MTL - My Items Have an Upgrade Panel-Chapter 172 send a plane

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  Chapter 172 Send a plane

   "Master, Feng Yuanxing sent a message that his task has been completed." Honglian's holographic image appeared beside Tang Rui, reporting to him.

   "Completed? How long has it been, maybe more than half a month, and the matter is over?

  Guren, briefly explain the situation, how did those people die? "

   Tang Rui was very curious after hearing Honglian's report.

   "Okay, master, this is their cause of death."

   Tang Rui swallowed unconsciously as he looked at the death reports on the projection screen in front of him.

   Good guy.

   There are all kinds of ways to die.

   Enough for two Reaper movies.

   "Okay, you tell Lao Feng to let him come back, and you help him arrange the air ticket and so on." Now that everything is done, it doesn't make sense for Lao Feng to stay there.

   "Okay, master, Guren is busy now."

   After Guren finished speaking, the figure disappeared.

  Actually, Feng Yuanxing went this trip and solved the problem of the steel fruit by the way.

   Right now, we have an absolute advantage over Gangguo.

   Next, as long as the finishing work is done, nothing will happen.


   When the situation on the Gangguo side of the country has problems, they have already started investigations.

   After all, the deaths of those people were too coincidental.

  What the special departments of various countries do not believe is the word coincidence. In their perception, this is the operation of their peers.

   But they have no proof.

   This is very uncomfortable.

  So, after those people died, all countries sent people to conduct further inspections on their deaths.

   After all, assassination is such a thing that breaks the rules.

  Terrorist organizations can use it.

   These special departments are not saying that they cannot be used, but there is an unspoken rule that they cannot attack high-level government officials.

   Who doesn't have the means in this regard.

  You **** me today.

  I will do it tomorrow.

  The world is not messed up.

  No matter how small the country is, even if they don’t take these high-level government officials seriously, they are all high-level officials of a country anyway.

  If it wasn't an accidental death, then it would be a good time to talk about it.

  After the people from the special departments of each country have arrived.

  The first step is to survey the site.

   But it's useless.

   Except for a few who died at home, the scene is still preserved, and the rest has long been destroyed.

  The second step is to conduct an autopsy.

  After death, depending on the cause of death, some information will remain on the body, which is the most important thing.

  A group of elites from special departments in various countries around the world.

   Start collecting clues.

   Find the truth.

   I have been busy for several days and collected a lot of data, many of which are high-tech equipment.

   Finally come to a conclusion.

   All people died normally, no assassination.

  The only coincidence is that they are too unlucky.

  They even went to the roof of the building where the object fell from a height, and used the equipment to scan the entire rooftop.

   There are two answers.

  One is: a bird landed on the edge of the roof, trampled the stone slab that was about to break, and killed a person.

  The two are: a lizard walked across the edge of the roof, stepped on the stone slab, and the broken stone slab wreckage fell, killing people.

   Apart from this, there is no third interpretation.

  Because there are no other clues on the rooftop.

  But because of this, it's even more frightening.

  The special departments of various countries are not vegetarians, they still found the serial line of death of all people.

   That line is Feng Yuanxing.

How do you say that.

   Eliminate all the impossible, and the remaining one, no matter how unbelievable, is the truth.

   Especially their colleagues in China, through investigation, got some information about Feng Yuanxing before he joined Crimson Company.

  By comparing these materials, you have to admit.

   Even in the world of science fiction.

   There are also magical men.

  The personnel of these special departments sent all the information they collected and sorted back to the headquarters.

   As for whether the headquarters believes it or not, it is not up to them to decide.

   Is there anyone who does not believe in evil?


   On the same day, Feng Yuanxing was included in the blacklist, which belongs to the type of prohibited entry.

   Tang Rui's mouth twitched when he heard the news.

  It seems that Lao Feng, the king bomb, can no longer be used.

  In the future, whenever Lao Feng dares to leave the country, what is waiting for him is a black gun.

  Actually, Tang Rui was also taken aback.

   But he didn't panic at all, at least for so long, he was fine, which shows that he can still cover it.

   "Master, the second transport plane has been manufactured, do you need to drag it out of the final assembly workshop?"

  The virtual projection of Honglian appeared and asked.

   "Finished? Then drag it directly into the hangar."

   After listening to Tang Rui, he said indifferently.

   During the time when Lao Feng was away, he was not idle.

   Tanks, armored vehicles, rocket launchers, and other mechanized corps equipment and prototypes have all been manufactured.

   Two of each model were built, and they were used for actual combat testing.

  The transport aircraft needed by the military, he has already designed and built them all.

   He also built two more.

   One is a private jet he modified for himself based on the structure of the transport plane, and the other is a prototype transport plane handed over to the Air Force for acceptance.

   Although Tang Rui has fighters.

  But flying a fighter jet is not as comfortable as taking a private jet.

   Moreover, his private jet is equipped with a lot of good things, even the SEG unit is installed.

   To put it bluntly.

   His private jet can fly into space.

   But just to say that, it is impossible for private jets to go into space, which is meaningless.

  Fighters can also open the cockpit, bring someone to send something, how to open the door of a private jet.

   Once you open the hatch, it's over.

   When designing, it did not consider going to space.

  The SEG unit is installed mainly to prevent crashes. With this thing, there is no need to worry about air crashes.

   As for being shot down by missiles?


  If his private plane can be shot down by a missile, then he should not mess around.

   Say a word of humility.

  The combat power of his private jet can be ranked in the top 20 in the air force combat power rankings of all countries in the world.

  This is a modest statement, if a little arrogant.

never mind.

   Too crazy is not good.

low profile.

   "Brother Lin, notify the Air Force and ask them to send someone to drive away the prototype of the transport plane and take it for a test flight."

   Tang Rui came to Lin Chao and said to him.

   "Okay, I'll get in touch right away."

   After Lin Chao finished contacting, he found Tang Rui and asked how much the prototype of this transport plane cost.

  The 1 billion previously given by the Air Force was research and development funding.

  Just give the drawings.

   He didn't need to produce prototypes.

   Now that Tang Rui has produced the prototype, the Air Force is too embarrassed not to pay.

   Anyway, they believed in Tang Rui's level.

  The transport plane that can be obtained is definitely not bad, so when it comes to giving money, you will definitely not be stingy.

   "Honglian, what is the cost of the prototype of the Air Force's transport plane?" Tang Rui asked Honglian.

   "6.73552 million." Honglian reported the exact number.


  How is it 6.7 billion?

   Tang Rui clearly considered the manufacturing cost when designing.

  The transport plane he designed at that time cost only 1.2 billion to manufacture.

  How suddenly, it became 6.7 billion.

   "Master, didn't you say to build two identical transport planes?"

   "Yeah, build two of the same, I'm a private... Wait, you're not making two private jets, are you?"

   Tang Rui came back to his senses, a little confused.

   "Yes, master, at that time you said you wanted to build two identical ones, and the blueprint you took was the one you revised later."

   After Guren finished speaking, he played the video of that day.

   It was indeed Tang Rui who said it.

   To build two of the same.

   As he spoke, he was surrounded by a simulated structure of a private jet.

   This is embarrassing.

  Although Honglian is an artificial intelligence, it only executes the task according to the order when there is no logical conflict in Tang Rui's order.

  Is there any logical error in Tang Rui's order at that time?


   Just like manufacturing tanks before, after modifying the design drawings, we directly say two of each kind.

  These two commands have the same meaning in Honglian's understanding.

  So, it’s equivalent to Red Lotus making two private jets.

   And all the good things are used.

   Who will sell this to?

  Foreign countries do not need to be considered, of course not.

   Domestic words.

   Those who can afford it are not eligible to buy.

  Those who are eligible to buy can't afford it.

   "Mr. Tang, what's the matter? Is there any problem with the price?" Lin Chao asked suspiciously when he saw Tang Rui was in a daze.

   "It's okay, you tell the Air Force that I will send them a plane and let them send someone over to drive away."

  Tang Rui thought about it, and decided to relax the situation a bit.

  What are you selling?

  Let's send it.

   "Send the plane?" Lin Chao was stunned.

   "Yes, it is to send the plane, let the Air Force send someone." Tang Rui didn't explain much.

  Anyway, the Air Force can understand the interior design of that private jet at a glance.

   It doesn't matter to him how they deal with it at that time.

   That night.

   Several pilots from the Air Force arrived.

  Tang Rui asked Honglian to arrange for them to enter the simulation cabin to study, and after the study was completed, he directly drove the plane away.

  Just three days.

   Few pilots completed training.

  Originally, the aircraft built by Tang Rui was easy to fly, and all the intelligent assistance systems were very advanced.

   Coupled with the existence of the SEG unit, it is difficult to crash the plane.

  When several pilots flew back to the air force base in a transport plane that had been transformed into a private jet, the air force base, who didn't know the truth, was boiling.

   Is this our latest transport aircraft?


  The entire body is curved, with a low nose, a high back, and a low tail.

  The wings are integrated with the top of the back, sloping inward and downward at a curved angle, accompanied by a slight retraction.

   There are four engines equipped with two-dimensional vector nozzles in the wing stomach, while the air intake is on the back of the fuselage behind the nose.

   Overall, it looks like a bird of prey spreading its wings.

   Very beautiful.

  But when the senior leaders of the Air Force entered the cargo compartment of the transport plane, they were all dumbfounded.

  The decoration inside is not to say how luxurious it is.

   But definitely very advanced.

   But the question is, is this a transport plane?

   Isn't this a private jet?

  Although this private jet is equipped with a top-notch photoelectric system, it has all kinds of scanning radars, and the information command transmission channel is also connected with the military, and even has defensive weapons and attack missiles.

  But you said hell, this is not a transport plane.

  You said it was Air Force One or something.


Air Force One.

   Tang Rui said that he would send a plane, maybe that's what he meant.

  (end of this chapter)