MTL - My Items Have an Upgrade Panel-Chapter 200 Build your own rig (2 in 1)

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  Chapter 200 Build the drilling platform yourself (two in one)

  Tang Rui asked Honglian to make a plan for the route planned by the two big bosses, then write a report and submit it together.

  After this report was submitted, it caused an uproar, and the bosses all exploded.

   Good guy.

  Six oil fields.

  The reserves of the oil fields alone exceed 170 billion tons. If the submarine oil layers and other large and small oil fields in the Yellow Sea are included, the total reserves exceed one trillion tons.

   That's it, the detection has not been completed yet.

  The East China Sea is still being explored, and the oil fields and oil reserves there will definitely not be less than those in Bohai Bay.

  If it's just oil reserves, forget it.

   Mining is too difficult. Even if you know that there are oil fields on the seabed, you can only look at them and cannot mine them.

  But Tang Rui came up with a plan.

  Connect East China and Northeast China through a subsea tunnel, and build a large offshore drilling platform in the middle of the tunnel to transport crude oil from six oil fields to two regions.

  In fact, the undersea tunnel plan has always existed.

  In the 1990s, it was proposed.

   After all, this tunnel is not just a passage, but an economic artery.

  The economic decline in Northeast China is due to many reasons.

   It is not that the above has not thought about revitalizing the old industrial base in Northeast China, but the problem is that the market economy does not depend on subjective will.

  The economic circle around Jiangxi, except for Jiangxi's poor economy, the economic level of several surrounding provinces are among the top ten in the country.

  Why is this happening.


  If this subsea tunnel is opened and crude oil is produced, then the economy of the Northeast will stimulate new activities.

   This is oil.

   nothing else.

  Look how rich camels are.

  If we can extract all the oil from the seabed, we will be the oil boss in the Middle East.

   Now the only problem.

   It is the report submitted by Tang Rui, whether it can be implemented or not.

  The current domestic technical reserves.

   It is definitely unrealistic and impossible to exploit a subsea oil field of this depth.

   This is not a question of whether to invest money in research and development.

  Even if you bring the eagle sauce, they can't handle it.

  If it’s someone else, the higher-ups definitely don’t believe it, and they’re scamming money. Don’t discuss it, just deny it.

  Even if you know there are oil fields there.

   Nor mining.

  Leave it to future generations to mine.

  But the plan submitted by Tang Rui is still very important to the higher authorities.

   After all, since his debut, all the things Tang Rui submitted have been completed, and they have been overfulfilled.

  So, should you give it a try and take a gamble.

  Money must be spent, and it is still a lot of money.

   But what if it works?

   Then make a lot of money.

  Hold a meeting to discuss and vote with a show of hands.

   Three days later.

   Someone came from above, and it was someone from the State Council.

  He didn’t come alone, he brought all the oil giants from across the country, and they were all in charge.

  Everyone held a two-hour meeting in the combat conference room of the integrated supply ship, and decided on the matter.

  The major oil companies across the country contributed capital, and Tang Rui contributed technology to establish the Bohai Bay Oilfield Development Company.

  This company is not responsible for refining and selling oil, but is only responsible for exploiting subsea oil fields, building offshore drilling platforms and oil pipelines.

   Tang Rui's Crimson Company holds 20% of the shares.

  Several other companies, all invested, occupy the remaining 80% of the shares, of which Sichuan Petroleum Group holds 5% of the shares.

   Then, all oil companies will transfer 400 billion to the account of the Bohai Bay Oil Exploitation Company.

   This money is used to build subsea tunnels and drilling platforms, of which more than 50 billion must be credited in the first phase.

  Because of this money, it will be transferred to the account of Crimson Company as the first phase of technology research and development funds.

   That is to say.

   Next, as long as Tang Rui can develop the submarine drilling technology and the oil drilling platform, if 50 billion is not enough, then 100 billion.

  Anyway, the money for the first phase of investment is earmarked for special purposes, except that Tang Rui can use it for research and development.

   The rest is left there and is not allowed to be used.

  All the construction can only be started after a technological breakthrough.

   The meaning is obvious.

   Within 400 billion, if the technology can be developed, the higher-ups are completely willing, and there is no need to worry about money.

   If the 400 billion is not stopped, then it will be time to evaluate and see what Tang Rui spent the money on.

   After the meeting.

  Tang Rui docked and drove his private jet home.

  The life and death of the entire project rests entirely on him.

   Although he wasn't worried at all.

  But he can’t continue to roam outside. He spends a day outside, and his liver hurts every day above.

   As for the two academicians, not only did they not leave.

   Instead, it brought the team here.

  They want to conduct in-depth analysis and research on the route of the subsea tunnel, especially the geological structure, and must ensure the accuracy of the data.

  Wait for Tang Rui to return to the company.

  I saw Li Shuyao and the employees of the company playing with pandas in the newly built sun room and lawn.

  Is this how you work?

  Today seems to be Saturday.

   That's all right.

   "Have these pandas adapted to the environment here?" Tang Rui came to Li Shuyao and asked.

   "Both the breeder and the researcher said there is no problem, but the food needs to be transported from Sichuan Province." Li Shuyao replied.

   "How much does it cost for transportation in Sichuan Province?"

   "It doesn't cost money, it's all specially approved funds from Sichuan Province, and even the salaries of these employees are all paid by Sichuan Province."

  Is that so.

   Tang Rui nodded after listening.

  It seems that he helped the Sichuan Provincial Petroleum Group to fight for shares before, and he reciprocated, so he covered all the expenses of the panda.

  It's nothing to think about.

  How much does it cost to have eight pandas?

  When the subsea oil is extracted, how many small targets are there every day, even if it only has 5% of the shares, Sichuan Petroleum Group will make a lot of money.

   Tang Rui also sat on the lawn and stroked the panda for a while, then returned to the laboratory.

  He is not under much pressure, but there is a lot of pressure from above.

  So, he is going to come up with some technology first to reassure the higher-ups.

  Seabed drilling technology.

  This technique is not too difficult for Tang Rui.

  General difficulty positioning problems, seabed geological structure inspection problems, drilling route selection problems, drill bit material problems.

   These problems are not a problem at all for Tang Rui.


   Not without difficulties.

  The construction of subsea tunnels and oil pipelines is a big difficulty.

   "Honglian, display the geological data model of the seabed." Tang Rui said to Honglian.


  The huge submarine geological structure model appeared in front of his eyes, and six oil fields were clearly displayed on it.

   "Honglian, based on our existing materials, make the highest and most powerful pipelines, connect six oil fields and two regions, and then simulate." Tang Rui said again.

   "Okay, master, what kind of situation do you want to simulate?"

   "Earthquakes and tsunamis."

   "Okay, Master, Guren understands."

   Following Hongren's simulation, subsea tunnels and pipelines appeared on the holographic projection, and there was also an offshore drilling platform with nothing.

   Then the earthquake began.

  The underground pipelines were fine at the beginning and could withstand it, but the level of earthquakes is getting higher and higher.

  The geological structure changes, and the pipeline changes directly with the change of the geological structure.

   But even so.

  There is still no problem with the oil pipeline, it is just deformed, and there are no breaks or leaks.

   But undersea tunnels and offshore drilling platforms will not work.

   Following the earthquake, the subsea tunnel broke and leaked directly, while the drilling platform was washed away by the waves.

   At this time, the magnitude of the displayed earthquake is 8.7.

   "Stop, stop here."

  The data on the holographic projection model stops and the simulation ends.

   Although this is only the result of simulation.

  But all the data are dropped from the database of the Seismological Bureau, which can guarantee that the seismic data is absolutely fine.

   As far as the current simulation situation is concerned.

  There is nothing wrong with the pipeline.

  Even if it is an 8.7-magnitude earthquake, at most it will distort the pipeline.

  This kind of distortion is still caused by changes in the geological structure, but the distortion is not afraid, and the material of the pipeline can withstand it.

   When the time comes to build the pipeline, you can add some redundancy in advance. As long as the tensile limit of the material is not exceeded, there will be no problem.

   But the undersea tunnel is very difficult.

  That thing cannot be trusted to be bent like an oil pipeline. Once it is twisted, there will only be one result, and that is water leakage.

  The water leakage of the subsea tunnel is no joke.

   It’s the water pressure on the bottom of the sea.

  Even if a small hole leaks, it will expand into a big hole in a short time, and the tunnel will be directly flooded by then.

   This needs a solution.

   "Honglian, download the relevant information and data of deep geological drilling equipment, as well as design drawings."

   "Okay, master, the download has been completed."

   "Open the blueprint."


   Seven or eight models of deep drilling equipment appeared in front of his eyes, including the structure and parts of the equipment.

   Tang Rui looked at these devices.

   Found that this thing is different from the underground drilling equipment he imagined, without those fancy things.

  The only thing of value is the drill bit.

   But the drill, he doesn't need it.

   "Delete all other parts, and only keep the model of the drill bit."

   There are many types of drill bits for deep drilling.

   are not pointed, they are all round.

  But it is not a spherical circle, but a circular arc with many corrugated teeth and rolling drill bits.

   "Gurren, simulate the drilling conditions of these drill bits."

   "Okay, master."

   As the red lotus simulated, the heads started drilling down, and the geological data were all the same.

  Rotation speeds are all the same.


  The working efficiency of these drill bits can be easily distinguished from high to low. It doesn’t need to be too real, as long as there are approximate data.

   Less than five minutes.

  Tang Rui chose a drill bit.

   "Guren, make this drill bit bigger, with a radius of more than 30 centimeters."

   "Okay, master, manufacturing is in progress. The material is titanium-tungsten alloy, and nano-layer spraying technology is used to ensure the drill bit is wear-resistant and high-temperature resistant."

   "Then you design a subsea excavation submarine to carry a large drill bit, which can work directly on the seabed for a long time."

   "Okay, master, Guren is doing simulation calculations based on the existing model, and it's estimated to be 14 minutes."

   Ten minutes later.

   An unmanned small submarine was designed.

   The front of the submarine, carrying the drill.

to be honest.

   This is the submarine shield machine.

  Drilling holes on the seabed, especially undersea tunnels, he will definitely not use a shield machine, the speed is too slow.

  How many years, ten or twenty years will it take to dig a subsea tunnel for tens of meters or hundreds of meters per day?

  By that time, he had flown out of the earth.

   Also dig a subsea tunnel for you.

How can it be.

  So, his idea is to dig directly from the seabed with a submarine without underground construction.

   Wait until the tunnel is dug, then put sections of the tunnel in, and bury it after splicing, so the speed will be much faster.

   And the difficulty of construction has also been reduced a lot.

  As for the oil pipeline, just hang it next to the subsea tunnel, and just bury it together.

   "Red Lotus, conduct a submarine construction simulation."


  On the holographic projection screen, the submarine entered the seabed, stretched out a huge drill bit, and began to excavate the seabed.

  With seawater cooling, the temperature of the drill bit is not high.

   But with the excavation, all the sediment on the seabed boiled.

  The sea water directly becomes turbid.

   "Stop, stop simulating, and design a dredging and sand-absorbing ship, and **** all the sand dug out during submarine construction."

  After Tang Rui stopped, he asked again.

   The design of the sand suction boat is very fast, and it can be done in less than five minutes.

  Because there is a template for this, it can be used with a little modification without any trouble.

   Run the simulation again.

  With the sand suction boat, when the submarine is working, it will not affect the surrounding sea area.

   That's fine.

  Construction belongs to construction, but it cannot damage the environment.

  Originally, the sea water in Bohai Bay is not very clear. If there is another construction, then Bohai Sea will become the Yellow Sea.


   Honglian kept imitating, and Tang Rui kept putting forward suggestions for revision.

   Less than three hours.

  The design of the seabed digging submarine has been completed, and all aspects have met Tang Rui's requirements, so there is no need to continue to modify it.

  There are only three difficulties left in front of Tang Rui.

  One is deep underground excavation, digging through several oil fields.

  He needs to build the required equipment by himself.

  There is also the problem of anti-seismic of the subsea tunnel, which is a bit troublesome, but he already has an idea.

  Technical problems cannot be solved.

   can be solved with engineering problems.

  For example, a layer of high-strength nano-pipes is wrapped outside the subsea tunnel to prevent water leakage.

   As long as there is no water leakage.

  Even if the subsea tunnel breaks and some parts are twisted, it will not affect the safety of the entire tunnel.

   A bit more extreme, that is, set up a safety gate every certain distance.

  Once there is a water leak.

  Put down the gate directly to block the tunnel.

   As for the last problem, it is also the most difficult problem to solve, which is the offshore drilling platform.

   But this thing cannot be solved by technical means.

  So the only solution he could think of was to build the drilling platform himself.

   At that time, there will be the support of the system panel.

  Don't say the tsunami is coming.

   Even if it is a meteorite impact.

  He can also upgrade the drilling platform in the first place, and then send a star destroyer to the meteorite.

   "Honglian, upload the submarine construction premise and the drawings of the sand suction vessel to the database, so that they can start construction as soon as possible."

   Thanks for the reward from the leader of the post-watching situation. I just saw it before, and I will start adding updates tomorrow, a total of ten chapters! !



  (end of this chapter)