasn't finished speaking yet.

  In the distant sky, many small black spots appeared.


  These little black dots plunged headlong into the charging tribal armed forces, exploding continuously.

  Boom boom boom...

  A series of roaring sounds accompanied by fire.

  The dust mixed with the smoke from the explosion covered the entire area, enveloping all the tribe's armed forces.

   One second.

  Three seconds.

  Five seconds.

   Ten seconds.

  The rockets in the sky continued to fall, and the entire area was plowed by the rockets.

   The roar has not stopped.

   Twenty seconds later.

   The roar that resounded through the battlefield finally stopped.

  As the smoke clears.

  The battlefield was silent.

   "Let the soldiers attack and arrest all the enemies who are not dead." The officer of Asu's family said to his adjutant.

   "I'll arrange it now." The adjutant nodded and turned to leave.

  Actually, just now, he really thought about running away, but in the end he chose to persist.

  If the long-range fire support mentioned by the superior does not appear, then they have only a dead end.

no way.

   They are too few in number.

   This city is not an important town, nor is it an industrial center. It is a small city in itself, and there are not many garrisons.

   But now, he's not worried.

  The Crimson Company is too powerful.

   This long-range fire support, nothing to say.

  The war correspondent on the top of the building was dumbfounded at this time, and didn't know what to say.

  The previous arrangement did not say that these tribal armed forces would be wiped out.

   Now she's embarrassed.

  The tribal arm that she blows up as a freedom fighter is finished.

   Doesn't this mean that freedom is over.

   "Oh...God, this is just a massacre, it was done on purpose by the dictatorship, they knew about it, but they were waiting for the Horde to do it and clean them all up.

   It's terrible, is this still a modern society? Why do you still find such a naked massacre, it is simply anti-humanity. "

   As expected of a reporter, the response was quick.

   Started to stack BUFF again.

   After she finished speaking, she quickly turned off the camera.

  The host in the studio took the reporter's words and continued to fool around, thinking for the people of Asu's family from the perspective of Eagle Sauce.

   "Brother Han, what are we going to do next?"

   After eliminating the tribal armed forces, Tang Rui asked again.

   "The next step is to attack the flank, where the enemy's elite are, and they sent a special force to sneak in.

  But under our detection, any lurk is meaningless, now we have to kill them. "

  Han Shu pointed to a special force on the flank and said.

   "Leave this to me, and I will direct it." Tang Rui said immediately.

   "Okay, then this special force will be handed over to you. I will contact the Asu family's military. Their side is a bit dangerous."


   Tang Rui said you go, just leave it to me here.

   Isn't it the special forces.

  Small meaning.

  Looking at the sand table, Tang Rui found a special operations team closest to the special forces. Tang Rui clicked on the screen to open the communication connection.

   "I'm Tang Rui, can you hear me?"

   "Crimson No. 12 security team is reporting to you."

   "Okay, I will be in charge of your team next, and now you leave and rush to the place I marked.

  Then there is an enemy special force, the number of which is three times that of yours. The real-time map of the battlefield has been passed on, and you should leave immediately. "

  Tang Rui gave orders to the special operations team.

   Never mind who they are.

   Now nominally, they are security guards belonging to the Crimson Company.


   After receiving the order, the No. 12 special team did not raise any objections, and directly followed Tang Rui's order.

   More than forty minutes later.

   Special Operations Team No. 12 arrives at the marked location.

   "Report, No. 12 security team has arrived at the mission location, please give instructions." The captain reported to Tang Rui.

   "Okay, next I ordered, except for the snipers who are setting up guns on both sides for cover, everyone else is ready to fight at close range.

  The enemy does not have any heavy weapons and cannot pose any threat to you, so your next task is to capture them alive.

   Wait for you to use pistols, give priority to injuring the target, and you can also kill the enemy according to the battlefield situation.

  The same is true for snipers, who can shoot and kill the enemy if they find any dangerous behavior. "


  After listening to Tang Rui's order, they knew what to do.

  Although the enemy is a special force, they are not worried at all.

   It's not that their level is better than the other.

   Mainly the equipment gap.

  Although their equipment is not necessarily more expensive than the opponent's equipment, their performance is definitely much higher.

   According to the scanning function on the helmet, they have confirmed that these people do not have any heavy weapons on them.

  The only thing that can hurt them is the anti-personnel mines in their backpacks.

   But on the frontal battlefield, who would take out that thing?

  So, there is basically no threat.

ten minutes later.

  The ten members of the No. 12 Special Operations Squad have already ambushed.

   Said it was an ambush.

   Can only kill five or six enemies.

   After all, people also have formations.

  Even when you are walking, there will be people staring at the front, back, left, and right. It will not be said that you only look at the front and not the back.

   "Captain, this is the quality of the green berets. It looks like that. How did their jungle warfare and guerrilla warfare become the best in the world?"

  Looking at the special forces soldiers not far ahead, a member of the No. 12 team said very unhappy.

   "Because of the actual combat, it must be admitted at this point that they have indeed experienced more actual combat than us."

  The captain said while hiding.

   Now that they have new equipment, they don't have to worry about being monitored by the enemy during combat.

  So the requirements for talking or something are not so strict.

   "We have also had a lot of actual combat recently, but the equipment is too good to fight."

   "Then why don't you take off your equipment." Another team member said.

   "Idiots don't need good equipment. I just said it's challenging, but I didn't say no equipment."

   "Okay, stop talking, get ready to fight."


   At this time, the enemy is less than 100 meters away from them.

   But the enemy can't find them.

   Not green beret soldier crap, mostly they hide and don't show their faces.

   All rely on the battlefield map for observation.

   In this case, unless the green beret soldiers can see through, they really can't be spotted.

   Two minutes later.

  The green berets come to their hidden positions.

   "Do it."

  Following the captain's order, ten people acted simultaneously.

   bang bang bang...

  The enemy reacted quickly, raised the gun and started shooting.

   But it doesn't work.

   Within seven steps, the special forces team members wearing exoskeleton armor can get close with one charge.

  Even if their guns are fast and accurate.

  But it doesn't break the defense.

   A punch, a kick, a twist.

  An enemy fell to the ground and passed out directly.

  The special forces team members dragged the enemy behind the bunker, tied them up directly, and then hid inside without showing their heads.

  The same goes for several other special forces members.

  Take out an enemy, stun them, pull them into their previous hiding place, tie them up, and unload their various weapons and equipment.

   Just keep your head down.

  The team members behind the green berets, after seeing this situation, all began to suppress their hiding places with firepower.

   Then in a group of three, start cross-covering, advance alternately, and there are sniper guns behind.

  It can be executed very well tactically.

   There was no panic either.

   Perfectly displayed their fighting level.

   Unfortunately, it is useless.

  The special forces members hiding behind the bunker nodded appreciatively after seeing their actions through the battlefield map.

   There are no worthless people under the great name.

   There is indeed something.

   "Automatically mark the enemy." The captain marks the enemy through the battlefield assistance system.


  In the perspective of all team members, numbers are displayed on every enemy.

   "Delete the enemy snipers, then use shock bombs, give priority to dealing with No. 3, No. 7 and No. 8 enemies, and solve the rest in close combat."

   "Understood." The team members knew what to do after listening.

   Next second.

   The sniper shot and killed the sniper with the gun behind him, but did not kill the observer.

   At the same time, the others got up, threw the shock bomb, and then shot the three enemies.

  Even if it's pistol shooting.

  In this kind of close combat, it is also very deadly.

   Especially since they also have auto-aiming systems.

   Neither start.

   hit the throat directly.

  Because there is no helmet protection here, one bullet can kill him, which is much more cost-effective than his other positions.

   One minute later.

   Combat resolved.

  36 enemies, 8 were killed.

   Originally only needed to kill 7, but one unlucky one was kicked to death.

  The remaining people were all stunned and captured.

   "Report, Team No. 12 has completed the task, please give instructions."

   "They're hanging up, hanging from a tree, and they're slapping their asses, remember to record the video."

  Tang Rui's bad taste came again.

  The reason why they had to be captured alive was for this.

   “…guaranteed to complete the task.”

  The captain replied after taking a deep breath.

five minutes later.

  Video recording is complete.

  Tang Rui directly sent this video to Lin Chao.

  Those mercenaries and tribal soldiers don’t feel sorry for each other no matter how many times they die, but these special forces soldiers... Uh, although they don’t feel sorry, they have to consider the issue of public opinion.

   Especially captured.

   Must be rescued, if not, then we can only negotiate terms and get back.

  So these special forces soldiers are still very valuable.

   Less than an hour.

  The video recorded by Tang Rui was sent to the immediate superior of the Green Beret.

  The soldier who looked at his men was hung up and whipped.

   His face turned green.

   Is this pumping their ass?


   This is slapping his face.

   Added 2 more chapters, still owed 3 chapters, and went to bed.



  (end of this chapter)