MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 172

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According to this time, it is not known whether the naval headquarters of the world government has withdrawn a large number of Chambord Islands.

On the Great Route, the Chambord Islands are a place of great importance.

The front is the only way to enter the new world, and the rear is the red soil continent.

The pirates who can live in the Chambord Islands are all powerful pirates, and the bounty is basically hundreds of millions.

Pirates with a bounty of less than 100 million are not qualified to speak.

It is precisely because of the particularity of the Chambord Islands that it can attract a large number of pirates and gather a large number of strong pirates.

Among them, the most famous are the eleven supernovas that traverse the Chambord Islands.

Wu'an's target this time is one of the supernovas - Trafalgar Rolo.

10 Luo ranked fifth in the bounty among supernovas. His bounty is unknown at this time, and it is estimated that it is at least 200 million.

"Having heard that the Chambord Islands are a very beautiful place, there is sure to be an abundance of food that has never been seen before."

Nami looked into the distance, fantasizing about the good life after arriving in the Chambord Islands.

"Nami is right, I heard that there are all kinds of people gathered here, and local specialties are sold in the Chambord Islands. I believe there will be many master chefs."

Jessica said expectantly.

In fact, Jessica is so big that as a navy, the number of times she goes to the Chambord Islands is still very small.

Especially in the past few years, Jessica has never been there.

I used to go to the Chambord Islands because the naval headquarters was still there.

Now that two years have passed, coupled with the turmoil in various parties, even Jessica at this time does not know whether the naval headquarters has been transferred from the Chambord Islands at this time.

Regardless of whether there is a transfer or not, it will not have much impact on Wu'an's purpose this time.

This is his affirmation of his own strength.

Even in the face of the admiral of the navy, he has the strength to fight.

Besides, even if the navy headquarters were still in the Chambord Islands, they would not dare to fight him with great fanfare.

Because there are still Tianlong people living here.

The top nobles in the One Piece world, their status is beyond doubt.

Chambord Islands, Headquarters of the Navy.

Contrary to what Wu An imagined, the naval headquarters had indeed been transferred.

However, instead of withdrawing all the power, a branch was secretly established.

The one who stayed to guard the branch was Kizaru, one of the three most outstanding generals in the Navy, and this time he also volunteered to stay.

With his strength, it is enough to deal with all the variables in the Shambord Islands.


Kizaru, who was resting in the office, suddenly got a message from the Navy Headquarters.

"Hell Demon Lord? It's interesting, I don't know what the headquarter thought, to let such a strange kid escape and give a bounty of 500 million. It's strange, really strange."

As he spoke, he took out a phone bug that was used for eavesdropping and shouted: "Come on, go to the Navy Archives and get all the information about the Wu'an Pirates."

Because this used to be the headquarters of the navy, and there is a lot of information left, Kizaru urgently needs information about the Wu'an Pirates.

"Wu An, Fan Oka, Sabas, Nami, Robin, eh? Jessica!"

Huang Yuan, who got the file, was not slow or slow, and checked all the information about the members of the Wu'an Pirates one by one.

When I saw pictures of Jessica.

Huang Yuan's eyes suddenly changed, a little dignified, and suddenly became deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What is she? This woman, how does Jonathan do things!"

Kizaru slapped the table with a slap, and in the blink of an eye, a dazzling golden light flashed, and the table disappeared instantly.

This is the ability of the yellow monkey.

The owner of the natural devil fruit, the sparkling fruit, also developed the ability of the sparkling fruit to the fifth level.

It is said that if you want to fight with Kiabou, unless you have a strong **** or the ability to have a dark fruit.

Otherwise, you won't be able to attack Kizaru's body at all.

This is the metamorphosis of Glitter Fruit.

"No matter what method is used, Jessica must be brought back. If she has revealed the secret of the original Navy Type VI, it can only be handed over to the World Government for ruling. I hope it will not be the case."

Facing the furious Kizaru, the navy of the entire branch was both respectful and fearful.

What he cares most about now is the record book that Jessica has recorded all the original Navy Six.

This is the result of how many navies have studied together. If it is leaked out like this, what will be the face of the navy?

at this time.

After a long journey, Wu'an and his party finally got their wish and came to the Chambord Islands.

"Is this the Chambord? It's so beautiful!"

As soon as she arrived at the port, Nami exclaimed and looked at the countless bubbles in the sky.

These bubbles are one of the hallmarks of one of the Shambord Islands.

"The Chambord Archipelago should be accurately called Tree Island. They are all derived from 79 mangroves, and everyone is divided into multiple areas according to the tree number."

Robin is worthy of being an archaeologist. She holds an ancient book and introduces the basic information about the Chambord Islands to everyone.

"Forget it, we have to find a place to live first."

Nami was about to set off, but was stopped 600 times by Wu An Jessica.

"We can't just find a place. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling in my heart. If you believe me, there may be a place that can be our temporary residence."

Jessica's face was solemn, as if she was lying.

Wu An looked directly at Jessica, as if to see through her.

When he saw Jessica's clear eyes, Wu An finally chose to believe her.

"Come on, I believe in you."

In fact, Wu An also has a faint feeling of depression.

There are very few people who can cause him this kind of pressure, neither the pirates nor the navy allow him to ignore it.

Following in Jessica's footsteps, Wu An and his party walked through the long street and circled almost half of the Chambord Archipelago, and finally came to a tree hole that looked no bigger than a washbasin.

The area where Wu An is now is the No. 1 area, which is on the largest No. 1 mangrove tree.

Such a tree hole looks natural. If Jessica hadn't cleared the bubbles in front of the tree hole, it would have been difficult to find it.

On the way, a large number of naval sentries were also spotted searching for their location.

"Come on, come in, this is a place I accidentally discovered, even the navy can't find it here."

After speaking, Jessica was the first to drill into the tree hole.

169 The Devil and the Tyrant

This? Seeing Jessica who just got in like a snake, Wu An was a little speechless. No matter how she looked at it, she felt like she was going through a dog's hole.

However, seeing that Nami and the others had all entered, Wu An had no choice but to get in.

As soon as I entered, I noticed the difference inside.

The space inside is very large, nearly 500 square meters.

"This is actually a tree hole in the main root of the first mangrove, Yakiman mangrove. No one knows about it except me, so it's very safe here."

After speaking, Jessica took out a glowing gem that illuminated the entire tree hole.

When I saw the thick roots around me, I sucked in a breath of cold air. The tree roots were still secreting resin, and after forming bubbles, they blocked the opening of the tree again.

"Our ship should have been exposed, and we can't go back to the ship for the time being, Wu An, what are you going to do next? The navy has noticed us, and with their reconnaissance methods, as long as we operate in the Chambord Islands, there will be exposure eventually. one day."

Jessica said solemnly, only she understands some of the true strength of the navy headquarters, not to mention the three admirals of the navy, the strength of the navy deployed in the Chambord Islands should not be underestimated.

"My purpose is very simple, I want to find Trafalgar Law."

"Luo? One of the eleven supernovas? You are here for the fruit of the surgery!"

Robin asked in shock. She knew something and immediately guessed Wu An's thoughts.

"Yes, smart, I'm here for the fruit of the operation."

"I seem to have heard about it in the G8 fortress. It seems that the world government once offered a reward of 5 billion for the fruit of the operation."

Jessica said.

"Five billion! How much is this?"

It is difficult for Sabas and Van Oka to imagine what a huge fortune would be piled up at five billion baileys.

"The fruit of surgery should be one of the highest-priced items to be rewarded. As for why it is so high, it is because of the rumored ability of the fruit of surgery to make people immortal."

Wu An's eyes were shining, and he felt sincere contempt for those old guys who were keen on power in the world government.

"Since the fruit of the operation is so important, what does it have to do with this Luo"? "

Sabas caught a rare moment.

"Of course it does. Luo Neng is one of the supernovas because he is the owner of the fruit of surgery, and only he can fully develop the ability of the fruit of surgery."

"Then it's very dangerous for you to look for Luo. Since the World Government has not eliminated Luo, it must have already controlled him. Since the fruit of the operation is so important, it is impossible for those in the World Government to not do anything?"

Robin looked at Wu An worriedly.

She knew it would be very dangerous in the Chambord Islands, and even though she believed in Wu An, she still couldn't help but worry.

They still know too little about the situation in the Chambord Islands at this time.

"Don't worry, I'm also a big pirate with a reward of 500 million."

Wu An shook his head. Now that he has a place to stay, it is time to act.

the next day.

Wu An walked out alone and came to the human trafficking shop in the Chambord Islands.

When he saw these stores, Wu An knew that the naval headquarters had been moved out.

Otherwise, there would not be such an unlawful zone.

From the name, you can understand the confusion here.

Because this is the No. 1 mangrove tree, the area is vast and mixed.

Suddenly, Wu An noticed a strong aura, and a dark shadow flashed.

"This breath!"

Wu An frowned, he seemed to remember something, but he didn't remember anything.

"Want to go, but it's not that easy!"

In view of the doubts in his heart, Wu An directly activated the substitute skill "Time Stop".

Then Wu An pulled into the distance, and finally let him see who the person who flashed by just now was

All in black with a silver pattern on the chest.

This shape finally reminded Wu An of who this guy is, Bartholomew Bear, one of the supernovas. It can be said that the bear has the most tragic ending among the supernovas.

When the pause was over, Xiong felt the change in his surroundings, and then he saw a man in a black suit.

"The Demon Lord of Hell, Wu An!"

When Xiong saw Wu An, he saw his identity at a glance and gave up his plan to leave.

"Tyrant, bear!"

Wu An just looked at the bear.

The devil and the tyrant actually meet on such an occasion.

Xiong is a taciturn person, even if he speaks, he is so concise, and he is very calm no matter what he encounters.