MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 1466 Then help them!

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Looking at the Japanese warship that was ramming behind the whaling fleet, blocking the pursuit of the anti-whaling fleet, Chen Mo flashed a cold light in his eyes, slightly groaning, and said to Jarvis immediately.

"Where is the fleet that launched the attack last time?"

"All are anchored at the San Diego Military Port, and six of the damaged frigates are preparing for repairs and are transferring missiles in the silo."

Jarvis, who has been transformed by the fire seed, is not weaker than humans. Combining with the situation at this time, even if he guessed Chen Mo's intention, he directly said the news that Chen Mo wanted to know the most.

Chen Mo heard that the corner of his mouth couldn't help but smile, and said slowly.

"Then help them!"

In the San Diego military port, the aircraft carrier fleet that was fighting with the two Iron Man last time was anchored here for repairs. Although the aircraft carrier was not sunk, it was completely scrapped. No one is allowed to approach the distant sea, and the specific disposal plan is still under discussion.

At that time, the six frigates that escorted the aircraft carrier were mainly damaged external devices and weapons. The internal structure and power system were still intact, and they could still operate normally after repairs.

However, in order to ensure safety, some missiles on the frigate that have not been fired must be removed before repairs to avoid danger during the repair process.

As the largest military port on the west coast of the United States, the San Diego Military Port has four large docks. At this time, four of the damaged frigates are being dismantled in the dock.

These frigates were destroyed by all the weapons on the deck by the old housekeeper during the battle at that time, but the missiles in the hull silo were still intact. At this time, the staff were using cranes to hoist out the missiles in the silo.

On one of the frigates, under the command of the responsible personnel, the operator in the control room opened the hatch of the last silo, but when the staff at the site were going to hoist, the silo suddenly sprayed out A fire!

"Damn! The missile was activated!"


The staff at the scene changed their face, reacted instantly, and quickly turned around and fled around!

Someone rushed into the ship's island, others rushed towards the rear deck from both sides.

It's not that the seawater in the dock has been drained, and if it jumps, it will directly fall to death. They will definitely jump over the ship's side without hesitation.

When the missile of the vertical launch system is launched, the flames of the rocket engine will cover half of the deck. Although the time is short, it is enough to cause serious injuries to the staff on the deck. They must not panic.

Fortunately, the missile launch is not so rapid. It takes a period of time for the rocket engine to start until the missile completely leaves the silo. During this time, the flame from the rocket engine is only sprayed upwards along the launch inlet, and does not Staff cause injury.

However, the heat waves that struck behind them still made them all desperately rush forward, finally leaving the dangerous area before the missile was launched.

Inside the silo, a Tomahawk missile quickly rose amidst the flames, and quickly detached from the silo and quickly ascended into the air. The hot flames and billowing smoke enveloped the entire deck.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, people looked at the Tomahawk missile in the sky and could not help but look embarrassed.

In the waters of the North Pacific Ocean, more than 100 nautical miles from the area where the blue whale crashed into the whaling vessel, the dozen ships were sailing forward in two waves.

At the forefront are six Japanese whaling ships, and at the rear are six anti-whaling ships.

However, among them, a larger Japanese warship was stopped in the middle. Whenever the rear anti-whaling ship accelerated and wanted to catch up, the warship would suddenly change direction and hit them!

Although the tonnage of these anti-whaling ships is larger than that of Japanese whaling ships and more sturdy, they are still much worse than warships. Even if they are more in number, they still cannot break through the interception of warships.

And this warship is not just a collision with their ships, sometimes when they are close, they even throw explosive bombs on their ships, so that these anti-whaling ships can’t get too close, and they can’t break through their ships. Blockade and catch up with the whaling ships.

Just as this Japanese warship flaunted its mighty power, a Tomahawk cruise missile flew towards the sea where they were located in the far sky.

The radar on the Japanese warship quickly discovered the incoming missile, and the crew, who had been so relaxed and proud, instantly panicked.

"Damn, how could a missile hit us?"

"Anti-aircraft missiles are ready!"

"All the people on the deck were evacuated!"


As the alarm sounded, there was chaos on the Japanese warship.

As a younger brother of the United States, some Japanese warships are also equipped with Aegis defense systems, but they are equipped with the most advanced large cruisers and destroyers. Although their warship flaunts in front of anti-whaling ships, it is in Japan. China's naval fleet sequence simply cannot be numbered.

The air defense system of the entire battleship has only one 4-unit air defense missile launcher. Whether they can intercept this incoming missile has no idea at all!

On the six anti-whaling ships behind the warship, the members of the Marine Guardian Association watched the navy soldiers on the warship hiding in panic and panic.

Seeing that the warship stopped ramming, Gao Yuan stopped him when Paul Watson was about to order all anti-whaling ships to take advantage of this opportunity to break through the warship's blockade.

In the direction of Gao Yuan's fingers, Paul Watson looked up into the distance, and then found the missile that was hitting quickly!

Rao was Paul Watson who had seen many big scenes, and looked at the missile flying in the air, his face could not help showing a shocked look.

They did stop the whaling in Japan by some extraordinary means, but they sent warships to charge them and use shock bombs to attack them. It's already too much to shoot missiles at them!

When Paul Watson quickly ordered the fleet to disperse and evade, he also distanced himself from the Japanese warship in front.

Soon, the incoming Tomahawk missile came near, began to lower its altitude, and swooped toward the sea, and the anti-aircraft missiles on the Japanese warships were launched immediately.

All four of the only anti-aircraft missiles were fired by a brain, and the incoming Tomahawk missiles flew up to intercept them.

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