MTL - My Items Have an Upgrade Panel-Chapter 188 Eagle sauce is going back to space, I want to go to the sky (2

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  Chapter 188 Eagle sauce is going back to space, I want to go to the sky (two in one)

  Tang Rui drove the Baidi Aerospace Fighter, activated the SEG unit, and slowly flew into the sky.

   No stunts were performed.

  He just flew steadily and drove slowly.

   Anyway, there are SEG units to counteract the gravity of the earth, so even if the acceleration is a little slower, there is no need to worry.

  According to the orbit calculated by Guren.

  Tang Rui controlled the fighter plane, flew over the Karman line, and came to outer space.

   Arriving here, the speed of the fighter speeds up a little.

  He will continue to fly to the outer layer.

   This is not a reconnaissance satellite, nor a remote sensing satellite, so it doesn’t need to be too close to the earth.

   Of course, it can't be too far.

  According to Guren's calculations, the placement of armed satellites in the earth's middle orbit is the most deterrent.

  This orbital height is about 3,000 kilometers above the ground, which is more than 2,000 kilometers higher than the space station.

   sounds far away.

   In fact, this is not far at all.

  High-orbit satellites are above 20,000 kilometers, and geosynchronous orbit satellites are at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers.

   Come after the orbital altitude of 3000 km.

   Tang Rui pressed the disassembly button.

  The large box on the back of the Baidi Sky Fighter fell off automatically, and after spraying some mist, it stabilized its posture.

  Tang Rui controlled the fighter to lean a little to the side.

   Watching the huge box open in the middle to reveal armed satellites, but without the solar sails.

  The Hall thrusters of the armed satellite are activated.

   Slowly stand up.

  At this time, the mechanical arm in the box unfolded, and the poles of each bracket were installed on the armed satellite.

   Next, take out the flexible solar sail rolled into a roll and install it on these poles.

  With graphene materials, solar panels do not need to be made into hard panels, but directly made into solar sails of flexible materials.

  After the robotic arm has installed all the skeletons and solar sails, the electric push of the armed satellite starts and slowly enters the orbit.

   This special box was closed again and returned to the back of the Baidi Fighter.

   But these are all controlled by Guren.

   Tang Rui doesn't need to worry about it.

  He is looking at the armed satellite in front of him, deploying the solar sail.

  The 6,200-square-meter solar sail is really nothing in space, especially this solar sail, which is still unfolded in a circle.

  When all solar sails are deployed.

  The movable bracket starts to adjust the angle.

   While receiving and converting solar energy, the flight angle of armed satellites must also be taken into account, and the influence of the solar wind should be calculated.

   Wait for everything to be adjusted.

  The armed satellite was officially deployed successfully.

  At this moment, in the perspective of Tang Rui, all the parameters of the armed satellite are displayed.

   "Master, all the systems of the armed satellite are normal." Honglian's voice appeared next to Tang Rui's ear.

   "Well, I know." Tang Rui also saw it.

  But these are within his expectations, because he saw the data on the system panel.

  【Item: Directed Energy Armed Satellite】

  【Experience: 8/3500】

  【Source: 1645.63】

  After Tang Rui finished manufacturing this armed satellite, he did not use the source point to upgrade. This time, he has to wait for the armed satellite to upgrade first, and then use the source point.

   According to the current growth rate of experience value.

  Wait until tomorrow, and the experience points for upgrading will be fully accumulated.

  But Tang Rui won't upgrade it in such a hurry, if it's only upgraded by one level, it's meaningless.

   To upgrade is to upgrade the armed satellite to level 4 in one breath.

   At that time, the system will be optimized and strengthened.

  The second generation of armed satellites can be launched directly.

  Tang Rui followed the armed satellite, flew around the earth a few times, and then returned to the ground.

at this time.

  Countries around the world are staring at this huge satellite.

  From the outside, nothing can be seen at all.

  The laser emission ports are also hidden inside.

  If you just look at the outside, it is impossible to tell what type of satellite it is.

   compared to this satellite.

  The countries are even more surprised that the Baidi aerospace fighter can actually transport such a large satellite directly to the middle earth orbit.

   What does this mean?

   This represents the Baidi Aerospace Fighter, which can be written as a mushroom bomb of the same size, and can be thrown directly from outer space.

  Thinking of this, the countries hastily held an emergency meeting.

no way.

   This is too frighteningly scary.

   If you're just flying, that's fine.

   Ying Jiang also has a plane that can fly to outer space, and can stay in outer space for a long time.

   But if you can carry such a large item, the situation is different, the threat is too great.

  Tang Rui didn't know the situation of his carrying armed satellites, which shocked the countries again.

  He was notified after returning to the atmosphere.

   Tell him not to rush back to the company.

  Go to the Space Command Center first.

  After Tang Rui received the news, he pulled the joystick and diverted directly to the aerospace command center.

  Come to the aerospace command center in Jiuquan.

  Tang Rui saw Academician Yu and several other academicians responsible for the lunar networking project.

   "Your speed is too fast. In just a short time, the armed satellite was created by you."

   After greeting Tang Rui and introducing these academicians to Tang Rui, Academician Yu said with some emotion.

  How long is this.

  Don’t talk about satellites here.

   Even scientific research has just begun.

  As a result, Tang Rui's armed satellites have been manufactured and sent into Earth orbit.

  Although Tang Rui built this armed satellite, the requirements given above are not very high, and it can be regarded as a verification project.

  But you finished the project in less than half a month.

  It seems that their progress is very slow.

   "Teacher, when did I say the project is over?" Tang Rui was stunned after hearing this.

   "Then what satellite did you send into the sky today?"

   "That is a technology verification satellite, which is considered a semi-finished product. I haven't started manufacturing the real armed satellite yet."

   Tang Rui quickly explained.

   What kind of armed satellite is this? It is said that it is the first generation of armed satellite, because of the limitations of existing technology, it can only be done like this.

  But this doesn't mean Tang Rui is satisfied.

  Where does this go? It’s just a laser weapon. How dare you call it an armed satellite with this bit of firepower?

  The fishing boat with a water cannon can be called a warship.

   Just kidding.

   "Verification technology, that's not bad." Hearing this, Academician Yu nodded.

  If you put it that way, it's not too bad.

  Anyway, Tang Rui has an aerospace plane, so it is reasonable to send a semi-finished satellite up there for technical verification.

  It is good to be able to go back and forth between the ground and the earth orbit at any time.

   The error tolerance rate is too high.

  If there is any technology that you are not sure about and dare not use lightly, you can put it up and try it out first.

   Install it if it works, forget it if it doesn’t work.

   Anyway, it is a waste of a little fuel.

  But the little money spent on fuel is worthy of money compared to the cost of aerospace engineering.

  Accompanied by Academician Yu, Tang Rui walked around the Aerospace Command Center and chatted for a while.

  Originally, the aerospace command center was going to take over the satellite control authority, especially the armed satellites.

   No matter how assured you are, you must be supervised.

   But after the academician Yu talked with Tang Rui, he put the matter down. A semi-finished technology verification satellite is unnecessary, especially Tang Rui also said that the satellite will be taken down in two days.

   When the time comes, tossing back and forth will not be numb enough.

   Just like that, Tang Rui followed Academician Yu around the space command center, chatted for a while, and had a meal.

   drove the fighter back to the company.

  Tang Rui is going home here.

  The meeting with Ying Jiang has just finished.

  NASA experts and military experts analyzed the current situation with the think tank.

  The inside and outside of the words have the same meaning.

   The space program must be restarted.

  Men in Congress, this time they were also very happy, directly approving more than 60 billion US dollars to restart the space program.

   Said to restart.

   Nothing more than massive startups.

  Before, Ying Jiang never gave up the exploration of the space field, but the funds were not so much.

   Plus NASA is too bad.

  A coffee machine dares to reimburse $450,000.

  The Eagle Sauce can only support private companies. Otherwise, even if Eagle Sauce can print money, they really can’t afford it at the speed of NASA spending money.

   But now there is nothing I can do, the pressure is too great.

  The hairy bear back then did not put such a lot of pressure on Ying Jiang.

   If the space program is not restarted, once the space supremacy is lost, then the good times of Eagle Sauce will be over.

   That night.

  The spokesperson of Eagle Sauce said that they are going back to space.

  The moon landing plan is on the agenda again.

   It's not a joke this time.

   Yingjiang still has some background, as long as the money is in place, returning to space is really nothing.

   Among them are several space programs that have been studied.

   This time also gave enough funds.

  The progress of several projects suddenly started to soar.

the next day.

  After Tang Rui woke up, he saw the news on the Internet.


   Ying Jiang is going back into space, it seems that this time it seems to be for real, not a joke.

   But he didn't take it seriously.

  We are not face-to-face bears, and we can be regarded as our own school in the field of aerospace.

  Even if Tang Rui didn't cheat, we wouldn't be afraid.

Not to mention.

   Now that there is still Tang Rui, who is a coward, there is nothing to say, just come.

  The size of the solar system.

  How can you prevent others from going to heaven?

  On the Internet, there is not much discussion about Ying Jiang's return to space, and our own netizens are just watching it.

   And people in most countries around the world, after seeing this news, didn't take it seriously at all.

  Because of the aerospace field, it is not something that small countries can play.

  Don't talk about small countries.

  Even if there are five benevolent people, there are only two that can afford it at present, and the remaining three.

  One half-dead, with technology but no funds.

  The other two have no skills, or incomplete skills. They have a little money, but not much.

   If you want to make efforts in the space field, you are really powerless.

   But not all countries did not respond.

   For example, the third brother.

   They also want to go to the sky, and they are still killing people for spaceflight.

  After Tang Rui saw the news, the corners of his mouth twitched.

  The third brother is amazing.

  You say he has no skills, but he really has something.

  You say he has something, but the things they made are what things.

   After breakfast, watch the news.

  Tang Rui returned to the laboratory and continued to study his liquid rocket engine. This thing must be produced.

  Don't ask why.

   What man doesn't yearn for the second kicker.

  Since you have the ability, why not create one.

  Even if you don’t use it.

  Even if it is placed at home, it will be fun to look at.

  Next week.

  Tang Rui is working on his rocket engine in the laboratory, and the progress is very smooth. The rocket engine can be built in a maximum of two days.

   But this night.

   Tang Rui was assembling the main body of the rocket, but received news from Honglian that Yingjiang was going to launch a satellite.

   Normal launch of satellites, Guren will definitely not disturb.

   That is to say.

   This satellite is not normal.

   "Guren, show the screen."

   "Okay, master, do you want to watch the live broadcast of Eagle Sauce's launch, or watch it via satellite."

   Honglian tilted her head and asked Tang Rui.

   "Watch the live broadcast." Tang Rui said directly.

   "OK, master, converting video data."


  The holographic projection shows the situation of the eagle sauce rocket launch site.

   "This satellite is interesting."

   Through the live broadcast of Yingjiang, he can clearly see that the satellite is not installed inside the launch vehicle.

  It is the same as the space shuttle, which is mounted on the outside of the operating rocket.

   Tang Rui squinted his eyes and zoomed in on the icon on the satellite.

   That's the Lockheed Martin logo.

   That is to say.

  This satellite is very likely to be an armed satellite.

  After all, the armed satellite is something that Ying Jiang has studied a lot. For example, he used the sky kinetic energy weapon to fool people, the God's Wand.

   That's right, it's a trick.

  The power of kinetic energy weapons is not as scary as in the movie.

   Unless inside a tungsten rod, carry a mushroom bomb.

  When the tungsten gold rod penetrates the ground and reaches the ground, the mushroom bomb is detonated, and the effect is similar.

   But in that case, it doesn't make any sense at all.

  Since mushroom bombs are used, why not just shoot mushroom bombs, but use a tungsten gold rod instead.

   Isn't that superfluous.

  Tang Rui asked Honglian to do the CG animation before, and there was a scene where the rod of God destroyed the city.

   But his metal rod is not a tungsten gold rod.

   In his vision.

  The only thing that can achieve that kind of power is a metal rod made of electronically degenerate materials.

  What is electronic degenerate material.

   Simply put, it is the material that makes up the white dwarf.

  If it is a little more extreme.

  Using neutron degenerate materials to make metal rods is even more powerful, and it is a small problem to explode a star with one blow.

  Because the neutron degenerate material is the material that makes up the neutron star.

  But that's all for the sake of imagination.

   There is no need to come up with such a crazy weapon right now.

   Just when Tang Rui let out his thoughts.

  Haka-chan's operational rocket launched.

  The launch went smoothly.

  When the ground live broadcast could not meet Tang Rui's requirements, he asked Honglian to switch to the satellite screen.

  In the perspective of the satellite, after the launch vehicle sent the huge satellite into outer space, it fell into the atmosphere.

   Then, the outer packaging of the satellite began to spray flames.

   is a small rocket thruster.

   Estimated to be a one-off.

  When the satellite entered the predetermined orbit, its outer packaging protective cover fell off.

  A rectangular satellite that appears in Earth orbit.

  Tang Rui looked at the satellite and always felt that it was not in a complete state, because there were obviously interfaces left on it.

   Is this ready for Transformers Amalgam?

   "Honglian, go and refuel the Baidi Sky Fighter, I want to go to the sky." Tang Rui got up and said to Honglian.

   "Okay, master, the pre-flight preparations are expected to be completed in fifteen minutes." Guren immediately gave the time.

  After listening to Tang Rui, he went back and changed his clothes.

   Then he made a call to the space command center, saying that he would go to the sky to pull the armed satellite back.

   For such a request, the above will naturally not block it.

   Twenty minutes later.

  Tang Rui wore a battle armor and flew straight into the sky in the White Emperor Sky Fighter.

  (end of this chapter)